so 2016 was over literal months ago but since im Slow.. here’re my journals from 2016!
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“Write what disturbs you, what you fear, what you have not been willing to speak about. Be willing to be split open.”
— Natalie Goldberg
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“There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a type writer and bleed.”
— Ernest Hemingway
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“If you hear a voice within you say ‘you cannot paint,’ then by all means paint, and that voice will be silenced.”
— Vincent van Gogh
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“Start writing, no matter what. The water does not flow until the faucet is turned on.”
— Louis L’Amour
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““ten pieces of advice to give yourself””
1. If you know someone is wrong don’t raise your voice, help them understand you, improve your argument.
2. Do something you love for a living. If you don’t love it, I hope you have the courage to change it. It’s never too late to be who you want to be.
3. Hold on to what you believe and your values, don’t let things get to your head.
4. Let yourself fall in love with people. With their honest moments, the breakdowns and the daydreams.
5. But also don’t let other people force you into a relationship. Relationships won’t always make you happy, they are magical and wonderful, but it’s also amazing to spend time with your friends or just reading a book by yourself.
6. It’s okay to feel lost. Living it’s hard, but we all feel it. Let yourself get lost, in books, music, art, in the small things in life
7. Make sure you have a safe place to go when you need to be alone and don’t feel bad for rejecting someone help, sometimes we just need some time alone.
8. Don’t feel anxious about small things, at the end of the day, they are just that, small and insignificant.
9. Don’t search for the perfect body, learn to love yourself. Each body distributes in its own way, you are special because you are unique.
10. Find someone you can share your dreams and hopes with, not someone you have to give up your dreams for them to accomplish theirs.
by fck-that-get-money-xx, writing prompt #62: list 10 pieces of advice you’d give yourself
(via wnq-writers)
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If she chooses you, first and foremost, understand how lucky you are
If she chooses you, don’t get upset when she grows distant, she often gets caught in her own thoughts but she will always return to you
If she chooses you, don’t make her feel that her desire for affection is needy, some days she simply craves to be close, to be reminded that she is wanted
If she chooses you, remind her of her beauty each day, and always kiss her twice because kissing her once just isn’t enough
If she chooses you, give her the space she needs when she’s frustrated and surprise her with flowers on random days rather than out of apologetic flashes or set holidays, she hasn’t been shown that appreciation enough
If she chooses you, call her randomly just to hear her voice, and make sure to remind her of how gorgeous she is on that call even if you haven’t seen her that day, she is always beyond stunning
If she chooses you, tell her she’s doing good and encourage her, because she often feels alone in taking on the world and she won’t ask for help out of her desire to be independent
If she chooses you, applaud her parenting, she often gives all of herself without allowing herself enough sleep or self care and self love to stop and realize how exhausted she is
If she chooses you, understand that she gets excited over random songs and the moments when you listen, she’ll tell you her entire world so long you give her your attention to
If she chooses you, show her patience, she hasn’t been loved the way she deserves and often doubts that her emotions are valid, she will beat herself up for feeling sad or reflecting on her past
If she chooses you, hold her when she doesn’t ask, she will melt into your arms as if she was meant to be there, and it will fill your entire body with love rather than solely your heart
If she chooses you, understand her strength and remind her of it, she has survived evil so powerful it could break a person, yet she still stands
If she chooses you, love her through her past, her present and her future, she carries the weight of the world on her shoulders
If she chooses you, play with her hands and keep your hand on her thigh whenever you get the chance, you’re lucky to touch her and she will adore the soft intimacy of your affection
If she chooses you, understand she’ll tell you about her past in time, and when she does, kiss her and remind her of her value, she is worth more than you or anyone else deserves
If she chooses you, love her for her laughter and the way she throws her head back, it’s the most beautiful sight
If she chooses you, ask her what’s wrong and when she responds that she’s okay ask again because she won’t want to burden you with the thoughts in her mind
If she chooses you, spoil her with more than your affection, she deserves the entirety of the goodness in this world
If she chooses you, take the time to learn about her kids as much as you learn about her, she will fall in love with you for the value you bring to their childhood
If she she chooses you, buy her wine randomly because it calms her from stressful work days, and make sure you hug her and tell her how important she is and how proud you are, it will make her breathe a little easier at night
If she chooses you, scratch or rub her neck, she will love you for the simple things
If she chooses you, make sure she eats lunch and dinner, and even breakfast, because she often forgets or doesn’t make the time to do so
If she chooses you, bring her caramel frappuccinos with a shot of espresso in the mornings, it’ll help her kickstart the day after she’s been up all night being the best mother her kids could have,
If she choose you, never take for granted the honor you have winning her heart, make sure you respect her and you work each to day to get closer to deserving her
If she chooses you, please make sure you don’t let her fall asleep upset, because she’ll wake up the next day feeling as if she’s lost her place, when really she’s the only place anyone with eyes should ever want to be, her and her happiness
If she chooses you, no matter what, make sure you tell her you love her
If she chooses you, please choose her too, she is fragile and kind and she is made of all of that goodness in the world that she deserves,
You are beyond incredibly lucky,
You have the best opportunity in getting her love because it’s the best thing you could get in your entire life
If she chooses you, please don’t stop choosing her
If She Chooses You Part 2 // ARH
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150 Self-Discovery & Reflection Journal Prompts
