haiangels · 3 years
8:26 am
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genre: fluff
mikey x gn!reader ; platonic relationship/best friends/crush
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mikey is having a terrible morning; he storms out of the house, pouty and upset. grumbling under his breath and shivering from the cold, he makes his way down the driveway. this is all because kakucho and takeomi refused to go out and buy his favorite snacks from his favorite bakery.
he decided it was a good idea to let out his frustrations by kicking the trunk of a tree closest to him. that was a terrible idea because all of a sudden, a huge lump of snow falls onto his head, leaving him standing there frozen from shock and the cold.
immediately after, he hears a familiar laughter; he slowly wipes away the snow from his face and turns around.
he huffs and frowns when he's faced with you, his best friend and crush, doubling over with laughter. his cheeks turn a bright shade of red, slightly from the bitter coldness of the snow, but more so from the realization that he just threw a temper tantrum in front of you.
shaking the snow out of his hair, he gets ready to tackle you into the snow. that is, until you bring forth the one hand that was behind your back, holding onto a bag with his favorite bakery's name on it.
“hold it right there mister. ran texted me about kaku and omi, so i bought you your favorite pastries instead,” you grin brightly at him, cheeks and nose tinting red from the winter cold.
mikey’s expression instantly brightens as he pulls you into a hug before picking you up and carefully dragging you into his house.
“you’re my favorite person in the whole wide world, do you know that?” mikey exclaims, grinning as his eyes sparkle, practically tearing apart the bag to get to his sweets.
smiling at his excitement, “i know,” you say, as you grab one of the taiyaki, taking a bite out of it. “that’s why you love me," you tease.
his cheeks redden as he watches you consume his pastries and notes how adorable you look with your cheeks stuffed full. like a chubby hamster.
“yeah.. yeah. i do love you.” he replies, smiling softly in content.
more than you'll ever know, he thinks.
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winter is almost here ♡
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haiangels · 3 years
11:34 pm
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genre: fluff
ran haitani x f!reader ; animal crossing
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ran would always go over to your island and stay there as much as possible
his own? practically empty
he’d chase you around and whack you with the net that YOU GAVE TO HIM BECAUSE HE'S POOR IN MATERIALS
would always talk to your villagers and ignore his own because he's always ON YOUR ISLAND
tom nook tired of him ngl
he’d disappear to the museum hiding somewhere and would chat you “hey let’s play hide and seek”
“come find me”
he wasn't even hiding INSIDE the museum, he was somewhere ELSE
makes you roam around for MINUTES just to come inside and pretend like he asked you on a date
“was i late? sorry. why aren't you dressed for our museum date. you look ugly”
would always say judy or shino looks prettier than you
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been obsessed with animal crossing lately sorry ♡
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haiangels · 3 years
stay for the night
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genre: fluff
rindou haitani x gn!reader
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the sky begins to darken as the moon slowly begins to rise, yet you stayed underneath the blanket fort you had built with rindou in his living room right in front of his tv. rindou pulls you closer into his embrace, humming softly as the both of you continue to watch the movie that's playing on the screen.
averting his attention to your face, he runs his fingers through your hair and places a gentle kiss against your temple.
sighing softly in contentment, you nuzzle his chest, wanting to melt into his embrace; his warmth making you feel safe. you feel his chin resting atop your head and start to softly draw shapes on his back.
“it's late,” you mutter softly–a bit timid, as if you’re terrified of ruining the comfortable silence that the both of you had fallen into.
“stay for the night,” rindou mumbles, moving his head to nuzzle his face into your neck. contemplating the offer, you chew on your lower lip, fiddling with the necklace he had gifted to you on your second date.
“only if i can wear your favorite hoodie." you look at him, eyes sparkling in happiness.
"the white one that's really big with bellflowers on it?” he chuckles, brushing your bangs away from your eyes, squishing your cheeks gently.
“of course, my angel. whenever you want, always.”
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thank you for reading! reblogs/comments are appreciated ♡
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haiangels · 3 years
2:32 am
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genre: fluff
with ran haitani x gn!reader
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it’s two in the morning when you and ran head out for the onsen in sapporo. you had won tickets for two and forced mikey to give ran a few days off for this trip. you’re affected by your lack of sleep from excitement and packing all night even though your husband is singing to the radio music enthusiastically. he isn't yelling too loud, but it's still enough to just keep you barely awake.
with one of his hands on the steering wheel and the other intertwined with yours, he rubs his thumb on the back of your hand comfortingly. you smile at his actions despite being sleepy while he pulls your hand up to his lips, placing a gentle and short kiss on your knuckles.
noticing your drowsiness, ran stops at a nearby rest stop swapping the radio music to soft ballads from a playlist he made. his energetic singing turns into soft serenades as he continues to gently rub small circles on the back of your hand. with the comfort of his presence and voice, you allow yourself to drift off to sleep; a soft smile on your lips.
when you finally wake up, the sun is beginning to rise, casting a rosy hue with golden tints across the morning sky. sitting up and looking around for your husband, you find that he isn't anywhere in the car or nearby. looking at a sign closest to you, you see that you're parked at another rest stop.
when ran returns, he isn't empty-handed. walking back towards the car, you see that he holds sandwiches and coffee for the both of you from a nearby starbucks.
“good morning, beautiful. you're up just in time for the sunrise,” he says as he gets back into the driver’s seat, unwrapping your sandwich for you and handing it to you.
the both of you lean back into the chair and lazily bite into your sandwiches as you watch the sun rise together. admiring the different colors splayed in the sky, you take a sip of your coffee and hum softly in content. soft music continues to play from ran's phone; the soft melodies resonating through your ears because he wanted to warrant comfort in your sleep.
when the sun's shining brightly in the sky, blinding the both of you, ran takes one last sip of his coffee and pulls out of the rest stop.
“go back to sleep, love,” he says as he glances over at you, noticing you nodding in and out of sleep, interlocking your fingers together again.
and so you do; flashing a loving smile in his direction, you close your eyes once again to his soft singing and the warmth of his hand.
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thank u for reading c: hope u enjoyed! reblogs/comments are appreciated! ♡
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haiangels · 3 years
OMG we un-shadowbanned o(╥﹏╥)o
0 notes
haiangels · 3 years
even though y'all can't see this-
we miss y'all and being not shadowbanned ヾ(✦థ ェ థ)ノ
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haiangels · 3 years
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genre: h-heavy angst? it's really sad. like, so fucking sad.
rindou haitani x f!reader ; very very long fic!
