Thank you so much!!! The scene was really confusing for me. So thank you very much for the detailed explanation. I think Oda didn't move at all, since everytime he says 'if I do this, this will happen' is because he used his ability or is just a though. Also if Dazai is on top of him he should move him first. So my guess is that he didn't move at all and just passed out with Dazai on top.
Thanks again for your answer!! 🥰💞👏
Hello!! Thanks for translating the complete light novel, I just read the first part and I loved it! 🥰👏 But I have a question, in the part where Oda is put to sleep with the gas, he is supposed to be on top of Dazai (after suffocating him, right?) Does that mean that he passed out on top of Dazai? 🧐
Whilst they are fighting and Oda is choking Dazai Oda is actually beneath Dazai. I'll break it down in the way I understood it. And because I'm worried people will think I'm weird for having thought about it in so much detail I want to say that I have aphantasia and can't visualise things in my mind at all. I had to look everything up in detail to make sure I was understanding it.
Oda crawled into the kitchen similar to this (but on his front and not in a box obviously)
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When he is on the floor like that Dazai skips to the kitchen and as Dazai passes him he jumps up and as he does performs the judo move called ashi barai which is a sweeping kick. It's better to watch a video of the move if you really want to get a feel for it but essentially he kicks Dazai's foot out from under him.
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Dazai turns as he falls and I assume he lands on his front which is why Oda needs to turn him over to chokehold him. And because Dazai is flailing about Oda needs to pin his body with his arms and legs. So they're on the kitchen floor fighting like this
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You can see how Dazai (on top) would still have his legs free enough to kick the sink.
That's the position Dazai passes out in so Oda is beneath/beside him when the gas drops. It does say Oda jumps up but I can't quite tell if he actually does that and then sees the future or if he sees the future where he jumps up and so he doesn't.
If he actually jumps up and raises his hands it's anyone's guess where he lands when he falls. It could be on top of Dazai. But if he didn't actually move he's on the floor by Dazai when he passes out.
The key is the fact it is specifically a rear naked chokehold that Oda has Dazai in. That works very differently to choking/strangling like this which is the idea I think a lot of people have.
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I hope that helps :)
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cute luffy in film z ♥
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I have a question for Sengen shippers. Where can I find Senku x Gen doujinshis +18 online for free. I can't find anywhere but online stores, so I can't read none unless I buy them. By the way, my parents wouldn't approve it.
#sengen #dr. Stone
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