gwennaillebonaparte · 4 months
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Hi, everyone! Welcome to my page! Just for your information, I am not a creator!! I am here just to enjoy tumblr. I am also barely active here! :) But let’s have some fun by knowing more about me!
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- My (S.M) name is Gwennäille, you can call me Gwen.
- I am a Catholic <3
- I am Asian 🇮🇩+🇾🇪
- I am 18 year old.
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My interests are:
- Royal/Imperial European History
- British Royal Family
- DC comics
- Marauders
- The Crown
- Old Hollywood
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My favourite(s):
- Historical Figures: Napoleon Bonaparte, Marie Antoinette, Maria Nikolaevna, Joan of Arc, Princess Alice Saxe-Coburgh & Gotha (of UK), Alexandra of Denmark, Marie-Therese Charlotte, Louis XVI, Louis XVII, Anne Boleyn, Catherine of Aragon, Baldwin IV, Jadwiga of Poland, Empress Sisi, Fawzia of Egypt, Josephine de Beauharnais, Empress Theodora of Byzantine, Etc…
- Actors: Joaquin Phoenix, Henry Cavill, Marlon Brando, & Robert Pattinson
- Actresses: Audrey Hepburn, Vanessa Kirby, Elizabeth Debicki, Cate Blanchett, Kirsten Dunst, & Rachel Mcadams
- DC Characters: Talia Al-Ghul, Damian Wayne, & Bruce Wayne
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gwennaillebonaparte · 11 months
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Free Palestine
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"I have been practicing my Gotham accent"
I'm taking this as a proof that Damian does in fact canonly speak with an Arabic accent and I don't care what anyone else says.
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city of stars, are you shining just for me?
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the bond between a girl and their favorite fictional man is both an unstoppable force and an immovable object
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Bruce: Can you be serious for like- five minutes?
Y/N: My record is four, but I can try
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Battinson and his wife
Battinson and his wife are adorable.
Yall knows that meme with Jay-Z and Beyonce with Jay-Z standing behind Beyonce and the caption is like 'He said no pickles on his burger'. That's them in a nutshell.
Battinson is not social at all and prefers not to talk in his interviews but if you mention anything related to his wife, he will not shut up. Like he just keeps going about the most random of things.
"Oh, that's a nice brand. My wife actually uses-"
"My wife says never to mix three patterns"
"I'm only here because of how much I love my wife and I love her so much,"
"Me and my wife don't fight, she tells me to shut the fuck up, and I listen,"
They are such a vibe, to be honest
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The Loop [The Last Act]
Batmom x Batfamily
Prompt: Is it finally over?
Masterlist Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
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Bruce felt different this time. It wasn't because of his task given to him by Constantine, but the aura in the air was different. It was tense. As usual, he woke up to your side of the bed being empty and the bathroom door closed. 
Instead of waiting for the door to open with your morning greeting, he jumped out of bed. He never thought his stealth skills would be used in his own house, but here he was...sneaking out of his bedroom without making a sound. Bruce wasn't planning on sticking around for long anyways. He was going to destroy the crystal ball, and get out of this loop. 
"Bruce!" He turned around seeing his family...also stealthily moving through the house, "Are we sure this is going to work?" Barbara asked as she tightened her grip on Dick's shoulders. He chose to carry her to maximize their time. 
"There's only one way to find out. We were all in the batcave by the time she made breakfast the first morning. She shouldn't have any suspicions this time." Bruce said and the group made their way down to the batcave. 
"My darlings? What on earth are you doing?" 
It was as if someone dumped cold water all over them. There you were...standing in front of the very thing they needed to destroy, "Why don't you come upstairs for breakfast?" The tone of your voice wasn't sweet...it wasn't warm. It made everyone feel anxious. It scared them. This simple task had turned into a difficult one. 
"We were just going to dispose of the crystal ball. It has no special purpose, so we don't need to waste space on it." Bruce lied while moving closer to you. He watched you fake smile slowly turn to a frown, "Move, Y/N" He said softly after getting close enough that he could touch you. Even though you were being spoken to in his Batman voice, and he was looking at you with his bat-face...you weren't budging. 
Slowly your eyes started filling with tears as they stared into his, "Come eat breakfast, Bruce." You said softly. If there was one thing in the world that Bruce Wayne hated more than anything, it was seeing his wife crying. Anytime a tear of sadness came from your eyes, he made it his mission to stop anymore from falling. 
Seeing that this wasn't going anywhere, Tim approached the couple, "Mom? Why don't we go eat breakfast?" He offered while wrapping his hand around your arm. Your teary eyes looked at him, and you smiled, "We'll go eat together." He said and started leading you away from Bruce. When you realized that Bruce wasn't following along, you jerked your arm away from Tim. 
"Jason! Duke! Grab her!" Dick said quickly as he passed Barbara off to Cass. They were quick to grab your arms as you lunged for Bruce, "What is wrong with her?!?" Jason asked in a panic as he was struggling to hold you back. You weren't normally this strong. You began screaming in panic as Bruce picked up the crystal ball. Your panic only got worse when he lifted it up and slammed it down. 
The glass shattered, and everything went dark...
In the real world...
John watched as all the sleeping Batfamily member's mouths opened and smoke emerged from them. He lowered his hands down and clenched his fists, "Y/n? Are you ready?!?" He asked and You nodded. Before this last loop, he drew symbols on your hands. It was a temporary spell that anyone could use. John knew he wouldn't have enough power left to open a portal to hell, and send the demon into it. Therefore, he got you to help.
"No...NO! My meal! What have you done!?!" A horrid demon emerged from the smoke. It looked like a living nightmare. Just looking at it had you shaking in terror. That thing was responsible for all of this? 
