harborstationhottie · 20 hours
I'm considering deleting this sideblog and focusing on my writing over on @girlwonder-writes and my @911originalcharacters projects. Would the 280 of you following me mind following both blogs? Could use the reblogs and the visibility.
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harborstationhottie · 21 hours
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How soon is too soon to make some event announcements???
Announcements Coming Soon! But...if we can spread the word and generate some hype before December, I might announce certain things early!
Event Week Dates - at 50 Reblogs
Event Details - at 100 Reblogs
Event Prompts - at 150 Reblogs
Let me know in the tags if you're participating as a writer/fan artist of an original character or as a reader/fan of an original character.
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declan.pratt: Happy Birthday @/ryanaguzman ! 🎉🎉 see you @/911onabc soon!
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I really wish people wouldn't. #4 explains the entirety of the toxic part of the 911 fandom.
tips for dealing with loneliness
1. make a ton of pinterest boards
2. jack off as much as possible
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Announcements Coming Soon!
But...if we can spread the word and generate some hype before December, I might announce certain things early!
Event Week Dates - at 50 Reblogs
Event Details - at 100 Reblogs
Event Prompts - at 150 Reblogs
Let me know in the tags if you're participating as a writer/fan artist of an original character or as a reader/fan of an original character.
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How soon is too soon to make some event announcements???
Announcements Coming Soon! But...if we can spread the word and generate some hype before December, I might announce certain things early!
Event Week Dates - at 50 Reblogs
Event Details - at 100 Reblogs
Event Prompts - at 150 Reblogs
Let me know in the tags if you're participating as a writer/fan artist of an original character or as a reader/fan of an original character.
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OK so after some careful consideration, I realized that Buck 1.0 gives out a lot of 'Would fuck a dragon' energy. So if he took levels of Bard, it's there.
i love it when dudes are smart but also sooooo stupid. like come here baby sit on my lap and tell me what the fuck is a bee-nado?????
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You think so? I think he was just born that way! (Sorcerer)
i love it when dudes are smart but also sooooo stupid. like come here baby sit on my lap and tell me what the fuck is a bee-nado?????
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From @totallyjustabunchofhocuspocus
#Buck is High Int/Low Wis and you can pry that headcanon out of my cold dead hands
I just wanna add: He's at 20 CHA.
i love it when dudes are smart but also sooooo stupid. like come here baby sit on my lap and tell me what the fuck is a bee-nado?????
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That's because it hasn't and people need to stop it.
What she says: I hate antis
What she really means: I don’t mind people disliking a ship for their own reason but the anti-shipping movement is driven by hate and bandwagon bullying to police what people are “allowed” to enjoy. They use fundamentally abusive and manipulative tactics on real people in the name of protecting survivors from speculative things in fiction. Antis want to act morally superior over ship wars and claim that to ship something problematic you must be a survivor. By doing this antis force survivors who may be uncomfortable with coming out with their status to out themselves and then hold them to impossible standards. Except when it does come to survivors who ship anti-deemed problematic things we are attacked, harassed, and then pushed under the bus anyway. Antis trivialize terms such as abuse, rape, and pedophilia by using them so often and out of place against a group made up of many survivors and minors– the people they claim to be protecting. They have bullied and suicide baited artists and other content creators they dislike in the name of “policing the bad ships uwu.” All antis are at fault for this, even if an anti claims not to send hate themselves they are still influencing this bad behavior because they are part of this hate group. The entire anti-shipper movement is a toxic cesspool that makes me feel sick.
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Congrats on 30K fics on AO3, Buddies. Please leave the BuckTommy tags alone and stay in your lane. And stop tagging your Tommy Bashing with BuckTommy. You have plenty of shit going on. Maybe try checking the shitty people in your fandom and calling them out instead of letting shitty behaviour pass.
