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han-har · 2 years ago
I don't want a job. I want to live in a cottage in the woods, read books all day long, eat peaches, and sleep under the moonlight.
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han-har · 4 years ago
Mover Awayer by Hobo Johnson
fear the man who lives without love
And the lover who lives without fear
It was stupid.
There was no way he could go. Should, go.
A stupid party at a time like this. He had other things to focus on. Curses, death, repairing that stupid cabinet. The party should be the last thing on his mind. She should be as well.
But she’s not.
Fear the man who always wants to fight, he's not a talker
Fear the talker who never wants to fight
He's got no guts
She came to him that day in the bathroom. She had been looking for him of course but instead found me in my deepest turmoil. Instead of turning away, lashing out, fighting, she talked. Of course I didn’t tell her the truth but, I told her enough.
Fear the man who knows he's gonna die
So he cries every night and just denies his life's beauty
And fear the man who has heaven in his plans
So he gets so complacent that he doesn't call his family
I talked to her like I’d had to no one else before. No one listened like her. No one he had ever met saw life the way she did. Saw someone like me, a traitor, as a human & as a friend. But we couldn’t be together. I told her every time. We couldn’t get along.
Fear the man who doesn't understand
That there's a million fish in the sea, but
Fear the girl who he really thinks is a different species
She'll rip your heart out
It had been a few months. First it was talking, listening, later it lead to stolen kisses. From someone who should’ve never looked at me twice. She truly was a different species; a Weasley. But it couldn’t be. Out of every girl it could’ve been it was her. I told her that when we last met by the lake. I saw tears form in her eyes as she said everything else didn’t matter when I told her it mattered too much.
My mind raced as I decided to go. To see her. Thinking of that last encounter was too much. I had to do something. I headed to the room of requirement where the supposedly small slug club party was being held.
There she was. Red hair fanning out around her body. Hips swaying to the song.
She makes my Mondays feel like Fridays
(Give me a break)
She makes my Ruby Tuesdays taste like Benihanas
(Give me a break)
And all I've really wanted
(Give me a break)
She was captivating. Everyone in the room saw it. I could tell from her movements that she was slightly intoxicated. She danced next to Longbottom who is found out was one of her closet friends. As I got closer I heard her voice singing. It was by that stupid guy she liked so much.
She makes my Mondays feel like Fridays
(Give me a break)
She makes my Ruby Tuesdays taste like Benihanas
(Give me a break)
And all I've really wanted
(Give me a break)
I put my hands on her hips & caused her to turn as she sang
“For us to get along
For us to get along”
She gasped as she turned quickly her hair smacking against me asking to know what I’m doing here & what I’m doing touching her in front of everyone.
Every single guy she's ever loved to me sounds really fucking dumb, and stupid
Longbottom turned more red than her hair. I swear I saw him reach for his wand but stop himself. He knows what’s been going on. I see Potter move away from Granger & come closer. He had his chance ages ago. Now maybe it’s mine.
If I become a man
I'll grab your cheek with my unwavering hand and
I'll tell you that I'll never second guess all the lovely love we made
And you don't want kids but let's think about it someday
I kept my hands on her hips. I couldn’t think of anything to say. I could feel a smirk forming on my face as I moved some of her hair away from her flushed one.
She makes my Mondays feel like Fridays
(Give me a break)
She makes my Ruby Tuesdays taste like Benihanas
(Give me a break)
And all I've really wanted
(Give me a break)
“It’s all I’ve ever wanted.
“For us to get along.
For us to get along.”
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han-har · 4 years ago
Okay hear me out.
So ravenclaws have to answer a riddle to get into their common room.
Hufflepuffs have to repeat a positive affirmation.
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han-har · 4 years ago
Remember that even good changes can make us feel depressed, because, as creatures of habit, we're resistant to change. That doesn't mean that it wasn't the right choice.
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han-har · 4 years ago
To the person reading this, I hope tonight treats you gently, and that tomorrow looks brighter
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han-har · 4 years ago
finnick odair not dying at the end of mockingjay and getting to live his life would include...
