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harbo-urr · 8 months ago
TFW Nahida gave Wanderer a chance bc she saw herself in him as another lonely & abandoned immortal and helped Wanderer resettle into his sense of gentleness & compassion and now he is able to see himself in others and reach out to them in the same way
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harbo-urr · 8 months ago
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they go cafe hopping
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harbo-urr · 9 months ago
Windbreaker Official Q&A !
Part1 �� Part2
(answer releases are slow, so I’ll post an update probably within a month or so?) -> Q&A hosted here
1. What would you spend 500 yen on?
Sakura: “I’d buy Saboten’s Curry Bread.”
Nirei: “I’d like to buy more notebooks!”
Sugishita: “Dunno.”
Kotoha: “A cup of delicious coffee.”
Suo: “I would donate it of course.”
Hiragi: “I just ran out of stomach medicine.”
2. If you were to travel in Japan, where would you like to go?
Sakura: “Well… a place worth taking a walk.”
Nirei: “We should all go to Okinawa, it looks like fun.”
Sugishita: “Dunno.”
Kotoha: “I want to see the snowy scenery of nature in Hokkaido.”
Suo: “I’d like to go to a tea plantation in Shizuoka and pick tea.”
Hiragi: “I want to try snowboarding, so probably a ski resort.”
3. What is your favorite seasoning?
Sakura: “Ketchup. Omurice with ketchup is the best.”
Nirei: “I like to eat rice cakes with sugary soy sauce!”
Sugishita: “Dunno.”
Kotoha: “Japanese-style soup stock. With that, I can make anything delicious.”
Suo: “I’d say soy sauce. It's sweet, isn't it?”
Hiragi: “It's delicious if you put miso on nigiri rice and bake it.”
4.) What do you think about before going to sleep?
Sakura: “Fighting.”
Nirei: “I think about everyone I was with that day.”
Sugishita: “Dunno.”
Kotoha: “Pothos's sales status.”
Suo: “The dragon sealed in the left eye is about to rampage, so I guess that's it, haha.”
Hiragi: “If I can’t sleep, I try not to think about it.”
5. What would you eat for your last meal?
Sakura: “What… Why is it the last one? I’ve never thought about it.”
Nirei: “High-class meat. I want to eat til I’m full!”
Sugishita: “Dunno.”
Kotoha: “I dont care what I eat, I just want to eat it with everyone at the facility and the teachers.”
Suo: “Hmm, I don’t need to eat anything.”
Hiragi: “If it’s my last meal, then that must mean I’m in a bad situation, right? That means my stomach hurts, and I wonder if I can eat it. If I can eat it, I might say Katsudon.”
6.) What happened recently that made you happy?
Sakura: “At the butcher's... I got a bonus when I bought croquettes…”
Nirei: “I was able to have small talk with Mr. Umemiya.”
Sugishita: “Dunno.”
Kotoha: “Customers really liked the new menu.”
Suo: * “I had two tea pillars stand recently.”
Hiragi: “I got a ticket for my favorite band.” (LETS GO TOGETHER PLEASE!!!)
* When pouring freshly brewed loose-leaf tea, you can sometimes expect to find a tea stem/pillar in your tea. It’s considered good luck if one of those pillars stand vertically.
7.) What would you do if a stranger of the opposite sex asked for your contact information?
Sakura: “What?! What are you going to do when you have it!?”
Nirei: “A-are you sure it’s mine you want!? Not Sakura, or Suo’s?!”
Sugishita: “eh… uh…. um…”
Kotoha: “Sorry~ I have a boyfriend.”
Suo: “I don’t have a phone, sorry.”
Hiragi: “O..Oh… is my number okay?” (YES PLEASE)
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harbo-urr · 2 years ago
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harbo-urr · 2 years ago
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ace attorney where everything is the same except wright and edgeworth wear wedding rings and no one ever addresses it
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harbo-urr · 2 years ago
After exploring Fontaine's waters, I came to a shocking conclusion; Neuvillete is an otter.
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harbo-urr · 2 years ago
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Just noticed that both Kaveh and Alhaitham think about going back home when they are in the Teapot ("I have to go back" and "Time to head home"). Omg, they were roomates...
