happydayez ยท 5 years
Please Help Me Find These Books!
Hello everyone! I am a fellow book worm and there are some books I am trying to find. I read these books ages ago and I want to find them but all I remember is that they were reallyyy good and some details that I can't necessarily type into a google search bar. Anyway, here are the things that I remember from the first book.
There is this girl who used to live in an Inn and is taken care of by the Inn owners. I forgot how but somehow she is captured and taken to this castle. Some other details I remember are:
- Main protagonist is a girl
- She can sing beautifully but is quite ugly
- She finds herself in a castle and befriends this princess soon to be queen and they make up a plan where the main character sings and the princess -soon to be queen- lip syncs
- In this kingdom (or world, I don't remember which) everyone (or atleast the royals) are supposed to be able to sing and if they can't then they are seemed as less attractive or something
- She is also imprisoned but gets out after hypnotizing the guards with her voice
There is more that I remember but I don't want to spoil the entire book just in case this book is found and someone wants to read it. This book is a fantasy btw.
Okay! Next book. This one is a bit sad and I believe it is historical fiction. I think this book took place around WWII and the Holocaust. The protagonist is a young Jewish girl. That is all I can really remember about her but some of the story is:
- She is on the run (I think)
- She had a friend who is also female who was beaten up quite badly by this man who found out they were Jews after the two girls spent a night in his house at his kind wife's insistance
- The girl escapes, sadly leaving her friend behind
- She meets these three boys, I think they were brothers or close enough friends to think so
- She and the boys hide in a barn or on a farm somewhere while they wait for soildiers to pass
- I also remember a Native American tribe helping her but that may be a different book that I am mixing up with this book
This is all that I can remember. I'm sorry, I know it's not much to work with but I read these books when I was in the 4th grade and my memory was very bad back then. If anyone knows these books or may know ones like it, please send a message or comment. I would greatly appreciate the help.
Thank You! Have a Great Day, Night, etc.
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