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you ever think about how lou finished his 3 episodes of 911 and was probably a little sad because he seemed to have such a good time there and then 5 years later he gets a call to come back for 4 episodes and he's excited and then 4 episodes turns into 6 and his character is kinda being cemented in and given a backstory even with the brief screen time he's given. and the shows ratings went way up after his arrival, with record high ratings for the finale. and now he's gonna be back for season 8 as a recurring character playing a love interest to one of the most beloved characters. and not only that, he's getting to play someone who is there for more than just looks and muscles. he's not waving around a gun and he was kept fully dressed in season 7. he's actually there to act and be a full fledged character and that's clearly something he's wanted for so long... you ever think about it?
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I have had it with this likescolding. “Tumblr doesn’t have an algorithm so likes don’t actually do anything” motherfucker I am not clicking that heart to give some post better ~algorithmic visibility~ I am clicking that heart to help my internet friend microdose on serotonin as god fucking intended
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The people I love and respect the most in my fandoms are the ones who can look at canon, and say not for me and still respect it.
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Self-Hype Day
Tagged by @judymarch15, inspired by @herrmannhalsteadproduction, I guess I'm doing this thing!
I've been struggling lately with my writing so I'm sharing all the bits of my writing that I love with everyone and links to the fics they're from. Hopefully y'all will leave comments or something when you see this.
@nine-one-wanton @lavenderleahy and whoever else wants to participate, just tag me so I can read about your favourite bits of your writing.
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From Though I Know My Heart Would Break
She was a whirlwind, a tornado, a hurricane; she was the perfect storm through his carefully laid plans. And she fell hard. She fell hard for the guy Tommy wanted her to see. And he did nothing to dissuade her. He would follow her lead, anticipate her next move, he would go through the motions of what he thought romance was. He could feel himself in the gaps between loving and being in love. But what he couldn’t feel was a physical attraction and the one thing he couldn’t bring himself to fake this time. Caring about her was never the plan. The plan was supposed to be for something temporary until he found his footing. She always going to be another broken heart, another notch on his belt. But the house of cards was about to fall.
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From Through The Fire And Flames
After eating quietly for a moment, something caught Tommy’s eye next to his glass of orange juice. A key. “Are you sure, Evan?” he asked, holding it up. “You look absolutely exhausted, you can absolutely take a nap here, take a shower, whatever you need before you attempt to drive yourself home. I would rather you crash here than crash your car somewhere.” “Thank you,” Tommy replied, visibly moved by the gesture.
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From Chosen Family
At first, frustration and anger coated her voice. “Make me understand this, Kinard, make me understand why you would shut your team out on this, the team who’s been with you for 7 years now, and has passed through fire with you, been to the edge of death and back with you!” And then her tone shifted and the hurt settled in, her voice growing quieter as she added, “And why would you push the one person away who has seen you at your worst and still loved you anyway?” The expression on Olivia’s face said it all, the anger and the hurt a painfully intense cocktail in her eyes, locking with Tommy’s pools of simmering frustration, but did not connect on time to prevent the sudden spill of emotion. “You’re not my family, that’s why!” Tommy spat out derisively. And before Olivia could even process her own reaction thoroughly, she found her arm directly swinging towards Tommy’s face, her open hand solidly connecting with his cheek, causing several people in the surrounding area to stop dead in their tracks. And without saying a word, or waiting for Tommy’s reaction, Olivia fled to her car.
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From Running Just To Catch Herself
With their hands linked, it became a silent game of chicken, and Olivia wanted to see who would let go first. As they walked down the hall together, getting closer and closer to the ballroom door, she hadn’t felt a particular need to pull away. But just a couple of steps away from the door, it was Eddie, just as she predicted, who would pull his hand away to open the door, and gesture for her to step forward first, which she did. And when he stepped into the ballroom himself, he walked alongside her but did not re-initiate the hand holding.
And the callback...
This was more than just waiting to see who would let go first while holding hands. This time, they were playing some sort of emotional chicken here, trying to figure out how much they would dare to risk on something more than a one night stand. And Olivia knew that whatever she was willing to put on the table, she was going to struggle to match Eddie’s energy. It would have been easy for her to let go first, to walk away, to run from a situation that scared her. But that would mean admitting (at least to herself) that whatever she and Eddie had going on actually mattered enough to scare her.
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support fic writers! 
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