26K posts
23, uni student, book lover, multifandom, Larrie af. I suck at tagging but im doing my best
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half-way-out-of-dark · 4 years ago
A lot of people ask me what my biggest fear is, or what scares me most. And I know they expect an answer like heights, or closed spaces, or people dressed like animals, but how do I tell them that when I was 17 I took a class called Relationships For Life and I learned that most people fall out of love for the same reasons they fell in it. That their lover’s once endearing stubbornness has now become refusal to compromise and their one track mind is now immaturity and their bad habits that you once adored is now money down the drain. Their spontaneity becomes reckless and irresponsible and their feet up on your dash is no longer sexy, just another distraction in your busy life. Nothing saddens and scares me like the thought that I can become ugly to someone who once thought all the stars were in my eyes.
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half-way-out-of-dark · 4 years ago
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R.I.P. Ed Asner (1929-2021)
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half-way-out-of-dark · 4 years ago
*rewatches full metal alchemist brotherhood*
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half-way-out-of-dark · 4 years ago
This is out of the blue! I am Afghan and I am currently living in Afghanistan. Today (15 Aug 2021) the Taliban entered the capital city of Afghanistan which is Kabul. The government is going to change to an Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan. They ruled in Afghanistan for 5 years, 20 years ago. I've heard stories about them since I'm 19 and luckily was not yet born. And let me tell you the stories were terrifying, but they were just horror stories to me and I never thought that I'd be living under their regime, but here we are.
Let me tell you something shocking: girls can only study up to 6th grade. The future of female students in universities hasn't been decided yet. According to what I've heard they go from house to house and ask for girls and women (12 to 45 year olds) for marriage.
As they are just pieces of crap, I don't really believe that they'd let us have mobiles or use the internet. I really hope this isn't my last post in here! But if it is I want to let the world know of what they've done and what they're doing.
Don't forget us!
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half-way-out-of-dark · 4 years ago
thinking of when vincent van gogh said that “poverty stops the best minds in their tracks” and how art would see a new era if we funded struggling independent artists instead of hiring talentless nepotism babies.
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half-way-out-of-dark · 4 years ago
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half-way-out-of-dark · 4 years ago
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HENRY CAVILL photographed while training for MuscleTech (2021)
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half-way-out-of-dark · 4 years ago
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half-way-out-of-dark · 4 years ago
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half-way-out-of-dark · 4 years ago
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curahee + sky
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half-way-out-of-dark · 4 years ago
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Roe was the best medic we ever had. He was born to be a medic. You could always depend on him. You hollered, ‘Medic!’ he was right there come hell or high water.
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half-way-out-of-dark · 4 years ago
hey, love! do you have a list of underrated larry fics?
Oooh! Thank you for this question. Yes!! I'm going to give you a list of fics I really like that, as of now, have 200 kudos or less, but deserve way more.
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this is my jam by @disgruntledkittenface (M, 5K) where are all the gay bathhouse fics? This is the first one I’ve read in this fandom and I loved it. This author beautifully captured a sense of the times, the atmosphere, and the character’s connection and humanity in under 5K, and you really should read it.
of the divine by devilinmybrain / @thedevilinmybrain (Mixed ratings, 2-part series, 104K) Oh my god. This series. I cried buckets. It’s so beautifully written. The sex scenes are so tender and sexy, but in such a pure way. Their relationship is so good… you can totally feel how much they love each other, the climactic scene OH MY GOD so intense. It’s also got great zouis friendship and a very sweet narry friendship. Tender punk Louis and guardian angel Harry. Read it.
you're writing lines about me by snazzyasalways (T, 4K) This is gorgeously written on that Dreamy, poetic style I happen to love. Louis is a blind poet, Harry is a baker, Harry falls in love with Louis’ words, then with him.
Twist the Knife by jishler / @snowjosh (E, 6K) This fic packed such a punch in so few words (I’m beginning to realize that this author excels at that). It’s raw, sexy, and so emotional; I was left both totally fulfilled, and wanting more.
The Journal by 4youreyesonly28, RecycledStardust / @evilovesyou (GA, 14K) Magic, mystery, Greek mythology, OT4 friendships, and a love story that spans lifetimes. This one was just lovely.
I Love My Hands Around Your Neck by @fournipplesau (E, 6K) Hello... this was really hot. I just loved the dynamic between the two of them—you really get a sense of the difference between them when they play and how they interact when they’re not. Also, just really hot. Did I say that already? Yeah.
My husband (29/M) died and has been possessed by a demon and now he’s cooking eggs in my kitchen as if nothing happened, what do I do? by adoreloux (M, 4K) I’ve only recently found this author, but I love their fics. They’re definitely unique, just a bit quirky, and so well written. This one made me cry (I mean, Harry is dead. Sort of).
something wicked this way comes. by adoreloux (E, 7K) weird, unique, and delightfully quirky. I’ve read a bunch from this author and they can all be described that way, all well as having sparse, crisp writing. This one has a Twin Peaks vibe, and a very concerned Louis trying his best to protect Harry.
and i'm weeping warm honey and milk (that you stay surrounding me) by FangirlFlailings (M, 78K) This fic digs deep into therapy and recovery from PTSD and anxiety. It included everything from great Ot5 friendship, great side Ziam, coming out, commitment phobic Harry, and of course, vulnerable Louis. I really enjoyed this one.
