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Blog 4
I'm finding out that being handicapped is very expensive. For instance, I used to be able to mow my own lawn. Now, I can't. So I have to pay someone to mow it. I used to be able to fix things in the house now, I have to rely on someone else to fix them. Sometimes I wonder how I will be able to afford these things. My wife cannot retire, because I'm such a drain on her income. I wish I would've been smarter, and learned how to manage my money better. That being said, I didn't. And now we've got to struggle to make it with me. Which got me into thinking. Maybe they should make a class in school, on how to budget money. How to use it wisely. It's like that old parable If you catch a fish and feed it to a man fish he's good for a day. But if you teach them how to fish you feed them for a lifetime. I don't know how this world is gonna survive if we don't teach our children, the basics of life. I know that it's not all about the money. But you have to learn how do you use your money to help yourself? You also have to learn how to look out for your fellow man/woman. I have run across beautiful people, people that will help you, people that'll look out for you. People that do that do wonders for those who need it. Then they have run across the opposite. I prefer to be among the helping kind. I would like to ask you. And this has gotten nothing to do with my blog, but just my statement. When you vote, look at what you're voting for. Read their agenda. And go with your heart.
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Blog 3
Hello. . I Have went from a handyman to being handicapped. I just want to share some of the things that I have noticed since this change occurred, One of the things that I have noticed is that businesses have handicapped parking and handicapped Logo on their door, inside the building. Some of them have handicapped. areas for you to sit at. But I tried to open the door to get into these institutions. I have found that they are too heavy and I'm unable to open them while I'm in a wheelchair. I have tried to go to mcdonald's for instance, in Papwpaw and the threshhold in front of the door is too high and the door is too Heavy and hard to open. This is just one of the many things I am discovering. However I went to Taco Bell, and was pleasantly surprised. The employees came from behind the counter and opened the door for me, and helped me to get into the restaurant. Because of that they became my new fast food place where I will take my business. I then went to family fair and was a little discouraged. It's hard enough for my wife to get the wheelchair in and out of the car. When we park we Look for the handicapped space that have lines next to it. So we can open the door of the car without hitting another car. And of course, get into my wheelchair. I do like the fact that they have Those little carts, that you can ride around. I visited Walmart and they have automatic carts. so I do not have to wheel around in my wheelchair. If they have any available. I have witnessed children that do not want to walk, so they hop in one of them carts, and ride it around the store. I guess that's their right If they want to do it. But I wish they would try and look out for their fellow human beings. Also. I have circled the parking lot two or three times to try to find somewhere to park. And I noticed that people. will park in the handicap. And almost at a dead run go into the store. I wish I could do that. Also, I have noticed that the handicapped person stays in the car While. Whoever brought them goes in shopping and that's perfectly OK but how about leaving the handicapped spot with the stripes next door for someone who needs them. Just a suggestion. I am not trying to say that I am right, and other people are wrong. I'm just asking for people to think about their fellow man.
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Blog 2
They checked me out to see if I had had a stroke. They did a cat scan it showed nothing They put me in a room. My wife was unable to drive due to the broken arm. My sister in law. gave her a ride to the hospital. This was about half hour to 45 minutes later. They found me in the room all alone. I was able to communicate. Thought I was feeling better Then all of a sudden I couldn't talk. They call out for help. Nurses came in room. Then all Kinds of people poured in the room. I had a full on stroke. I don't remember moving anywhere. When I came to I was in a room with Nurses. And doctors. I would Drift in and out. At one point. the doctors asked my wife if I had any final wishes. They were Minutes away from putting me on the respirator. When I started to come to I remember laying in bed answering their questions by blinking my eyes. I could not speak yet. For a week. I laid in bed only being able to answer by blinking my eyes. I slowly regained use of my right arm and leg. My left arm, was paralyzed. As well as my left leg. As I lay in bed my head tilted. I kept sliding down, needing to be adjusted. I could not do it myself. I had wonderful nurses, that checked On me all the time. I was in the hospital for a month. My wife never left my side. I remember they would wet this foam brush to moisturize my lips and my mouth. I could not drink. They had a tube in my nose providing me nutrition. I could not swallow so finally I was able to swallow some. So they took the tube out of my nose. They put another tube in my stomach so they could feed me that way. And I could take small sips. of water. They would let me take. three teaspoons of water every hour for a while. After this they sent me to rehab at Bronson Commons. If ever I had to choose a rehab, I would choose Bronson Commons. Wonderful people. I stayed there for two months. They helped me with my speech. They helped me to get on my feet and walk with a Hemi Walker. I only had use of my right side. So it would have to carry the weight of my left side. I am so grateful to those people. And while I was there my wife was able to go home get a little rest, which's she really needed. And her arm was well enough she could drive the short distance from where I lived to Bronson Common. We contacted the area agent on aging, and because I was a vet. They were able to get a ramp built for me. Home Depot donated all the lumber and few workers, Then there were volunteers. They put a ramp together for me, very quickly. And I was able. to go home.
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Handyman to handicaped blog one
Hello and good morning, in my life I have done a number of jobs, I have been a butcher, I worked on a farm that grew onions and pine trees. I was a soldier in the United States Army for 12 years. I worked for small contractor, building houses. I have worked for a Union in a nuclear powerhouse. I have worked with my oldest brother as a contractor, with another brother in a machine shop. There are couple different machine shops that I have worked at. Due to a stroke, a small one. I was unable to continue in any kind of factory work or machine job. The doctors would not release me. I went around doing odd jobs. Then I worked for another brother, helping him out. After the doctor would not let me go back to work. I couldn't get insurance. But I kept down working at anything I could. I got remarried to my soul partner my love of my life, in 2007. We had a few good years. Then in 2022 She found out she had cancer. It started with a typical mammogram. They found some anomalies. So they checked her out. Sure enough, she had breast cancer. when they were doing a body scan on her to see if, and how far it had progressed. They found another cancer, Ovarian cancer. That was really serious. So they went in, operated. And took care of the ovarian cancer and removed it. Then they were working on the lymph nodes from the breast cancer. They decided that chemotherapy would be best. So she underwent 8 months of rigid chemotherapy. Losing her hair, and making her tired and weak. She couldn't go back to work right then. Then they did an additional radiation therapy. Which made her even weaker. She never fully recovered. But she went back to work. She was back at work for six months. She tripped and fell and broke her arm. So she was off work. Just as she was healing up from the broken arm. My life changed with hers. I was in the bathroom getting ready for the day. I woke up feeling fine. but all of a sudden, things start getting woozy. I reach for my phone. but I couldn't operate it . Fortunately, my wife was still home. She heard a commotion and checked to see if I was all right. I told her I couldn't stand didn't feel right. And to call an ambulance. That was the 18th of October. They took me to the hospital.
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