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hamelaisley · 1 year ago
Sapphic Danganronpa Server
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Welcome to SHSL Sapphics
a Danganronpa Discord Server for Sapphics
Hello and welcome to SHSL Sapphics! SHSL Sapphics is a Discord server created by yours truly, @junkosblunt , specifically as a space for sapphic members of the Danganronpa fandom to chit chat about wlw ships, share headcanons, analyze characters, and talk about sapphic Danganronpa content in general. It’s a super chill server with silly vibes and a nice assortment of channels to hang out in.
Here’s a sneak peek at some of our selection!
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If you have any questions about the server, feel free to shoot me an ask or reply to this post. We love new members, so if you’re thinking about joining, I say do it! All sapphic identities are welcome!
Click here to join!
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hamelaisley · 2 years ago
i kind of wanna make a danganronpa discord server specifically for sapphics so we can find each other and chit chat about wlw ships and share sapphic character headcanons and content and stuff like that.
if i do end up making it, would anyone be interested in joining?
i don’t know if this rings true for anyone else but sometimes it feels a bit isolating being a lesbian in this fandom, especially when all of the popular ships and characters are mlm. (there’s nothing wrong with that btw—i’m just more into the girlies and the wlw ships because i myself am a girl kisser. lol.)
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hamelaisley · 2 years ago
what are ur thoughts on junko's inteligence?
I've seen some people rank her as like the 7th smartest character in the franchise and I find it weird bc like... she's supposed to be the ultimate analyst and to have predicted all that was gonna happen... in my personal opinion she is underestimated, in that sense
SEVENTH? i’m sorry but any ranking with junko enoshima as seventh has to be a parody because there is no fucking way people actually think that LMAO
junko is easily the second smartest character in the franchise after maybe izuru. like is that not a huge plot point in the game…? that she’s absurdly smart, smarter than almost literally everyone else…?
it took six ultimates putting their brains together, two of those ultimates being togami and kirigiri, to take that bitch down while what little remained of her sanity was slipping away more and more with each passing second. junko also gave them all of the tools and information they needed to foil her plan to bring herself despair like c’mon now 💀
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hamelaisley · 5 years ago
Chapter 6
"god what is taking her so long?!?!?" jena asked. it had been like 20 minutes and jen still wasnt back.
"maybe you should go get her" josh said. "or we could take a cab"
"no ill go get her" jena said. she walked to the bathrooms where jen had gone.
jena came back with jen. jen was obviously crying in there. her whole face was red and puffy and her eye makeup was all smeared.
josh didnt look at jen.
"cool ok lets go" jena said. they all walked out of the club to jens car.
josh got into the backseat because he didnt want to be closer to jen then he needed. jena also sat in back.
"ugh you know what josh??? im so tired i dont think im up for a sleepover tonight" jena said. "but i would really like to take you up on that offer another time"
"a sleepover?" jen asked quietly.
"ya" said jena. josh could hear jen quietly crying. he almost felt bad. almost.
when they got to jenas house she kissed josh on the lips and got out of the car.
"you can sit up here you know. i dont bite" jen said.
"im fine back here" he coldly said.
her face looked heartbroken when she shrugged and started driving.
"you didnt answer any of my calls"
"your right i didnt answer any of your calls"
"josh" she said. her voice cracked when she said it.
"yeah you know what just let me out right here i can walk home or call a cab or something"
"josh please dont be like this!!"
"stop this car or im jumping out"
jen stopped the car on the side of the road.
"josh im begging you please stay. please dont leave" jen said. she was crying now.
"what part of i dont want anything to do with you didnt you get???!?" josh angrily said.
"josh i lo-love y-you"
"fuck you jennifer i dont care anymore"
josh got out of the car and left jen crying hard in the front seat.
"its okay jen dont be nervous. whatever happens is suppose to happen" josh said.
two months ago josh and jen were having sex in hawaii when the condom broke. it scared them both to death but they thought that if jen were pregnant they would know by now. but she had been throwing up for a week now and they were worried. jen held the pregnant test in one hand and joshs hand in the other.
she already peed on it so now they were just waiting for the results.
josh put his hand on top of the pregnancy test and looked at jen.
"jennifer you know ill never hurt you right????"
she smiled at him.
"i mean it jen. i will never hurt you. no matter what happens i love you too much to ever hurt you. all ill ever do is protect you. so if were gonna be parents its okay because i will never leave your side and will always take care of you okay??? no matter what happens im here for you always and forever. your not in this alone were in this together. all of it"
when josh was done he moved his hand so that they could see the results.
they were negative.
jen knew she should be relieved but she couldnt help but want that with josh. a marriage a family a forever.
"i love you josh" she said.
"i love you too jennifer. im glad its me and you against the world because i wouldnt want it any other way"
"me either" jen whispered. "me either"
Chapter 7
it was a month sense josh and jena went out. they had fooled around a lil but jena said they needed to stop because they were hurting jen.
and they were. jen lost probably like 15 pounds sense that night and always looked really tired. there scenes together were awkward and sometimes jen had to stop in the middle because she just couldnt do it.
josh was sitting in his trailer and he heard someone knocking on his door. he went and opened it. it was jen.
"c-can we talk????" she asked. her eyes were red and puffy like she was crying.
"about what???!"
"about us"
"no" he shut the door in her face. he heard something push against the door and start crying. are you kidding me josh thought.
he opened the door again and jen was sitting with her knees to her chest crying.
"okay FINE we can talk" said josh.
jen didnt move. josh sat down next to her. he felt bad. he was treating her really mean.
