Yellow fell (in maintenance)
64 posts
A place for all yellow fell au posts, asks and stuff, currently closed
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
h-yellowfell · 25 days ago
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"The tradegy of the Ketsukane family" At least thats what it looks like from the outside
What a joke. he doomed them from the start.
-> Small life update under the cut
Heyyyy ya'll- been a hot second hasnt it? dont worry, im somehow not dead yet! life has just been rough, but hey- i got one drawing out! finally!
Please be patient while i try to balance life and art while trying not to go insane- taking care of small siblings aint for the weak, i am trying my best ;w;
The posts will keep being a bit out of order, sorry about that, i will have everything organized in a pined post uh...eventually! anyhow- see you all next time!
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h-yellowfell · 1 month ago
"Wow! I can't wait to draw content for my au!" I said with joys
I was then shot 57 times in the chest
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h-yellowfell · 1 month ago
i am honestly really interested in seeing what the more typical monster encounters are, like flyer and penilla and sweet corn- oh god all of the sweet corns are dead aren't they? if so what would they be like if they were alive?
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We will see how the monsters look in the next part, but for now here is a sneak peak at the first area!
-The ruins are- like much of the underground- a hard place to live in, most areas have some sort of artifical light source, but every attempt of illuminating the ruins has resulted in workers going missing and equipment coming back in only pieces of scrap. Because of such hostility, the doors remain closed and untouched.
How lucky that the roses growing all across the wall give such a...ominous red glimmer, be careful to not mistake a flower for the glowing eyes of-...whatever lurks in the shadows, the monsters here have proved to not enjoy unexpected- or noisy- visitors
Watch your step, do not listen to any whispers coming from the void, and do not touch the tar black water that rots the walls, stay silent and maybe- just maybe- you might survive.
Good luck.-
-PART 2-
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h-yellowfell · 1 month ago
is micro froggit just a small red pixel in this au?
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A very angry red pixel
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h-yellowfell · 1 month ago
will ghost chara still be there?
Not really, I'm trying to keep the story a bit more in line with canon uty, but I may still draw non canon/post pacifist stuff with them since they're a fun character
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h-yellowfell · 1 month ago
Did ya miss me?
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That's right folks! this blog will be coming back soon!
it's been...a while-
So lets get some stuff cleared up!
-Why did the blog enter hiatus?
Sumarizing everything, trying to keep up with a daily post shedule, college, familly matters and drawing a comic with no experience was, for a lack of a better term, a no good idea.
it drained me emotionaly and physically, so thats why i dropped the blog and took a very long break
-So what now?
I started working on polishing the AU, writing everything down, fleshing out the story and characters, a LOT of redesings as my art skill improved quite a bit over the last few months, and i am slowly working on having a completed and polished AU
However some things will change, i realized i am simply not built for a long term comic, my irl life is crazy busy, and honestly- its just not for me! so that project will close for good
i'll still post smaller comics here and there when i have the chance, but story beats will be mostly through info posts and general drawings
The ask box will be open again, however i will not be responding in character for quite a while, feel free to ask direct questions about the AU though!
See you all (hopefully) very soon
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h-yellowfell · 2 months ago
-Main account reblogging once again, buy me a coffee and I'll revive this au/j (unless-)
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Hey there everyone! its been a while hasnt it? safe to say life got me busy, i hope to be back with at least some posts
But cutting to the chase, why emergency? well- my kitten had a fall recently that got him with a really bad leg, the vet said it might be a disloging of one of his joints (ouch), soon he'll have an X-ray, but truth be told i dont have the kind of money in the likely case he needs a surgery
--That's where y'all come in!--
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And as a small christmas special, until january 1st every order will also get a FREE CHIBI!
Any help would mean the world in helping me getting my kitty healthy again, not to mention cat food, medicine and any other costs that come along! can't buy anything? sharing this post around would do wonders! maybe someone out there will!
There will be 5 slots opened, in case all are filled i'll temporalily close comissions until i can catch up a bit
Thank you all again for the suport! hopefully i will be back soon
Comission slots:
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h-yellowfell · 4 months ago
Showing up from the dead for this fanart- my heart...
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heyo just some (ye olde) fanart for @/hollowgears' underfell yellow !!
also ermm i havent been drawing anything good fo awhile so yeah ill be back i swear (hahehea hiatus time)
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h-yellowfell · 7 months ago
Hangout nuisance
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Finally getting back into art!
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h-yellowfell · 7 months ago
Managed to draw for once
Heey guys...im still alive (barely)
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Yes the art block was so big my style changed wdym
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h-yellowfell · 8 months ago
I think I'll just leave these here...
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Currently working on the next post but y'all have my partner in crime to provide content LETS FUCKING GO
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h-yellowfell · 8 months ago
Heya folks! im alive!
it's been a while hasn't it? i'm very sorry for the wait, lately i've been struggling with wrist pain and a whole load of burnout (ouch) and only recently have been able to slowly get back into drawing
-So, what is in for the future?
I do plan on continuing the Yellowfell story, just with a diferent format thats a bit easier on my body, the upload schedule is also changing, i have yet to see what works best, but you all can expect at least a weakly post
I tried my best to keep a daily shedule, but that fucked me over not only physically, but mentally as well, i just couldn't get posts out with the quality i wanted them to have, and that bothered me a lot
that also means asks will take a while to answer as well, as i try to catch up with my ever growing inbox to the best of my abillities, im super greatfull to you all for being patient with me as i figure this out!
-When is the next post?
Soon! the comic itself will continue, but consisting of drawings on important moments of the story as a full length comic is simply too much for me right now, and that gives me more time to draw a bit for myself along the way, yay!
Things may move slowly, but is all for the sake of delivering something that im actually proud of!
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If you'd like to support the au, you can check out my kofi, where i take comissions, i am currently trying to get better equipment to make drawing less exhausting ('-w-)
That is all for now, see you all (hopefully) soon!
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h-yellowfell · 8 months ago
hey mod is everything all good?
Burnout is kicking my ass
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h-yellowfell · 8 months ago
Clover, why do you blush around chara??
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h-yellowfell · 8 months ago
*An anon is giving away fried air *Would you like to purchase some fried air?
"Sounds tasty!"
"Sounds like a scam. Don't."
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h-yellowfell · 8 months ago
Hey there Chara! How does it feel to be, uh, alive again? Also! Here's a cookie for you!
"Feels great! Oh and thank you!"
"Wait what do they mean again?"
"Guess I'm not getting that answer anytime soon..."
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h-yellowfell · 8 months ago
Hey Chara, do you like Buttercups?
"They are so pretty! There used to be a whole garden of them back home, but the ones in the underground look a bit different"
"Priests tend to use them in holy water, I never got to see a genuine one for myself"
Hey y'all! Testing some text answers while my wrist decides to work again!
Clover answers with this color
Chara with this one!
Don't worry, our usual comic asks will be back soon
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