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harbo-urr · 2 years ago
childe waking up in the fortress of meropide after neuvillette knocked him out and his first thought is “fuck that was hot”
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harbo-urr · 2 years ago
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When all your best units are catalists
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harbo-urr · 2 years ago
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Return of the wheel of fate
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harbo-urr · 2 years ago
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harbo-urr · 2 years ago
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This man can't catch a break even for 2 minutes
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harbo-urr · 2 years ago
If someone wants to see Kazui forgiven (like I do) then GO VOTE, HE'S 49,50/50,50 GUILTY RN, I'M SHAKING 😭
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harbo-urr · 2 years ago
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ATLA AU book one: water (1/?)
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harbo-urr · 2 years ago
Alhaitham's and Kaveh's relationship in the Sumeru arhon quest: new perspective (for me, maybe for you too!).
Oh it will be long...
It started with my short thoughts about their first on-screen dialog and how it feels different now compared to a year ago, but then spiralled into me re-watching the entire Sumeru archon quest to properly analyse Alhaitham's hidden struggles during it and Kaveh's (not big but) actual plot relevance.
Disclaimer: I'm aware that English VAs were way more emotional then Chinese, especially in 3.2, but, for the sake of having the information to analyse, lets believe that at least the official eng text of their interactions is more or less correct... (I'm sorry I only know English and other languages most likely have translation errors as well anyway).
I'm also assuming that you've read their character stories and know their more deep personalities, not just "cold smart guy and artsy broke guy".
Anyway, I hope someone will find the analyses below as entertaining as I do.
1. Kaveh and Alhaitham: what we see during their first on-screen interaction.
Now, let's all time travel into the day when the last part of Sumeru's quest dropped. These sweet days... Version 3.2, two versions before we got Alhaitham as a playable character and four versions before Kaveh. By this point we've already known a little information about Alhaitham, mostly from the archon quest itself, and next to nothing about Kaveh.
Well, we knew some info, but it was mostly leaks and speculations, nothing more than "a genius architect who lives with Alhaitham because he is broke".
Now, if you didn't read the leaks and just carefully played the quest, you could actually catch some phrases here and there that implied that Alhaitham lives with someone before it was openly confirmed, but again, it's not specific at all. That is why our first meeting with a brand new sexy blond boy was so extreme in all ways. It was beautiful, emotional, entertaining and... extremely toxic. Both Alhaitham and Kaveh behaved surprisingly aggressive (calmer in Chinese but still more negative then what we usually see now). It was fun to watch, and made a lot of people including me really interested in those two from the get go.
But re-watching this dialog now after almost a year felt... Weird. Yes sure, they bicker, it's their thing, but if you compare any other scene with them later it's not nearly as intense... especially on Alhaitham's side (yes, even if you don't listen to va and just read the lines).
So it got me thinking. Why did Alhaitham behave like that? Was it a random writing decision for the drama effect? Or was there something more going on that I didn't understand?
After going through everything from start to finish I believe that yes, there was. But I'll need go through a lot of content recap to fully explain what I mean.
2. First aka "the first on-screen" aka "Where were you when Sumeru needed you most!?" dialog
It is essentially our first glimpse of Kaveh, which we catch in the library on the search for Alhaitham.
Kaveh has just returned to the city so he has no idea what is going on. The shown interaction starts with Kaveh demanding Alhaitham to put his book away and explain what is happening at the Academia. The fact that Kaveh is already pretty irritated when we first see him tricks us into thinking that he's a short-tempered overly dramatic guy, which is...
Well, partly true, but having already experienced how sweet Kaveh actually is we can see through that and realize that Alhaitham most likely was ignoring Kaveh's questions for some time now, and that's why our Kaveh was already on edge when we started. Already weird and we're just at the first line.
After that they bicker a little, Kaveh again asks about the Academia, on which Alhaitham answers: "Oh? I thought you would already knew the inside story."
Then they bicker again (2) and Alhaitham goes hard on Kaveh here. He even agrees with Kaveh that he doesn't say anything nice about him, because "anyone who knows you as well as I do would do the same". DAMN, Alhaitham, that's brutal even for you, why are you so mad, is something bothering you? Oh well..
Then they bicker again (3) and Alhaitham proposes Kaveh to move out of his house, but Kaveh ignores it and tries asking about the Academia again. Alhaitham ignores it as well and says "Forget what's going on with the Academia, haven't you been busy with your construction project?".
Kaveh doesn't want to answer this question and says that he's "getting angry just thinking about it" (worth noting). Kaveh then wants to change the subject again, but Alhaitham doesn't give up and asks about Kaveh's project again ("Where were you when Sumeru needed you most?").
