haicy0nic Β· 2 months
Mau cerita kemana lagi?
Sudahi saja kicauan dalam diri
Pasti tak ada yang menyadari
Batin mu terluka pun tak ada yang peduli
Semua pedih cukup jiwa mu saja yang mengetahui
Mereka hadir hanya ingin tahu
Setelahnya pergi berlalu
Ingat tidak semua orang akan berlabuh
Cukup kamu itu sudah cukup rapuh.
Minggu, 4 Agustus 2024
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haicy0nic Β· 2 months
Torn Love and Past Scars
Maybe you're not my first love, maybe you're not the last
And I don't know if I'll ever have the same passion again
I'm sorry for not loving you with the intensity of the past
This new love is complex, I can't fully understand it just yet
I've wasted so much of my emotions on people who drained me dry
They took from me so much, I'm afraid there's nothing else I can give
I know it seems selfish, but I can't just give you all of me
Others have told me I have issues, and I fear they might be right
Perhaps I'm broken, a damaged soul
Unable to fully give myself to this new love
It's not that I don't care, I do
But my past has left me numb,
scared, unsure how to love with all my heart again.
24 July 2024
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haicy0nic Β· 3 months
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Bintang Jatuh.
Dia bersandar di pohon zaitun yang tampaknya sudah mati, hanya batang ringkih yang masih berdiri. Temannya menghampiri dan bertanya, "Kenapa masih di sini? Tidak mau bermain?"
Ia menggelengkan kepalanya pelan. "Tidak, aku tidak ingin bermain," jawabnya lesu sambil menatap langit.
Seraya, temannya ikut menatap langit. "Jangan harap langit kembali biru, itu hanya imaji," cetus temannya.
"Katanya langit terlihat sama, kenapa langit di sini berbeda?" tanyanya lagi.
Temannya menghela nafas,"Sudahlah, seperti tidak terbiasa dengan keadaan disini saja. Lebih baik, kita bermain daripada menunggu bintang jatuh di sini."
"Apa maksudnya bintang jatuh? Itu tidak terlihat seperti bintang, tahu!" protesnya.
"Kamu tahu sendiri, layaknya bintang jatuh, semua orang berdoa agar doa dan harapannya terkabul. Kita di sini juga sama. Itu seperti bintang jatuh bagiku, karena semua orang berdoa dan berharap yang terkasih dapat pulang dengan damai," jawab temannya.
4 Juli 2024
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haicy0nic Β· 3 months
A Cruel Dichotomy
The screams grow louder, a wave of pain and numbness,
Souls flying countless, a joy that lasts but a moment,
Hunger consumes like a beast, gnawing at the body.
The world feels opposite, a cruel dichotomy,
Where we find joy in life, they only find tragedy.
We gather with loved ones, embrace the harmony,
While they hear only screams, the sound of relentless warfare,
We listen to melodies, find solace in the song,
But they hear only gunfire, a bitter, mournful dong.
The torment they face, a nightmarish cycle of pain,
While we live in comfort, their world remains in vain.
Friday, 28 June 2024
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haicy0nic Β· 3 months
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Menanti Arah
Pagi buta sudah berdiri,
Gulita masih menyelimuti.
Berdiri dinpinggir jalan,
Seakan memiliki tujuan.
Mengantongi angan di saku sebelah,
Berharap angin kan menujukan arah.
Kini langit sudah berderang,
Tapi nalar belum berwenang.
Dipikir sampai kapan akan berdiri?
Jika tekad selalu ditutupi.
22 Juni 2024
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haicy0nic Β· 3 months
Part. 2 β€” Unrequited Love: An Ode to Hopelessness
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Perihal Jatuh Cinta...
"Kan sudah tau, kata jatuh itu mengarah rasa sakit. Kenapa masih ngeyel?". Dengusku dalam batin.
"Lalu, mengapa harus diawali cinta kalau tau jatuh setelahnya?". Tanyaku pada diri, jatuh cinta dalam sunyi, tanpa diketahui oleh si empunya.