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him being close friends with everlark
attending everlark’s wedding and joking with katniss about her dress: “i thought you outgrew the pretty little dresses” (headcanon by @occvsus on twitter)
being concerned about peeta and his mental health and helping him deal with it
getting to meet his son and grow old with him and annie
eventually having another child
inviting everlark and haymitch to district 4 because katniss’s mom works there (and because he would miss them of course)
lowkey looking after katniss’s mom
keeping in touch with johanna and not letting her go through all of her trauma alone
inviting johanna over so she’s like aunt johanna to his children
finnick pushes johanna to ask cressida out because we all know they’re lesbians
he loves annie every second of every day, he feels so lucky to have her
he would organize days by the beach with his family, teach his children how to swim and fish
he wouldn’t tell them about the games though
he’s a very goofy dad, but loves his children fiercely and would do anything for them and annie
eventually katniss becomes aunt katniss and the boys become uncle haymitch and uncle peeta
katniss and finnick become each other’s confidants and best friends because they understand each other perfectly
finnick would see how annie and peeta become really close too, one of the reasons why being the shared trauma that they went through in the capitol
finnick reverting to his old, happy self
he tells really bad jokes
katniss and johanna roll their eyes every time that happens
haymitch, peeta and annie laugh
all of them meeting in district 4 more and more often because they have become each other’s family
finnick and annie visit district 12 a couple of times a year but it’s still destroyed so they’d rather meet in 4
they have a house in district’s 12 victor’s village though, and same goes for everlark, haymitch and johanna in district 4 (no one lives there anymore except the victors so)
finnick and katniss would go hunting
annie and peeta bake because they’re soft
haymitch looks after the children and doesn’t drink anymore because he’s finally sober
eventually katniss would open up to finnick about her sister and father and finnick would open up to her about all of the people he lost
literally WHO is gale
surprise surprise, everlark has their first child
and finnick’s son is a teenager now
if odesta had another child they’d probably be a teenager too
odesta’s children become the older siblings, they take care of everlark’s child
finnick becomes uncle finnick and annie becomes aunt annie
everlark has their second child
he teaches everlark’s children how to swim too
he jokes around with them a lot, he’s literally the fun, laidback uncle
he often carries peeta bridal-style because of his leg to amuse everyone
veeeery cocky around all of the children
everlark’s children admire him but his children just sigh because... why is he like this
they love seeing him happy though, after studying the games at school they know that their parents deserve all of the happiness in the world
finnick has the best relationship with his children
also, he ages like fine wine
cressida and johanna get married
literal best found family, they would have outsold
regular holidays with all of them together as a family? amazing
miss everdeen would attend too
at first it was hard for everyone because they lost so many people they cared about but they moved on little by little
they’re happy
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han-har · 4 years ago
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han-har · 4 years ago
Ducking haymitch I’m dead
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You know, Katniss and I… we’ve been… we’ve been luckier than most, and I wouldn’t have any regrets at all, I-I-if it… if it weren’t… THE HUNGER GAMES: CATCHING FIRE (2013) 
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han-har · 4 years ago
“I used to care when men called me difficult. I really did. Then I stopped. This way is better.”
— Daisy Jones in Daisy Jones & The Six - Taylor Jenkins Reid
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han-har · 4 years ago
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han-har · 4 years ago
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🌞 the skies cleared and you appeared and i said
here is my aurora 🌞
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han-har · 4 years ago
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ana de armas is evelyn hugo. you can’t tell me otherwise
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han-har · 4 years ago
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han-har · 4 years ago
When I tell you I fucking cried
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Good Trouble - 2x03 - “Doble Quince”
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han-har · 4 years ago
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hozier posting about lil nas x. the sweet bog man with the pretty voice supporting the amazing black gay man who dresses more androgynous will save 2021
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han-har · 4 years ago
Turns out I can only stand Cole Sprouse when he’s dating Lili - without her he’s just a conceited dick.
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han-har · 4 years ago
So I read Lili Reinharts swimming lessons and ever since I have absolutely hated coal sprouts and I just wanted to know if anybody else feels like this. I know her book is made up of a lot of poems and could be about a variety of people but some of her poems seemed like they really were about Cole, they were obviously dating for a while and it seems as if he treated her like shit.  I just need to know if anybody else feels this way
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