"look jen im sorry i treated you so bad you dont deserve that.......im sorry. for everything. for prague and for hurting you and for treating you like crap and just for all of it. im sorry.
jen looked at him. "im sorry too josh" she smiled. "i miss you josh"
"i miss you too jen"
josh used his hand to wipe away some of her tears. suddenly jen pulled forward and kissed him.
josh was so surprised but pulled out of it fast. "jen what the fuck?!?!"
"im sorry i dont......i dont know....."
"your with nick!!!! why would you do that?!?!! do you have a thing for hurting the people who love you or something like that??!?!? because you keep fucking doing it!! why cant you just stop????"
"because i love you josh not nick"
josh got up. jen started to panic.
"no please josh please im sorry im so sorry i missed you so much please dont leave please josh i need you........"
"look jen i need sometime.........maybe we can be friends again but........."
"josh i dont want to be just friends!!!!"
"well then i guess we wont be anything"
"josh i-I broke up with nick. im not with him anymore its ok. we can go back to the way things were. please josh. please"
"no jennifer"
"what about that night in the garden josh?!?!!!!? huh?!?!!!? what about that night???!?!!?"
"i was a different person then"
"that doesnt-"
"goodbye jen" josh said and he closed the door to his trailer.
the garden was so pretty. there were flowers everywhere and a cute little pond where there were lots of green frogs on lily pads. the garden also smelled good like flowers because there were alot of those.
"omg josh this place is beautiful" jen said. josh took her to a bench and they sat on it.
"yeah it is isnt it" josh said. he took a little bag out of his pocket.
"whats that???" jen asked. josh opened the bag up and took what was inside it.
it was a charm bracelet. "it was my grandmas" josh said and he put it on jens wrist.
"its one of my prized possessions....."
"josh.....are you sure you want me to have this?????"
"my grandma told me to give it to the girl i want to spend the rest of my life with"
jen smiled. "oh josh......."
"think of it as a promise. a promise that i wont ever leave you. even if this relationship doesnt work out theres nothing that could make me stop loving you. your my soulmate jen"
"i love you josh"
"i love you too jen"
jen sat outside joshs trailer and played and looked at her charm bracelet. jen knew she should probably give it back but she couldnt. she was still holding on to the hope that josh meant what he said that night. that this was just a bad time for them but josh would still love her because she was his soulmate and he was hers. but she kinda didnt think that was gonna happen. she messed things up really bad and they probably wouldnt ever be the same.
she felt the tears coming again and she took the bracelet off and put it down for josh to find later. she left after that.
Chapter 8
josh only had one scene left to do in mockingjay part 2. so even though his head hurt because of his hangover he was pretty happy when he got on set.
josh opened up his script to find the scene he was gonna do today.
he was not happy when he found it. of course it was with jen of course. why wouldnt it be???
"oh there you are josh!!! you ready to film your last scene???" the director francis said.
"ya i guess" he said. he put his script down and walked to where he needed to be. jen was already there. she looked like she cried all night instead of sleeping.
"do you two know what your doing????" asked the director francis.
jen and josh nodded.
"ok then.......action!!!!"
"katniss i remember about the bread. we were outside at the end of the day. i tried to catch your eye. you looked away. and then…....for some reason i think you picked a dandelion"
jen nodded.
“i must have loved you a lot”
"y-you did" jens voice cracked and she had tears coming down her cheeks.
"and did you love me???" asked josh. he wasnt sure if this is katniss and peeta or josh and jen.
"yes" jen whispered. "i loved you so much and i still do"
francis looked over the lines really confusedly because that wasnt jens line.
josh glared at jen. "why do you keep doing this?!? why cant you just stop it and run away with fucking perfect nick huh???!! what the fuck is your problem?!?!!!? havent you hurt me enough?!?!?"
"i dont love him josh!!! i cant love him because hes not you and i made a mistake okay we shouldnt have broken up and nick was a mistake and im a mistake and.......and.......josh you said you wouldnt hurt me!!! me and you against the world remember?!?! you said you loved me too much to do anything but take care of me and that no matter what you wouldnt leave my side!!!! and.......and......." jennifer was crying too hard to finish. the tears turned into sobs and snot and sadness.
no one knew what to do. francis stood totally still and totally silent. no one moved. everyone just let jen cry.
it was the night jen went to pick up jena and josh. jen got out of her car and tried not to cry. josh hated her and she knew it because he would walk home to not have to ride with her. she blew it. josh moved on with jena now. jen was nothing to him now.
she went into her house.
she took her macbook and walked up to her room. she turned the macbook on and opened to the folder where she kept her video diaries that she did to keep her mind off being away from josh.
she hit record.
"i fucked it up. he officially hates me now. i broke him more then he broke me and now hates me. which is what i wanted i guess but......was it??? was it really ever what i wanted??? because here i am.........talking to myself........ because.........because i love him.......... i still love joshua ryan hutcherson and i dont know what to do about it"
Chapter 9
josh walked to jen and grabbed her hand and took her to his trailer. he got her a box of tissues and held her until she stopped crying. even when she wasnt crying anymore she didnt move.
"we need to talk" josh calmly said. jen looked up.
