h3adlessangel · 3 days
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| Don't Tell Mama …
ˏ୭̥ೃ・゚:* +:。'🦷🪦˚⊱🏚⊰˚
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h3adlessangel · 4 days
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| 𝒟on't 𝒯 ell ℳama …
ˏ୭̥ೃ・゚:* +:。'🦷🪦🛼
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h3adlessangel · 4 days
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h3adlessangel · 10 days
because i'm obsessed with romance (fontaines d.c., 2024) sonically and lyrically and conceptually and intravenously, a lyric (or two?) from each of the songs that feels like a thesis statement* to me:
*by this i mean like what it can say about the Themes [insert something that makes sense here about romanticization, alienation-numbness-pain-feeling, yearning for more or other (?), resignation vs acceptance, etc] or that it scratches my brain in just the right way idk
romance: i pray for your kindness / your heart on a spit / and maybe romance is a place / yeah
starburster: i wanna take the truth without a lens on it / my god-given insanity, it depends on it
here's the thing: to be anaesthised / and crave emotion / so beautiful / to hurt so well
desire: i see them driving into nothing where the nothing is sure / they drown their wishes in the fountain like their fathers before (all they want denied)
in the modern world: if it matters / you complete me / yeah
bug: changed my name to "promise you" yeah / dying inside cuz i want to yeah / didn't i say i wanted to? yeah
motorcycle boy: it's fine / i know / you rain, i snow
sundowner: a sadness in the soul / i dreamed it long ago / but i have not belonged / to any setting sun
horseness is the whatness: there's not that much to miss / you choose or you exist
death kink: when you said i "taste like sleep" / - i was dead / when will you get out of the room inside your head?
favourite: but if there was lightning in me / you know who it was for
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h3adlessangel · 11 days
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charli xcx said brat summer was over but someone neglected to inform the weather in socal...
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h3adlessangel · 12 days
Tarot Card Associations for Hellenic Deities
Fool - Dionysus, Hermes, Pan, Ate, Gelos, Momus, Horme
Magician - Hephaestus, Hermes, Hecate, Aristeaus, Circe, the Muses, Apollo
High Priestess - Hecate, Persephone, Hera, Circe
Empress - Hera, Aphrodite, Demeter, Hestia, Gaia, Rhea
Emperor - Zeus, Hades, Poseidon, Ares
Hierophant - Demeter, Persephone, Hecate, Hestia, Hera, Gaia, Rhea
Lovers - Aphrodite, Eros, Dionysus, Adonis, Hera, Philotes
Chariot - Hermes, Charon, Iris, Morpheus
Strength - Athena, Ares, Heracles, Nike, Bia, Kratos, 
Hermit - Hades, Hestia
Wheel of Fortune - Hermes, Tyche, the Fates, Zeus
Justice - Athena, Themis, Nemesis, Astraea, Apollo
Hanged Man - Hermes, Harpocrates, Prometheus, Psyche 
Death - Hades, Thanatos, Dionysus, Charon, Persephone, Ares
Temperance - Athena, Demeter, Artemis, Harmonia
Devil - Dionysus, Pan, Comus, Ate, Priapus
Tower - Ares, Poseidon, Deimos, Phobos, Eris, Moros, Enyo, Hybris
Star - Aphrodite, Artemis, Astraea, Urania, Hermes, Eos, Hesperus
Moon - Selene, Artemis, Hecate, Nyx, Hypnos, Erebus
Sun - Apollo, Helios, Hemera, Hyperion 
Judgment - Zeus, hades, Athena
World - Hermes, Demeter, Gaia, Hestia, Harmonia, Pan, Tyche
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h3adlessangel · 2 months
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@itsthedare: alvin simon and theodore
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h3adlessangel · 2 months
oh not shit out of a butt department taking the poll
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h3adlessangel · 2 months
jesus christ really ?? i hadn’t heard of anything like that until now, that’s fucking gross. by and large (at least as far as my relatively lucky life experience goes) the average cis person isn’t thinking about us even a fraction as much as we are. but that’s just offline in my very selective circles, and that doesn’t change the vocal percentage of people who are using the film to fuel transphobic rhetoric
i still enjoyed the movie (good thing it doesn’t hinge on nic cage entirely), but it’s nice to get another opinion in the mix. i’d definitely rather have a well-rounded view of the matter than stay locked into tunnel vision and fight a losing battle over something i can’t control lol
is longlegs transmisogynistic ? (no)
last thing i’m gonna say on this because the discourse is getting increasingly stupid—through your misinformed (or outright brain dead) takes on longlegs, it’s been all but proven that y’all don’t actually understand what legit transmisogyny is. nicolas cage playing a serial killer with a botched face and effeminate/androgynous traits to his personality is not inherently transmisogynistic. but equating that androgynous serial killer/child predator/overall creep to trans women IS transmisogyny. YOUR perception is skewed. YOUR head is in the gutter.