Diamonds and Pearls by superglass (NR, 7K) Absolutely gorgeous writing. Tender, delicate, dreamy. Set in NY in the 1980s, so read the tags. I just really loved this one and look forward to reading more of this author’s writing.
Lovely, made from love by @userkant (T, 1K) This was so lovely and so moving (yes, I cried). This author wrote so much emotion into this short fic, please give it a read. I loved it.
sat with the echoes by BeforeEternity / @starlitlou (T, 3K) Read the tags on this one, but if frank conversations about ED recovery don’t bother you, then please read this. I thought it was so moving and realistic and just beautifully written.
Berry Bubblegum by UnderTheGoldenLights (E, 2K) roommates, camboy Harry, virgin Louis... somehow smutty and fluffy all in one.
wake the morn and greet the dawn (with hearts entwined and free) by mixedfandomfics (T, 21K) I cried the first third of the way through this because this author painted such a beautiful picture of Harry’s emotions, his found family, and the setting. I love how they slowly unraveled Louis’ story and the tender, sweet way they ended up together. And Niall!! The best friend/brother you could ask for.
Read the Room by anonymous (E, 2K) Oh... wow. This was ridiculously sexy and original. Short, but it really packed a punch.
Carry These Feelings by LadyLondonderry / @londonfoginacup (GA, 3K) This was just lovely and mysterious and sweet. I loved their banter and the whole description of Harry traveling the world, remembering and collecting feelings. It’s totally unique and beautifully written.
At Risk, I Fold by clare328 / @bearmustard (E, 15K) This was just beautiful and painful and tender. This was a tough read because the author did such a great job capturing this time period (2015 canon). It brought back so many personal memories, but also they really captured the sadness, guilt, and frustration in a way that felt very realistic. It was so painful to even get the tiniest glimpse into what it might have been like for Harry and Louis at that time.
it's time to find your wings again by we_are_the_same / @why-let-your-voice-be-tamed (T, 12K) I just loved the fairytale quality of this story––not cute and cuddly, but dark and curious and intense–– more like a Grimm fairytale. So unique and so worth reading.
A Slow and Steady Rush by godots (E, 12K) I really enjoyed how this one was almost all internal monologue and how the slow build up led to a sweet and awkward first time for them. Just really nicely written.
baby, i'm speeding, and red lights are run by benzos (E, 7K) this author has such a gritty, realistic way of writing. I really enjoyed all the little details that made you feel as though you could get inside and understand the characters. Plus, super hot smut.
Take from me my lace (and lipstick too heavy for summer) by metal_eye / @metal-eye (M, 2K) Don’t ask me how this author fits so much beauty and so much depth into so few words. But they do it every time. Read their fics. And go yell and them about how beautiful everything they write is.
the sound of my heart needs the sound of another heart by momentofclarity / @gaycousinlarry (GA, 3K) Set in the 1980s, it’s beautiful and delicate and feels like such a slice of high school and tentative summer love.
for neither never nor ever by fairytalelights / @lookslikefairytale (E, 29K) This is based on a TV show I’ve never seen, but it is such a unique and layered time travel story. I was captivated by the twists and turns. Yes, it’s ultimate a love story, but it’s so much more as well.
wishing you were them by momentofclarity / @gaycousinlarry (T, 20K) This author always has such a lovely way with words. This fic, in particular, does a great job depicting deep depression and Louis’ need for Harry. Although, the depression here is compounded by the specifics of Harry and Louis’ relationship, which makes it all the more moving.
Sanctuary by Metal_Eye / @metal-eye (Mixed ratings, 2-work series, 4K) The writing is rich and poetic and deeply, deeply moving. It’s the sort of quiet story that can often be overlooked in a fandom full of multi-chaptered, showier works, but it is no less worthy of praise. I think the fact that this author manages to create such a heart wrenchingly beautiful portrait of love, loss, commitment, and desire in just under 4,000 words is amazing. Take a little time and give these a read. They’re really something special.
Strange How the Half Light by aheavenlyrush (T, 4K) This is one of those fics that I read and loved and rushed to see what else the author had written. And then I cried because it’s the only one. But it’s such a beautifully written portrait of longing and innocence. You should read it!
So here we are. by @sweariwouldnt (NR, 3K) This was such a beautiful portrait of an evolving relationship. The author's writing really captures everything from the intimacy and sadness, to deep love and hopefulness.
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half-way-out-of-dark · 4 years ago
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half-way-out-of-dark · 4 years ago
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DIN DJARIN, the comedian
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half-way-out-of-dark · 4 years ago
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“You think he’s compensating for something?” 20 YEARS OF SHREK (2001) dir. Andrew Adamson
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half-way-out-of-dark · 4 years ago
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he’s a child din
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half-way-out-of-dark · 4 years ago
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ph. Philipp Gerlach // Zoo Magazine
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