"jennifer why did you ignore me for 3 months????"
jen looked down. "i.......always wanted a family of my own. when we had that pregnancy scare i realized how bad i want it.......and how bad i want to have it with you josh. but i cant get it here. not in hollywood.....so i wanted to run away with you and when you said no it.........felt like everything was ruined. that you didnt love me not really. and so i went to nick for comfort and.......distractions-"
"to try and get away from what hurt which was you. but i missed you so god damn much i........i listened to every voicemail you ever sent me but i couldnt call you back. it hurt too much......and when i saw you again for the first time in 3 months i felt like i couldnt live without you but i had to and........the thing with nick .......i knew it would never work out because i dont want him i want you and it just made me feel guiltier and.........oh josh. im so sorry.
"i wanted to spend the rest of my life with you......i still do. your my soulmate. but i need to know.......do you wanna spend the rest of your life with me????? am i your soulmate????"
"yes josh your my soulmate. your it.........its you josh........it was always you. i love you.. im sorry about everything. i wish i could go back in time......."
josh wiped a tear off her cheek.
"its okay jen. and you were right back there. i said id always be there for you and i wasnt. it was me against you in the world instead of me and you against the world and im so sorry"
"josh why did you kiss jena???"
"to try and forget about you"
"did it work???"
"well im here arent i????"
jen smiled. josh stared at her.
"yeah i guess you are"
"nothing could ever make me forget you. ive been hopelessly inlove with the girl in the white dress from the very beginning and will be right up until the end"
josh took a bag out of his pocket and took what was inside out. it was the charm bracelet. he put it on her wrist.
Chapter 10
jen and josh sat on the couch in their jens house talking about how fun but also how sad the closing party for mockingjay part 2 was. when jen and josh are both silent josh starts to talk.
"i dont know what im gonna do without these movies" jen said. her eyes were watering.
"ya same here......im gonna miss everyone so much. liams so great and sam....well hes just sam and-"
"josh.......the movies are over. as in im not gonna get to have you in my life everyday. we both have so many movies were doing. how are we gonna make time to see each other???"
"we can visit each other on set all the time. we can do long distance alight???? its okay jen well be okay"
"you dont understand.....how can i not have you in my life everyday??? josh i dont even know who i *am* without you!!!" jen started to cry.
josh wrapped his arms around her. he looked at jen in his arms and took a big breath. he turned her so that jen was facing towards him.
"i know ive already given the big version of this speech so right now im gonna keep it small. i love you. one more time just because it feels really nice to say. i love you. i feel like ive been bottling this up forever because ever time i say it it feels like the first time. i love you."
jen blushed. "josh you dont have to........"
"look you were right in prague. me and you. were perfect for each other and i want to spend the rest of my life with you. run away with me jennifer. well go anywhere you want i promise. just meet me at the train station at 7:45 tomorrow night"
jen started to say something but josh stopped her first.
"dont give me an answer now. i dont want an answer now i want you to think about it long and hard. and i dont want to have to convince you to go jen. i just want you to be there. and if your not there thats fine. i understand......"
josh put a piece of jens hair behind her ear.
"im.....im gonna kiss you now if thats alright" he said.
jen nodded as josh titled her chin back and pressed his lips to hers.
"you came"
"of course i came. josh your my home now. im at home when im with you. wherever you are is where i want to be"
"well then lets go be, shall we?"
prague...dedicated to becky
Chapter 1
"we could run..........you and me. we could go now and never look back"
"are you serious???"
"i have money saved up josh. i could get us new identities. create a escape route. for now just keep up appearances.........,go to berlin like were gonna shoot. well leave to go to prague from there"
"what are you saying jen?????"
"im saying i wanna be a real person again........with you. thats what you want right???? i mean this is it josh. will you run away with me????"
"aaaaaand action!!!!" yelled francis lawrence.
any other time this would have been joshs idea of heaven. working with his friend all day. but now.... it was just really awkward and he couldnt wait until the wrap.
josh started to mumble his lines but was cut off by jen.
"im really sorry francis but........i cant do this right now......." she said and then walked off to her trailer.
it had been like this ever sense....ever sense prague.......
josh walked up to the train platform trying to find jen. suddenly he saw her standing with a suitcase and wearing a red jacket with cute black heels on. she spotted him and immediately smiled at him. he walked over to her.
"hey!!!!! i was starting to think you werent coming!!!" she said.
josh looked down at his shoes. jen didnt notice or care. jen pulled a folder out of her purse.
"k so here are our new identities. for now on your name is thomas campbell and mine is elle sinclair. we can talk about there back stories or whatever on the train ride to prague" she said.
"jen........." josh said.
"oh dont worry about the ride......... its only a hour long and if your bored you have me to talk to" she said.
"jen i.......i dont think we should do this........."
jen looked kinda confused.
"what do you mean?????"
"i mean we..... we made a promise that we would make these movies. we have a responsibility to the fans and everyone in the movie to finish it.... this is our life jen. this fairytale about running away is nice but this is where we belong. in hollywood. living our real lives....."
"josh its not that simple....... you dont understand but everything here is fake.....but this" she said and grabbed josh's hand. ".....this is simple. this is our real life. we have to go josh...... are you coming????? please come with me josh....."
josh paused and let go of jen's hand.
"i cant......im sorry........"
josh walked up to jen's trailer and knocked.
"jen its me.....please let me in........"
"josh no. i dont want to talk to you now"
josh could tell she was crying.
"go away!!!!!"
josh leaned against the door and felt a single tear on his cheek.
"ok" he whispered.