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haicy0nic Β· 3 months
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Hidden (Gem) Shortcutβ€”
POV Fano saat mengeksplor jalan pintas menuju rumah. Banyak sekali pepohonan serta kebun kecil milik warga sekitar. Kayaknya kalau malam menelusuri jalan pintas ini bakal seram, karena penerangannya minim.
Masih di Jakarta, tapi seperti bukan di Jakarta... Suara bising kendaraan tidak terdengar, apalagi polusi. Ya, sekali-sekali menikmati suasana seperti ini, sudah jarang banget ditemui di Kota. Oh, lingkungannya juga bersih, hanya saja harus berhati-hati ada ranjau ayam dan kucing πŸ˜‚
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haicy0nic Β· 3 months
Normalize not forcing connections. If someone doesn't see the value in having you by their side, don't try to convince them.
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haicy0nic Β· 3 months
Part. 1 β€” Unrequited Love: An Ode to Hopelessness
Love, oh love, so seldom kind,
Begging to find another's heart,
A hopeless endeavour it seems,
To win the love you so desperately dream of.
With hope in each gentle plea,
We seek the embrace of love's sweet decree,
But still the silence remains
Reminding us that love sometimes goes wrong.
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haicy0nic Β· 3 months
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β€” spending time with drawing
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haicy0nic Β· 4 months
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Having sweet tooth
I must admit, I've been indulging in more sweets than usual lately.
Just the other day, I found myself buying ice cream and slices of cakeβ€”it was all so irresistibly sweet.
What's even funnier is that I once went to IKEA just to buy their ice cream, but as soon as I saw their cakes, I couldn't resist getting one for myself too!
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haicy0nic Β· 4 months
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haicy0nic Β· 4 months
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Tadi lewat di pikiran... Kayaknya harus lebih bersyukur...
Ya, jalani yang di depan mata, nikmati yang sekarang. Kalau mengandai-andai ke masa depan, pasti gak akan ada habisnya.
Dari awal juga tau sih, manusia diciptain emang penuh nafsu dan gairah, akan tergesa-gesa β€” takut ditinggal, karena melihat yang lain ada di garis depan.
Tapi, di satu sisi ...
Takut terlalu lama berputar di zona nyaman... Terlalu menikmati masa sekarang, dan cuman jalanin hal sama di depan mata.
Ya balik lagi, selain bersyukur harus berusaha...
Rumit jadi manusia.
Kalau emang terlalu nyaman ya, coba keluar dari zona itu.
Kayak bumerang aja, pikiran seperti itu balik lagi ke diri sendiri.
0 notes
haicy0nic Β· 4 months
β€œsome people won’t see you regardless of how clear a picture of yourself you paint, because their idea of you won’t allow them to see you as anything else than what makes them comfortable. their misunderstandings of you are not your responsibility to manage.”
β€” iambrillyant
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haicy0nic Β· 4 months
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haicy0nic Β· 4 months
β€’ Intro β€”
Good day! Welcome to my page. Thank you for visiting. Let me introduce myself briefly before you decide to follow me. My name is Finian Fano Callahan, but don't hesitate to call me just Fano, or any other nickname that suits you better. Just make sure it's appropriate, of course.
For those interested in astrology, I can share that my sun sign is Capricorn, my moon sign is Sagittarius, and my rising sign is Scorpio. In terms of personality, I identify as an ISTJ. I have reached the legal age. I go with pronouns they/them. Currently using Yunho Ateez as face claims.
I have a passion for art in its various forms, with a particular love for poetry, books, music, and movies. You may have noticed my deep admiration for The Lord of the Rings trilogy and The Hobbit. When it comes to music, I listen to a wide range of genres and cannot single out a favorite amongst them. My regular rotation includes ATEEZ, Fujii Kaze, FijiBlue, and Tulus.
Before you follow me at X :
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Through my retweets, I often share content related to poets, books, movies, and drawings. I occasionally vent about my work life as well. I frequently retweet and express support for Palestine, also other socialβ€”politics issues.
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haicy0nic Β· 4 months
Berdoa untuk baik-baik saja
Orang datang dan berlalu,
Tak bisa dikendalikan,
Rasa seperti benalu,
Takut terbawa perasaan.
Senin, 3 Juni 2024
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