handicraftsreejani · 3 years
7 Benefits Of Jute Fabric That You Should Know
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Jute fabric has a lot of benefits because of its wonderful properties. It also offers a pollution free environment and thus contributes to a sustainable development. This is a biodegradable material which has a high moisture retention capability and fire resistant properties. Jute is also used as geotextile and is used to design jute jewellery items and other jute products which are available in the best handicraft store online.
The current post would discuss seven benefits of jute that you should be aware of.
Cleansing The Air
Several studies have shown that one hectare of jute cultivation can absorb up to 15 tons of carbon dioxide and release 11 tons of oxygen during the growing process of jute. This is a benefit for our environment and for our planet  and for a green and sustainable development.
Reducing Environmental Pollution
Jute fabric is one of the best alternatives which would stop toxic wastes. In place of plastic bags you can use jute bags and other items which you would get from the best handicraft store at an affordable price.
Lower The Burden From Natural Oil Reserves
If you use plastic and poly bags which are made from petroleum then it would reduce the amount of this natural resource which would further increase prices and inflation. In place of these bags you may use jute bags which would save natural resources like petroleum.
More Land For Food Production
Jute cultivation requires less field as compared to cotton cultivation and therefore provides more land for food production.
Improvement Of Backward Rural Area Situation
Jute is cultivated in different backward areas of India and Bangladesh nearer to the coast of Bay of Bengal. Therefore, development of jute industries in these regions would create employment opportunities for people who live here and would further contribute to the development of these backward rural and remote areas.
Pesticide, Herbicide, Fertilizer Are Less Used
Jute crops require less fertilizer, herbicide and pesticide as compared to cotton crops.
Improvement Of Soil Condition, Texture And Fertility
After a jute crop is cultivated, leaves and roots of jute plants remain into the field. These things have the ability to make soil and to improve its texture.
About The Author
Arpan Mondal is a blogger and owner of a leading handicraft Store with more than 10 years in this business.
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handicraftsreejani · 3 years
5 Home Decor Ideas With Showpieces
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Within the last few decades there has been a significant increase in the importance and need of showpieces. There is no specific reason or purpose or meaning to buy a showpiece from the best handicraft store but it would add to the beauty of a room in which you would keep the showpiece. Showpieces are available in different shapes and sizes. Moreover you could even choose showpieces based on its colour, design and themes.
Before you place a showpiece in different places of your house, you could try to find suitable places to keep it. The current article would provide you with the best ideas for placing showpieces.
Decorate Your Showcase
Have you ever wondered the exact purpose of a showcase? The main purpose of a showcase is to display various attractive items which includes showpieces, small size photo frames and other items. A quick tip is that you keep the showcase as neat as possible.
Place Them On Selves
You can even place small or light showpieces which you have bought from the best handicraft store on bookshelves. This would prevent the bookshelves from getting monotonous. Some people prefer shiny showpieces and they would add spark through the glittery effect.
Use Them On Indoor Fountains
If you have indoor fountains then they themselves are a part of showpiece pieces. If you have placed it in some other places then you can add suitable and relevant showpieces on it as well. This would give a more beautiful and a realistic look.
In The Aquarium
People who own an aquarium know how exciting it feels when you place showpieces inside the aquarium. These things not only make the fish happy but also lifts your mood as well. If you have an aquarium then you could try out placing showpieces inside the aquarium. This would look great and would also develop a good ambience.
Adding Windchimes
You can also try out windchimes as they are simple yet elegant. The mesmerizing sound of a wind chime would cleanse your ear with purity. It is suggested that you can buy a wind chime from the best handicraft store and place it somewhere in your home as that would feel you better and you could sense and enjoy its rhythm.
About The Author
Arpan Mondal is a blogger and owner of a leading handicraft store with more than 10 years of experience in this field.
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handicraftsreejani · 3 years
5 Reasons Why You Need To Buy Fashion Jewellery
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Nowadays fashion jewellery has become very common and has also become a part of every woman’s wardrobe just like clothes. Accessories that you buy from any jewellery shop or store or from a jewellery store online adds to the overall outfit to look beautiful and nice.
The current post would discuss five reasons to discuss the importance of fashion jewellery or imitation jewellery.