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b - blue oceans
It was night time, the sky dark enough for the stars to shine when you finally reached the place you’ve been longing to be at for the last couple of days. Parking your car and turning off the engine, you sit there as you stare at the body of water in front of you. “We’re here,” you muttered, taking a few minutes to compose yourself before stepping out. Reaching down to take off your shoes, letting the soles of your feet feel the sand underneath. The soft crashes of the ocean waves lull you, a soothing sound that you have subconsciously been missing for a while now.
This location was more on the outskirts of the city and hardly had any visitors; one of the main reasons why you always hung out here with him. The sudden thought of him makes your hand reach up to touch the pendant necklace he gave you; a habit you had a long time ago. He had helped you fix it by offering his own hand for you to clutch whenever you felt the need to hold something. The lavender jewel looked as new as it did the first time he put it around your neck. They reminded you of his eyes, yet it didn’t offer the same warmth that his hands used to provide. The warmth that you needed right now, more than anything in the world. To feel him by your side. But he was gone.
The buzz from your pocket brings you out of your daze; your hand leaving the pendant to grab the phone, looking at the caller ID and pondering if you should finally pick it up after ignoring them for the past 3 days. Before you are able to answer the call, the buzzing ends and you’re faced with the image of a happy couple. The man has his lips pressed against his lover’s cheek, while his lover smiles at his actions; a rosy color present on both their faces. A perfect picture like a painting. A picture of you and him. Your finger instantly goes to a random app, no longer wanting to be reminded of the life you once had. However, you had subconsciously opened the app you dreaded the most. The message app where his last text messages to you were once again within your eyesight.
| i’ll be late today, so please feel free to sleep before I come home
| make sure to eat dinner as well | i’ll bring back your favorite dessert as a reward | i love you
| princess, my angel, my love of my life. Thank you for staying by my side for so long. No matter how many times I am able to relive my life, I would choose all the decisions over and over again, no matter how bad or good they are, to have you by my side. I love you… and if tomorrow I am not there | to give you kisses and hugs | to wake you up and to lie down with you | to start a family with you | to watch our kids grow | to grow old together | i’m sorry.
| i love you, i’ll be leaving first.
| rindou? babe? | is everything okay? | answer me please, I’ve been trying to call you for hours now. | please, i need to hear your voice. I need to know you’re okay. | please rin… please.
His brother arrived the next day in front of your door. The worried feeling in your stomach that has been building up from the previous day of him not answering, doubles at the sight of Ran. His eyes are heavy - evidence of lack of sleep, empty - like a part of him had disappeared, and red - from all the tears that had been shed. The words that leave his mouth have your knees give up and you drop to the floor.
“Rindou is dead.”
e - my everything
Ripping your gaze away from the messages, you shoved your phone back into your pocket as tears pricked the corner of your eyes; sitting down before your knees collapsed once again. No matter how many tears have fallen, it seems endless as you always find a tear slipping down your face every passing hour. However the sea breeze assists you this time, making you shut your eyes allowing the tears to slide down your cheeks.
You weren’t sure how long you stayed in this position, your head burrowed into your arms as if to protect yourself now that he was gone. What exactly do people do when their everything is gone? There isn’t an instruction book nor an exact google answer, heck not even a solid solution to this hollow feeling. How does one find comfort, when their comfort is gone?
The soft crashes of the waves bring you back to reality, lulling you once again; a solution. You get up slowly, dusting off the sand left on your coat before taking it off. Folding it neatly next to your shoes.
Funny how the solution you thought you’ve found was one of your worst fears. Your bare feet come in contact with the water.
The thought of swimming in the ocean always sending a shiver down your spine. Deep waters, the inability to breathe, as you slowly fall into the darkness that the ocean provides. Your wet shirt clings onto your skin.
You knew he’ll hate you for this. Wherever he was right now, would be scolding you in disapproval. Knowing his exact response to your actions that you were gonna partake brings a slight smile on your face. “Don’t you dare do it,” you released a chuckle, now you were hearing his voice.
Maybe… maybe this was the solution after all. Shutting your eyes before submerging your face underwater.
l - a loser
“Snap out of it!” A hand reaches out to grab yours, pulling you back to the surface. You’re instantly met with piercing lilac eyes that were glaring at you. The figure in front of you had blonde hair with bright blue streaks, a hairstyle you haven’t seen for years now. Managing to find your voice, his name leaves your lips in a soft whisper, “Rindou?” His glare softens seeing that you were okay, as a smirk replaces his frown. “Yes. Who else would it be, y/n.” Hand gripping yours a bit tighter, as if to assure you that he was indeed standing in front of you. However, that smirk drops as his eyebrows furrow once again when a whimper escapes from your suddenly sobbing form. He stands there perplexed before pulling you into his chest, arms wrapped around you. No words exchanged, just the sound of waves crashing and the quiet sobs that buried in his chest. Oh, how much you missed this warmth.
l - to a lover
Questions and theories ran through your head as soon as you woke up. Having passed out in the middle of the ocean after your breakdown, Rindou carried you back to his house. The same house that was in your distant memory, the one that he grew up in with his brother. Everything in his bedroom was the same as you remembered, clean and simple. Even the daily small notes that you’ve given him in school throughout the days were posted on his wall by his desk. Did you perhaps travel back in time? You stand up from his bed and walk to the mirror in the corner of his room, the reflection in the mirror semi-answers your question as you touch the short hairstyle you sported when you were younger in your high school years. The single strip of blue that you bleached after stealing his blue dye makes you smile at the memory. Except… this didn’t seem like a memory. Your eyes continue to wander around the room, why does everything feel so real? From his bedsheets, to his gang uniform hanging on the wall, to his scent, and essentially him.
The door opens revealing him holding a tray containing your favorite snacks, a look of surprise and relief on his face when he sees you standing. “Are you feeling better now?” You hum in response as you both sit down in front of the low table in the middle of his room. His hand is on your forehead before you know it, “doesn’t seem like you have a fever” he mutters before grabbing the bottle of your favorite beverage and opening it, offering it to you. You take it and smile; even in your memories, he’s doing the same thing he’s always done. Sipping it, you’re reminded that this might not be a memory after all when the sweetness hits your throat. A sudden urge to confirm that the person next to you was indeed him and not just a sick hallucination you were having, your hands reach out and cups his face. The softness of his skin, the warmth of his cheeks, and the smile that appeared on his lips was enough. Enough for you to shed tears once again.
“Jeez, you’re quite a crybaby today.”
f - how long does this forever last?