Chapter 2
things were awkward on set. jen was avoiding josh and it was making him feel awful and lonely. he was always talking and laughing with her and now that he wasnt he felt empty and hurt. he hated being alone because then your forced into listening to your own thoughts instead of someone elses voice. god he couldnt wait for this to end.
but.......but what if this awkwardness never ended?? what if jen never forgave him???
he stared at the script in his hands. he was trying to memorize his lines because he had to and to distract himself from the situation with jen. it wasnt really working. he looked out the window of his trailer and saw jen in her own trailer looking straight at him. but when she saw that he saw her she looked away.
josh threw the papers on the ground frustratedly. he needed to talk to jen. even if she didnt want to talk to him. fuck, hed tie her up and force her to listen if thats what it took.
he walked out the door and to jen's trailer. he knocked and waited for her to answer nervous that she wouldnt. but she did. thank GOD thought josh.
"hey" jen said not looking at him. she was wearing a pretty white dress that would probably blow in the wind if it was windy. it reminded josh of the first time he saw jen.
he put some cologne on his wrists and pulled on the jacket he was wearing. then he looked in the mirror and fixed his hair. he felt like a girl but he wanted to look perfect before meeting his co-star jennifer lawrence. they talked on the phone a few days ago and he has instantly fell in love with her. she was so funny and comfortable with who she was. and josh knew she was gorgeous. he saw her at the oscars when she was nominated for winters bone. she was irresistible to josh even though he didnt meet her in person yet. but that was going to change in a few minutes if josh didnt die from his heart beating so fast that it fell out of his chest.
he looked at his watch and took a deep breath. if he didnt leave now he was gonna be late.
he left his house and got into his car and drove to jen's house. when he got there he couldnt help but laugh at the garden nomes in the yard of her house. they were cute just like her.
josh wiped his sweaty hands in his pants and rang the door bell. jen answered.
joshs mouth went dry when he saw her. even though she was wearing a super simple white dress she was still breathtaking stunning. her eyes were the bluest blue josh had ever seen. her lips were full. her cheeks were pink like she ran to the door or something, and she had a cute button nose. jen smiles and you could see her dimples.
"well what are you waiting for silly!!!!! come in the damn house its frickin cold outside hahah" she said.
josh did as was told and went Ito her house. suddenly he stopped and just looked at her. he didnt think it was possible to be more attracted to this girl but that was before he saw her in person. it was love at first sight for him.
oh god josh thought im inlove with a girl and i dont even know her full name.....
"thats mizz lawrence to you" she joked.
he laughed. "k so this is kinda super weird but i was wondering........ can you tell me your middle name????"
she looked at him silently for a few seconds before saying something. "shrader. my middle name is shrader" she said.
"jennifer shrader lawrence" josh said. and it was the most beautiul name hed ever heard.
"hey......can i come in????" josh asked. jen nodded her head "yes" so josh went in.
"look josh about the other day........"
"its ok jen. really its fine like dont worry about it" josh said.
"i just really miss you so much. what happened in prague......im so sorry jennifer for hurting you. i didnt mean to hurt you. and i want us to go back to the way things were. please????? i dont wanna loose you.......... i love you"
josh cut her off as he leaned forward and kissed her. to his disappointment though, she pulled away after a few seconds.
"josh..........we need to break up."
Chapter 3
"josh..........we need to break up."
out of all the things josh thought jen would say that did not even make the list. he expected that theyd need to talk some things out but.........
"....i....jen what?"
"josh its.....please dont look at me like that....i just think that were not the same people we were when we first fell in love.....i dont want to ruin our friendship"
she was right about one thing. they werent the same people they were when they first fell in love. the old jen would never do something like this to him.
"oh you can do better than that!!!" jen yelled at josh as she flew through the air. josh laughed and pushed her back harder. his arms were getting kinda sore. who knew that pushing someone on a swing could be so much work??
"jen my arms are tired." he complained. "im gonna take a break"
"well not all of us can be nicholas fucking hoult jen. maybe you should call him so that he can come push you" he said. but right after he said it he wished he didnt. it wasnt fair to jen. she didnt know how much it hurt him to see her with nick. and even if she did he didnt have a right to be mad. it wasnt her fault that she loved nick and not him.
"look jen im sorry" he shouted up to her. she ignored him.
he stepped back away from the swing and sat down. he watched her for a little while until suddenly jen let go of the swing and literally went flying through the air. he knew she did it on purpose because she was laughing like an idiot the whole way until she hit the mulch. but even then she was still laughing. josh ran over to her to make sure she was okay. her knees were scraped and her hair was messed up and had pieces of mulch stuck in it.
"i wanted to come sit with you but i didnt want to do the whole slowing down thing normal people do when there done swinging" she told him.
josh rolled his eyes and laughed.
"god dammit jen!!! you know i love you but you can be such an airhead sometimes!!!" he laughed. jen didnt. she stared up at him and met his eyes.
"you love me????"
josh started to panic. did he say that out loud???
"josh....do you???? love me????"
he couldnt tell if she was kidding or not. he could easily get himself out of this one. of course he loved jen. she was his best friend!!! but for some reason he didnt want to get out of anything. he wanted to tell her. there. in the hawaiian park under spring clouds.
"i.......jennifer how could i not??? ive loved you ever sense that very first phone call. sense i very first saw you. ive loved you every time weve laughed and every time weve fought. i loved you when you had a boyfriend and i loved you when i had a girlfriend. ive loved you during my proudest moments and my weakest moments. ive loved you during nothings and somethings and everything in between. so yes jennifer i love you. ive been hopelessly inlove with the girl in the white dress from the very beginning and will be right up until the end."
jen didnt say anything for a while. instead she just took his hands in hers and leaned into him so that there faces were pretty much touching. josh fought the desire to just lean forward and take those perfect lips into his own.
finally she said something. "so you DO remember what color dress i was wearing when we met!!!"
josh smiled. of course thats what she got from that.