Pocket Friendly
Generally, a woman is not satisfied with her collection of jewellery. She always looks for new trends in fashion and jewellery. But with a financial crisis or problem, you couldn’t fulfil your wish. Here’s where fashion jewellery plays a role. You could easily buy a fashion jewellery item without spending too much of your money. It is also easy to pick which also matches your style and you look great with the outfit.
Fashion jewellery can make a dull monotonous outfit look playful and exciting. Also, it can lift up your mood and colour. Buying fashion jewellery from a jewellery store or from a jewellery store online would make your outfit look good. Paring a shimmering necklace on a simple saree or a big earring on a dress.
Fashion jewellery helps you to create a new look when it is paired with a different outfit every time or with different jewellery with the same outfit. You can also create a new look with the same outfit. For a fun look, you can add some chunky bracelets or colourful earrings. 
A statement Maker
Fashion jewellery carries stylish self-expression. Clothes express your style and preferences but accessories make an inspiring statement. Fashion jewellery can become a way to express your moods and emotions. Vibrant and fun jewellery expresses happiness and joy while a piece of minimal jewellery expresses calmness. Fashion jewellery also allows creativity and individualism.
An Ice Breaker
Fashion jewellery is available in a variety of colours, designs, patterns and styles. People would come to you and would ask you from where you have got the piece that you would be wearing. Buying fashion jewellery from a jewellery store online can also become a conversation starter.
About The Author
Arpan Mondal is a blogger and owner of a jewellery store with more than 10 years in this business.
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handicraftsreejani · 3 years
All About Jute Jewellery
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Jute is a strong and durable natural fiber, which is both biodegradable and recyclable. Jute is also called the golden fiber because of its sunny appearance which is quite similar to golden colour.
Jute is cultivated in the eastern states of India mostly in different parts of Bengal. India is the largest producer of jute and its products. India is also the home of many skillful and trained people who cater to different needs and demands of the buyer of jute products. You would find different types of high quality and beautiful jute products available in different stores the best handicraft store. 
Jute Jewellery
Jute is one of the widely used natural fibers popularly known as golden fiber and is one of the toughest in natural fibers. In recent years there has been a rise in the demand and supply of different jute based products and jewellery items. Products are factory made by a team of inventive and skilled artisans and craftsmen.
Jute Bags
Jute bags are becoming very popular among people of different age groups. They come in different designs and sizes. Jute bags are eco-friendly in nature and are advised by the government to reduce the amount of increasing pollution which is caused due to plastics.
Jute bags are available in different colours and can be customized according to the buyer's wish. These bags are highly durable and are used to keep heavy and sharp objects which are not possible to keep in poly bags. Moreover jute is also used to make gunny bags which are low in price and are used for transporting pulses, rice, cement, vegetables and other items. This type of bags are made from the lowest quality of jute fibers.
Apart from jewellery and bags, jute is also used to make home decor products which includes wall hangings, lampshades, mattresses, door mats, flower pots, photo frames and other products. These products make your interiors look more appealing and also give them an ethnic touch.
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handicraftsreejani · 3 years
4 Reasons Why Jewellery is Important For Modern Women
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Jewellery is often considered as a fashion accessory for completing an outfit. For many people the look is not complete until they have the right accessories with them. For example a classic look demands pearls and diamonds for completion. If you buy high quality and authentic jewellery items from a jewellery store online.
Jewellery has played an important role in your life for many years. Many women love and like to wear jewellery as it is used to highlight and symbolise different messages which includes security, wisdom, elegance and prosperity.
This post would discuss four reasons why jewellery is still an important element for modern women.
It is an essential accessory for special occasions
Jewellery is very valuable to women and it’s importance in their lives is very hard to understand given the fact that it has been worn by humans for many centuries. As time progressed, the popularity of jewellery products has increased and more people started wearing jewellery items on different occasions. 
It can be a good investment
Jewellery is not just used for decoration but also considered as a good investment. A collection of jewellery can be a great security fund. So buying different jewellery items and products from a jewellery store online would be a good investment.