1. What is going well in your life right now?
2. Think of the last time you had a really great day. What was the best part of it?
3. Write about a time you felt brave.
4. How will you enjoy creativity and nature today?
5. List as many things as you can that make you happy.
6. How can you take a break today?
7. When is the last time you lost track of time? What were you doing?
8. What is the last thing you created that you were proud of?
9. When is the last time you were excited? What was happening?
10. When do you create the best results or make the best decisions in your life?
11. How do you enjoy spending your free time most?
12. What are your greatest strengths?
13. What values are most important to you? Are you living true to these values? Why or why not?
14. If you could make a difference in the world, what would it be?
15. If you had no fear, what would you do?
16. What is the biggest barrier between you and your full honesty in journaling?
17. What would you do with $10 million?
18. Write a letter to your teenage self.
19. What have you learned today that will make tomorrow better?
20. What are you most grateful for?
21. What would you do if you had no fears?
22. Do you own things, or do things own you?
23. What happens when you let go of expectations?
24. What are you currently worrying about?
25. Who are you?
26. Who do you want to be?
27. Write about a difficult time in your life when you showed strength.
28. What makes you unique?
29. Write a letter to someone who has supported you through the most difficult time in your life.
30. What do joy and wellness look and feel like to you?
31. What qualities do you look for in a friend?
32. List your accomplishments and successes.
33. Who made you feel good in this past week?
34. What activities make you feel energized?
35. Reflect on the happiest moment of your life and write down how you felt, what you heard, etc.
36. What is your most treasured possession and why?
37. What is the greatest life lesson you’ve ever learned?
38. How do you feel about your body?
39. Do you consider yourself a victim of your circumstances or a survivor?
40. How does journaling help you?
41. If you could run away, where would you go? What would you bring with you?
42. What are two unforgettable moments in your life?
43. Share your innermost secret; something you’ve never told anyone before.
44. What is one thing you can do today to improve your health?
45. What is the driving force in your life?
46. What is your personal motto?
47. Write a letter to someone you need to forgive.
48. What are you angry about?
49. How do you want to be remembered? What do you want to be remembered for?
50. Choose a number and write a gratitude list.
51. What do you need right now?
52. Who or what means the world to you, and why?
53. Share your favorite positive affirmations.
54. What are you passionate about?
55. Reflect on an old photograph and write about it.
56. Write your own obituary.
57. How do you manage stress?
58. How does it feel to be the age that you currently are?
59. What does authenticity mean to you?
60. What is the best piece of advice you’ve ever received? Who was it from? Why is it the best?
61. Do you practice any time management techniques? If not, do you think you could benefit from some?
62. If you could relive any experience in your life, what would it be?
63. Are you addicted to social media? Honestly assess yourself.
64. Reflect on some of the changes you’ve seen in yourself over the last 5 years.
65. What is your earliest childhood memory?
66. Write a review of a book or movie that had a huge impact on you.
67. What does growing older mean to you?
68. What is your guilty pleasure?
69. Write a letter to your future or current child.
70. Look in the mirror and write about what you see.
71. Where do you see yourself in 5, 10, 20 years?
72. Write about your family members.
73. Why is it important to embrace your inner child?
74. What excites you about your future?
75. List 5 short-term and long-term goals. Explain the steps you’ll take to achieve each of those goals.
76. Share your bucket list.
77. What bad habits do you have?
78. Write about the place you grew up.
79. Discuss an important and controversial topic that is relevant in the world right now and explain your stance on it.
80. Write a letter to a pre-teen about body image.