Then they bicker again (4) and Kaveh leaves to ask around.
Huh, that was heated...
Lets do a little bit of unpacking.
So, Kaveh wanted to know more about the Academia and Alhaitham was constantly changing the subject. It can be read as Alhaitham mocking Kaveh just for the sake of it, but if we pay a little more attention to what Alhaitham is saying every time he interrupts Kaveh, it becomes more interesting.
1) "Oh? I thought you would already knew the inside story."
2) "Forget what's going on with the Academia, haven't you been busy with your construction project?"
3) "Where were you when Sumeru needed you most?"
Each time Alhaitham changes the subject, he talks about Kaveh being away for the time of the quest. Let's remember the golden rule of miscommunication conflicts: to understand what actually bothers your opponent you need to spot a repetitive theme in their words. And Alhaitham has a pretty clear pattern. Interesting.
But let's move on to the next dialog.
3. Second aka "second on-screen" aka "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!?" dialog
Kaveh returns after asking around and confronts Alhaitham about it ("WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!?") (just a funny line). After some bickering (5) Alhaitham agrees to finally tell him what happened. He mentions that Kshahrewar sage was a part of conspiracy as well on which Kaveh reacts surprised and says "...could this be why they sent me out on a project?". However Alhaitham replies that it's just a coincidence and proceeds to suddenly go hard on Kaveh again, saying "whatever you were doing won't have any significant impact now or in times to come" (auch, Alhaitham, auch). Then they bicker again (6) and the dialog ends.
This interaction is more relevant to the "Kaveh plot relevance" section, but the important things for now are:
Kaveh: "...could this be why they sent me out on a project?"
Alhaitham: "I think its just a coincidence ... whatever you were doing won't have any significant impact now or in times to come."
And why is it important?
I find the flow of this whole conversation to be very weird, since it goes "confrontation - agreement - information share - speculation - confrontation". In other words, first Alhaitham doesn't want to talk, but Kaveh persuades him, learns about the sage, brings up his mission in the desert, and Alhaitham returns to the confrontation mode again.
It can be interpreted as Alhaitham just using every opportunity to disagree with Kaveh just cause, but at the same time his words sours exactly after Kaveh talks about him being missing from the quest. Coincidence? I don't think so.
All these little things got me thinking. Why is Kaveh's absence so triggering for Alhaitham? Sure they're close or whatever, but they both value their freedom very highly and it's probably not too rare for them to disappear for a day or two for work. Why is it such a big deal now?
But then I also remembered that Kaveh, basically the only family Alhaitham has (yes I call people you willingly live with a family, its my life experience), went missing from home exactly when the fishy stuff at the Academia started resurfacing. And he was gone for a long time, at least for the duration of the quest, which is about two in game weeks.
Even if Alhaitham is not a very emotional person, he still values family, home, routine and comfort very highly. So, in theory, the sudden empty house should have affected him in some way, right? That's how I decided to check Alhaitham's behaviour during the archon quest and it was.. interesting.
4. Alhaitham's side of the Sumeru quest, with me fillng in the gaps.
Let's think about all these quest days from his perspective.
You're simple logical guy who already for quite some time lives with an annoying but kind of endearing roommate, who you drink coffee with in the morning and often discuss intellectual or not really stuff. Sometimes you argue but he's perspective on life fascinates you as a scholar, so you don't mind it too much. Ultimately you're just used to him in your life.
Then one day you go to your work, which brings you just enough money to feel completely comfortable, but you start feeling that something fishy is going on behind the scenes. Some sages disappear, your archon is treated like a power source and there are weird rumours about the divine knowledge capsules. Then you get a sudden assignment - investigate a blond traveller with a talking fairy. And sages propose to pay you with the divine knowledge capsule.
Suspicious. If it's such a big deal, why would they promise you it as a present for a simple spy work?
You decide to get to the bottom of this and for this you need to buy the capsule yourself. You're sure that the infamous merchant Dori has some, but you're definitely in the black list as the Academia's scribe... Ah, how lucky is it. Your roommate just so happen to have a strong connection to Dori. If you give him money and an excuse why he needs the capsule so much she would definitely sell it to him. It settled then.
