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had-to-hide · 3 years ago
My 13 y.o. sister saw aftg stickers on my laptop and decided to draw Neil and Andrew.
Isn’t she the sweetest????
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had-to-hide · 3 years ago
welcome to… another tiktok au because that apps controls my life but what’s new
- Kevin’s verified and posts his exy highlights and his workout routines. Most of his comments are of people asking him to step on them
- Matt and Dan have a joint account and most of it is povs of them being accepting parents/being Very Attractive (think of the lesbian mob moms, the deity parents, and the cowboy dads). Most of their followers are queer teens
- Allison is one of the more chaotic posters, half of her posts are crazy storytimes and the other half is a mix of thirst traps and answering questions about her clothing company
- Renee posts mini tutorial videos about how to properly handle a knife, block and attack, etc. It’s linked to her YouTube account, which is more in depth. she also has videos where she bakes bread and cookies like the cottagecore lesbian she is. Most of her comments are similar to Kevin’s (especially in the breadmaking videos because… hh pretty woman strong arms)
- Neil is famous on plant tiktok, for many reasons, but mostly because he’s attractive, he’s queer, and he’s funny (for a while his most liked tiktok was of him standing in his kitchen, holding one of those mini microphones and saying “my therapist said it would be good for me to get a pet but i’m not ready for that kind of commitment despite the fact that i’m married. so” *hauls in a very large ficus* “this is linda”)(it became his second liked tiktok after someone commented asking him if he would wear a maid outfit and cat ears and he was bored so he was like “fuck it: sure.”)
- Nicky is living his best life. Most of his comments are people saying “it’s hard to see someone else living your dreams” because all he does is post about his weird pets and his hot husband (he has 32 pets. Of those pets there are two dogs, three foxes, a sugar glider, and multiple snakes). Of the foxes, he has the most followers and got verified first
- Aaron’s is strange in the sense that he answers a lot of questions on science and stuff, but he also posts thirst traps sometimes, which get millions of likes. He’s verified and he has more followers than Kevin and Kevin’s kinda bitter about it. (he’s like the sexy young adult version of hank green)
- Andrews is by far the most chaotic. He got a lot of followers initially because of the video he posted where he was trying to befriend the possums in his yard at 3 am when it’s raining by offering them cheerios and singing wap but replacing the word “pussy” with “possum” (most of his comment are “ everyone: ‘did you see that new dance?’ my fyp:”)
- despite their vastly different content, most people who follow Andrew also follow Aaron. one could be scrolling through their for you page and find a video of Aaron explaining cloning and then scroll down and find Andrew interviewing his cat about climate change
“what do you think about climate change”
*silence, because it is a cat*
“really? no comment?”
*a mrrp, a tiny meow mayhaps*
“are you trying to get me canceled or something? those are not the views i have been teaching you, young lady”
- Andrew: “i currently live in a long-distance relationship with my husband because of our jobs and contracts and such, and i miss him quite a lot, but i can’t see him, so i bought sixteen three-wick candles from bath and body works. they were having a sale.”
- andrew also has a lot of videos that look like they were taken at three am either in a forest or in a bathroom with the lights turned off
- andrew and neil still have their weird rivalry thing on twitter, so after they make a video together about neil finally moving in, all of the comments are like “i thought you guys hated each other???”, so they make a response video that’s just “oh no, i’m married to this asshole” and half of the comments are “!!!>??!” wheras the other half is like “i mcfuckin knew it”
- all of the foxes post at least one video when they’re all together for the winter holidays and all of the comments are like “the most daring collab ever” and they’re just like “nah bro, this is just christmas”
- there’s multiple videos on multiple accounts of the foxes (minus aaron and nicky) all hiking in the middle of the woods, but for some reason it’s at night and very very cursed (similar to Andrew’s own content)
“how much do you bet me that I can’t jump off this cliff” “fucking ZERO”
“theoretically, I could run off and live in the forest like a bog witch” “but you wouldn’t have internet connection” “fuck. Nevermind”
neil jumps down from a tree out of nowhere and scares the shit out of everyone
“okay so we’re kinda lost but neil claims he can read the stars or some shit so”
“okay so we lost neil”
“I swear this is going to be a story from the magnus archive dude, like I’m pretty sure that one of us is going to be kidnapped by a supernatural being”
(they didn’t end up being kidnapped. They’d been roaming the same three hundred yards of trees for two hours because they’re idiots)
- most of allison, dan, matt, andrew, and neil’s followers don’t even know that they play exy (I didn’t say Kevin because: duh). they post fun traveling videos for the olympics and the comments are like “lucky!!! i wish i could watch the olympics in person” and they’re like “no, i don’t think you understand, we’re playing in the olympics” and everyone’s like “w h a t”
- alternatively, followers are watching the olympics and finding the funky gay tiktok people on the exy court and are very very confused
(also i forgot to mention this earlier but all of them caption every single one of their videos) (also none of them can be found on straight tiktok)
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had-to-hide · 3 years ago
I don’t know if it has already been said but Chasing Cars by Snow Patrol is definitely Andreil song.