With that, you continued to live your life. As the high schooler you once were, the memories you’ve held come to your head like moments of deja vu. However, you did notice the small changes that were different from what you remembered. Such as your eating habit, that you’ve developed in adulthood, of skipping meals have resurfaced in your younger self. Resulting in teenager Rindou having to take care of two people now, you and his brother.
The notes you’ve used to write to him every day have also stopped. This was something that you didn’t notice until one afternoon when you were hanging in his room and saw that the portion of his wall containing your notes hadn't grown ever since you traveled back in time. In the future you knew, your notes piled up to the point where his wall no longer had any room for more; resulting in him buying a notebook to contain everything. Seems like that’s one thing that won’t happen. Quickly, dismissing that thought you return your attention to the boy in front of you. He has been chattering for a while now; for someone with a reputation as a man of few words, he sure is different in front of you as he spills everything. You watch as he continues to draw something in his notes.
“So, what do you think?” His lilac eyes finally look up to meet yours as his pencil stops.
“Hm? Think about what?” Vivid confusion on your face sends him groaning silently, his ears turning a shade of red as he speaks his plan again to you.
“What do you think about this confession to her? Will she accept?” Ah. Right. Her.
You remember this period of time when your future lover had a crush on someone else. In the past, you never really saw him as someone other than your childhood friend, your best friend, your soulmate. But now, after experiencing a relationship that was beyond just friends with him; your stomach churns at the thought of him being with someone else. Yet, who were you to stop him? When his love right now isn’t towards you?
Forcing a smile on your face, you ruffle his hair so that he wouldn’t catch on. “I’m sure she’ll be head over heels for you.”
l - longing for someone
The scene in front of you makes your stomach churn once again. The falling pink petals from the big blossom tree, the rosy tint present on both forms’ cheeks, the smile on both their faces as they fall into an embrace together. A finger pokes your cheek making you turn in shock to a pair of lilac eyes that resemble another pair, one that was currently in an embrace with another girl. Ran’s eyebrow was raised, pointing to the juice carton you’ve been drinking. It’s crushed from within your grip. “I don’t think any more juice will come no matter how much you squeeze out of it,” he smirks before his gaze falls to the scene you were watching. “You’re okay with this?” His little brother is in a blushing mess as the girl, his girlfriend, kisses his cheek before walking off. “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” you retort, throwing away the carton in the trash can. Ran’s eyes pierced into yours, knowing that you knew exactly what he meant. You turn away, nudging his side to signal him to knock it off as you see Rindou start walking towards the two of you. The pink on his cheeks and the loving smile he bore was enough for you.
Even if they were for someone else.
o - open flower meadows
Time always seems to flow by fast, seasons changing, and more memories happen- some being replays of what has already happened while some getting rewritten as new ones. Nonetheless, you were certain, positive, assured and convinced that they would break apart. That they would have a fall out, concerning his gang activities and Roppongi ruling with his brother. That their relationship will be over in less than a year, not even being able to celebrate their one year together when she leaves him for good after not being able to handle what he does. Yet, here they sat in front of you, in an expensive restaurant that Kokonoi bought out. Their hands on top of one another, signaling how happy they were together even after the amount of years that has passed. But even without their skinship, the smiles on their faces and the loving gaze in both their eyes would let even a stranger know that they were lovers.
“We’re getting married.” He announces to the group of Bonten members. If your heart was a glass right now, it would be dropped and shattered upon hearing those words. Your breathing was starting to become labored, but you can’t let it show. You won’t. You trained yourself all these years to keep a composed face, especially after becoming an executive in Bonten. A choice you made when you decided you wanted to protect him at all cost. Shutting your eyes, you silently thank the pink haired man next to you who reached out to clutch your shaking hands under the table. A closed eyed smile was what you could muster. Just so they can’t see that the smile won’t ever reach your eyes.
“Congrats, send me the invitation when the date is decided.” You put your other hand on top of Sanzu’s as a token of appreciation. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I forgot something at the office. Have a good rest of the evening.” With that, you stood up and bid goodbye to everyone; not wanting to notice the pity expressions that some of the members held when they watched you leave.
w - worth it
Footsteps followed you when you exited the restaurant. If you were in your original state you would have sneaked into a corner, reached for your thigh strap that held your gun, and been ready for the one who was following you at such a speed. However, tonight you weren’t. Especially not after the eventful words that reached your ears just minutes ago, repeating themselves in your head as the image of the happy couple smiling occupies your headspace. A hand grabs your wrist, stopping you from taking another step.
“Wait, y/n.” You didn’t have to turn around to know who it was, his form already made it’s way in front of your vision.
“...What is it Rindou?” The strong voice you had prior when you announced your departure seemed to disappear in front of him. Silence. His gaze on your face doesn’t falter, a sigh leaving his lips before he grabs your hand and continues walking.
“Let’s go somewhere to talk.”
A car ride of more silence later, he parks the car and gets out. A familiar body of water is in front of you, this place you haven’t been to in years; unsure if this place was a curse or a blessing. The car door opens, Rindou is on your side reaching his hand out to help you out of the car. Taking his hand for the split second before letting go, despite being long time friends, prolonged skinship wasn’t needed. After all, he’s a soon to be married man and will be out of your grasp. You walk ahead of him, feeling the sand seep into your heels. He’s soon by your side once again, keeping the same pace as you as he drops his suit’s jacket on your shoulders despite the warm evening air.
“You’ve changed.”
Your legs pause for a bit, before continuing. He takes this as a cue to continue talking. “Ever since that one day, when you suddenly wanted to go swimming… you were underwater for so long I got worried and pulled you up. Do you remember? There were tears in your eyes, and heck you were crying the rest of the day afterwards.” He chuckles at the memory; not hearing a response from you, he steps in front of you. Stopping you once again, your eyes finally meet his.
“It’s like… you became someone more mature. More experienced. Like you lived your life and now you’re reflecting and living your life again. No longer making impulsive decisions, instead you consider your choices and always choose the one that doesn’t benefit you. You…” He pauses, his hand reaching up to mess with his hair; flashing his forehead for a split second as he releases a frustrated sigh. “You always seem to make choices that concern me…” His eyes flicker to the open slit of your dress, the Bonten tattoo on your thigh seems like a stain on your body, an inerasable stain that he blames himself for and his eyebrows furrow again. Noticing where his eye had flickered to, you turned your body, making the tattoo leave his sight before releasing a sigh of your own. Your finger reaches up to the space in between his brow and flicks it slightly, an “ow” coming from the one who received your attack makes you smirk.