81. How do you maintain your mental, physical, and spiritual health?
82. Are you honestly happy with how you have lived your life so far?
83. What do you really, truly want?
84. How can you amplify what you’re currently doing in your life?
85. How can you make someone’s day today?
86. What are you currently fighting or resisting?
87. What does life want from you?
88. What do you need to give yourself permission to do? Write a permission slip for it, as long as it is healthy.
89. What do you want to learn today?
90. What would happen if you forgave yourself for doing something you regret?
91. How can you do more?
92. How can you do less?
93. Do you ever get in your own way? How?
94. On this long journey of self-discovery, what do you hope to achieve or find?
95. What do you think shaped you into the person you are today?
96. Knowing that you must let go of some things in order to move forward, what do you need to let go of?
97. Is there anything you need to get off your chest? Write it out.
98. When do you feel free and the most confident?
99. List questions you need answers to.
100. When you’re old and gray, what do you hope you remember about your life?
101. Do you have depression or anxiety? If so, write about what it feels like, what it looks like, etc.
102. What is motivating you to journal for self-discovery?
103. Write a list of people you can trust or go to in times of need. Note contact information.
104. If you lost everything, what would you do? Where would you go?
105. If you knew you had a month to live, who would you call? What would you say? What would you do?
106. How is your relationship with your parents?
107. What is your dream job or profession?
108. What is your stance on religion? Do you consider yourself religious?
109. What is the most outrageous thing you’ve ever done?
110. What is worse: never trying, or trying and failing many times?
111. What is the worst thing that’s ever happened to you?
112. What would you change about your body?
113. What does success actually mean to you?
114. How do you express your anger? Is this a good or healthy manner of expression?
115. If you had 3 wishes, what would you wish for?
116. List some of your favorite songs and note why you like them.
117. Do you have any sexual fantasies?
118. What is the biggest mistake you’ve ever made?
119. Write a letter to someone you strongly admire.
120. Do you procrastinate? When? What could you do to stop procrastinating?
121. What are your weaknesses?
122. Describe your favorite season and why you like it.
123. Write about how your sense of style has changed over the past 5 years.
124. What is the meaning of life?
125. What is your life’s purpose?
126. What are you currently craving?
127. What is something you would love to do, but aren’t sure if you can do?
128. When do you feel the best about yourself?
129. When do you feel the worst about yourself?
130. Who are you not?
131. How does your intuition or conscience speak to you?
132. What aspect of your life do you need support in?
133. What gave you great joy today?
134. Did you feel lovable today? Why or why not?
135. What expectations of yours haven’t been met recently? Why or why not?
136. When you think about your future, how do you feel?
137. Write about some of the negative things your inner critic says to you, and then disprove them with rational thoughts.
138. If your life could be summarized or exuded in one word, what would that word be?
139. Write about a moment experienced through your body. It could be making love, eating breakfast, laughing, etc.
140. What couldn’t you live without?
141. What does unconditional love look like to you?
142. What do you wish others knew about you?
143. If your body could talk to you, what would it say?
144. What do you love about life?
145. What emotions do you feel or associate with confidence?
146. What are some things you’d like to say no to?
147. How can having a positive attitude change your life?
148. Write a pep talk to yourself for use the next time you feel upset or depressed.
149. Write a letter to your future self.
150. What have you learned by journaling for self-discovery?
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It takes a lot of courage to show your dreams to someone else. -Erma Bombeck
Jbecreate on Instagram
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