"ya i guess i do"
"we broke up. me and nick"
josh tried not to look excited. not that he really was. he was just worried about jen.
"why would he break up with you??? your the most perfect girl in the world and if he doesnt see that then he doesnt deserve you!!!!"
"i broke up with him josh...."
"what???? why???"
"because i love you too"
and then like belle and her beast there lips met taking away the beast and leaving only a prince.
"jen thats bullshit and you know it....." josh said to her. "you know i hate being lied to......why dont you just tell me the real reason???"
jen sighed not looking him in the eye.
"josh after prague i.....was hurt. you hurt me when you said no. it made me feel like you didnt love me and i......called someone who i knew still loved me....."
"huh??? who???"
"josh.....i called nick"
Chapter 4
"josh.....i called nick. okay?!? i called nick and one thing led to another and we decided to give our relationship another chance. im sorry josh. i didnt mean to hurt you......."
josh felt his eyes start to sting with salty tears. how could she do this to him???
"did you screw him???"
"i said....did you screw him"
"answer me"
".....yes. but josh you need to understand that you hurt me....."
he didnt hear anything that she said after that. her lips were moving but there was no sound. he stared straight through her.
"josh........josh please say something......."
"you.....jen you *cheated* on me??" josh asked.
"it....we were on a break and i was hurting josh you need to know that please know that"
josh fell out of his daze after hearing that.
"god jennifer you are so full of shit"
"uh excuse me?????"
"and to think i actually felt bad about prague.... i called you 273 times after that jennifer. you didnt answer 273 times. and it turns out that was because you were too busy sleeping with someone else????"
"thats not fair-"
"actually i think it's perfectly fucking fair jennifer. god i worked my ASS off for this relationship. i felt guilty for those whole three months we didnt talk. i missed you. i just wanted to make things better and i was stupid enough to think that you wanted that too!! god im such a idiot!!!"
jen was mad.
"how dare you say that stuff to me??? do you think it was easy for me to not talk to you for three months??!?!" she yelled.
"well after what you just told me ya i do!!" he shouted.
"i thought we were taking a break!!!"
"you know what??? fuck our friendship. you fucking disgust me and i dont want anything to do with you. not anymore"
jen didnt say anything.
josh stormed out of the trailer taking jens silence as his time to leave.
"jennifer.....im so sorry. i was scared. scared to leave behind the life ive worked for my whole life. im a coward and im sorry. i shouldnt have left you in prague. i love you"
"i know that your mad and hurt and i know that i made you feel like that and im sorry im so fucking sorry. i love you jennifer"
"its been a week now......jen your scaring me. im worried about you.....please call me so i know that your ok??"
"jen im going crazy here.....its been a month sense i last kissed you......touched you......or fucking saw you...... i know your ignoring me but..... stop ok?? i miss you"
"jen......the decision that i made in prague. i know what it looks like. i know that it looks like i chose being an actor over.......over being with you. but thats not what happened. how i feel about you is real. very very real. and i know that you know how ive felt about you for a long time..... i told you.....we told each other and......and.........look jen i know that i probably hurt you. your probably hurt that i didnt run away with you in prague........but jen......i love you. i love you and i cant live without you. so.......please call me back"
the smell of pool water and listening to his voicemails was making jen feel dizzy. she held the phone to her ear and tried not to cry. but what she and josh had.......it was over now. she was never going to let herself get hurt like that again. she was stupid to think that josh would ever run away with her. her fairytale of running away from the fame and getting married and having kids and just living.......it was never gonna happen. and part of her knew she knew it wouldnt happen before this but that didnt make it hurt less.
she took the phone away from her head and looked at it one more time before she threw it into the pool.
"hey babe who was that???" nick asked.
"no one" she said. she leaned down and kissed nick on the ear. "absolutely no one"
Chapter 5
josh was so mad at jen he didnt even know what to do. the only thing he knew was that he had to get out of here before he exploded. so he went to the only place he could think of.
"oh hi josh" jena malone said when she saw it was josh who knocked on her trailer door.
"hi jena" josh said. jena opened the door a little bit more. he didnt move.
"well what are you waiting for silly!!!!"
josh felt like he was gonna throw up when she said that. even though jena didnt know that that was what jen had said to him when they first met didnt mean it didnt bother him a lot.
"i.....actually was wondering if i could maybe......take you out tonight??"
she smiled when he said that.
"ya id love to!! just let me get my purse and we can go k??"
"ya sounds good"
"josh??? what are you doing here??? its midnight!!!" jen said after she opened her hotel door to see josh standing there with daisies.
"tonights our last night in hawaii" he said.
"ya so we should be sleeping because getting back to LA is gonna take forever"
"no.....we should be walking to the picnic i set up on the beach for us so that we can sleep on the plane" josh said. he took a purple daisy and put it in jen's hair. after that he gave her them.
jen smiled. "alright lead me to it"
they walked down to the beach holding hands. josh loved holding her hand. it made him feel so connected to her.
"oh my god josh this is awesome!!!!!" jen said when she saw joshs picnic.
they sat down and started to eat. jen looked up at the night sky. the moon was full and reflecting on the ocean.
"this is the most beautiful thing ive ever seen" she said. she was looking at the full moon.
"sure is" josh said. he was looking at jen.
"so where are we gonna go????" asked jena. they were in joshs car.
"lou's" he said.
"whats that????"
"a club"
"oh fun"
on the drive there joshs phone started buzzing and didnt stop.
