hanniballecterspen · 9 months
So I’m working on stuff but guess nows the best time to say this is also officially my rp alt so uhhh
Yeah I’ll make a post on that when I get to it
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hanniballecterspen · 10 months
Shadow: “hello dear reader, what the heck are you doing in my house? This is your house? No I don’t think so-“
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hanniballecterspen · 10 months
Shadow: “ok, as long as I can avoid it, I’m refusing to take my meds”
Will: “out of curiosity, and possibly concern, why?”
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Shadow: “because i don’t need em”
Hannibal L.: “I believe that’s a terrible idea, Shadow, please take care of yourself and take your meds”
Shadow:……*shoves some ADHD pills into her mouth angrily*”fuck you”
Hannibal L.: *🤨*
Shadow:……….”I mean thank you…..for reminding me…..yeah-“
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Hannibal L.: “really now?”
Shadow: “y-yuuuup…..ok by-“
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hanniballecterspen · 10 months
Shadow: *tapping microphone* “this thing on? O-oh hello there…..uhhh well this is awkward but uhh would you take a seat? Just for a moment……take a seat I’m not gonna ask again-“ *cocks water gun*
“Thanks, ok, welcome to my blog, names Shadow, or Pen, who cares. I’m new with writing, kinda, I’m not used to writing for actual characters so the way there written might not be accurate, but I hope you enjoy! In the link below is a list of things I can write for, it’s a wip because I’m in a lot of fandoms but I hope you consider coming by every now and then! I might not write seriously for a bit as I need to get a hold of the characters, but I’ll be here to practice and hopefully make some of you smile :]”
Will: “are you ok?”
Shadow: “yeah why?”
Will: “your talking to an empty room-“
Will: “Hannibal-“
Shadow: *noped on out cause she ain’t gonna get phsyco analyzed*
Will:……”well I guess I’ll have to get the others, uh, apologies guys, she’s…….built different as she says…..anyway, goodbye-“*walks after me*
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