It makes them feel good and gives self-confidence
Jewellery undoubtedly has an ability to bring out the best in a woman's features and personality when the right jewellery piece is worn on the right occasion. It is important for women as it can make them feel good and beautiful. Jewellery plays a big role in making women feel good about themselves. And it is also one of the most valuable assets that women want to have.
It can have sentimental value
Some pieces of jewellery that women own contain a sentimental value which is very much higher than their monetary value. 
About The Author
Arpan Mondal is a blogger and owner of one ot the leading jewellery store with more than 10 years of experience in this business.
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handicraftsreejani · 3 years
How To Treat Liver Cirrhosis
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People who are in the early or initial stages of cirrhosis don't have any symptoms. In most of the cases liver cirrhosis is detected by the best gastroenterologist in Kolkata through a routine blood test or checkup. For confirmation some laboratory and imaging tests are done by the doctor.
Types Of Tests Involved
Your doctor may need to do one or more tests to confirm the type of test you are suffering from. This may include any type of laboratory test or any imaging test or any other kind of tests.
Laboratory Tests- you may need to do blood tests to check the signs of any liver malfunction which may include excess bilirubin or certain enzymes may indicate liver damage. 
Imaging Tests- apart from laboratory tests there are also imaging tests that are done by the best gastroenterologist in Kolkata like magnetic resonance elastography or MRE, MRI, CT scan or ultrasound. 
Biopsy- sometimes your doctor may need a tissue sample for diagnosis, and also to identify the extent, severity, and cause of liver damage.
Treating Liver Cirrhosis
Treatment of liver cirrhosis primarily depends on the cause and extent of liver damage. The objective of treatment is to slow down the progression of scar tissue in the liver and also to prevent or treat symptoms and complications of cirrhosis. You may need to get admitted to a hospital if you have severe liver damage.
There are types of treatment for the underlying cause of cirrhosis which includes treatment for alcohol dependency, weight loss, medications to control hepatitis, medications to control other causes and symptoms of cirrhosis.
For complications of cirrhosis, your doctor or the gastroenterologist would work to treat those complications which includes
Excess Fluid In Body- a low sodium diet and proper medication to prevent fluid buildup in the body would help to control ascites and swelling.
Portal Hypertension-  certain blood pressure medications are needed that may control increased pressure in the veins that would supply the liver and prevent severe bleeding. Your doctor may perform an upper endoscopy at regular intervals to look for enlarged veins in the esophagus or stomach that may bleed.
Final Words
There are a couple of ways to treat liver cirrhosis, some of them are mentioned in this post which would be done by the best gastroenterologist in Kolkata.
About Us
Dr. Pradeepta Sethy is a blogger and the director of the gastroenterology department in one of the leading hospitals in Kolkata, India with more than 20 years of experience.
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handicraftsreejani · 3 years
5 Essential Ways Of Attracting Customers To Your Online Store
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It hardly matters if you already own an online store for some time or you have just started your business with an online store, you would not succeed unless you attract customers to your online business like other cheap clothing sites.
There are five essential ways by which you can attract customers to your online store
Build A Beautiful Store
First thing you need to ensure is whether your website is attractive or not. The design of your online store is important. Because if it is not so good or ugly then customers would simply click away. You need to be aware that within a few seconds a user visiting your website would be able to purchase an item from your store. So, it's the first impression that counts.
Social Media Activity
Social media is one of the platforms that helps you to get free promotion. It has a lot of benefits.
The key to success in social media lies behind marvelous content. You have to be interesting and outstanding with your content so that people follow you. This would help you to build an online presence for your online handicraft store and would also create a community of your business lovers.
Customer Care 
Another thing that would help you to attract many more users is to offer them outstanding customer care. Just remember, there can’t be any other method to promote your products and store than by satisfying clients. In order to attract clients and customers you need to reply to all of their comments and inquiries. And timely responses would be the key to success for your business.
People love promos and discounts. Give out offers, discounts, and promo codes to your website visitors as that would help you to get more people’s attention and as a result would result in selling of your products and services.
Hire Digital Marketers
Hiring a digital marketer or an SEO professional or an SEO company would take care of all your online marketing techniques and strategies. Would make your website user-friendly, highly engaging and would optimize your website in order to get better rankings in search results. This would bring traffic to your website.