"sheesh!!! someone must really wanna talk to you!!!" jena joked.
"huh....weird" josh said.
when they got to the club josh checked his phone"
37 missed calls from Jennifer Lawrence and 37 new voicemails. his phone started buzzing again.
josh glared at his phone before turning it off. screw her josh thought.
josh went inside the club and saw that jena had already ordered them some drinks.
"just a few shots" she said. josh smiled. this was just what he needed to get his mind off jennifer shrader lawrence.
it got later and josh and jena got more drunk. they decided to go dance on the dance floor.
josh watched jena dance and realized how pretty she was. he never thought about jena like that before because he was too busy thinking about jen like that. he got close to her and started to dance with her.
"you are so gorgeous" he said. she laughed.
"your not do bad yourself handsome" she said.
josh leaned in and kiss jena. he pulled her waist closer to him and she put her hands around his neck.
"do you wanna come home with me???" josh asked.
"yeah but were gonna have to wait because were both to drunk to drive" she said. "lets see i called her like 20 minutes ago to come get us so.... oh there she is!!!!"
josh turned around to see who jena was talking about.
standing there was jen with tears on her cheeks. she looked at him and ran to the clubs bathroom.
"whats her deal....." jena laughed.
josh didnt care about jen anymore. he couldnt care about her. and besides what right does she have being hurt when she was the one who cheated on him?!?
josh smiled at jena and kissed her again.
with each second he kissed jena he could feel himself thinking less about jen.
this was just what he needed.
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hamelaisley · 5 years ago
prague...dedicated to becky
Chapter 1
"we could run..........you and me. we could go now and never look back"
"are you serious???"
"i have money saved up josh. i could get us new identities. create a escape route. for now just keep up appearances.........,go to berlin like were gonna shoot. well leave to go to prague from there"
"what are you saying jen?????"
"im saying i wanna be a real person again........with you. thats what you want right???? i mean this is it josh. will you run away with me????"
"aaaaaand action!!!!" yelled francis lawrence.
any other time this would have been joshs idea of heaven. working with his friend all day. but now.... it was just really awkward and he couldnt wait until the wrap.
josh started to mumble his lines but was cut off by jen.
"im really sorry francis but........i cant do this right now......." she said and then walked off to her trailer.
it had been like this ever sense....ever sense prague.......
josh walked up to the train platform trying to find jen. suddenly he saw her standing with a suitcase and wearing a red jacket with cute black heels on. she spotted him and immediately smiled at him. he walked over to her.
"hey!!!!! i was starting to think you werent coming!!!" she said.
josh looked down at his shoes. jen didnt notice or care. jen pulled a folder out of her purse.
"k so here are our new identities. for now on your name is thomas campbell and mine is elle sinclair. we can talk about there back stories or whatever on the train ride to prague" she said.
"jen........." josh said.
"oh dont worry about the ride......... its only a hour long and if your bored you have me to talk to" she said.
"jen i.......i dont think we should do this........."
jen looked kinda confused.
"what do you mean?????"
"i mean we..... we made a promise that we would make these movies. we have a responsibility to the fans and everyone in the movie to finish it.... this is our life jen. this fairytale about running away is nice but this is where we belong. in hollywood. living our real lives....."
"josh its not that simple....... you dont understand but everything here is fake.....but this" she said and grabbed josh's hand. ".....this is simple. this is our real life. we have to go josh...... are you coming????? please come with me josh....."
josh paused and let go of jen's hand.
"i cant......im sorry........"
josh walked up to jen's trailer and knocked.
"jen its me.....please let me in........"
"josh no. i dont want to talk to you now"
josh could tell she was crying.
"go away!!!!!"
josh leaned against the door and felt a single tear on his cheek.
"ok" he whispered.
Chapter 2
things were awkward on set. jen was avoiding josh and it was making him feel awful and lonely. he was always talking and laughing with her and now that he wasnt he felt empty and hurt. he hated being alone because then your forced into listening to your own thoughts instead of someone elses voice. god he couldnt wait for this to end.
but.......but what if this awkwardness never ended?? what if jen never forgave him???
he stared at the script in his hands. he was trying to memorize his lines because he had to and to distract himself from the situation with jen. it wasnt really working. he looked out the window of his trailer and saw jen in her own trailer looking straight at him. but when she saw that he saw her she looked away.
josh threw the papers on the ground frustratedly. he needed to talk to jen. even if she didnt want to talk to him. fuck, hed tie her up and force her to listen if thats what it took.
he walked out the door and to jen's trailer. he knocked and waited for her to answer nervous that she wouldnt. but she did. thank GOD thought josh.
"hey" jen said not looking at him. she was wearing a pretty white dress that would probably blow in the wind if it was windy. it reminded josh of the first time he saw jen.
he put some cologne on his wrists and pulled on the jacket he was wearing. then he looked in the mirror and fixed his hair. he felt like a girl but he wanted to look perfect before meeting his co-star jennifer lawrence. they talked on the phone a few days ago and he has instantly fell in love with her. she was so funny and comfortable with who she was. and josh knew she was gorgeous. he saw her at the oscars when she was nominated for winters bone. she was irresistible to josh even though he didnt meet her in person yet. but that was going to change in a few minutes if josh didnt die from his heart beating so fast that it fell out of his chest.
he looked at his watch and took a deep breath. if he didnt leave now he was gonna be late.
he left his house and got into his car and drove to jen's house. when he got there he couldnt help but laugh at the garden nomes in the yard of her house. they were cute just like her.
josh wiped his sweaty hands in his pants and rang the door bell. jen answered.
joshs mouth went dry when he saw her. even though she was wearing a super simple white dress she was still breathtaking stunning. her eyes were the bluest blue josh had ever seen. her lips were full. her cheeks were pink like she ran to the door or something, and she had a cute button nose. jen smiles and you could see her dimples.