“Don’t be silly. I’m living my life with my own choices.” You place a hand on your hips, sending him a mischievous glare with a smile on your lips, “how important do you think you are that you think I’m protecting you?” Catching your joking retort, he releases a playful gasp as if he’s hurt by your mean response. “My bad, and here I was thinking I was an important figure in your life.” As he pretends to wipe a tear from his eyes, you laugh at his actions before grabbing his hand and making a run towards the water; his jacket drops onto the sand before your feet make it to the water. “Come on, let me give you a celebratory splash for your big news.” Not minding the luxurious dress you were wearing getting wet, you make it deeper into the ocean until the water levels with your waist. Splashing him and his expensive tailored suit as he returns the splash to you. It was like a movie scene of two adults being teenagers once again as your laughters echo through the air. However, the ringtone from his phone buzzing from the shore soon brought your attention away from this once in a while getaway. He starts walking back while you take the opportunity to look at the sky.
A smile full of sorrow on your face and a soft whisper that only the moon heard. “As long as you’re happy, it’s enough.”
e - everlasting memory
A wedding ceremony was held weeks later; a small one, but a grand one nonetheless. Avoiding him the majority of time was difficult if it wasn’t for Sanzu and Ran occupying you, with Ran leaving your side from time to time to check up on how Rindou was doing. When Ran is gone, Sanzu takes the opportunity to lead you to the flower garden.
“If any moment you want to flee this place, just grab my arm and I’ll take you away in a heartbeat.” He mutters, as you wave at the guests who were loitering around in the garden as well. You chuckle at his statement.
Grateful that you got to meet Sanzu in this redo of life, you still remember the first time you met him at a bar. One of the few nights when sadness hit you and you needed a drink. He was there to listen to you as you ramble about your previous timeline to now. Your drunk self thinking that you won’t ever see this pretty stranger again, so might as well just release all the stuff you had occupied in your chest. The look of shock when you saw him again on your first day as a newly hired Bonten executive, his expression surprised as well before a smirk graced his lips as he connected the dots of your story. Over the years, that smirk drops before he’s practically glaring at Rindou when he enters the room; making Rindou glare at him back thinking it was just an exchange. It wasn’t until you caught his glare, and scolded him that Sanzu lowered the amount of glares given.
“I can’t just leave in the middle of a wedding, Sanzu.” You respond as you hook your arm into his open one. “Why not?” Ran approached you two before you could answer, noting that the ceremony was gonna start soon.
Indeed, why not? Sanzu’s question flashes through your head when you watch the couple exchange rings. The seat Ran occupied was the perfect distance to hear the priest and watch the action of the couple getting married, as well as the perfect distance to quickly get up and leave without anyone noticing. “And you may kiss the bride,” the priest's words were all you heard, before on cue a pair of hands covered your sight. You release a quiet scoff of disbelief before lowering Ran and Sanzu’s hands down. The kiss was still in action within your sight and their rings glimmered under the sunlight. This is it, the wedding you never had in your previous life because you two were so busy. Now it’s happening, he’s the groom of your dreams and memories yet you weren’t the bride. He’ll never be yours. And he’ll never know the love you two once had.
“You’re crying.” Sanzu whispers. You reached up to touch your cheek and indeed, there were tears rolling down. “They’re… tears of happiness…” You muster out as you grab the handkerchief Ran offered. “Yeah right.” He states sarcastically as he watches your tears get caught by his handkerchief. The amount of tears silently falling confirmed your next plan of action, your fingers making its way to pull on Sanzu’s sleeve.
“Haru, let’s go.”
Rindou never asked why you left, but you were sure Ran played a part in making an excuse for you.
r - remaining in time
Life continued as Bonten continued to get busier, thanks to the many tasks and paperwork distributed to everyone you never had much time to meet face to face with Rindou. Times when he does stumble in front of you, a member would come up to you and request one of you to come with him to complete other tasks; resulting in him sulking before he waves goodbye to you. Before you knew it, the date you were waiting years for was approaching. That day, you asked Mikey if he could cancel the business meetup that was gonna occur. However, since it was a meetup with an important ally it couldn’t be canceled so easily; especially since it was one that was planned for a while now. With no evidence to explain why the meetup should be delayed, the worried look on your face allowed you to go with Rindou to the meeting.
“Be careful,” Mikey states as you walk out of his office, you flash him a smile; one that he hasn’t seen on your face in a while, one that reminded him of his sister. “Take care.” You say before closing his office door.
The meeting was going well, much better than how you anticipated. Rindou took care of all the talking while you read the contracts, mentioning some questionable stuff that had to be addressed before the contract was finally agreed upon. As the ally signed their signature, your hand hovered above the gun on your thigh strap. Remembering Ran’s words from years ago. “Rindou died from blood loss, he was shot.” You were not taking any chances, not when he’s right next to you, not when he’s alive and breathing.
But nothing happened. Even after the contract was returned to Rindou, no suspicious movement was made. Minutes passed by as they continued to chat and nothing, it was like the other side didn’t possess any weapons. When it was finally time to go, you exhaled the breath that you kept in for a while now, feeling relieved that this could be another change that occurred in this life thanks to the choices you made. Your hand reaches out to exchange a final handshake with the ally before the door crashes open and stands a figure with a gun aimed at Rindou. Wasting no time, you push Rindou aside as you feel the bullet puncture through your body. The first bullet took away the shock as more bullets continued to enter, finally ending when the bullet from Rindou’s gun made its way to the attacker’s head. “Nice… job.” You manage to voice out and smile before your body starts to fall.
He catches you and you watch the endless tears stream down his cheeks to your own. “Please, y/n you’re so stupid!” He shouts, his lilac hues flaring with emotions. Anger, worry, sadness, and pleas. “The ambulance is coming soon, Koko got contacted and he’s sending the best medical team. So please. Please… don’t close your eyes.” He clutches one of your hands, tightly gripping them as if he wants to send his life source into you, hoping that you would return his grip with your own. “Please… y/n… don’t leave me. Please. I… I have so many things to discuss with you, so many things to discover with you, so many things to experience with you. So please… don't leave me. There’s too many things I regret…. y/n… I need you alive.”
If you weren’t on death’s end, you would have scoffed and flicked his forehead at how many tears he was shedding, but you couldn’t find the strength to as your own blood makes a pool around the both of you. Doing all he could to keep you awake, he quickly reaches into his pocket. “R-right, your birthday is coming up,” his voice wavering as he lifts up a necklace in front of you, “I got this for you.” The lavender pendant you saw before is in front of your eyes once again, this time you release a soft chuckle despite it hurting your throat. But that was all you seemed to be able to do, as your breathing started to slow down. He must have felt it too, witnessing the numerous amount people who died in front of him before. You were gonna die in his arms.