About The Author
Arpan Mondal is a blogger and owner of an online handicraft store in Kolkata with more than 10 years in this field doing business successfully.
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handicraftsreejani · 3 years
5 Reasons To Use Wall Hangings In Your House
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With different kinds of home decorative items available now in different online and offline stores it has become very easy for you to buy any home decorative products. You should not limit your personal style to only furnishing and wall colour. Buying and using wall art items like wall hangings from any handicraft store online would enhance the room ambience and would add finishing touches. You would find different kinds of wall hanging items from different online stores available at affordable prices. 
The current post would discuss five reasons to use wall hangings in your house
To Add A Beautiful Appeal
Wall hangings make for a go-to home decor piece because the uniqueness, crispness and the flawless ability of the product to blend in any space is offered by a variety of colours and finishes. Moreover, the beautiful hangings for home would attract eyeballs and would also become the focal point of your home as they bring out a positive yet aesthetic impact to your interiors of your home.
Attaches An Instant colour Palette
When you need to choose a colour palette for the interior of your house then it becomes a tough task for you to do and involves a lot of effort. While there are various options and shades to choose from, it sometimes becomes difficult to narrow down the options and to select the one that suits the best. So, to make things easier for you, buying wall hangings from any handicraft store online would give your space that instant push and would give an interesting look to your empty wall. 
Brings A Sense Of Texture
Wall hangings or any hanging wall decor item enhances the beauty of your living room and also adds a soothing effect and depth to your room which involves a colour play of bright hues that work best. 
A Fine Finishing Element
We all have some odd edges and corners in our houses which look a little rough and unfinished. And also there are empty white walls which end up becoming a sore for the eye. In this situation, wall hangings play an important role in adding that finishing element that would pull any space together and would make it feel like a whole.
A Flexible And Affordable Option
By flexibility, it means that if you choose and buy a good and sturdy wall hanging from any handicraft store online, then it could be easily rearranged from one corner to another. You can also relocate them easily to create a fresh and new look each and every time. Moreover, you could also club a wall hanging piece with other home decor pieces which wouldn’t be necessary to be expensive to give an appealing look to your home. 
About The Author
Arpan Mondal is a blogger and the owner of one of the leading internal decorative item stores with more than 10 years in this business.
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handicraftsreejani · 3 years
5 Reasons To Shop Online
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Over the last few years, online shopping has become popular among people of all age groups. There are many reasons to buy products and cloth items from cheap clothing sites.
The current post would discuss five reasons to shop online
Huge Variety Of Products For Selection
Physical stores have limited stock of items, due to shortage of space, they keep the items that are common and most selling, but if you buy products from different online stores then you would get a huge variety of products which would be available for selection.
Online shopping is simple and you don’t need to visit any apparel store. By staying home only you would be able to buy different quality products from cheap clothing sites. Moreover you would be able to buy products anytime you are comfortable and you don’t have to wait in long queues in shops to buy any item. At your suitable time, you would visit different stores and shop online.
Cheap Price With Discounts
When you buy products from an online store, then you would get the product at a less price as compared to the price offered in a physical store. Also you would get discounts and coupons which would help you to get your product at less price and this would help you to save your money.
No Sales Pressure
When you visit any physical store, then you would find the shop assistants would insist you to buy certain products and would convey you on the sales that are available in the store. And this also leads to buying some extra items for which you are not planning at all. But if you buy products from any online store then you don’t have to tolerate sales.
Discreet Shipping
When you purchase items like undergarments and lingerie then you look for areas for privacy to protect your choice from other people. Online shopping promotes your privacy over buying this type of item and saves you from embarrassment. Also, online shopping offers a variety of options that you would seek without any other people’s opinion. Packaging is also done in such a manner that the delivery person wouldn’t be able to identify the product that is inside. So, when you shop from cheap clothing sites then it protects your privacy over certain products.
About The Author
Arpan  Mondal is a blogger and the owner of an online clothing store with more than 10 years in this business,
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handicraftsreejani · 3 years
5 Types Of Handicraft Products You Would Get
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From time immemorial, India is known for its customs and is rich in culture. India is one of the topmost rated culturally rich countries all around the globe. You would find different kinds of handicraft products if you look for it in the best handicraft store. Many rural people and artisans earn their livelihood from their creative works.