it’s worth mentioning that cage stated he played dale cobble as “neither male nor female”, to which i implore you consider the radical notion that trans women are (get ready for it) FEMALE ! i know people love their bioessentialism on here, but the fact that you equate androgyny to trans women is literally transmisogyny in action. (don’t bring up the thing about his mom/hermaphrodite thing, i already know. i did my research.)
considering that 60% of y’all who are critiquing the film haven’t actually *seen* it and are operating on word of mouth bullshit, longlegs is so separate from whatever y’all are calling trans/queerphobia, from its messaging to its performances. it’s seriously time for y’all to step outside of yourselves instead of doubling down on your bad faith arguments.
i understand that buffalo bill instilled a collective anxiety around the “trans-coded serial killer” stereotype within the queer community. but nothing in longlegs insists, implies, nor indicates that the characterization of dale cobble is representative of transness. as a matter of fact, no other trans women i’ve spoken to take issue with it (they usually take more of an issue with the messy structure of the third act, which i agree with). but the opinions of trans women on this topic seem to matter the least to TME people, as fucking always.
you see a scary man with feminine characteristics and assume that it is a caricature of trans women and transfemmes. all that implication and underhanded messaging, all that “coding”, that’s all you guys. the call is coming from inside the fucking house. you clearly don’t understand what transmisogyny is, because you’re too wrapped up in your own white-knighting and hand-wringing to take a step back and acknowledge that the way you think about us is transmisogynistic.
xoxo, an actual irl trans woman.
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h3adlessangel · 2 months
breaking news we are allowed to disagree ! i refuse to play semantics with tme people who insist they know what’s up but i am down to respectfully disagree with other trans women, it happens all the time. you do seem kind of heated and rude but that’s ok bc we’ll never meet irl 🫂 you do bring up some decent points tho xoxo
is longlegs transmisogynistic ? (no)
last thing i’m gonna say on this because the discourse is getting increasingly stupid—through your misinformed (or outright brain dead) takes on longlegs, it’s been all but proven that y’all don’t actually understand what legit transmisogyny is. nicolas cage playing a serial killer with a botched face and effeminate/androgynous traits to his personality is not inherently transmisogynistic. but equating that androgynous serial killer/child predator/overall creep to trans women IS transmisogyny. YOUR perception is skewed. YOUR head is in the gutter.
it’s worth mentioning that cage stated he played dale cobble as “neither male nor female”, to which i implore you consider the radical notion that trans women are (get ready for it) FEMALE ! i know people love their bioessentialism on here, but the fact that you equate androgyny to trans women is literally transmisogyny in action. (don’t bring up the thing about his mom/hermaphrodite thing, i already know. i did my research.)
considering that 60% of y’all who are critiquing the film haven’t actually *seen* it and are operating on word of mouth bullshit, longlegs is so separate from whatever y’all are calling trans/queerphobia, from its messaging to its performances. it’s seriously time for y’all to step outside of yourselves instead of doubling down on your bad faith arguments.
i understand that buffalo bill instilled a collective anxiety around the “trans-coded serial killer” stereotype within the queer community. but nothing in longlegs insists, implies, nor indicates that the characterization of dale cobble is representative of transness. as a matter of fact, no other trans women i’ve spoken to take issue with it (they usually take more of an issue with the messy structure of the third act, which i agree with). but the opinions of trans women on this topic seem to matter the least to TME people, as fucking always.
you see a scary man with feminine characteristics and assume that it is a caricature of trans women and transfemmes. all that implication and underhanded messaging, all that “coding”, that’s all you guys. the call is coming from inside the fucking house. you clearly don’t understand what transmisogyny is, because you’re too wrapped up in your own white-knighting and hand-wringing to take a step back and acknowledge that the way you think about us is transmisogynistic.
xoxo, an actual irl trans woman.
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h3adlessangel · 2 months
is longlegs transmisogynistic ? (no)
last thing i’m gonna say on this because the discourse is getting increasingly stupid—through your misinformed (or outright brain dead) takes on longlegs, it’s been all but proven that y’all don’t actually understand what legit transmisogyny is. nicolas cage playing a serial killer with a botched face and effeminate/androgynous traits to his personality is not inherently transmisogynistic. but equating that androgynous serial killer/child predator/overall creep to trans women IS transmisogyny. YOUR perception is skewed. YOUR head is in the gutter.
it’s worth mentioning that cage stated he played dale cobble as “neither male nor female”, to which i implore you consider the radical notion that trans women are (get ready for it) FEMALE ! i know people love their bioessentialism on here, but the fact that you equate androgyny to trans women is literally transmisogyny in action. (don’t bring up the thing about his mom/hermaphrodite thing, i already know. i did my research.)