“Rindou…” He encloses the necklace in your clutch and continues to grip your hand. Mustering the remaining energy you had, you lift your hand that was on the ground, flinching as your blood was coated on your fingers. Noticing you wanted to touch him, he quickly grabs it and places it on his cheeks; not minding the way your blood was now on his face. “Rindou, I… love you…” He nods and stays silent, his previous outburst taking an emotional toll on him as you slowly fall deeper into death’s embrace in his own arms.
“...Please live well… and… be happy… okay?” Your voice starts to fade as your last words leave your lips. He doesn’t respond, he doesn’t want to respond; knowing that once he does, you’ll be gone forever. Yet, the look you gave in your eyes as they began to water up finally gave him the push he needed. “... okay.” He’s lying, you knew he was; but he was in front of you alive and breathing. You were able to save him, and that was enough.
Ran was the first to appear through the door, with the others following behind him. All sweating and heavy breathing were caught and halted when they witnessed the scene in front of them. Each taking different paces of steps towards the quiet man who’s tears have finished falling, and in his arms was you; a soft smile full of content on your lips as your final goodbye.
Your eyes flashed open, your lungs finally inhaling after what felt like years of suffocation. “You’re awake.” You turn your head to meet lilac hues. “...Ran? … What are you doing in heaven?” The frown that appeared on his face made your confusion worse. “So, that's what you were doing in the ocean.” He sighs, before sitting on the bed; you notice the dark eye circles apparent under his eyes. “Sorry but, per my brother’s selfish request, I gotta take care of you for the rest of your life.” Rindou. No. “Now, come on…”
“We’re gonna be late to his funeral.”
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taglist: @trashmemebitch
wooo this was a long one- our hearts are hurting. </3 like, a lot. TT-TT
if you read the entire thing, thanks for reading! reblogs/comments are appreciated ♡
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haiangels · 3 years
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halloween with bonten
genre: fluff, crack?
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you're out shopping for halloween candy and whatever else the guys put on the list
when you get home, there's an among us costume at the front door
white, covered in blood with an angel halo
with the guys all dressed in their respective colors standing behind them, grinning
you said immediately picking up on their scheme
but after a few kisses from rindou, you agree
you originally planned to stay at home and just give out candy, but reluctantly change into the costume
sanzu has the DUM sticker on his helmet
before leaving the house, you place a post stick on his back
"if lost, return to the bloody white angel."
you go trick or treating because they're actually children
and sanzu likes to scare the kids before him at each house so he gets the candy first
he likes to brag about it to you and seeks praise from you
you only shake your head at him, but he doesn't care
and continues being a brat the whole night
and every time, a stranger would come up to you guys
"i believe this man belongs to you"
you all would stare at the guy, then look back at sanzu and rindou would speak up
"no, we don't know him."
"but the note at his back says-"
"no. we don't know him."
you'd sigh and take the DUM from sanzu's forehead and put it on rindou's
then hold sanzu's hand for the rest of the night because you can't continue letting him chase kids
kaku would be the one to apologize profusely to the parents while sanzu stands there grinning like he did nothing wrong
mikey would be the most excited - like FREE CANDY
he's super picky
you'd go to a door and mikey is up first
the person was gonna drop a candy bar in and mikey would
"uh no."
and brings his own hand into the bag full of candy AND PICKS HIS OWN
he sees a group of kids nearby exchanging candy and moves to join
but you shake your head and block his view and way before he can take another step forward
"we can trade with each other when we're done, okay?"
ran and rindou will be on their own adventures; person with a bad personality?
they'd toilet paper their lawn and throw eggs at their windows at dawn
when it's time to go home, the children would whine while koko, mochi, and kaku help you drag them to the cars
omi had already left to start the car, but he had a hard time getting in because of his helmet
he ended up calling kaku to go help him
when you guys get home, you all sat in a circle and emptied your bags of candies into the middle
a mountain was created and everyone chose their favorites
mikey was really happy that night
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happy halloween and stay safe out there! ♡
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haiangels · 3 years
mikey as your boyfriend
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genre: fluff
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mikey’s a little awkward, but he tries his best!!
also very sneaky
would tap your shoulder as many times as it takes to get you to look at that direction
when you face him, your lips would end up touching his and you guys end up kissing
gets jealous easily and tries to hide it all the time
you know him too well so you see right through him
he just needs a little reassurance every once in a while
shares his snacks with you
likes to see you smile and laugh, especially if it's because of him
if you're shorter than him, he'd hold things over your head
then demands that you have to give him a kiss first before before he gives it to you
if you're taller than him, he'd cling to you until you pepper his face with kisses
loves forehead kisses
loves to kiss you and receive kisses from you in general
happy 24/7 whenever he's with you; sparkly eyed and all
sanzu would third wheel ngl "to protect you two"
loves using your shoulders and lap (especially) as pillows
sleepy boy that's smitten with you and sometimes doesn't know how to communicate properly
but that's ok because you're there to help, support, and love him
treasure him because he’ll treasure you
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i love him so ʕ•́ᴥ•̀ʔっ♡ this prob so ooc im sorry ;;
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haiangels · 3 years
back hugs
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bonten reactions
genre: fluff
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ran smirks and tells you how much he loves the gesture. he’d lean into your embrace and would smile so brightly as you continue to hug him from behind. he’d be like "my princess just loves me so much, doesn't she?" in the SMUG-EST tone ever.
kaku finds it very sweet and would be giddy the entire day about it. he''d turn to face you and hold your face, giving you a tender kiss on the lips. whispers against them, "do that every day, starting today."
koko plays it off as if his heart isn't beating a mile a minute. turns around to smile at you and teases you for pda. you'd pinch his cheeks then tap right above his heart, "yeah? you loved it, based on how fast your heart is beating."
mikey is happy. like extremely happy. he loves being back hugged, constantly asks for one every day. once you let go of him, he'd ask for another and another. congratulations, you've created a back hug monster.
rindou is a little surprised and will ask if you need something. turns around and smiles at you; hugs you normally, wrapping his arms around your figure snugly. he loves your show of affection, but prefers hugging you with your face buried in his chest.
omi stands there for a bit, "what?" doesn't show if he loves it or not, giving you doubts and insecurities. after a bit more, he'd smile and laugh. would tell you he was just caught off guard; 10/10 wants you to do it again.
sanzu LOVES it. not even the least bit surprised; loves the feeling of your face buried in his back. he'd greet you, "hey, angel." then turns around so he can kiss your forehead. would back hug you in return and clings to you, tightly, for the next hour.
mochi smiles to himself, "hi there, love." lifts his arms to allow you to cling to his side. pinches one side of your cheek and gushes about your cuteness. rewards you by peppering kisses all over your face.