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had-to-hide · 3 years ago
You need to know that English is not my first language, and I’ve been reading a lot of aftg fanfics in English.
Right, so for quite some time I thought that Andrew was constantly singing, in every fic, he was singing. And I’ve always wondered why the FUCK he was singing instead of answering the question, its not a fucking musical.
Turns out I misinterpreted the word humming.
But imagine me trying to comprehend what the fuck was going on.
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had-to-hide · 3 years ago
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so happy to finally post this art I did for the @aftgbigbang event! These are companion pieces for the fic A Theif and a Liar by @gluupor. It’s an Ocean’s 11 AU and it’s awesome
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had-to-hide · 3 years ago
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Andrew when Neil does something cute ☺️
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had-to-hide · 3 years ago
Just Andrew and Neil.
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had-to-hide · 3 years ago
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Professional sports magazine photographers must have had a field day huh
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had-to-hide · 4 years ago
After reading absolutely magical Andreil fic Petal-Shaped Epiphanies by @willowbird I wanted to draw something. And I decided on foxglove ☺️
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I highly recommend to read it!
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had-to-hide · 4 years ago
Okay, I gave up and started reading aftg in Russian. Oh god, there are a looooooot of funny words. They could have been translated much much better.
For instance, they translated pig Higgins as boar/hog Higgins. Fucking BOAR! It’s just hilarious
Like we have in Russian some derogatory words for cops (obviously), but instead of choosing an actual word that we have, they chose just an animal, without any meaning behind it. They didn’t even translate it into a ✨pig✨, like this cutie:
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They chose boar, like this one:
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Anyway, I will be posting some updates about translation as I read 🧡
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had-to-hide · 4 years ago
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Yes jesus here are pictures of us at Allison's that Renee took while I was arguing with Seth over something incredibly stupid. You're welcome.
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had-to-hide · 4 years ago
Okay angsty idea that's actually in the realm of possibility in canon:
So it's never outright stated in the books, but when Ichirou meets Neil and they make the agreement, Ichirou does say that Neil has to make a professional team or he'd be killed. And Neil gets it so Kevin and Jean will give 80% as well to Ichirou.
What if it's the three can only stay alive if they are able to play exy? If any of them get injured in such a way where they can't play, even if they could coach, they'll die.
So, down the line from this agreement, one of them gets injured bad enough that they can't play anymore. But here's the thing, the three never mentioned the full nature of the deal to anyway (like some assume things but nothing confirmed). So they're just trying to keep their companions' moods up and happy. Then one day they go for a drive and later they're found shot in the head in an apparent suicide. It's said that they couldn't cope with not being able to play exy anymore.
But then a bouquet of flowers are sent to the grave and the meaning is basically disappointment. Everyone thinks it was just someone trying to say they were disappointed such skill was gone, and it's plausible. But those that knew of the deal realize how deep it actually goes.
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had-to-hide · 4 years ago
The Hatfords, unlike the Butcher weren’t so crude with their kills, they were known for their marksmanship, precision, and efficiency. Even Nathan Wesninski, arrogant and narcissistic as he was acknowledged it. So even as he trained his son in the art of knives, he allowed his wife to teach the boy her family’s art in bullets that always hit their mark.
The Butcher showed himself in drawn out pain, the targeting of nerve bundles, and knife marks that leave no hesitation. The Hatfords showed themselves in bullets that matched no other ballistics from guns no others can replicate to the groin, heart, and head, as well as in specific cases, to the knees and hands.
Nathaniel, with both Wesninski and Hatford blood running through his veins naturally excelled. He knew that his son would grow up to be a killing machine and awaited the day that his naive mercy ran dry.
As a descendant of both bloodlines, Nathaniel was encouraged to choose his own specialty way of killing. His mother and father were both wholly of their families, but Nathaniel, Nathaniel was something else. And so, he chose poisons and swords. The two things no one from either family would teach him. And he mastered them both. Eventually, he learned to integrate them.
