fanfic requests open! lams, jamilton, etc.
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hi! i'm hannah, feel free to nickname me however you like. my messages are always open for requests and i can do smut to fluff to angst. just ask!
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hamilthong-blog · 8 years ago
a little lams fluff for ya. enjoy! ps. the founding fathers are going to haunt my ass.
plot synopsis: alex + john both take art for majors + all that jazz and are very gay for each other but aren't together yet. things ( ;) ) happen when the art department takes their students on a trip to an art museum.
John's PoV.
I've loved Alex for a while now. A while seems like an understatement, it was as soon as my timetable said I was sharing Art with him, Period 2 on Wednesdays and Period 4 on Fridays. Those 2 hours a week, that I spent fleeting moments with him, were the highlights of my life.
We spent long hours after school too, doing projects for our final pieces, or just staying in each other's company. Those hours were like my little eternity. His home was like my second home. He made me feel safe and secure. I loved him so much that I felt my heart would burst. I'd steal glances at him whilst he worked, when his mocha brown hair was tied back, wispy baby hairs framing his sharp jaw, and bright, curious eyes, his snub nose and his pearly lips. I loved how he looked when he concentrated, his eyebrows knitted together as he sketched with graceful hands, gliding across the paper.
We talked endlessly, about teachers who would pick on us, and girls we wished would notice us. I obviously wasn't as enthusiastic as Alex was about girls. I would let him ramble away. Honestly, I just enjoyed watching him be happy, his face aglow as he talked on about some pretty girl in his Physics class. Of course, it hurt, watching him slowly slip away, each day becoming more and more confident he definitely didn't return my passion and desire for him.
Just as we were going through the same endless, repeated talk about girls, the teacher hushed the class, much to my relief. She handed out permission slips, with a big grin on her face as she announced, "As you all are in senior year, we, in the Art Department, have decided to take you guys out for the day, down to Seattle, to visit an art museum!". Instant chatter and cheers burst out around the class, and I flicked my gaze up to Alex, with a grin plastered on my face. He was of course, celebrating, what a dork, and turned to me, leaning across the table. "Wannabe my partner for the trip, Johnny?" He asks, a childish smile from ear to ear. "I'd love to." I respond.
A few days after the big announcement of the trip, Alex arrived on my doorstep, eager to set off on our trip. God, he looks gorgeous, I think, as I open the door to Alex wearing a NYPD shirt, the printing faded off, a pair of black jeans and his hair down, in a fluffy halo. We set off, my heart beating unsteadily as we walk together, down to the museum. Alex previously had an energy drink, so was buzzing as we arrived. We walked around for a while, close together, as I snapped pictures of sculptures and delicate paintings. However, my camera shot drifted over to Alex, and I began to lose interest in the museum work. To me, the only piece of beautiful art here was Alex.
After a tour from an obnoxiously perky guide, me and Alex ended up alone, in an empty viewing room. I sit down, glancing up and taking a photo of the art in front of me. Swinging my bag to my feet as I reel through my camera roll. Alex peers over my shoulder, his oohs and aahs to pretty artwork slowly quietening as I flick through ones of him. He looks surprised, before sitting beside me and takening the camera, looking through. Alex looks back up at me, his big doe eyes searching for answers in mine as I look away, painfully embarrassed. "A-Alex, look. There's been s-something I've been meaning to tell you. I-" My explanation speech is cut off by his lips brushing mine, his hand slipping to the back of my neck and pulling me closer, kissing me softly and gently. He is surprisingly delicate, and close up to him, through half lidded eyes, I can see his light dusting of freckles. Blissfully unaware of the crowd gathering into the viewing gallery, he kisses me like there's nobody in the room but us. When he finally pulls away, camera lights are flashing and behind them are excited students. It seems they had finally understood that Alex was truly the masterpiece here.
"I love you too, John."
 a/N ; HOLY fUck I WROTE THIS AT 1 AM WITHOUT MY PHONE AND WITHOUT CAFFENINE. SORRY FOR CHEESINESS. if anyone reads/likes this, please suggest more plot lines or ideas, cliché or not, I am certainly open to them!
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