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oh to be able to hug ran and mikey ༼ つ ಥ_ಥ ༽つ ♡
thank you for reading! hope y'all liked it ^^ reblogs/comments are appreciated!
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haiangels · 3 years
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tokyo revengers reactions
genre: fluff
characters: mikey, mitsuya, ran, & rindou
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you accidentally hit your arm against a table but paid it no mind. “what harm could it cause?” you thought. a few days later, you see a huge purple bruise forming and you begin panicking as you know how he would react. when he walked into the room one day, you quickly hid your arm behind your back, but you weren’t fast enough.
mikey ;
wouldn't know what to do besides bombard you with questions and comforting words
"are you okay? are you hurt? i'm here now, don't worry love!"
would hug you close to him, as if protecting you from the world
"please let me know next time, i don't want to be excluded from the things that happen to you. i want to protect you."
after a few seconds of silence,
"that's it. i'm childproofing the whole house."
when you tell him you aren't a child, "you seem way too similar to one. you need to be safe and protected at all times." and nods to himself, satisfied with his answer
"but- you're the actual child here, mister always needs a flag on his meal. go drink your milk, sweetie."
mitsuya ;
he'd calmly ask you what happened and question if you were getting bullied at school
will go momma bear if he finds out someone is bullying you
no one is, so he remains calm
would softly ask, "tell me what happened, how did you get hurt?"
when you tell him what happened, he'd scold you for being clumsy
but he'd comfort you and hug you
he'd playfully hit a table close by and scold it for hurting you just to make you smile and laugh
if it works on his two younger sisters, it'd work on you. and it did
smiles at you after hearing your laugh, "be careful next time, okay y/n? now the bruise is ruining your flawless skin" ):
"but it's okay, you're still beautiful."
ran ;
would worry and panic, but wouldn't really show it??
"where'd that monster on your arm come from? is someone bullying you? tell me and i'll go fight them right now."
you'd tell him no one's at fault and that you just accidentally smacked your arm against the table
he'd laugh when you tell him that and tease you for being clumsy
pouting, eyes tearing up, "this is what i was afraid of, you laughing at me"
he'd immediately stop and pull you into a hug
copying your pout, "aww im sorry, princess. i was just playing, forgive me?"
"it's okay to be clumsy. in fact, i think it's adorable. i love you, princess."
a few days later is when he'll bring it up and laugh about it again
rindou ;
"y/n?? what's that??" pointing at your arm
"it's a bruise, rindou. it forms when blood from the ruptured capillaries leak out under your skin and stays trapped in one spot."
would stare at you, unamused. "ok, smart alec. even i know that. i mean, how did you get it? you hit yourself against the table again, didn't you?"
to which you would shrug and explain it isn't your fault, it was an accident
he'd walk to the freezer to grab and ice pack for you, helping you ice the bruise
after a few minutes of silence, he'd start to laugh, shaking his head in amusement
you stare at him as if he's grown two heads, "i still can't believe you hurt yourself. again. you're so CLUMSY"
you flick his forehead exasperated, "listen here, you jellyfish- i knew i shouldn't have told you what happened."
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thanks for reading ʕ•́ᴥ•̀ʔっ♡
reblogs/comments are appreciated!
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haiangels · 3 years
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genre: angst
ran haitani x f!reader
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o - on wedding day
Everything was going as planned. You take a deep breath in, hoping to calm your nerves.
The piano music starts to play as the door opens. You proceed to take a step forward, in rhythm with the piano, just as you practiced for weeks now. The wedding hall was well decorated with the flowers and décor you chose together with him, the guests’ chattering quiet down as their gaze lands on you; amazed by how beautiful you looked in the white dress.
Your own eyes land on him, the love of your life; looking as handsome as he did the first time you met him. He catches your eye and knowing how nervous you were, he offers a smile as you keep your gaze on him. Returning his smile with one of your own, the emotions in you slowly rising up.
Excitement, joy, happiness… and curiosity?
You notice his eyes flicker to someone, the smile you bear falters a bit, but soon returns when his eyes land back on you.
One more step towards a future with him; he raises his hand for you to take, whispering “you look beautiful” into your ears as he assists you up the steps to be on the same level as him.
You let out a soft giggle before responding, “you look quite beautiful as well.” He smirks as if he knows he does as the priest lets out a cough, interrupting your flirting session that was happening in front of the entire audience. The guests let out a couple laughs in return, as you two smiled, embarrassed.
The priest begins the ceremony, Ran’s hand clutching yours the entire time. You give his hand a squeeze, something to remind you that this moment was real and that this wasn’t a happy dream you were having. When you don’t feel a squeeze back, you sneak a glance at him only to find his attention elsewhere, looking dazed. Like he was lost in his own daydream.
“Ring Bearer, please come with the rings.” The priest announces, your little niece comes with a purple cushion; two rings sparkling on top.
Reaching out to pat her head, smiling and thanking her before grabbing the ring that was meant for your future husband, you turn slightly to see Rindou elbow his brother to snap out of his stupor. Ran quickly gets back into motion, smiling at your niece as well as he took the other ring on the cushion.
Are you alright?
You wanted to ask, taking the first move to put his ring on his respective finger; smiling and adoring how perfect it fit. Taking your eyes off of his hand, you look at him believing that his eyes would be on you with the same adoration that was blossoming in your chest. Yet, it wasn’t. No smiles, no adoration… not even his gaze. His eyes weren’t on you.
Instead it was on her. The girl behind you. The bridesmaid that he asked you to have.
r - recalling the memories
It’s been 3 months since that day. Like many nights that have passed by since then, you look at the ring on your hand. The sparkle that was once there, doesn’t gleam like it did before.
Has it always been so heavy?
You already know the answer that conjured itself over these countless, sleepless nights.
It’s been heavy ever since he slid this ring onto your finger. Like a small anxiety monster who’s chewing on your insecurities that keeps growing. An endless meal.
c - cared enough to stay
“Do you love me?”
He blinks in surprise, as he glances up from his paperwork.
“Of course I do. We’re married, princess. I swear our wedding was just yesterday.”
His lips curl up to a teasing grin, lifting his arms to let you know that he wants you in his hold. You comply, fighting off the endless gnawing questions that kept growing in your head. Safety and warmth, his embrace was enough to melt the anxiety. You feel your own lips lighten to a soft smile, snuggling your nose to his neck; your eyes fluttering shut as you feel yourself calm down.