Nathaniel knew every possible way to kill, with all types of blades and guns. He could take down even the best swordsman and could create the deadliest poison you can’t even detect from the garden of a suburban mother. He could even create and neutralise bombs with materials from a laptop. He was perfect.
It was part of the reason he was so enraged when Mary and Nathaniel ran away. His wife had taken a weapon away, a very valuable one.
Neil knew all of this, he knew what he was, what he learned had made him a perfect killer. His mother knew it, too, had never seen the need to shield him from the violence of their life. He had been condemned the moment he was born.
He had a box hidden in a place where no one would find it with several different types of knives, and four guns—all of them Hatford-made. He also always had one knife and one gun strapped to his left and right legs respectively, and another of both on his hips.
So when the police showed up at PSU for what people assumed was a school shooter, but in actuality, was one of Nathan’s men, and targeted the Foxes, well, they took it upon themselves to teach the Foxes how to defend themselves.
They showed everyone basic self-defence manoeuvres, how to disarm someone, and how to shoot a gun. Neil didn’t pay attention, everything they were showing was leagues below him.
He knew everyone else on the team assumed he had no idea what he was capable of, which was astounding to him for he hadn’t even been trying to hide it. It was like they completely forgot who he was raised by. Like they didn’t realise that if he hadn’t been immunised of all crimes, he’s be serving several lifetimes in a federal prison.
He was called over by one of the officers. “Hey, you! Pay attention, you were lucky this time, you might need these skills someday.”
The team snickered. Well, everyone but Renee, who sensed that he was capable of more than he let on, Andrew, who knew of his knives and guns, Kevin, who knew his family, and Wymack, who seemed to just always know.
He briefly considered his options and found that he was too tired to deal with this. So he got up and walked right in front of the officer. “Isn’t the best way to learn experience?”
The officer, confused, just nodded.
“Then fight me.” He continued to make eye contact.
“What? No, you’re a kid. I ain’t gonna fight just any kid who challenges me.” The officer tried to laugh it off.
“Then consider it teaching.” He cocked an eyebrow.
“...Alright. If you insist.” The officer reluctantly got into a loose fighting stance. Right away, Neil could spot countless holes in it.
He immediately reached out with his left hand and grabbed the officer’s right forearm, grabbing his gun with his right. He twisted the officer’s right hand behind his back, pocketed the gun, and kicked the back of his knees, sending him to the floor. He grabbed the officer’s other hand and grabbed both with one hand. He brought the officer facedown with a forearm to the back of his neck.
“Want to tap out?” Neil asked after a minute of the officer’s futile struggling. The officer, flushed red with effort or humiliation—Neil didn’t care, nodded and tapped out. Neil got up to see the stunned faces of his team. Money was exchanging hands and it seemed that Kevin, Renee, and Andrew were splitting up a large sum.
“When did you learn that?” Nicky asked. Neil didn’t answer and instead handed the officer his gun back. He then went over to the shooting range, forwent the safety glasses and ear muffles, took out the gun holstered at his hip. He dismantled it, put it together, loaded it, released the safety, and shot it. Right knee, left knee. Right hand, left hand. Heart. Head. All in a matter of seconds.
Silence, before an officer had the target brought closer to see what he hit and cursed at the perfectly centred holes. Neil put the safety back on before pulling another clip out and re-loading it. He holstered it back at his hip.
“Can I go?” He asked Wymack who looked a little bit smug. He grunted and Neil took that as all the confirmation he needed.
As he walked away, Andrew following him, he heard Allison ask “Where did he get that gun?”
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had-to-hide · 4 years ago
Year ago I wanted to get a tattoo with hp or wolfstar. For the last couple of months I have been thinking about getting tattoo with aftg. But what if I don’t like these books anymore? So, I decided to get piercings instead!
I read a fanfic where Remus had lip piercing (vertical labret) and I got it!
I read a lot of fanfics and hc where Andrew has a lot of piercings as well, so I got 5 ear piercings today!
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had-to-hide · 4 years ago
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baby…andrew…………hang the picture on the fridge
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had-to-hide · 4 years ago
I was on the bus, reading Andreil smut, and there was a girl who was on her phone as well. So after some time I take a look at what she is reading, and it’s fucking smut!!! She looks at me, I look at her, and we nervously smile at each other.
Best encounter ever.
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had-to-hide · 4 years ago
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The epic frisslimbim x @paradoxolotl crossover we’ve all been waiting for.
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