"well what are you waiting for silly!!!!! come in the damn house its frickin cold outside hahah" she said.
josh did as was told and went Ito her house. suddenly he stopped and just looked at her. he didnt think it was possible to be more attracted to this girl but that was before he saw her in person. it was love at first sight for him.
oh god josh thought im inlove with a girl and i dont even know her full name.....
"thats mizz lawrence to you" she joked.
he laughed. "k so this is kinda super weird but i was wondering........ can you tell me your middle name????"
she looked at him silently for a few seconds before saying something. "shrader. my middle name is shrader" she said.
"jennifer shrader lawrence" josh said. and it was the most beautiul name hed ever heard.
"hey......can i come in????" josh asked. jen nodded her head "yes" so josh went in.
"look josh about the other day........"
"its ok jen. really its fine like dont worry about it" josh said.
"i just really miss you so much. what happened in prague......im so sorry jennifer for hurting you. i didnt mean to hurt you. and i want us to go back to the way things were. please????? i dont wanna loose you.......... i love you"
josh cut her off as he leaned forward and kissed her. to his disappointment though, she pulled away after a few seconds.
"josh..........we need to break up."
Chapter 3
"josh..........we need to break up."
out of all the things josh thought jen would say that did not even make the list. he expected that theyd need to talk some things out but.........
"....i....jen what?"
"josh its.....please dont look at me like that....i just think that were not the same people we were when we first fell in love.....i dont want to ruin our friendship"
she was right about one thing. they werent the same people they were when they first fell in love. the old jen would never do something like this to him.
"oh you can do better than that!!!" jen yelled at josh as she flew through the air. josh laughed and pushed her back harder. his arms were getting kinda sore. who knew that pushing someone on a swing could be so much work??
"jen my arms are tired." he complained. "im gonna take a break"
"well not all of us can be nicholas fucking hoult jen. maybe you should call him so that he can come push you" he said. but right after he said it he wished he didnt. it wasnt fair to jen. she didnt know how much it hurt him to see her with nick. and even if she did he didnt have a right to be mad. it wasnt her fault that she loved nick and not him.
"look jen im sorry" he shouted up to her. she ignored him.
he stepped back away from the swing and sat down. he watched her for a little while until suddenly jen let go of the swing and literally went flying through the air. he knew she did it on purpose because she was laughing like an idiot the whole way until she hit the mulch. but even then she was still laughing. josh ran over to her to make sure she was okay. her knees were scraped and her hair was messed up and had pieces of mulch stuck in it.
"i wanted to come sit with you but i didnt want to do the whole slowing down thing normal people do when there done swinging" she told him.
josh rolled his eyes and laughed.
"god dammit jen!!! you know i love you but you can be such an airhead sometimes!!!" he laughed. jen didnt. she stared up at him and met his eyes.
"you love me????"
josh started to panic. did he say that out loud???
"josh....do you???? love me????"
he couldnt tell if she was kidding or not. he could easily get himself out of this one. of course he loved jen. she was his best friend!!! but for some reason he didnt want to get out of anything. he wanted to tell her. there. in the hawaiian park under spring clouds.
"i.......jennifer how could i not??? ive loved you ever sense that very first phone call. sense i very first saw you. ive loved you every time weve laughed and every time weve fought. i loved you when you had a boyfriend and i loved you when i had a girlfriend. ive loved you during my proudest moments and my weakest moments. ive loved you during nothings and somethings and everything in between. so yes jennifer i love you. ive been hopelessly inlove with the girl in the white dress from the very beginning and will be right up until the end."
jen didnt say anything for a while. instead she just took his hands in hers and leaned into him so that there faces were pretty much touching. josh fought the desire to just lean forward and take those perfect lips into his own.
finally she said something. "so you DO remember what color dress i was wearing when we met!!!"
josh smiled. of course thats what she got from that.
"ya i guess i do"
"we broke up. me and nick"
josh tried not to look excited. not that he really was. he was just worried about jen.
"why would he break up with you??? your the most perfect girl in the world and if he doesnt see that then he doesnt deserve you!!!!"
"i broke up with him josh...."
"what???? why???"
"because i love you too"
and then like belle and her beast there lips met taking away the beast and leaving only a prince.
"jen thats bullshit and you know it....." josh said to her. "you know i hate being lied to......why dont you just tell me the real reason???"
jen sighed not looking him in the eye.
"josh after prague i.....was hurt. you hurt me when you said no. it made me feel like you didnt love me and i......called someone who i knew still loved me....."
"huh??? who???"
"josh.....i called nick"
Chapter 4
"josh.....i called nick. okay?!? i called nick and one thing led to another and we decided to give our relationship another chance. im sorry josh. i didnt mean to hurt you......."
josh felt his eyes start to sting with salty tears. how could she do this to him???
"did you screw him???"
"i said....did you screw him"
"answer me"
".....yes. but josh you need to understand that you hurt me....."
he didnt hear anything that she said after that. her lips were moving but there was no sound. he stared straight through her.
"josh........josh please say something......."
"you.....jen you *cheated* on me??" josh asked.
"it....we were on a break and i was hurting josh you need to know that please know that"
josh fell out of his daze after hearing that.