This was fine. This is home, with him.
His phone lights up as a text notification pops up on his screen.
h - heartbroken within your arms
Was that the beginning of this downfall?
No, it probably started a long time ago. Maybe even before he met you. His childhood friend that he grew up with; the girl he would always mention when you two were classmates; the girl he always posted on social media whenever she would come visit from overseas; the girl that he would always cancel the plans, that you two had planned, for; and the girl you know he would save if you were drowning with her. His first love, his angel, his everything.
Yet, why did you believe he had fallen out of love with her?
Was it because he noticed the hearts you doodled on your notebook next to his name? Or was it because of the smiles you always got from him whenever you were together? Maybe it was the butterflies that ate up all the doubt you had, leaving you with confidence and hope that your one sided crush would be returned. Or perhaps… it was that one night when he appeared in front of your door with tears about to fall out of his eyes. His embrace tightly held you, as you hugged him back patting his back in attempts to comfort him; his tears finally finding freedom to fall. “She’s in love with my brother.” He manages to mutter out between his sobs as your hoodie gets soaked by his tears that he only sheds in front of you.
“Hey, you okay there?” Rindou reaches out to tap your shoulders, reviving you from your flashbacks. A look of concern on his face causes you to quickly flash him a smile and a nod, “I’m fine. Congrats by the way, looks like my little brother in law has finally settled down.” A playful scoff leaves his lips, rolling his eyes at your response, “You make it sound like I was never going to marry my girlfriend of over 10 years.” You chuckle, and look around absorbing the beautiful decorations that were placed around the wedding hall. “It’s beautiful.” Complimenting the colors that matched well with the ones he wore on his formal suit. “Yes, she spent a long time trying to match everything.” The smile on his face was soft, content, and full of happiness.
Has Ran ever had a smile like that when he thought of you?
Your thoughts are interrupted when the man in your head appears, waving his hands at you and the groom. Eventually by your side, he puts his hand on Rindou’s shoulders. “She’s ready for you.” A smile that was quite similar to the one you just saw on Rindou’s face now on his, but you didn’t miss it. Not after all these years of being with him and noticing the subtle emotions that he never lets out openly. The upward lift of his mouth falters as Rindou thanks him and walks towards the pedestal.
You take the seat next to him, his hand finally clutches yours as soon as the music starts to play. The door opens and there she is, looking stunning as she walks in pace with the rhythm. You wouldn’t be surprised if people told you she was a goddess that descended, as she looked so ethereal in her perfectly white dress. Your husband was no exception, his eyes only on her from the moment she stepped out of the door to the moment she was by his brother’s side. His eyes never leave her form even as the kiss has been exchanged; you can’t help but clench your free hand wondering if this too was just a dream.
It wasn’t and you begin to flashback to the time where your hoodie once held his tears for her.
i - it’ll be okay
The clock ticks echo through the room, reminding you of the quietness that surrounds you. Candles in front of you provide enough light. The meal you cooked earlier sits cold on the two plates. It was his favorite, the one he always compliments with his mouth stuffed. The one that made him blurt out that he could live his whole life eating this everyday when you first cooked it for him.
Now that memory is turning into one that brings tears to your eyes.
It’s your one year anniversary since marriage. Well, it was your anniversary 5 hours ago when the clock took its time to strike midnight signaling a new day. He was supposed to be home around 6pm, at least that was around the time Rindou messaged you, letting you know that your husband got off work and into his car. Yet, here you were. Alone.
The feeling of coldness dawns on you, unsure if it was due to the candles that were lit up for hours now starting to die out or if it was your own heart weeping in despair.
You feel your tears start to wet your cheeks, sliding down onto the dress you were wearing. The same dress he got you one day, noting how he’ll love to see you in it. The smile didn’t leave your face that time, but you knew this dress. You've seen it before.
It was the same one she wore.
d - do you?
It was 7am when the door creaked open, as his footsteps could be heard. A soft hum escaped his lips as he walked to the kitchen, in hopes to wash his hands before he went to the bedroom. The paper on the table catches his eye, wondering if he left his paperwork on the table again he approaches it to see what it was. His eyes widen a bit as he reads through it and finds your signature. His legs quickly walked up the stairs.
“Y/n, what is this?” He asks as soon as he’s at the bedroom door that was opened. You were on the floor, packing your things.
“It’s what you read it is, Ran.”
“Did I do something wrong? Why… why is this form signed? Why do you want to divorce?” He’s kneeling in front of you, his hands clutching yours to stop you from packing more of your things.
You can’t bear to look at him, your own lips sealed shut as you could feel them quivering. He lifts your face to meet his, desperation in his eyes.
“Don’t leave me… please.”
He whispers as he notices the quiver in your lips start to travel down to your hands, he closes the distance between you two; his lips almost reaching your own in hopes that it’ll bring you back. Back to the smiles you always gave him when he comes home. Back to the arms that would openly embrace him no matter the occasion. Back to the times when you didn’t know. But you stop him.
“Ran…” You muttered, trying to find your voice; to control it so that it won’t crack from the immense sorrow building itself up in your throat. Your eyes finally met his, seeing your own reflection in his lavender eyes- yet it didn’t seem like the you in his eyes was the you that he sees.
“Ran… do you think about her when you look at me?”
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a/n : erio isn't content with the amount of angst, but tears are welcomed <3 yume bawled.
thank you for reading uwu ♡ reblogs/comments are appreciated! :D
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haiangels · 3 years
journal de fleurs
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━ ♡ ran haitani
━ ♡ rindou haitani
━ ♡ haruchiyo akashi • sanzu
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haiangels · 3 years
animal crossing fiascos
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genre: fluff
acnh with bonten
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mikey ;
has no idea where to put his tent in the beginning, takes a whole half hour roaming around just to find a spot he likes
ultimately deciding to put it right in the middle and then proceeds to put this two start villager's on both sides of his own
likes fishing, always carrying a pole in his inventory
if he comes to visit you, you bet that he's there to fish too
paying off the 5,000 nook miles was easy
but 98,000 bells? struggling.
don't worry, sanzu and koko comes by and drops off tons of bells that he won't ever be poor LOL
keeps eating his fruits
and then proceeding to accidently breaking all his rocks
stumps everywhere.
dream villagers : merengue and zucker
sanzu ;
drops his tent somewhere randomly
doesn't really care where his two first villagers put their tent and chooses the option of letting them just put it there.
time traveler.
