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haha-u-r-a-ghost-blog · 6 years ago
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Unlike other apps, YouTube will not allow its users to get the content it offers. With SnapTube audio, you can download content and save it to your mobile phone.
The program has eleven categories of videos to explore, from the most popular and seen in the background of this ceremony to the daily recommendations.
The free download of snaptube provides you with a tool that allows you to pause, interrupt or restart the download of any melody. You can preview the videos or download them directly. The variety in the download resolutions allows you to select according to your tastes or needs.
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haha-u-r-a-ghost-blog · 6 years ago
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Shazam is another app well known by Android users. It was created to identify any type of music that the user does not know, and it is necessary to listen only a few seconds to recognize the name of the song and the artist.
The interesting thing is that besides discovering what is the music, the app still gives you a lot of information about it and tells you where you can buy it or listen to it for free.
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haha-u-r-a-ghost-blog · 6 years ago
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TVShow Time
If you like to watch multiple TV series, there is no better app than the Time TVShow to use as a companion. It works like a social network, so you can follow your Facebook friends and share the series you're currently seeing.
In addition, you can mark All seasons you've seen and be notified when new episodes are released.
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haha-u-r-a-ghost-blog · 6 years ago
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Pushbullet is a great app for those who spend a lot of time on the computer and don't like to keep checking the smartphone all the time to see your notifications. With it installed on your device and browser, notifications will appear on the PC automatically.
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You can even see if someone is texting you or calling you without looking at the smartphone, which is very useful. In addition, you can use the app to send files and documents directly to your smartphone.
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haha-u-r-a-ghost-blog · 6 years ago
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Podcast Addict
For those who like Podcasts, the Podcast Addict app is a great recommendation for Android. Besides having a very beautiful and functional interface, it can also be downloaded for free.
You can both browse your favorite podcasts, how to discover new programs according to their popularity among other users.
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haha-u-r-a-ghost-blog · 6 years ago
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In addition to Evernote, you can also test Todoist to organize yourself in your day-to-day tasks. You can still create lists, prioritize, and add notes as you progress. It is one of the most popular free apps in this category on Android, so it's worth trying it out.
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haha-u-r-a-ghost-blog · 6 years ago
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Google Now Launcher
If you have a smartphone from Samsung, LG or Asus, you are likely to have to deal with the various changes that these companies make to Android. To work around this, you can install Google Now Launcher, which leaves your device much like the pure Android experience.
The interface is much cleaner and has some interesting resources. In addition, you'll still have a special window that shows suggestions for articles that might interest you, show options to avoid traffic and still give data about the weather.
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haha-u-r-a-ghost-blog · 6 years ago
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The Android keyboard is good enough for any user, but if you want something even more enhanced, just use SwiftKey. He was one of the first alternate keyboards to be released and was the one who introduced the whole concept of a keyboard to learn the user's way of typing to give better suggestions. Over the years, he remained the best in this category.
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