hannisungswifereal · 18 days
can you do pls skz texts when they’re needy? and they wanna make love to their lover :(
💬 Skz Texts | Needy Texts
*·˚ᑉ³ OT8 x Reader
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ᑉ³genre; Smau, Suggestive MDNI
ᑉ³warnings; cursing, Suggestive, implied female reader, breeding, Pet names, use of " Good girl"
ᑉ³Authors Note; Not the best... but oh well.
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hannisungswifereal · 1 month
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I feel like a victorian man seeing a woman's ankle for the first time
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hannisungswifereal · 2 months
chan smut audio
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hannisungswifereal · 2 months
jisung smut audio
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hannisungswifereal · 4 months
As you guys asked for... Minho is here!!
/QuietYandereMinho /Femreader
You and leeknow have been friends for quite some time.. you guys fight like siblings, vent to each other, sleep with each other.. you guys were practically brother and sister. Though Minho has had a crush on you since the day he met you. Of course, he'd never show or tell how he feels about you because if he did.. he would most likely be in a mental hospital.
You had just broken up with your boyfriend. You were devastated and upset as you vented to Minho about it all at his apartment. He listened quietly, allowing you to rant all your feelings and emotions right then and there. He stared at your face. You looked so adorable when you're all sad and worked up..
"It's okay, you don't need him." He mumbled softly, gently rubbing your shoulder as an attempt to make you feel better.
(part 2 soon cuz I'm lazy)
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hannisungswifereal · 5 months
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(TW) Contains:
-- Viewer discretion is advised!
You walked around campus, getting fresh air before class began. The sun was shining, the wind was blowing, everything was...
(Or so you thought.)
You felt as if someone was following you, but every time you turned around, nobody was there. You brushed the feeling off and continued to walk.
Suddenly, a boy approached you. It felt as if you recognized them, but you weren't sure where from.
"Hey! I was wondering if you maybe wanted to eat lunch together on the school rooftop with me?.." the boy said, giving you an innocent smile.
You stared at him incredulously, confused. "Do I know you?" You said, tilting your head to the side.
"Oh, right! I'm Jeongin. We share history together?.. I sit in the back, so you may not know me." He said, laughing awkwardly.
'So that's where I recognized him from!' You thought to yourself.
"Oh! Sorry, I'm not good with names.." you said, giving him a reassuring smile.
"Hah, it's fine... well, do you want to eat lunch with me? It's okay if not!" He said hesitantly.
"Sure. I guess I don't see why not." You replied back, smiling gently.
Han was watching from the corner, feeling inraged and furious. He watched jeongin, wanting nothing more than to plunge a knife into his heart, but he knew he couldn't do that....not yet, at least.
Jeongin smiled. "Alright then, I'll be at the rooftop 5 minutes before lunch. Don't be late!" He said while waving to you and walking away, a faint blush on his cheeks.
Perhaps this information could be of use to han...
*Lunch time*
At lunchtime, Jeongin wasn't there. well, he was there, but he wasn't alive. Dead on the floor with a knife stabbed into his chest, you gasped. Feeling sick to your stomach, and you froze in shock.
Han looked at you, a physcopathic smile curling onto his lips. "Darling.. you weren't supposed to see this." He said softly, ripping the knife out of jeongins chest as blood flung everywhere. You didn't know what to do. you wanted to run but you were too scared.
He walked up to you, caressing your cheek with his hand, smearing some blood on your face. "You didn't need him. You only need me." He said, staring into your eyes as he kisses your forehead.
Before you could react or even say anything, he injected your neck with a needle, causing you to feel fuzzy and black out.
"My dear noona.. Soon you will be mine, whether you like it or not, You will be mine, mine, mine..." he hushed into your ear as he held your limp body.
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hannisungswifereal · 5 months
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SKZ Felix (Yandere🔪)
You have been wanting to go out for a very long time, Felix has been keeping you locked in the house with absolutely no contact with anybody whatsoever. He was possessive, like you were a trophy. It was scary.
"Baby, how about we go ice skating today?" He said softly, his voice sounding soothing in a manipulative way as his lips curled into a smile you could melt into.
You nodded your head hesitantly, knowing if you said no it wouldn't be very pretty for you.
"Good! Remember.. no talking or looking at other boys, got it?" His tone became serious, threatening.
"Y-yes.." you mumbled
He grabbed your wrist tightly, a scary smile on his face. "I can't hear you.." he whispered.
"Yes!" You said quickly, wincing from the pain.
"Good." He said, a pleased smile on his face. Did he like to see you in pain?
(Next part soon, I'm just lazy)
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hannisungswifereal · 5 months
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Follow me on C.AI! My bots act exactly like the members and aren't dry. (If they act dry, please message me and tell me so I can fix it!)
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hannisungswifereal · 5 months
Seungmin ver :)
[Turn up ur volume a little bit ;)]
Reminder this is just for pure imagination and is not intended for anything else.
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hannisungswifereal · 5 months
Stray kids' head canons!! (SMUT⚠️)
Female ver.
-- a guitar player, so he's amazing with his fingers. Starting off slow, getting faster, and stopping at just the right tempo that will make you go wild.
-- definitely sends you voice clips of him whimpering, and sends you voice clips of him jerking off.
-- obsessed with your neck, loves leaving bite marks and hickeys.
-- he loves it when you sit on his face. In fact, he would even beg for it. Just sliding his warm tongue inside you makes him so happy, eating you out like there is no tomorrow, and swallows it all in the end.
-- definitely digs his nails into your skin and back. By the end of the second round, you already have scratch marks all over you.
-- loves when you give him head, fucking your hair up when he grips it for support. Definitely rewards you after as well.
-- would let you give him a hand job wherever, whenever.
-- if fucking you in public, he makes sure to cum inside you so you don't forget as you walk around.
-- definitely fingers you secretly while the other members are there, licking the cum off his fingers afterward, rewarding you later if you make no noise.
-- showers together always end with him inside of you.
Suggest any member for me to do next!!
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hannisungswifereal · 5 months
Stray kids' head canons!! (SMUT⚠️)
(Male ver)
-- would definitely tease you with his tongue, exploring every inch of your neck and body, making you shiver in pleasure.
-- He's quite the explorer. He's not shy in bed and won't hesitate to try something new.
-- his neck is sensitive, just the smallest little bite would have him whimpering and whining like a puppy, though he loves it when you leave marks.
-- definitely has a hair pulling kink, maybe a slight praise kink.
-- absolutely LOVES when you give him head, You do it so well. Just a couple minutes in, and he's already close. He definitely is extremely noisy during it as well, not caring if anybody hears because he knows you love his moans.
-- definitely gags you with his fingers and makes you get on your knees.
-- would let you put a donut on it /j (Sike nah lmfao 😭😭)
-- dominate as FUCK, and gets jealous easy. He sees you flirting with another member? Straight to bed. You'll be whining his name for all to hear so everyone knows you are his.
-- he leaves visible bite marks and hickeys all over you. his favorite spots are your neck, waist, thighs, and shoulders.
-- definitely spits in your mouth and praises you when you swallow, saying things like "Good boy." and "You're doing so well."
-- amazing with after care. soft neck kisses, and massages, cuddling you after.
Please suggest members I should do next!! <3
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