actually wants to finish the bug and fish encyclopedia
has a rock area. stoned. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
somehow always gets stung by wasps, that he needs a pack of medicine in his inventory at all times
dream villagers : genji and lucky
found pietro once when he was island hopping and instantly invited him.
kaku ;
another person who drops his tent off somewhere, but subconsciously near resident center so that his character doesn't have to walk far
doesn't wanna time travel. really tries not to...
the type to arrange a villager area and keep it organize
always talks to his villager at least once every day
island theme is really calming and pretty
dream villagers : poppy and sherb
koko ;
puts his tent right next to resident center cause the closer he is to the ATM, the better.
time traveler.
somehow has millions of bells already in his bank, loans paid off, and starting becoming a loan shark to other bonten members if they ever come begging
HAS A MONEY TREE FARM this hacker smh
the type to have the other bonten members visit, but they must pay a fee
dream villagers : popular villagers so that he can trade them out for nook mile tickets LMAO
found raymond once, knew he was popular, invited and let him stay on island until a good deal came
but somehow fell in love with him and never let him go since
ran ;
was actually a guest on rindou's island first before going out of his way to buy his own console and game
already knew the basics due to watching rindou play
is the type to be super lucky and find both chrissy and francine within 10 tickets
someone who plays normally, sometimes time travels
ah, time travels back a couple days for an event because he wanted some items on his own island that he got from playing on rindou's island
has a shopping center
always on a lookout for balloons
has a big flower field which he likes to water here and there
dream villagers : daisy and zell
rindou ;
the first to play the game and got everyone on bonten addicted
has a plan since the beginning too, the location of buildings, roads and pathways, tree and flower placement
does he stick to the plan?
no. LMAO- not with ran around as the guest
actually the main reason why ran had to buy his own console
doesn't wanna time travel- but with ran catching up to him HE'S GOTTA TIME TRAVEL
lowkey stressed about his island idea and seems to always change it
sanzu came to visit once and witnessed the chaos of his random building placements because he was mid-planning
like random terraformed hills?? in the middle of nowhere??? whats that puddle of water doing in front of the airport??? how tf are people suppose to enter?!?!
"use your pole. duh."
dream villagers : dobie and lolly
takeomi ;
playing because senju gave him the game
noticed the other members playing so he just drops by and says he plays as well
somehow has as much bells as koko
would randomly go to the member's islands and drop off a bag of 99,000 bells on the ground and just leave.
the others were curious about his island so he let them visit after their constant pestering
but sanzu being sanzu proceeds to drop bags of weed here and there
if takeomi can kick one person off his island, sanzu would already be sent off LOL
dream villagers : lowkey doesn't really care about what villagers he has, lets them come and go as they please
mochi ;
enjoys the game.
if he ever has free time, he'll be on to do his daily tasks here and there
island theme is very homey feeling and looks very peaceful
doesn't know about time traveling
even if he knew, he prob wouldn't bother with it
also tries to finish the encyclopedia
lets you come visit and allows you to take the fruits you don't have
dream villagers : teddy and mitzi
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if you've reached the end, thank you for reading uwu ♡
reblogs/comments are appreciated! :D
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haiangels · 3 years
you got games on your phone?
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genre: fluff, slightly suggestive??
characters: bonten
y/n plays cup pong with bonten on imessage
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sanzu ;
agrees to play and plays casually
would get competitive when you keep winning
gets upset and challenges you to a match in real life
with real beer
would beat you and brag about it to you and everyone in their office group chat
nothing matters as long as he wins
would drag the other members into the game just to show off how amazing his aim is
mikey ;
would be so confused on how to play
misses every shot and loses every round; baby's really bad at aiming on phone
it got to the point where you end up having to call or facetime him to teach him how to play
and when he finally gets a ball into a cup, he gets excited and tells you about it in call
"did you see that, y/n?!? did you, did you?? I GOT ONE IN!"
he'd practice with the other bonten members, without you knowing, to improve
is smug when he beats them in every round
rindou ;
would accept immediately
he's been wanting to play with someone for a long time, but everyone else ignores him
he wants to show off his skills; he's been practicing by himself
which is why he has two phones
would let you do your moves and would purposely lose until the last round. this is when he busts out his own moves and wins the game
you'd block him for a day and ignore him for a few hours
ran ;
no mercy.
beats you every round and rubs it in your face
when you do manage to beat him, he demands a rematch
he's a sore loser; can't handle being beaten by you
would be petty and challenge you to strip uno "how does this even correlate to cup pong, ran??"
"shush, be prepared to strip, y/n."
would treat it like it's his lifeline. he just has to win.
kaku ;
he so kind
he so nice
he would let you win on purpose
doesn't care about the game at all, he just wants to see you happy
would pretend to not know how to play just so you can call him and teach him
loves listening to you talk and laugh, hence why he loses on purpose
would do anything to make you happy
koko ;
he's actually good at the game
would ask to turn it into a bet; he's greedy for money
he's good, but you're better. staying glued to your phone 24/7 has paid off
loses the bet, and like ran, would challenge you to a game irl
can stand losing, only when money isn't involved
would bet again at the irl match and wins + rubs it in your face "HAH you may be better on phone, but im GOD in real life."
would give you the money he won regardless
omi ;
honestly, he isn't fond of phone games. he'd much rather play in real life
wouldn't even reply to your game invitation
he ignores and leaves you on read
finds you in his office and runs outta there immediately
HE SUCKS AT CUP PONG LOL but his ego is too big to admit that
when the other bonten members tell you this, you'd ask him about it
his response? "i lost on purpose. trust."
mochi ;
he's good at the game
but he doesn't want to play, he's been playing too often and got tired of it
doesn't ignore like omi, he has the decency to tell you no
but it's a "no." with a heart
buys you boba and popcorn chicken to make it up to you
tells you funny stories about the other members' losses
spoils you rotten
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thanks for reading!
reblogs/comments are appreciated ♡
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haiangels · 3 years
takashi mitsuya
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━ ♡ reactions
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0 notes
haiangels · 3 years
Hi! I hope I’m not being annoying but can I please request HC of Mikey, Draken, Chifuyu, Baji, Sanzu and Haitani brothers when MC is their childhood best friend/crush and is the sweetest person ever, full of rainbows and sunshines
And one day they are walking home when they see a man harassing a girl (probably a year younger) and till the time the boys finish thinking (about what move would impress MC)MC had already beat that man real bad (he would be bleeding with half his teeth knocked out or shit) and then she’s being all shy with them
Sorry for such a long ask
I really love your writing!!
hello! ^^
don't worry, you're not being annoying at all
thank you for sending in a request! we appreciate it ♡
you can read it here :D
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