current time and date in New Zealand
The clocks in this time zone have a time difference of 12 hours to the coordinated world time (UTC). This means that it is 12 hours later in New Zealand (UTC+12).
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Our portal Kalender-Uhrzeit.de can also be called up by the way under the short entry kaluhr.de. Constant improvements are still the goal, just as the increase from third place in the last comparison in 2016 to the test victory in 2018. With the help of the notepad, you can save your favourite trips and compare them later. It is located about 2,000 km east of Australia between 165 degrees south latitude and consists of a north and a south island and some smaller islands. As soon as you are there, you wanted to forget the German time as soon as possible.
Here, the respective geographical centre is used for cities, regions and countries.
The clocks in each place have therefore differed according to longitude.
Since New Zealand is located in the southern hemisphere, the seasons run half a year apart from Europe.
New Zealand's time is of course the same as Auckland's time, since Auckland is the country's largest city and New Zealand has only one time zone.
The rates are not suitable for converting bills etc, as they are usually based on "exchange rates". During the summer months there (from the end of October to the end of March), New Zealand changes the time to summer time. New Zealand is not only the emigration country but also the holiday country par excellence. Therefore, the journey to New Zealand usually takes two days and the return journey less than one day. The division into different time zones has not always existed, of course. Until the 19th century every place had its own so-called "true local time", which was based on the sun. Depending on the degree of longitude, therefore, the times differed from place to place. Read more about campervan hire New Zealand here.
time zones with UTC+12
Nevertheless, there are a few tips and tricks that can help you overcome your jet lag. For the winter months and early spring you need warm clothing. You should definitely have a rain cover with you. You should also bring good sunglasses with you in any case. For trips to the mountains you need good hiking boots and sturdy clothes.
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