You come home. But you're roommate isn't there. You wait. He doesn't come back. You're confused and decide to check using you're connections at the Academia, and... he suddenly was requested to the desert? And just left? Why would he leave exactly when everything was going to get weird? Did he know something? Did Academia want to temporarily move him out of the picture? Maybe they did something worse than that? Was it all a coincidence?
You don't know and you have no time. You need to spy on Traveller. You need to buy a capsule. It seems that you're alone in it.
Dori didn't sell you a capsule. That wasn't unexpected but still worth the try. You decide to make the mysterious traveller to buy it for you. It went great. You find out more about capsules, you steal one yourself. You realise that the divine knowledge offered by the sages was a trap to dispose of you. Your roommate still didn't come back. It's been what, almost a week? Whatever. It's nice and quiet at your home.
You meet Traveller again on your way to the desert to investigate the source of the capsules. You run into Cyno and a bunch of other people and you seem to finally get the lead to answers that you wanted. You find out that the capsules were extracted from the brains of scholars who were send to the desert by the Academia and then abducted. You're roommate was also sent to the desert by the Academia. Uh. He's fine. You have your problems to deal with.
You and your unexpected but quite pleasant team find out that sages want to create a God. It seems it's time to rescue your archon. You came up with a pretty good plan. Noe you need to return to the city after these couple of days in the desert. When you come home, your roommate still isn't there.
The next day your team is preparing for the plan and Cyno says that you all need to go home and have a good rest.
"...Thankfully I had my place to myself recently. It's been nice and quiet."
Dehya stares at you confused.
You didn't realise that you said it out loud and you're not sure how other people deal with situations when they say something without thinking.
"Oh, nothing"
You went home and slept alright.
The plan worked, Nahida was saved, sages punished, akasha destroyed, your comfortable routine is safe again. It's still nice and quite at home, so you go to the library to read some books.
"Alhaitham, what happened in the Academia?!"
You hear a familiar voice. After all this time he returns like nothing happened.
5. And this was a recap of Alhaitham's side of the archon quest!
Interpretations can vary of course, but the way I see it, Alhaitham was very bothered by Kaveh's sudden disappearance. He clearly expresses that he wishes Kaveh was in the team during the quest ("Where were you when Sumeru needed you most?"). From this we can guess that Kaveh really left without any warning and had Alhaitham known about it, he would most likely stopped him.
I think Alhaitham quickly found out where Kaveh was (connections) but he had no means of contacting him quickly and maybe didn't even know the exact location. At first it was a minor inconvenience because of the Dori situation, but he probably wasn't bothered to much by it. But after he found out that sages actively tried to dispose of him by making him insane, he probably realised that the situation was way worse that he initially thought. And Kaveh still was somewhere in the desert with no means to contact him.
So what Alhaitham does next? He goes to the desert. Yes, it was for the plot reasons, but let's agree, he at least considered a possibility that he could run into Kaveh there. But he never did. And what's more, he found out that the Academia was abducting scholars and sucking their brains out. Let's be real, the theory that Kaveh was send to the desert for the reasons connected to knowledge capsules, most likely was on Alhaitham's mind, and in a bad universe it could've been correct.
Well, Kaveh did return home after all. But by that point Alhaitham's supressed stress about this whole situation was so great, that it resulted in him being genuinely salty at Kaveh during their first on-screen dialog and even saying "Well, maybe then you should move out of my house" - which, at least from my point of view, is way worse then his usual teasing about Kaveh being broke and homeless or whatever.
6. About Kaveh's role in the archon quest besides making Alhaitham sad
Ag, that's a very fun topic. I don't know how I totally missed it the first time, maybe it was the lack of respect for Kaveh, idk, but he was 100% purposefully sent away for the time of the quest.
Sages wanted to move him out of the picture just like they wanted to do with Alhaitham using knowledge capsule. Except they knew that Kaveh would not be too interested in the capsules. So they needed something else to remove him... Like a sudden very urgent request to build a children's hospital somewhere very deep in the desert for people who are literally dying without it! Huh, well, I just made it up, but I believe that sages came up with something very similar.
Kaveh is the type of person to jump straight into any charity he sees and ask next to none questions about it, so it would be the easiest way to send him away for good. Plus I believe that it could've been the reason why he didn't talk with Alhaitham about it and disappeared so sudden. Children are dying! No time for talking! But then he arrived to the said place in the desert and it was just a mess. Maybe a fake project, maybe literally nothing, maybe a trap. In other words - not the project he was told he is needed for.