considering that 60% of y’all who are critiquing the film haven’t actually *seen* it and are operating on word of mouth bullshit, longlegs is so separate from whatever y’all are calling trans/queerphobia, from its messaging to its performances. it’s seriously time for y’all to step outside of yourselves instead of doubling down on your bad faith arguments.
i understand that buffalo bill instilled a collective anxiety around the “trans-coded serial killer” stereotype within the queer community. but nothing in longlegs insists, implies, nor indicates that the characterization of dale cobble is representative of transness. as a matter of fact, no other trans women i’ve spoken to take issue with it (they usually take more of an issue with the messy structure of the third act, which i agree with). but the opinions of trans women on this topic seem to matter the least to TME people, as fucking always.
you see a scary man with feminine characteristics and assume that it is a caricature of trans women and transfemmes. all that implication and underhanded messaging, all that “coding”, that’s all you guys. the call is coming from inside the fucking house. you clearly don’t understand what transmisogyny is, because you’re too wrapped up in your own white-knighting and hand-wringing to take a step back and acknowledge that the way you think about us is transmisogynistic.
xoxo, an actual irl trans woman.
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h3adlessangel · 2 months
I think the coconut's rotten right to the core bc it exists in the context of all in which it lived and what came before
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h3adlessangel · 2 months
Serial killer horror almost always falls flat with me, not only because by default it has to frame the police (usually the literal FBI) as an unquestionable force of good, but because I know just enough about IRL serial killers (thanks 3 years of my life I wasted "studying" criminology) to know they are unanimously deeply uninteresting and pathetic people. The most common type of serial killer is a guy who kills vulnerable people (sex workers, substance users, racialized women and girls, queer people) because he can and gets away with it for a while because he's targeting people whose lives are explicitly devalued by the society he lives in. That's it. There's no secret pattern that needs to be uncovered, no cryptic messages that need to be decoded, and definitely no "Satanic" shit. The handful of times there is weird "occult" stuff involved it's literally just untreated mental illness or fascist mysticism/religiosity. There's genuinely nothing interesting or scary about these people, just a bitter and depressing distillation of the thousands of routine violences needed to maintain the status quo.
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h3adlessangel · 2 months
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sky ferreira the woman that you are.
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h3adlessangel · 2 months
lmaooo i can’t tell if this was in response to me or op but either way it’s so good that i have to give props where it’s due. unfortunately i fear op doesn’t know what transmisogyny is :/
Wish "cultural Christianity" bitches would spend less time complaining about gay people who don't like astrology and more time asking why a The Devil From The Bible who makes good Christian fathers kill their whole families (something no man could ever conceivably do without being possessed by Satan ofc) with the help of an effeminate glam rocker is considered a good and effective and not ideologically-charged horror movie antagonist in 2024
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h3adlessangel · 2 months
Longlegs (2024) theory (Spoilers)
Lee kills Ruby in the end and then herself, completing the triangle.
It wouldn't make sense for Lee to follow Longlegs' footsteps as the triangle would have been finished.
When Longlegs first targeted Lee, Lee seemingly did not have a father. Longlegs' modus operandi is that the father would kill his wife and daughter before offing himself. When Longlegs returned to threaten Ruth; that he would kill Lee or Ruth joins him, it implies that Longlegs will be established as the "father" of Lee if he kills her, and therefore Longlegs will have to off himself afterwards to follow the modus operandi, which may leave the triangle incomplete in the process.
Ruth agreeing to join Longlegs would allow Longlegs to make a long term plan that in the future, will also take out Lee and Ruth, as well as himself, which will follow the modus operandi as well as neatly complete the triangle.
Longlegs, Ruth and presumably Lee then dies in the opposite order, with Longlegs dying first and then Ruth and Lee.
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h3adlessangel · 2 months
why is it that we as trans women have to keep explaining that nothing about longlegs was explicitly or implicitly trans coded (the man is just a failed glam rocker turned satanist with some botched surge), and then the response from everyone who *isn’t* a trans woman is “BUT HE IS.”
like, do y’all have something you wanna share with the class in regards to how you view trans women ? not to say you have to like the movie, it has its detractors. but you can dislike it for reasons more substantial than just constructing a bogeyman out of internalized biases. it just kinda.. reeks of projection idk but that’s just me as a *trans woman* who knows nothing 🧚🏻‍♀️
Wish "cultural Christianity" bitches would spend less time complaining about gay people who don't like astrology and more time asking why a The Devil From The Bible who makes good Christian fathers kill their whole families (something no man could ever conceivably do without being possessed by Satan ofc) with the help of an effeminate glam rocker is considered a good and effective and not ideologically-charged horror movie antagonist in 2024
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