hakuryuu-ren · 6 years
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sudden judal feels  (・◇・)
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hakuryuu-ren · 6 years
Reblog if Magi or Sinbad no Bouken
So this is a new blog for Sinbad no Bouken and Magi.
Please reblog or like this post if you post/reblog either of those things and I’ll check out your blog and follow you! 
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Thank you!
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hakuryuu-ren · 6 years
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follow me on : https://www.instagram.com/yoshiioka/
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hakuryuu-ren · 6 years
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i heard that hakuryuu has an 8 pack. that hakuryuu is shredded
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hakuryuu-ren · 6 years
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Managed to finish reverse AU Judal today :D Behold, an ordinary human with happy life who still wants to conquer the world
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hakuryuu-ren · 6 years
Juhaku commission project 2019!
Hello guys, my goal for 2019 is to provide new juhaku content for the fandom by regularely commissioning artists. I will aim for 1-2 pictures per month, since I want artists to get properly paid for their work! Depending on workload and time, budget will be around 70-120 USD per commission, i pay before you start and via paypal only.
I hope this can motivate artists to create content during a much busy year and keep them going! I have no special wishes regarding those pictures, style and theme is up to your imagination and creativity, but should focus on juhaku ;) Or maybe you already have a picture in mind that you wanted to draw but would like to get paid for it.
Like I said, theres going to be 2 open spots for artists, please pm me if youre intressted, i will pay those two artists when the month starts (junuary artists on january etc.) You can also reserve a spot for a later month like july when you have free time to do such a project!
Please share if you know someone to do it! Thank you!~~~~
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hakuryuu-ren · 6 years
Juhaku New Year’s Gift Exchange
Application Form (Deadline for Entry: November 25th)
Happy middle of November!
Since there was a fair amount of interest on the last post, I’ve decided to go through with the New Year’s event.
It’s going to be a Gift Exchange with a twist! Here’s a link to the application form.
On the application form, you’ll see room for five requests. Three are required, but more is better as it will give your partner more leg room.
Request Guidelines:
A request for new content; please have at least 3 of these that your partner can work with irregardless of the type of media they prefer (fic, art, ect). This will give everyone fair opportunity to complete requests for their partner.
You can also request comments or feedback on your own content! If you’re given explicit permission in advance, you can also request this on someone else’s content (like if you’re good friends and want to help more people find their content).
Specific requests are okay (and encouraged! they can be a lot of fun), but please have more general requests as well. That way your partner has room to work.
Headcanons, prompts, concepts - anything’s fine! The only requirement is that it must involve Judar or Hakuryuu. While it’s fine to have a couple requests that aren’t explicitly Juhaku, they must be compatible with Juhaku. For example, it’s okay to request a drawing of your favorite scene in a Juhaku fic you love as long as it’s a Juhaku fic (and you can give an adequate summary or link to the place the scene takes place). 
If you have requests that I feel are geared more towards a certain media, I will try to pair you with someone that can do that. However, it may not be possible in all cases so please be open to any kind of partner!
If you complete one of your partner’s requests, I will send you a little gift as thanks for participating and making someone’s day. If you manage to complete more, I’ll send more! Don’t hold your breath, because they’re not going to be huge; just silly little thanks. :) You are definitely not required to complete more than one: the 5 are there to give you options, not to pressure you. Anything after 1 is a plus, not an obligation!
I will be matching people based on the lists I receive. The person whose wish list you get may not be the person who has yours, but I’ll try to match people with those who appear to have similar tastes as much as possible. If we end up with an odd number of applicants, there may be a need for someone to enter twice. If you’re alright with doing so, please say so in the comments/questions section of the application form. Please also put other questions there or send them to me via chat - if anything’s confusing, I’d be happy to clarify.
I will send you your partner’s request list via chat, ask, or submission depending on your settings on December 1st. Please respond to my message to verify that you saw the message and are still able to participate.
Your gifts are due on January 1st. I will tell you who your match is a few days prior (though it may not be much of a surprise depending on what they ask for haha).
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hakuryuu-ren · 6 years
Hi, just wanted to update everyone on the potential holiday event.
According to the poll I made to gauge interest for a Juhaku holiday event, the majority of respondents wanted a gift exchange/Secret Santa.
 I can run a Juhaku Secret Santa event if there is enough interest (at least ~10 people?). However, I don’t have a lot of free time in the middle of December. I would not be sending reminders or asking for check-ins. As such, I would likely be unable to organize “pinch hitters,” people who fill in for those who get busy. The end date would be New Year’s Day.
The application would ask for several prompts for drawings, fics, ect that you would like to see as well as anything that you do not want to see. For example, if you wanted to see cat boys or high school AUs but not nsfw or dog boys (is that a thing?), you could put all of those things down.
I would pair everyone up and send the wish lists/prompt packages; from there, it would be the recipient’s job to fill at least one of their prompts.
For anyone who is successful, I would send a little present; you’d get additional presents from me for each prompt you filled as a token of appreciation.
Even if there doesn’t end up being enough interest for a holiday event, there will still be the December Juhaku prompt! Also it’s always possible to do something like Christmas in July even if this event doesn’t pan out, so don’t fret if you honestly don’t have time for it.
If you’re still interested in a Secret Santa event like this for New Years, please interact with this post in some way (like, reply, reblog, ect) or send me an ask or chat. If there is enough interest I will then make an application form for it.
Thank you!
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hakuryuu-ren · 6 years
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For @dailyjuhaku‘s November prompt: Food Happy Peachy Pocky Day!
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hakuryuu-ren · 6 years
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Oekaki of Judar being indecent.
@ultra-ugo  idea of Judar’s T-shirt
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hakuryuu-ren · 6 years
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day 30 // paint me black
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hakuryuu-ren · 6 years
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We’re the let-down, we’re the lied-to, where the lost go and it finds you And we’re dying to Invite you to stay, and take away the pain ‘Cause misery loves company, so hey, what do you say?
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hakuryuu-ren · 6 years
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hakuryuu-ren · 6 years
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hakuryuu-ren · 6 years
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Inktober// Magician
Did my two fav magicians! <3
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hakuryuu-ren · 6 years
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- My king… - Not “king” anymore. - Ok, I’m not-magi to my not-king.
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hakuryuu-ren · 6 years
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