hackingfirestarter · 5 years
    modernize me.
          for characters from fantasy or historical settings.           send a symbol to see what my muse would be like in the present day. 
                  â–ș   Netflix                   what does their Netflix queue look like? if Netflix has all the TV & Movies!
                  â™Ș    Playlist                     random five songs from their favourites playlist. 
                  👏   Dream                       what is their aspiration?
                   👓   Education                       top 3 subjects, worst 3 subject. what was their ‘clique stereotype’?
                  ♚   Resume                       what is their occupational history?
                  ☒   Criminal Record                     do they have one? what did they do? their mugshot.
                  â˜ș   Online Profile                       top five sites, example tweet, what would their tumblr be like?
                  ✞    Beliefs                       what is their religion, political leaning & what would they advocate for?
                  🎧   Gaming                      top 3 games, favourite game genre. are they any good?
                  ✎   Books                       their five favourite books. what type of story do they like?
                  ✈   Travel                    good driver? how do they get to work? been abroad?
                  ✿   Home                       what does their home look like; and their bedroom?
                  ☕   Coffee Shop                       what would they order from a coffee shop or cafe?
                  웃   Wardrobe                       what is their style label? 5 examples of their clothing.
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hackingfirestarter · 5 years
Ask Box Trick-or-Treat
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hackingfirestarter · 5 years
                   𝐃𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐑𝐎𝐔𝐒  𝐒𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄  𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐒  .
❛   what  are  you  doing?   ❜
❛   what ,  you’re  going  to  kill  me?  ❜
❛   fuck !  put  the  gun  down !  please , come on !  it’s  me ,  alright ?  ❜
❛   what  are  you  doing  with  that ?   ❜
❛   please ..  don’t  do  this  anymore !   ❜
❛   let  her/them/him  go  or  i’ll  blow  you  away !  ❜
❛   wait ! okay 
  okay !  okay , i’ll  tell  you ,  whatever  you  want  to  know  ..   ❜
❛   you  point  that  thing  at  me  you  better  pull  the  trigger .  ❜
❛   alright , alright , alright  ..  i’ll talk !   ❜
❛   please ,  just  let  me  go ,  i  won’t  tell  anyone 
  i  promise  .  ❜
❛   let  me  out  of  here !   let  me  go !   ❜
❛   you’re  not  getting  away  this  time  
❛   actually ,  i  think  i  better  get  going  
   it’s  late  and  
❛   come  on !  fight  back !  fight  back !  fight  back  you  coward !   ❜
❛   come  on ,  hit  me !   ❜
❛   do  it !  pull  the  trigger !  do  it  ,  do  it  ,  do  it !   ❜
❛   come  and  find  me  
  polo !  ❜
❛   i  don’t  want  to  hide  anymore ,  i  don’t  want  to  be  afraid  anymore  
❛   you   keep   saying   you’re   going   to   stop   but   you   don’t !  ❜
❛   how   many   more   people   need   to   die   before   you’re   satisfied ?  ❜
❛   why   are   you   doing   this ?   ❜
❛   don’t   come   any   closer  ,   that’s   far   enough  .   ❜
❛   if   you  don’t   pull   the   trigger   i’ll   pull   it   for   you  !   ❜
❛   i  thought  that  you  were  in  danger  
❛   you’re  dangerous  
  i ,   i  just  don’t  want  to  end  up  dead ..   ❜
❛   i  promise  i  won’t  hurt  you  
❛   can  you  please  stop  screwing  with  my  mind ,  god  !   ❜
❛   i  don’t  want  to  be  here  anymore ,  please ,  can  we  go  back ?   ❜
❛   um  
.  i’m  not  sure  i  want  to  go ,   thanks   anyway  ..   ❜
❛   that  sounds  dangerous  
.   i’m  in .   ❜
❛   i  don’t  know ,  it  sounds  awfully  dangerous  
❛   stay  back  or  i  will  rip  your  head  off  !  ❜
❛   i  think  
   this   is   wrong ,  no .  i  can’t  just  stand  by   and   watch   it  .   ❜
❛   do  you  think  you  would  ever  hurt  me  like  that ?   ❜
❛   i  can’t  be  with  someone  who  could  hurt  me  like  that  
❛   this  is  not  love  !   it   is   obsession  !   a   sick  one  at   that  !  ❜
❛   are  you  following  me  ?   what  
   what  do  you  want  ?   money  ?   ❜
❛   please  
  i  have  money ,   just  let  me  go  .  ❜
❛   i  don’t  think  you  realize  how  the  dangerous  this  game  is  ..   ❜
❛   it’s  not  just  a  game  !   ❜
❛   if  you’re  in  some  kind  of  trouble ,  you  can  tell  me  .   ❜
❛   come  on  ,   it’s  just  a  game ,  what  could  go  so  wrong  ?   ❜
❛   are  you  the  one  that’s  been  watching  me  ?   stalking  me  ?  ❜
❛   actually ,  do  you  mind  if  we  just  stop/pull  over  here  ?   ❜
❛   what  are  you  doing ?   you  missed  the  stop  back  there ?   ❜
❛   hello ?   is   someone  there  ?   ❜
❛   you’re  scaring  me  
❛   okay ,  you’re  really  starting  to  scare  me  
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hackingfirestarter · 5 years
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MENU INTERFACE, POKE A: “What is it?” MENU INTERFACE, POKE B: “What’s up?” MENU INTERFACE, POKE (REPEATEDLY): “Hey, you’re gonna damage the goods!” MENU INTERFACE, POKE MAX ♄: “C-c’mon! Quit it!!”
