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Photo sculpture planning
Imagine you have to design and build a children's nursery
What rooms do you need included? Where should they be? What should they be near? What should they be made of? How should they be laid-out?
What else do you need to think about? Think externally and internally, what materials should be used? Why?
The rooms I would include when designing a nursery would be, a playroom where the kids could have free time to enjoy themselves, a learning room that is just for learning purposes. Then, I would have toilet close to both of these rooms. The rooms should be made of soft materials so that It makes it harder for any children to get hurt/injured. The rooms should be located near wherever the teachers are situated as this means they would be able to contact and get to them quicker if they had any problems. Also, I think an outdoor play area should be designed as this allows the children to have more freedom when they are playing.
Imagine you have to design and build a memorial to WW1
Where would be an appropriate place to place it? Why?
Where would be inappropriate and why?
What materials should be used? Why? Think about the environmental factors of the location.
What should it look like?
An appropriate place to have a WW1 memorial would be at the church as this a calm quiet place that would allow people to be able to remember those lost without getting interrupted. It would be inappropriate to put the memorial at a pub/restaurant as this is somewhere that could be busy and rowdy which means the memorial could get broken or damaged. Also, this wouldn’t allow people to have peace and quiet when appreciating the memorial. To build the memorial I would suggest using concrete as this is something that is durable and wouldn’t break. It would last a long time and it would be respected as it would be hard to damage. Also, on the memorial the names of all the soldiers who fought should be written on it with the dates they passed away. Another part of the memorial should be a place that relatives/people could sit to show their love and respect.
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Final Evaluation
Briefly explain what your final piece is and how you came up with the idea
My final piece is a set of 3D hexagons with a set of portraits of each model on either side. I came up with this idea when i was looking at research for this project, the main artist who inspired me is called Szymon Roginski, who is a polish photographer who focuses mainly on 3D sculptures. When looking at his work it made a lot of ideas come to my mind, I really liked the thought of putting a flat 2D image onto a 3D shape as this is a different way to how photographs are usually shown. The workshop that also inspired me during college was the one that we did with Jordi, the 3D shape nets, during this workshop I tried creating a range of different shapes to see which look the best for presenting photographs. Firstly, i tried a cylinder but this distorted the image a lot which was not the effect I was looking to achieve. So, after this I decided to choose a Hexagon as they have many sides which would allow me to put multiple photographs onto one shape. The main reason i decided to put multiple images onto one shape was to show a range of different emotions that an individual can have, normally one photograph of a model is shown which allows the audience to make an assumption of how the model could be feeling/thinking. Using this technique allowed me to create a mini portfolio of individual models.
Why did you decide to use the method of creating your 3D sculpture? What materials did you decide to use and why? What materials did you try?
I decided to use this method of creating my 3D sculpture as it allowed me to experiment with presenting my photographs, the first hexagon I created I put only one image onto it across the whole net and when i assembled it this made the image become distorted with different parts of the face on random sides in the wrong order. So, this is why I chose to have multiple portraits on one shape. The material I first tried was just normal A3 paper, this made it hard to assemble the shape as it was easy to crinkle which ruined the actual image on the paper. So, then the next idea I had was to use card and print directly onto it. This made the shape more durable and sturdy as it was a thicker material to use, but it was even harder to bend and get sharp straight folds. I then compared the two shapes and decided to use my first idea (the A3 paper), to get the clean folds in the paper i decided to use a metal ruler and fold over it so it was as neat as possible. The method I first thought to use to stick my shape together was just regular pritt stick glue, this wasn’t the best idea as it made my paper less sturdy and flimsy. After this I then thought to use double sided sticky tape, this worked a lot better and made it easier for me to stick each tab to the middle of the shape. Also, this tape is a lot stickier and stronger than glue and it sticks immediately rather than waiting for glue to dry. Also, to attach my hexagons together I used double sided tape again so that they were secure and wouldn’t fall when photographing them. To place my images onto the actual hexagon net I used photoshop, this took me a while to get the hang of but after making a few to practice I was able to perfect the technique which made it a lot easier.
How do the photographs relate to the sculpture and/or the space?
My photographs relate to the sculpture as it has multiple sides and people, individuals have multiple qualities and emotions within one body. I liked the thought of combining all of these qualities into one piece of work to represent that particular individual.
Ideally what materials would have been best to use?
Ideally, the best materials to use would have been a slightly thicker paper as this would have been more durable than just normal paper. I don’t think there would have been a better way of sticking the 3D shapes together as the double sided tape seemed to work as well as possible and give me the outcome I wanted.
What location is your sculpture meant to be placed in? Why did you choose that location and how does your piece effectively fit within it?
The location I chose for my sculpture was the studio. I chose this location as I wanted a plain white background and I didn’t want the background to be distracting and take the main focus of my portraits. The models are the main focal point for my final piece, I thought that if I took it to a location with a lot of detail it would ruin this. Also, taking images in the studio allowed me to have full control of the lighting and setup which made me feel more confident when taking my final images.
How well do you feel you did in this assignment? How do you feel about your work and the process you went through?
In this assignment I think I did do okay. I thought about multiple ideas at first and narrowed them down to choose my favourite one which I thought would present my ideas the best. I was pleased with my final piece because although it was quite simplistic technique it allowed to get more understanding of how to use Photoshop when placing the images onto the net and also, I think it showed my images in a more unusual way than I would normally choose. I also think the actual portraits I took in the studio were good as they were correctly exposed and used a good composition for studio portraits. They made the main focal point of the images the models face and expressions which is what I wanted to achieve.
How would you change the outcome if you had more time?
If I had more time i would definitely make more 3D hexagons with a bigger selection of models, preferably using more male models as this was something I didn't explore much this project. Also, if i had more time I would probably explore some different more unusual materials like printing onto acetate to create double exposures or layers. If i did this i could then use different coloured lights/lighting techniques to make certain parts of the image stand out. Also, if I was to improve this project I would probably conduct more research of different photographers to broaden my ideas. I would also improve by doing my photoshoots before creating my final piece as this would give me a wider selection of portraits to work from.
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Portraits of portraits
For this task we were told to look at the artist Brno del zou. He is a photographer who explores a technique where the facial features of his models are re arranged and placed wrong. I took inspiration from this photographer as i think it is a unusual way of changing a normal portrait into something different. The main technique Del Zou uses is photo manipulation and photographic structure to create a cubism effect. He also changes the brightness of each part of the image to create highlights and shadows which allows him to be selective of the parts he wants to stand out.
My interpretation of these images:

For my version of these images i decided to stick actual parts of an image to a models face to cause some disruption to a normal portrait. I decided to add some extra facial features on the model as i think this creates an unusual effect. Also, when reviewing these images I decided to turn it black and white so it was more like the original image I was inspired by. Also, the facial features on my models face are male and female, I think this is an interesting way of mixing the two genders together to create a different type of portrait. To improve this portrait, i would have added smaller facial features to provide more detail in the photograph, also, I would have added more features from a bigger range of models to create a photograph more similar to Brno Del Zou’s work. To take this photograph I had my camera set on manual and attached to the studio flashlights. My shutter speed was set to 1/125th, my ISO was set to 100 as the studio lights were providing a lot of light. Lastly, my aperture was set to f/9.5 so I got an even portrait across the portrait.

This is the second image i have chosen from this photoshoot, I chose this image as I like the split lighting in this image, I like how it hides some of the features in the portrait but at the same time it enhances the others. After I took these images I put them into photoshop and edited them slightly, during this I decided to increase the brightness and enhance the shadows in the portrait. For this photograph I had my camera set to manual, my shutter speed was set to 1/125th, my ISO was set to 100 and my aperture was set to f/5.6 which helped me to achieve the range of lighting and tones.
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Photoshoot 3 - ELLIE
The third photoshoot I did was in the same style as my first 2, taken in the studio with the studio flashlights. For this photoshoot I asked Ellie to pose in 6 different ways for each side of my hexagon, when taking this image I wanted to focus on the models face by filling the frame. I had my camera set to manual with my shutter speed on 1/60 sec, f-stop f/5.6 and ISO to 100.

