halalcatering0-blog · 4 years
Halal Buffet Dinner - What You Need To Know
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Regardless of any event, the food served is important, and it should be taken into consideration. If most of the guests are Muslims, Halal buffet dinner is a must. Halal foods are allowed under the Islamic dietary guidelines. When it is not fit for dietary consumption, Muslims call it as Haram. Which means Muslim followers are not allowed to consume the following:
Pork Pork and pork by-products are not allowed for Muslims to consume. In any buffet catering event, especially when there are Muslim guests, these guests should have plenty of options other than consuming pork-based dishes.
Animals that are dead before it is slaughtered According to the teachings of Allah dead meat is forbidden regardless if it is a sea or land animal. It is considered impure to their religion and should not be consumed at all costs.
Animals not slaughtered properly When slaughtering animals, it should be done in a way that the four main arteries: jugular artery, jugular vein, food pipe, and windpipe are cut off completely. It's not enough if the arteries just split open, so it must cut off the neck.learn more halal catering
Blood Consuming blood is considered impure in Muslim, so ensure that the food is cleansed off any blood before cooking. Be certain that the foods are properly cooked because meats that are not cooked well enough can still have blood in it.
Alcoholic Drinks Alcoholic drinks are considered Haram because the process of fermentation is seen us unethical because it produces intoxicants. This is no exception to cuisines that were prepared with alcoholic drinks.
Selecting Halal Caterers Catering services facilitators should be well aware of the people attending the event and know the most common choice of food. Professional Halal caterers adhere to Islamic and Muslim dietary laws; therefore, it is important the buffet catering services provider is fully competent in dealing with Muslim laws to have a great Halal buffet dinner.
Ensure that the company is Halal-compliant. All meat should be in compliant with the Islamic law. The caterer is only allowed to buy meat that has been slaughtered by cutting the throat. Meats should not be carrion and should contain no blood when served.
Another important factor in selecting Halal caterers is that the foods should not contain any pork product. Other than pork meat, a Halal buffet diner should not contain pork fat when frying food. It is considered cross-contamination when tools and machines were previously used with pork products.
There is no point in hiring a caterer that does not adhere to Halal guidelines. Gather all the necessary information available in the chosen Halal caterers. Don't risk having food served with non-Halal caterers and those that do not offer the things needed for the event. It will only get expensive in the long run.
Check prices and compare it with the budget for the event. Some Halal buffet dinner may be too expensive others come very cheap. It is essential to narrow down the choices to get the ones that offer the right services at the right price.
When choosing a Halal caterer for a Halal buffet dinner, talk with these Halal catering providers and listen to their proposals. Most are happy to provide the things needed for a specific Halal buffet dinner that meets your taste and requirements. Ask for food samples to be sure that it is the right taste you need.
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halalcatering0-blog · 4 years
Halal Catering Is A Blessing In Non-Muslim Countries
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Demographical changes in the world over the years have changed the needs of the people living in an area. The major shift of population of third world or developing countries to the developed countries for pursuing opportunities to excel financially has changed demography of the developed countries. It is observed that Islam is the most rapidly spreading religion of the world. As more and more people embracing Islam so they need the food which is permitted to them to eat according to the teachings of Islam. Especially in non Muslim countries the increasing number of Muslims creates the dire need of Catering. Halal is a word of Arabic origin which means lawful or allowed and catering means to provide with the required things on a social event.
Halal offers the things which are allowed to eat in Islam. The main issue which gives birth to the idea of Catering is of unavailability of Hala meat in non Muslim Countries. Muslims are not allowed to eat the meat of all animals but of certain which are slaughtered in the name of Allah by a Muslim slaughterer. So not only a Halal Animal but also a Muslim Slaughterer is required to make it Halal to eat for Muslims. Along with Halal meat liquor is also not served in Halal and the liquor also can not be used in cuisines. In addition to meat dishes all kinds of vegetarian dishes are served in Catering.
The present age of information has made Muslims more conscious to maintain their daily routines in accordance to the teachings of Islam. Except a few there is a large variety of dishes can be offered by a Halal Caterer. Halal does not put a limit to the number of dishes. The exclusion of things not allowed according to the teachings of Islam by alternating them with the Halal ingredients solves the issue of Halal Caterers to give a variety of local foods of non-Muslim countries.find out more halal catering Singapore
With the increase of Muslim community in non-Muslim countries catering has become a new indispensable feature of these countries. Halal has a unique advantage that even non-Muslims could use the services because of having no such concept prevailing in the western countries. In past when Muslims weddings took place in non-Muslim countries the reception to bride and groom usually was given at bride parents' home but with passage of time as strength of Muslim community increases pre-wedding, wedding and post-wedding events started being held on bigger levels and Halal caterers came into business. catering in non-Muslims countries is a blessing to enjoy for the Muslim community. Due to Halal Services availability Muslims feel at home in those countries.
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