It's something that we don't get spelled out for us (Alhaitham even denies it cause he's angry at that moment), but timings are just too perfect to be a coincidence. And that's not the only proof - Kaveh himself heavily implies that there was something very fishy about this mission.
He straight up avoids answering Alhaitham's questions about it, and says "Thinking about it makes me angry". Why would he say this about the Academia project? It's not like he had a specific annoying client. Kaveh was sent as a representative from the Academia to be the head of some "construction project" after all, he presumably was the boss there. So it can only mean that there was something wrong with the project itself.
Plus immediately after he finds out that his sage was a part of the conspiracy, he says "So that's why they sent me there", which further implies that whatever was happening on that mission in desert – it was either absurd (if the sages just wanted to keep Kaveh away for some time) or very dangerous (if they wanted him dead). Unfortunately Kaveh's the last person who would tell us about the danger to his life, so we can forget about learning what the hell was that mysterious mission.
Ah, and about why would sages want Kaveh away. Sure it can be because of his connections to Alhaitham, but…
I think anyone who knows Kaveh more then 10 minutes would know that if he found out what sages are planning to do with a literal child and what they do to other scholars, he would die but not let them continue all of it. And he is quite popular among students and citizens alike, so he could've been a potential threat for the sages.
Makes me wonder how many other potential dangers did sages eliminate in some way for their plan. Probably not too many, but still interesting behind the scenes of their actions.
Let's return to the end of the act 5. After we had a feast at the Grand Bazar, we were able to one last time talk to each member of our Sumeru-rescue team.
Alhaitham said this:
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Which was always bothering me, because:
One: He suddenly becomes quite sentimental and talks about happiness, which is cool to see, but at the same time... He very rarely talks about subjective emotions. And what's more, he seems genuinely enjoying the thought of it. He isn't really the kind of person who gets his sense of satisfaction out of someone else's happiness (it's one of the things he parallels Kaveh in), so what's this all about?
Two: He extremely abruptly switches the topic to point out that he "seems to have taken both keys when he left the house" (tbh I thought that I accidentally clicked on him the second time and it's the new dialog, but no, it is all specifically a one long dialog).
Well well well. What do we have here.
When I first read these lines I decided that's it's just a weird writing without normal conversation flow. First Alhaitham is satisfied that he's plan worked and his daily life is safe, but says it through pointing out that other people are happy rather then explicitly stating that he's happy. Then he yaoi baiting us with "haha, harassing Kaveh is so much fun" and that's all there is to it.
Now that we know more about Alhaitham's daily life during the archon quest, let's think about the keys some more.
He was able to take both keys because Kaveh was at home and his keys were there either. On his way out to meet us, Alhaitham saw Kaveh's keys on their usual place and took them as well, ultimately making Kaveh unable to leave the house. Which also means...
Kaveh will definitely be at home when Alhaitham returns after the feast.
So if we flip everything based on this logic, Alhaitham tells us: "This is a great evening. This gathering is special. People are finally happy. They feel happiness from the bottom of their hearts. And when I return home there will be someone waiting for".
Which is. So. PRECIOUS!.. Something clicked in my brain when I first realized this meaning and these lines are finally making a lot of sense!
It's the perfect final words for his little character journey in this quest. He protected the life he had and loved, everything and everyone were back to normal again and for him it is a true happiness felt from the bottom of his heart. Just precious.
Final words
Anyway, yes, that's why I believe that during the archon quest Alhaitham was actually constantly worrying about Kaveh at the back of his mind and maybe even feeling lonely, which resulted in his great boom of toxicity during their first on-screen dialog, but after some time he cooled down and slipped into his usual happy comfortable and not "nice and quiet" life again.
And fuck the sages for sending away our boy Kaveh (who actually knows a lot about desert since he works there often) and making our rescue-Nahida-group one competent person shorter.
Thanks for your time and tears, you, the person who read this!
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harbo-urr · 2 years ago
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harbo-urr · 2 years ago
I really hope that one day Hoyo will finally show us this mysterious "Wild Chongyun". Like, he has a whole char story about going extreme party mod at a concert, but during that festival where hu tao rapped, he was absolutely chill with everything and didn't struggle at all.
We have new characters with "second personality" of sorts (layla), so why can't we have some demonstration with Chongyun who has literally been with us from the game launch!? I just don't get it. Why ignore his lore so much, hoyo...
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