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Photoshoot 2 - ABI
The second photoshoot I did was of my friend Abi from college, during this photoshoot I asked my model to do the same as zoe from my first photoshoot, this being 6 different poses to allow me to have a face on either side of my 3D hexagon. I also used the studio lights in this photoshoot as this allowed me to have full control of the lighting I wanted to achieve. For this my camera was set to manual with my shutter speed on 1/60 sec, my f-stop was f/5.6 and my ISO was set to 100 as I was using the studio flashlights.

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Photoshoot 1 - ZOE
This was the first photoshoot I did during this project of my college friend zoe. I chose to take these pictures in the studio so I could use the studio lights as this helps produce the best quality images. Also, I chose to use the studio so that I had a white background which allowed the models to be the main focal point. During this photoshoot I asked my model to do 6 different poses as I wanted her face on each side of my hexagon. Also, I decided to put 6 different images onto the hexagon as it allowed me to show a range of her emotions all in one, as I think sometimes only one photograph can create an assumption about the individual. Before this photoshoot I asked my model to wear something that she thought represented her personality so zoe wore a leopard print top as It is full of patterns and wild! For this photoshoot, I set my camera to manual settings and had my shutter speed on 1/60 sec, f-stop f/5.6 and my ISO was set to 100 as i was using the studio lights.

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Photographic sculpture: photo net task
For this task I created a few mini photo sculptures using photo nets and photoshop.
Step by step; how to make a photo net using photoshop.
1. Firstly, you need to get a shape net from the internet/resources. For example, here I chose to create a cylinder.

2. Next, you then have to insert your image into photoshop and resize it according to the size of your net. Here I changed my image width to 10 to make it smaller and then I stretched it out over the top of the net.

3. After that you then have to change the opacity of the image so you can see the net behind the picture which allows you to do the step after this.

4. Then, you have to select the Polygonal Lasso Tool on the left hand side of the screen and go around the part of the image you want to select.

5. The next step is to repeat that same process but using the Elliptical Marquee tool. to get the circles cut out neatly. Then repeat this step for the other circle aswell.

6. The last step is to Delete the Layer on photoshop that has your actual image onto which will leave you with just the cut out parts. After this, you then have to print it according to size.

7. After printing you then need to cut around the net making sure you DO NOT cut off any of the tabs. To do this i used a stanley knife and a ruler to get neat lines.

8. Then I stuck double sided sticky tape on each of the tabs which makes it easier to stick the shape together without having to keep cutting tape when you need it.

9. The last step is to assemble your shape. Doing this was quite tricky and you have to keep trying to get the hang of it. I found it easier to do the bottom and then the top of the cylinder.

These are the some other examples i have done. I think I’m going to use this idea for my final piece, i particularly like the hexagon I made as it makes the models face distorted and appear in all different directions. I was thinking of making a range of hexagons with different models and then attaching them all together. I have not fully decided what to do for my final piece yet.
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Paper Vision 2
This was the image we were asked to recreate. The photographer taken by Manuel Will. He describes this image as a ‘green pine tree under a green sky’.

This is the step by step process we used to re-create the image that was given to us.

How did you research help your approach to this task? This Photo vision was inspired by Manuel Will’s photograph of a pine tree. To start with I decided to do some research regarding Manuel Will’s photograph in order to collect as much information about the actual image. My first idea was to use match sticks to make every individual branch of the tree but this didn’t seem to look as realistic as I hoped and would have taken longer than the time i had to complete the work. So, then my next idea was to use a green sheet of paper cut into a triangle shape in order to recreate the actual tree. Then, I got a piece of black card for the background to make sure the green stood out against it. I cut out thin lines using a stanley knife on the green sheet of paper to create a branch like texture.
What problems did you encounter when applying these techniques, and how did you overcome them? The problems that we faced when creating this piece of work was trying to recreate a rough texture whilst keeping our technique simplistic. We then overcame the problem by deciding to create the texture by pushing up the parts we had cut out in different textures to make the image 3D.
How did you ensure that you worked effectively as a team? I think me and Zoe worked well as a team as we discussed a range of ideas together and listened to what eachother had to say. Talking to one another helped us plan and vision what the final piece would look like.
Analyse your final work. What are the strengths? What could be improved? How could you develop these techniques further in the future? I think that the final work turned out successfully as the composition of the image is the same as the original. After we took the final picture we decided to go into Photoshop and crop the image to make it a similar shape as the original. We also decided to increase the contrast and brightness and change the temperature so that the background of the image was a better blue colour.
To improve the final piece of work we could have added the cloud that is shown in the original picture using cotton wool. Also, to improve we could have added more layers the ensure the picture was very 3D. Also, we could have added different materials to make it more realistic and tree looking.
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Joiner sculpture
For this task we were told to create a joiner sculpture by taking images in the same spot whilst turning slowly. Then when we had done this we were asked to print all of the photos out and stick them together so they create a panorama.
I chose to take my pictures off the top of the lace market car park in town as I wanted a view over Nottingham city centre. For this task I set my camera to sport mode so it took multiple pictures one after the other. I had to do two photoshoots because when I took my first set of images the sky was very dull and made my pictures look unclear. So, then I decided to reshoot on a brighter day where there were blue skies. I especially like how there is a bird flying in the third image as it creates movement in the image.
One thing I found difficult during this task was sticking the images together after as some of them included the same part of the view so they had to be overlapped. This made it hard to evenly line the pictures up.

