gypsyprincess532 · 6 years
Spoil me!
I keep seeing people talk about All Stars spoilers but I can’t find them lol! What’s going on?? Spoil me I want to know!
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gypsyprincess532 · 8 years
Healers are given offensive attacks, your beginning action is always an offensive one. Offensive spells are apart of every healers kit, and you're pushing your opinion that it should be optional if they decide to use their kit to its full potential, or if they'd rather play it safe. However, I'm calling bullshit. Or "hypocrite" rather... So a healer can pick and choose what to use from their kit so they're comfortable? But Astrologians’ have to conform with their sects, even if it makes them uncomfortable? Or Bard should play songs because it’s part of their kit?I could go on. So you’re a fan of double standards, which shows. Also, I’ve always thought this reading posts from here, but maybe you’d be less angry if you were better at what you do?
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