haleybeast · 6 years
me: typing into google a bunch of words and phrases to find that specific vine
fbi agent:
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haleybeast · 6 years
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haleybeast · 6 years
okay so like an update since i haven’t posted in like six months. 
I was really sad last time i was active on tumblr, because i’d been talking to this girl for like three months who then played like i’d misunderstood all of our texting and lunch dates and she had only ever wanted to be friends. like i’m stupid. She just really hurt my feelings and tbh we haven’t spoken in these 6 months. and it’s kind of sad because i lost a friend because she just couldn’t say “hey i lost interest”. But it’s okay now. 
about a month later i met my girlfriend. We’ve been together a little over a month now and i’ve genuinely never been happier. Which sounds so fucking dumb and me of a year ago would be grimacing so hard right now. But she’s just... so honest with me and she just cares so much about me and appreciates me and I just never saw this for myself. I never saw someone looking at me like she does, or loving my body the way she does. if anything i thought i might find someone to tolerate me. but she does so much more than that, i’m just so happy and we just picture our lives together and it’s so yucky and amazing. 
so yeah, i’m just incredibly happy. she’s beautiful and smart and kind and funny and I’m falling so hard. 
In other news, I’m closing on my first home in ten days. Holy shit. that’s been crazy as well. my best friend is moving in with me and my girlfriend is gonna spend the night a lot and i’m just so excited. Overwhelmed but excited.
2018 has been a really good year for me. 
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haleybeast · 7 years
I just wish that I'd known that that was all I was going to get of you, so I could have really committed every detail to memory. The way your hand felt against mine, and the way you smiled up at me like we shared a secret. I thought we did.
I dream about you every fucking night. And I know they're not the kind that come true.
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haleybeast · 7 years
i’m using Internet Explorer, i hope this posts quickly. happy new year 2011
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haleybeast · 7 years
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who’s gonna tell this straighty….
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haleybeast · 7 years
Reblog this and money will be entering your life this week
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haleybeast · 7 years
gay culture is trying to telepathically communicate to visibly gay people you see in public that you’re one of them
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haleybeast · 7 years
i got 8 words out of your mouth yesterday so i count that as a success 
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haleybeast · 7 years
I've dreamt nearly every night this week that you come back to make it right, and we're happy.
But you won't even look at me when I'm awake.
It's really fucking me up.
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haleybeast · 7 years
I made my therapist cry today. I don’t like to talk, and I get extremely uncomfortable every session trying to make my brain unfreeze and think of what I should talk about. So I wrote a quick list, just three things I thought I needed to talk about, handed it to her, and she literally teared up almost immediately and just said something along the lines of “I’m so fucking proud of you. You come here, you hate it, and you try so hard and you work so hard. It’s so touching to see you engage in this, even though you hate it. People who can talk and talk and talk all day come in here and do less work than you every day. You try so hard all the time, and I’m so sorry you get hurt.”
and like she made me tear up too, which i don’t do a lot, even in therapy.
I like myself. I think I’m pretty cool, and nice, and funny, and whatever. I just don’t really believe other people think that, and for this woman, who knows (pretty much) every shameful and bad thing about me, to sit there and tell me she thinks good things about me, was like so comforting after a really shitty week. 
but yeah, I made my therapist cry today.
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haleybeast · 7 years
my mood right now is screaming Gotye in my car like it’s 2011. 
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haleybeast · 7 years
Does anyone else have a hard time believing that somebody will wanna stay with you forever bc same
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haleybeast · 7 years
when you think someone gives a fuck and then they show you that they don’t
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haleybeast · 7 years
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haleybeast · 7 years
Statistics are so hard to understand. Like you know how less than 1 percent of the population are vegan? And how between 47 to 60 percent of mono-crops like corn, soy and grains go to feed farmed animals, not humans? And how despite these two facts, vegans are still somehow solely responsible 100 percent of the exploitation of workers who pick those crops? I mean that makes no sense at all to me so I must just be really bad at maths.
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haleybeast · 7 years
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