COMPLETED SCENE, +♄: “Even I gotta sleep sometimes. As much as I liked hanging with you. I need some sleep.” COMPLETED SCENE, -♄: "I think you ought’a scoot.”
GIFT (NEUTRAL): “For me...? Um...thanks...!” GIFT (DISLIKED): ”Uh...” GIFT (LIKED): “Whoa! Where did you find this?! Thanks!” GIFT: (THEIR BIRTHDAY): ”You...remembered? No one’s ever really remembered...thanks...”
BIRTHDAY: “It’s not a special cake or anything...but I wanted to do my best so here...happy birthday.”
BONUS SCENE! +♄: “I don’t get it...you’ve been so nice to me. You’ve been nothing but caring and sweet to me since we met...it’s really something I don’t get. There’s thousands and thousands of girls you could interact with, but you chose me...so...thanks...you make me feel like I’m not alone anymore...” BONUS SCENE! -♄: “Look, I don’t know what you thought this was. But it wasn’t going that way from the get-go. You’re gonna have to bounce before I make you. Got it? Now shoo.” BONUS SCENE! (NEUTRAL): “...I’m happy you’re around you know? I like having friends. I don’t get a lot of them so...let’s keep hanging out like this alright?”
TAGGED  BY: @red-velvet-valentine TAGGING: You see this? You’re tagged yo.
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hackingfirestarter · 5 years
Send âœȘ for my character to reveal how they feel about yours.
❖   POSITIVE. I think you’re awesome ║ I like you ║ I want to go on a date with you ║  I love you ║ You’re cute/handsome ║ I want to marry you ║ You’re attractive ║ I wish we could spend more time together! ║ I’d like to get to know you better ║  I admire you ║ You’re someone that I look up to ║ You’re very kind ║ I consider us friends ║ I secretly have a crush on you ║ I have high respect for you ║ We have common interests ║ I’m happy that I met you
I feel uncomfortable around you ║ You’re bothersome ║ I never want to speak to you again ║ I dislike you ║ I loathe you ║ I’m envious of you ║ I’m worried about you ║ We don’t get along well ║ You’re the worst kind of person ║ You get on my nerves ║ You’re annoying to me ║ We have nothing in common ║ I wish I had never met you ║ I wouldn’t date you if you were the last person alive ║ Not you again
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hackingfirestarter · 5 years
To celebrate October, ask the mun about spooky Autumn things!
Send a number (or a few) for me to talk to you about Halloween/horror-related and Autumn-related favorites!
Favorite scary movie
Favorite Halloween (not necessarily scary) movie
Favorite Halloween costume I’ve worn
Halloween costume I want to dress as but haven’t yet
My ultimate dream Halloween costume
Favorite character from a Halloween movie
Favorite spooky novel
Favorite scary video game
Favorite classic movie/book monster
Best memory from a past Halloween
Favorite Autumn drink
Favorite Autumn food/treat
What I’d love to carve into a pumpkin
Best pumpkin design I’ve ever carved/plan on carving
Do you do anything special for Halloween?