The current post would discuss five types of handicrafts that you would find in different handicraft stores in India.
Pashmina Shawls
Pashmina is a fine type of wool and shawls are made from a very fine type of cashmere wool and are then transported to different parts of Kashmir and northern India. The shawls are completely made by dedicated craftsmen and women.
Another type of handicraft products that you would find these products in the best handicraft store and in other handicraft stores is the woodwork. The northern states of India have a rich tradition of woodwork especially in different parts of Punjab. The artisans of Chandigarh are famous for making woodcraft items like masks, doors, window frames and sculptures. In Jharkhand you would get wooden toys available in pairs.
Pottery is considered as one of the most sensual forms of all arts. In different states and part of northern India you would find different kinds of pottery designs of different colours like orange, brown, light red, black and dark red. Also you would find painted pottery items in Bikaner, a place in northern India.
Different kinds of leather items are available all over India and are also a type of handicraft products that are found in our country. From leather shoes, bags to belts, saddles, shields and other items. India is famous all over the world for its leather products.
Jute craftsmen have uplifted the standards of jute handicraft products and have given a position in the world. The huge variety of jute handicrafts include bags, office stationeries, bangles, jewellery, footwear, wall-hangings and the list goes on. People from different parts of the world visit India or visit the best handicraft store or an online handicraft store  to buy different jute products.
About The Author
Arpan Mondal is a blogger, researcher and is owner of one of the leading handicraft stores in India with more than 10 years of experience in the handicraft industry.
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handicraftsreejani · 3 years
5 Advantages of Buying Clothes Online
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With the increase in the use of the internet, people now use it as a medium to do shopping. There are several reasons for purchasing items and clothes from cheap clothing sites. 
The current post would discuss five benefits or advantages of buying clothes from online stores.
Better Prices
You would find affordable and excellent prices available online if you buy clothes or any other items from cheap clothing sites. Moreover, you would get discounts on purchasing items from different online stores.
More Variety
If you buy clothes or other items from online stores then you would find a huge variety of products from different brands are available for purchase. You could easily order or buy products from brands or stores that are not present in your city or country without any limit. 
When it comes to purchasing clothes or any other products then choosing the online stores is the most convenient option. You can easily buy items any time of your day. You don’t have to wait in queues to purchase a piece of cloth of your choice.
No Crowds
If you buy items from online stores then you don’t have to visit crowded markets or shops to buy products or any other items.
Price Comparisons
When you buy or purchase any cloth or item from an online store or from any cheap clothing sites then you could easily compare and research items and prices. You can also share your reviews and information with other people or even with the seller.
About The Author
Arpan Mondal is blogger and the owner of one of the leading online store that sells different cloth items along with jewellery and different handicraft items with more than 10 years of experience.
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handicraftsreejani · 3 years
5 Reasons To Buy Handicraft Products
Buying handicraft products from the best handicraft store has many advantages. The current post would discuss five reasons to buy handicraft products that would help you as a buyer.
Good For The Environment
Handicraft products are great for the environment, most of the handicraft products do not require any factory or large production facility, instead they are manufactured in small units like in studios or workshops which are usually placed under people’s houses.
Handicraft Products Are Unique
Unlike mass produced gifts, handicraft products are unique and often have any difference in their design. Thus, buying from best handicraft store would make the product special and purchase very special.
Handicraft Product Supports Local Economy
When you buy a handicraft product then you directly support the artisans and handicraft community and also contribute to their economy. Each purchase of any handicraft product gives the artist, manufacturer, craftsman the confidence in their products and gives a chance to develop their skills, gives money for their business and an opportunity to invest and produce beautiful works of art.
Handicraft Withstands Time
Handicraft products are long lasting as they are made of material which you are going to keep for a long time.
Handicraft Product Is Quirky And Is On Trend
Handicraft products are designed and manufactured by people who are well known for the latest trends rather than bigger business and commercially produced gifts. So, if you buy a handicraft product then you follow the trend and are updated.
About The Author
Arpan Mondal is a blogger and an owner of one of the leading handicraft stores in Bengal with more than 10 years of experience in this industry.
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