hakinii · 3 years
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hakinii · 3 years
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@pinmeupzinego 1/3 - Telecommunication!
I had such a great time painting these ladies for Pin Me Up! Zine - what do you think they’re talking about?
And here’s a time lapse of the whole painting process!
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hakinii · 3 years
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Folks let me talk about Crowley and sunglasses, because I have a lot of emotions about when he wears them and when he doesn’t, and Hiding versus Being Seen.
We’re introduced to the concept of Crowley wearing glasses even before we’re introduced to Crowley, by Hastur: “If you ask me he’s been up here too long. Gone native. Enjoying himself too much. Wearing sunglasses even when he doesn’t need them.”
Honestly Crowley’s whole introduction is a fantastic; we learn so much about his character in a tiny amount of time. The fact that he’s late, the Queen playing as the Bentley approaches, the “Hi, guys” in response to Hastur and Ligur’s “Hail Satan”. I like this intro much better than the one originally scripted with the rats at the phone company, but I digress.
Crowley wears sunglasses when he doesn’t need them. Specifically, he still wears them around the demons, and when he’s in hell.
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You know where Crowley doesn’t wear glasses? At home.
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We never once see him wearing glasses in his flat, except for when he knows Hastur and Ligur are coming. That’s an emotional kick to the gut for me. Here’s one of the only places Crowley’s comfortable enough to be sans glasses, and when he knows it’s going to be invaded he prepares not just physically with the holy water, but by putting up that emotional barrier in a place where he wasn’t supposed to need it.
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An argument could be made that Crowley actually never needs glasses. We’re shown that it’s well within the angels’ and demons’ powers to pass unnoticed by humans. Crowley and Aziraphale waltz out of the manor in the middle of a police raid, and going unnoticed by the police takes so little effort that they can keep up a conversation while they stroll through. Even an unimaginative demon like Hastur apparently doesn’t have trouble with the humans losing it over his demonic eyes. The humans in the scene at Megiddo are acting like “this guy is a little weird” and not “holy shit his entire eyeballs are black jelly”
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That means that Crowley’s glasses are a choice, just like Aziraphale’s softness. Sure, he could arrange matters so that nobody ever noticed his eyes, but he doesn’t want to. Crowley wants acceptance, and he wants to belong, and he’s never, ever had that. He didn’t fit in before the Fall in Heaven, he doesn’t fit in with the demons in Hell. With the glasses, and with the Bentley and his plants and with the barely-bad-enough-to-be-evil nuisance temptations, he’s choosing Earth. This is where he wants to fit in, perhaps not with the humans, but amongst them.
Even after Crowley is at his absolute lowest, when he thinks Aziraphale’s dead and he’s on his way to drink until the world ends, he takes the time to put a new pair on when the old ones are damaged. He needs that emotional crutch right now, even with everything about to turn into a pile of puddling goo he’s not ready for the world to see his eyes.
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Which is why I swore out loud when Hastur forcibly takes them off.
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It’s about the worst thing that Hastur could have done. Rather than leading with a physical threat, his first act is to strip away Crowley’s emotional defences. It’s a great writing choice because god it made me hate Hastur, even more than all the physical violence we see him do.
It’s also the moment that Crowley really truly gets his shit together, and focuses all of his considerable imagination on getting to Tadfield and Aziraphale to help save the world. He’s wielding the terrifyingly unimaginable power of someone who’s hit rock bottom and realised it literally could not get any worse than this. He doesn’t put another pair of glasses on after discorporating Hastur, and he spends the majority of the airbase sequence without them.
He puts them back on again, I think, at the moment that he really lets himself hope. When he thinks ‘shit, there may be a real chance that we get through this to a future that I don’t want to lose’.
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The vulnerability is back, and he needs Adam to trust him. In Crowley’s mind being accepted by a human means he needs to have his eyes hidden. Someone give the demon a hug, please.
Interestingly, there’s only one time in the whole series that we see Crowley willingly choose to take his glasses off around another person. Only one person he’ll take down that barrier for, and even then he’s drunk before he does it.
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Dear God/Satan/Someone that makes my heart ache. Crowley’s chosen Earth, but he’s also chosen Aziraphale. He’s been looking for somewhere to belong his entire existence, and it’s with the angel that he finally feels it.