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Paper Vision 1
Research - Nick Meeuws
What artists did you look at? The first artist I looked at was Nick Meeuws who is a graphic designer based in the Netherlands, the project I focused on was his Savanna Paper Project. This was a 3D structure of layered paper, which was then arranged to create a replica of the desert, including animals and trees using warm tones to create a sunset atmosphere.
What disciplines do the artists practice? The artist ensures that he creates the detail of the image/landscape using simplistic and minimalist techniques.

Research - Thomas Demand
What artist did you look at? The second artist I looked at was Thomas Demand who is a German sculptor and photographer. The project I focused on was his History made with paper project. In this project Thomas used paper to recreate scenes from world history, for example, he recreated the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant control room days after the 2011 tsunami off the coast of Japan.
What are the artists known for? Thomas Demand is mainly known for his large-scale photographs of paper-and-cardboard reconstructions of indoor scenes.
What disciplines do the artists practice? To capture different moments that happens in different rooms and document the moment by making 3D sculptures.

Research - Carl Kleiner
What artist did you look at? The third artist I looked at was Carl Kleiner who is a Stockholm based photographer and image maker. The project i focused on was his work for Google. In this project he used paint and different textured card to create a range of effects.
What are the artists known for? Carl Kleiner is most known for his still-life photography and his insightful photographic diary.The photographer has several projects which gathered a lot of rightful attention worldwide, among them the impressive images for a cookbook called ‘Hembakat är Bäst’ for Swedish furniture giant IKEA. His work consists of of a range of clients from Ikea, Sony and Uniqlo.
What disciplines do the artists practice? Carl Kleiner ensures that his images are very clean and simple.

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Artist Research task
For this task we were asked to conduct some research of artists who produce 3D photographic sculptures/techniques.
SYZMON ROGINSKI - The first artist I looked at was Szymon Roginski, this was because his work caught my eye as it used interesting techniques. He is a polish photographer who focuses on creating 3D sculptural photographs. The project i focused on looking at in particular was where roginski teamed up with fellow photographer kasia korzeniecka to create an unusual collection of photo sculptures for fashion designer ania kuczynska’s 2009 spring/summer line. For this project, he printed the images onto multiple shapes and rearranged them to recreate the original photograph. I think this technique is very creative approach to photography. This is one of the ideas i could do for my final piece, using 3D shape nets.

JUSTINE KHAMARA - The second artist I looked at was Justin Khamara, she lives and works in Melbourne, Australia. She focuses on disrupting photographys smooth, two dimensional original state by building sculptures and collages entirely out of photographs. Her work is usually understood as being a psychological response to photography.

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Introduction to project 3 - Photographic Sculpture
This introduction will show my understanding of project 3. The theme of this project is photographic sculpture. There are many different relevant artists who combine photography with 3D formal elements and processes, for example Szymon Roginski, Richard Artschwager and Osang Gwon. The brief for this project is to produce a 3 dimensional photo sculpture to be created for a specific location, this can be free standing or can be wall mounted.
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