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h0ruzzz · 1 month ago
This is how they divorced trust...
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h0ruzzz · 1 month ago
"How could you let this happen, Poppy?"
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"My, my, what a terrible turn of events ~"
Poppy Playtime AU where Player gets turned into Bigger Body Toy by the Doctor.
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I haven't chosen a name yet, for the character or the AU, so if you have any suggestions, I'd appreciate it.
Basically, the character is from a scrapped TV show that was meant to teach kids moral. It got scrapped cause the character was too complicated to make toys for, as well as, test groups of children prefer the "mean" hand to the "nice" one.
When Player becomes the toy, basically, their moral compass and/or feelings is split between the two puppets. The left one is angry at everything around it, but especially Poppy and the Doctor. It thinks they should have left way earlier and that their being used.
The right one is worried for the host but also thinks they should try and help. It has the survivors guilt and the feeling that this is their obligation.
Both, however, distrust Poppy, and they both care for Player.
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h0ruzzz · 1 month ago
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Tinkered with my au just a smidge cause I wanted it to be a slightly toxic/emotionally manipulative SecurityAngel au.
New lore drop: basically, Poppy is the only one catching strays in this one.
I figured there needed to be some sort of consequence cause none of the Bigger Body-Swaps in the game are even close to perfect.
Player doesn't remember anything about the Doctor. Not a thing.
Don't get it twisted, the remember everything else, prototype and all, but as far as there concerned, the doctor is just as much of a victim as they are.
Silly little fox.
Some other new info: the puppet hands have named! The light grey/good one is named Bonum, and the dark grey/bad one is named Malum, which mean good and evil in Latin (I think)
Another thing; height difference—the doctor (robot for) is around 6'4ft in my au and player in their bigger body is like 11ft tall. He has really shitty posture in this drawing and he's on his knees.
(p.s. obv, but Bonum is doing the smooching)
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h0ruzzz · 1 month ago
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my design for player in poppy playtime !
(With a hint of SecurityAngel 😇)
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