Do you enjoy bonfires, or have you ever attended one?
Favorite scary story or legend
Favorite Halloween candy
Do you like going to Halloween stores?
If you do go to Halloween stores, do you buy anything or just look around?
If you wear costumes, do you make your own costumes or purchase them? 
Have you ever gone to a Haunted House attraction?
Have you ever gone to a corn maze?
How about a pumpkin patch?
What did you always wish you could dress up as when you were a kid?
Do you ever partake in a nice leaf pile jump?
Do you call apples covered in sweets: caramel apples, candy apples, toffee apples, or something else?
Tell a spooky campfire story (if you have one)
Do you believe in ghosts? If so, have you ever had an experience?
If you live in a climate where the trees change colors, do you like walking/driving around and looking at them?
Do you decorate your home for Halloween? 
Do you hand out candy on Halloween, have/attend parties, or do something else?
If you could be any legendary monster, what would you be?
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hackingfirestarter · 5 years
Finding Ж | Chapter 3
Isla had been in the lab for 3 days...watching every single video evidence of this one’s existence. This clone really went through hell and back, worse than Isla had to deal with during the time of the Zero Cannon. There was so much that she had been learning.
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She felt tired, but so determined to find more details. As much as she could to find out where this supposed 10,000th clone was. But then she recalled the details of the data.
“...Cryo-sleep...wait a sec...”
This warehouse actually had those. But they were through another elevator, one that went even deeper into the lab.
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“...I’m...gonna hate this. Aren’t I...?”
Isla began to step towards the elevator. Pressing the button and making the way down. Now she could only hope, that this would be simple and quick. But the most importantly she hoped for?
Is that this damn elevator didn’t break.
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hackingfirestarter · 5 years
Finding Ж | Chapter 2
She went to the laboratory level of the warehouse, using the main computer system to look into the whole situation with that file. She’d be damned if she couldn’t get those answers.
The data began to show small details of another file, an anti-K’ unit.
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“...there’s more than one...?”
The details continued to show information. This was a woman. Showing connections to the details with the clone in question.
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Isla blinked softly, attempting to look in deeper, the details of the data becoming corrupted. The data was probably wrecked somehow. But Isla was going to find a way to go further with that, one way or another.
Isla began to write down the details, first this Ж clone, and now this Anti-K unit named Isolde. These two were connected somehow. This also seemed to happen after K9999 left with Angel. 
So why didn’t Isla remember him either? Isla practically knew everything in the scenario involving NESTS. So why did they keep her away from this? So many things were going on, so why on Earth would-- Oh a video!
This seemed to show details of one of the testing facilities, as a matter of fact, from the map of the warehouse, this room was actually down the hall and to the right, only now it was practically destroyed. In this video however, everything seemed to be properly in place, scientists examining this man with dual colored hair. He looked so familiar? So why...why didn’t Isla recognize him?
The scientists began to speak.
“Testing Clone 10,000. Ж. Test one.”
His arms began to burst into flames. Dark black and red flames that made Isla’s eyes widen in horror. Whatever the hell this was...it was hiding somewhere, the fact that they had to contain power like that, it was intense to think of. She had to find out more.
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“I...I don’t wanna watch this...but...if it gives me details...I’ll watch all night if I have to...”
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hackingfirestarter · 5 years
Finding Ж | Chapter 1
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Hacking...was a chore. Especially when it’s your own old data that you’re hacking. But clearly what she had been looking for had been...well it was practically nothing now. Just trying to gather data on returning NESTS to its former glory. However...
It was one file that seemed to catch her attention.
A familiar file...that seemed to make Isla think far back.
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“...Did we always have that file? I thought there was only...9,999 clones. Where’d this one come from?”
Isla began to access the files, typing down through the multiple monitors looking through the various extra details, taking down each individual detail. Until...she saw something that really caught her eye.
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“Wait...wait I know where this is...”
She stood up, taking a look around her warehouse. She needed answers about this being, and so...she decided to prepare to speak on behalf of her group, and find out the result of this clone. 
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hackingfirestarter · 5 years
3, 6 and 9 for the blogger questions!
3. Do you have a “type?”
Ah...well...in my opinion, I don’t think that way when it comes to real people, but when it comes to anime husbandos...I like ‘em crazy tbh.
6. Have you ever experienced anything supernatural?
No not really, considering I’m Hispanic, my household does everything to keep themselves from being anything related to the supernatural.