"god jennifer you are so full of shit"
"uh excuse me?????"
"and to think i actually felt bad about prague.... i called you 273 times after that jennifer. you didnt answer 273 times. and it turns out that was because you were too busy sleeping with someone else????"
"thats not fair-"
"actually i think it's perfectly fucking fair jennifer. god i worked my ASS off for this relationship. i felt guilty for those whole three months we didnt talk. i missed you. i just wanted to make things better and i was stupid enough to think that you wanted that too!! god im such a idiot!!!"
jen was mad.
"how dare you say that stuff to me??? do you think it was easy for me to not talk to you for three months??!?!" she yelled.
"well after what you just told me ya i do!!" he shouted.
"i thought we were taking a break!!!"
"you know what??? fuck our friendship. you fucking disgust me and i dont want anything to do with you. not anymore"
jen didnt say anything.
josh stormed out of the trailer taking jens silence as his time to leave.
"jennifer.....im so sorry. i was scared. scared to leave behind the life ive worked for my whole life. im a coward and im sorry. i shouldnt have left you in prague. i love you"
"i know that your mad and hurt and i know that i made you feel like that and im sorry im so fucking sorry. i love you jennifer"
"its been a week now......jen your scaring me. im worried about you.....please call me so i know that your ok??"
"jen im going crazy here.....its been a month sense i last kissed you......touched you......or fucking saw you...... i know your ignoring me but..... stop ok?? i miss you"
"jen......the decision that i made in prague. i know what it looks like. i know that it looks like i chose being an actor over.......over being with you. but thats not what happened. how i feel about you is real. very very real. and i know that you know how ive felt about you for a long time..... i told you.....we told each other and......and.........look jen i know that i probably hurt you. your probably hurt that i didnt run away with you in prague........but jen......i love you. i love you and i cant live without you. so.......please call me back"
the smell of pool water and listening to his voicemails was making jen feel dizzy. she held the phone to her ear and tried not to cry. but what she and josh had.......it was over now. she was never going to let herself get hurt like that again. she was stupid to think that josh would ever run away with her. her fairytale of running away from the fame and getting married and having kids and just living.......it was never gonna happen. and part of her knew she knew it wouldnt happen before this but that didnt make it hurt less.
she took the phone away from her head and looked at it one more time before she threw it into the pool.
"hey babe who was that???" nick asked.
"no one" she said. she leaned down and kissed nick on the ear. "absolutely no one"
Chapter 5
josh was so mad at jen he didnt even know what to do. the only thing he knew was that he had to get out of here before he exploded. so he went to the only place he could think of.
"oh hi josh" jena malone said when she saw it was josh who knocked on her trailer door.
"hi jena" josh said. jena opened the door a little bit more. he didnt move.
"well what are you waiting for silly!!!!"
josh felt like he was gonna throw up when she said that. even though jena didnt know that that was what jen had said to him when they first met didnt mean it didnt bother him a lot.
"i.....actually was wondering if i could maybe......take you out tonight??"
she smiled when he said that.
"ya id love to!! just let me get my purse and we can go k??"
"ya sounds good"
"josh??? what are you doing here??? its midnight!!!" jen said after she opened her hotel door to see josh standing there with daisies.
"tonights our last night in hawaii" he said.
"ya so we should be sleeping because getting back to LA is gonna take forever"
"no.....we should be walking to the picnic i set up on the beach for us so that we can sleep on the plane" josh said. he took a purple daisy and put it in jen's hair. after that he gave her them.
jen smiled. "alright lead me to it"
they walked down to the beach holding hands. josh loved holding her hand. it made him feel so connected to her.
"oh my god josh this is awesome!!!!!" jen said when she saw joshs picnic.
they sat down and started to eat. jen looked up at the night sky. the moon was full and reflecting on the ocean.
"this is the most beautiful thing ive ever seen" she said. she was looking at the full moon.
"sure is" josh said. he was looking at jen.
"so where are we gonna go????" asked jena. they were in joshs car.
"lou's" he said.
"whats that????"
"a club"
"oh fun"
on the drive there joshs phone started buzzing and didnt stop.
"sheesh!!! someone must really wanna talk to you!!!" jena joked.
"huh....weird" josh said.
when they got to the club josh checked his phone"
37 missed calls from Jennifer Lawrence and 37 new voicemails. his phone started buzzing again.
josh glared at his phone before turning it off. screw her josh thought.
josh went inside the club and saw that jena had already ordered them some drinks.
"just a few shots" she said. josh smiled. this was just what he needed to get his mind off jennifer shrader lawrence.
it got later and josh and jena got more drunk. they decided to go dance on the dance floor.
josh watched jena dance and realized how pretty she was. he never thought about jena like that before because he was too busy thinking about jen like that. he got close to her and started to dance with her.
"you are so gorgeous" he said. she laughed.
"your not do bad yourself handsome" she said.
josh leaned in and kiss jena. he pulled her waist closer to him and she put her hands around his neck.
"do you wanna come home with me???" josh asked.
"yeah but were gonna have to wait because were both to drunk to drive" she said. "lets see i called her like 20 minutes ago to come get us so.... oh there she is!!!!"
josh turned around to see who jena was talking about.
standing there was jen with tears on her cheeks. she looked at him and ran to the clubs bathroom.
"whats her deal....." jena laughed.
josh didnt care about jen anymore. he couldnt care about her. and besides what right does she have being hurt when she was the one who cheated on him?!?
josh smiled at jena and kissed her again.
with each second he kissed jena he could feel himself thinking less about jen.
this was just what he needed.
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