When the dust settles and the world is saved and they finally have space to be themselves unguarded, I like to imagine Crowley takes off the glasses when it’s just the two of them; the idea of being known doesn’t scare him quite so much anymore.  
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hakinii · 3 years
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I heard that Crowley helped to make Alpha Centauri and I like Crowley use spray..
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hakinii · 3 years
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We could have the real unicorns, peeps… And don’t tell me you didn’t think about it 
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hakinii · 3 years
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hakinii · 4 years
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The Power of Love.
AKA when you’re a whipped Demon.
One of those days when my linework probably reflects my inner self.
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hakinii · 4 years
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There were some days, pre-Armageddon, when Crowley didn’t have the heart to scream at his plants. Some days where all he could muster was the energy to water them. In the back of his mind, he sourly worried his moping would give them ideas - that perhaps he’d gone soft. (He had, but that state far pre-dated the existence of any of his plants, even Planthony).
He need not have worried. The plants knew better. They dreaded those moody, angsty shuffles through their verdant foliage. They knew it precipitated extra vehement scrutiny, and that rarely ended well.
Crowley may be a pine tree, but he caught fire easily. The plants strove to shine with all they had.
This piece is a collab with @dorywhynot who let me take her gorgeous watercolour sketchbook exercise and push it into a whole story I could drown in plants (she mentioned plants and I was like YES) . This was an experment in depth and mood and extremely finicky cutting of leaves, exploring the melding of two different mediums with one of my fave artists.
With lil nods to @whiteleyfoster’s Prince of Omens and one of Drawlight’s frequent fic tags.
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hakinii · 4 years
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It took me almost a year to finish this piece, but it’s finally done! I saw @mcmeao’s beautiful painting and I fell so hard for that hair - I had to try to make a sequin version (with their permission 🖤🖤🖤)
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hakinii · 4 years
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Good Omens Big Bang 2019 | parallax by @letmetemptyou ↳   + color palette # 12 (x)
fic link: (x)
summary: It’s just to ensure Crowley’s doing it correctly, Aziraphale tells himself. To make sure he’s getting the miracles right. But Aziraphale finds that he can’t stop watching, through the centuries. Presently, Crowley catches him, and many, many truths come to light.
(reblogs > likes)
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hakinii · 4 years
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Tips: *Knots at the end of the thread aren’t necessary but do keep the stitches from slipping +If you use cursive you don’t have to cut the end of your thread to start a new letter *Patterns can change or don’t use one +Using one color means you don’t have to change colors *Take your time Feel free to ask questions
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hakinii · 4 years
What I find really interesting about the Good Omens Lockdown special is that it seems like Aziraphale is still trying to play the 6000 year old game of “Convince me! Tempt me! Get me to say yes!” And Crowley seems to have put his foot down and is waiting for Aziraphale to be the one to explicitly say yes. For him to tell him he wants him to come over and spend lockdown with him. He gives him a two day deadline before he’ll be asleep and unable to talk to him for several months. In the beginning Aziraphale even seems hopeful that he is out tempting and causing mischief so that he has an excuse to make him come over and keep an eye on him. I give it 8 hours before Aziraphale caves and calls him back.
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hakinii · 4 years
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Ugh… please don’t fail this time..
I’ve try to upload this comic but keep failing…
please stop failing!!! this is last time. 
Afficher davantage
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hakinii · 4 years
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Before The Warlock’s Birthday Party
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hakinii · 5 years
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When the sun shines, we shine together Told you I’ll be here forever Said I’ll always be your friend Took an oath that I’m a stick it out ‘til the end Now that it’s raining more than ever Know that we still have each other You can stand under my umbrella You can stand under my umbrella
Inspired by the song “Umbrella” by J2 feat. Jazelle (cover version)
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hakinii · 5 years
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I-forgot-to-post-outside-of-patreon 4: Revenge is a plate best served cold and glittery
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hakinii · 5 years
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Crowley’s Golgotha look is honestly just absurdly gorgeous and deserves a little art nouveau love.
Edited to add: If you want to color this, go for it! <3
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