9. What is your favorite kind of literature?
Action themed with mentions of experimentation and lab work. I’m weird like that.
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hackingfirestarter · 5 years
RTgame quotes: Sims edition  {Sentence Starters}
“Oh no, he died.”
“That’s kinda bad
“There’s no one home!”
“Why did the roof shrink?”
“You need a shower, man.”
“Just don’t mind the horse.”
“This sounds so menacing.”
“Go use the secret shower.”
“Why are you okay with this?”
“Oh, we lost  e v e r y t h i n g.”
“She’s not even a real vegetarian.”
“And all it cost was our front lawn.”
“I don’t know why you can do this.”
“Every family needs at least one horse.”
“This isn’t Star Trek, we can’t just do that!”
“You can do some horrific things here, too.”
“He should, by all means, be dead by now.”
“They’re protesting the Loch Ness monster.”
“This is what a proper midlife crisis looks like.”
“Ahh, we didn’t really care about him, anyway.”
“Oh my god, how long has this been happening?”
“You just saw a person die. It’s not that big of a deal.”
“The plan is, we’re gonna make an observation tower.”
“How many people are gonna be left alive at this rate?”
“You want some chairs? We’ll get some fuCKING CHAIRS.”
“He’s only got one day left, so we better make tomorrow count.”
“We’re making a moat
 we’re making a moat around the house.”
“The cursed room is gone, we don’t have to worry about that anymore.”
Make sure to study hard in school, kids, or you’ll become a fucking vegetarian.”
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hackingfirestarter · 5 years
Very invasive questions to get to know the blogger!
Have you ever broken a bone?
What is your religion?
Do you have a “type?”
Are you a clean person?
Do you believe in ghosts and supernatural things?
Have you ever experienced anything supernatural?
What is the most profound thing anyone has said to you? 
Do you use a planner?
What is your favorite kind of literature?
What is the worst trouble you’ve gotten into?
If you won the lottery, what would be the first five things you’d do with the money?
Do you have or want any tattoos or piercings?
What’s your favorite scent?
Where is the farthest you’ve ever lived away from your home?
Do you collect anything?
What is the oldest thing you own?
What is your race/nationality?
What is the one food you could eat for the rest of your life without getting bored?
Is there something for your childhood/culture that you’ve continued to do that others may find odd?
What is your dream job?
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hackingfirestarter · 5 years
“Looks like you were on the losing end of a dog fight.” 
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“Just had to...deal with some issues. Some guy I kind of owe...got a bit heavy with stuff. Don’t worry about it okay?”
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hackingfirestarter · 5 years
<--- this blog wouldn’t mind some curious anons
Ask about anything!
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hackingfirestarter · 5 years
My OCs: *do a bad thing*
Me, their creator:
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hackingfirestarter · 5 years
Post-Fight Sentence Starters
Requested by Anonymous
“Are you okay?” 
“Do you have any bandages?”
“That doesn’t look good.” 
“Did you pick a fight with a bear?!”
“I’m /fine/!” 
“You don’t look ‘fine’ to me!” 
“That was a nasty scuffle
“Let me see your ___.” 
“Can you help me?”
“You’re bleeding!” 
“I think I got some glass in my hands.” 
“Who did you pick a fight with this time?” 
“Did you win?”
“Looks like you were on the losing end of a dog fight.” 
“You should see the other guy.” 
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean-” 
 got out of hand
“What the hell happened?!” 
“Please tell me you’re still breathing.”
“I’m going to give them a piece of my mind for what they did to you!” 
“I can’t promise nothing is broken.” 
“It’s not what it looks like.” 
“Would you believe that I fell down some stairs?” 
Should I be worrying about seeing you in the news for a homicide?” 
 a lot of blood.” 
“All this blood isn’t mine, I swear.” 
“What did you do this time?” 
Send đŸ”Ș+ a sentence of your own!
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hackingfirestarter · 5 years
Promo Time!
Please boost this blog if you’re looking to interact with the following muses!
Super Macho Man - Punch-Out!!
Aran Ryan - Punch-Out!!
Rashid - Street Fighter
Sasha Nein - Psychonauts
Dr. Loboto - Psychonauts
Captain Falcon - F-Zero/Super Smash Bros. (Highly canon divergent!)
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