"You picked the wrong family to feed on. Time to go back home." John said then looked at you. As he told you before, you just held your hands out. The symbols started to glow, and a portal started to form. On the other side, John grabbed the demon and started dragging it to the portal. Its skin felt like wet rubber, and burned. He winced as its claws dug into his skin.
John lifted the little demon up and tossed him into the portal. He watched it fall all the way down until it hit the floor of Hell. The symbols vanished from your hands as well as the portal vanished from the room. 
Bruce sat up, with a gasp and looked around. Instead of a warm bed, he was only a cold table with wires attached to his body. On each side of him was one of his kids. They were in a circle, and in the middle was John Constantine, "Well would you look at that? You finally figured it out." John said then grinned. 
Before a word could come out of Bruce's mouth, he was nearly tackled off of the table by you launching yourself onto him, "I thought you would never wake up." You whispered and held your husband close to you. Now he was confused. What was going on? This was all some dream? All the times he watched you die...it wasn't real after all? Once that realization set it, he collapsed against you. The arm that wasn't holding himself up wrapped around you and held you tightly. 
After your tiny reunion, you helped each of your children wake up. Each of them gave you a bone-crushing hug.  Damian almost broke your rib, "The demon possessing the crystal put you all in the coma after you accidentally woke it. I went down to the batcave to get you guys for breakfast, but you were all asleep. Only Duke was awake." You gestured over to Duke, who had gone to get Alfred. 
"Yes, and now that it lost its meal...andddd we've deprived it for so long. It's going to starve to death in hell. Maybe I'll go pay it a visit on your behalf." John said while sitting down. The magic he used took it out on him. Next time something like this happens, he's letting Zatanna take care of it. Hell, he'll even let Dr. Fate take a crack at it. He would be spending his time drinking. 
Not wanting to be in the way, John left. He left after receiving a hefty amount of money as a thank you gift...if the Wayne's were this generous, then he might be willing to help out a little more. "Are you sure they'll be alright?" You asked worriedly, and rested your hand on Dick's forehead. Being put in a time loop left them all with a serious fatigue, so they were sleeping it off in hospital beds in the batcave. All of them are still connected to wires...just in case. 
"John said they just needed some actual sleep, and then they should be fine, "Duke said while pulling a blanket over Stephanie, "If anything happens, John will be back to help." He watched your shoulders relax a bit. This was one of the worst birthday's you've ever had. Next year, you were banning any missions before your birthday. You didn't care if you had to lock them all up. 
"Ummi?" Damian called out while fighting his sleep. You moved away from Dick, and over to him, "I don't want to sleep." He said even though his yawn contradicted him. 
"Habibi, you need to rest. I promise you'll be alright." You said and sat on the bed with him. He let out another yawn then shook his head. Damian kept trying to fight his sleep, but with you running your fingers through his hair and the sound of you humming a tune...he was out in no time. The song was something he's heard before, but he was too tired to think about where he's heard it before...
When Damian woke up, he was in his bed. You or Duke must have carried him to his room last night. He quickly got out of his bed and made his way to your bedroom. After everything...he wasn't letting you out of his sight for a long time. When he opened the door, he saw his father looking as pale as a ghost. The door to the bathroom was open, and you were standing in the doorway. You looked from Bruce to Damian and smiled warmly. 
"Good morning, Damian! Are you excited for my birthday breakfast?"
The End.
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Damian Wayne owning the same exact bathrobe in blue/black, yellow/black, teal/cyan and red/coral.
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decolonizepalestine.com is an easy to navigate website run by two palestinians which breaks down common myths about palestine and provides a reading list organized by a wide variety of categories ranging from history and culture to media and censorship. it’s a good starting point to use if you want to learn more about the modern day situation in palestine and understand the truth behind myths that have been perpetuated about israel’s occupation of palestine.
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Talia and Bruce are perfect couple because they have same taste in art
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(Bruce's house (Alfred's bedroom) on right, Talia's in left)
It is the "Saturn devouring his son". I hope, it isn't connected with Dami or Athy, hah.
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Young Talia Al Ghul appreciation post
Look at my girl when she was a child:
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All screenshots are taken by me from DC comics except for the 4 one. I've taken it from @antonaliyev and I'm still not sure what comic was it.
And look at her as a teen:
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If you use, credit/reblog
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The Loop [Save it for Later]
Batmom x Batfamily
Prompt: Why is this happening? Why won't it stop?
Masterlist Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
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It was sitting right there. That object, the cause of all of this. It was right there, but why couldn't they get to it. They could all see if from the corner of their eyes, but something kept them from getting close to it. "We were all touching it the first time. The first loop, we all touched it." Stephanie said as she glanced at it. 
It looked like a creepy item you would find in a fortune teller's shop. A hand holding up a crystal ball. It didn't seem too threatening when they took it from the league, but now they wished they hadn't. "What about Constantine? Before we all passed out, he was talking to...it." Jason said then shivered. That voice was bone chilling. It was nothing like they've heard before. 
"The only way we will know is if we summon him again." Damian said and went to get the paint that was in the same spot as it was the previous day. As usual, you were oblivious to what was happening in the Batcave. 
After they quickly drew the symbol, John wasn't far behind. Instead of his previous attire, he was wearing nothing but his underwear and bunny slippers. "Now what the hell is this? You couldn't wait for me to put on my coat?" John asked as he tapped his foot. Each tap caused the slipper to make a little squeak. 
After briefing John on what's happening, Bruce led him over to the computer where they watched you move around the kitchen for what felt like the millionth time, "So she has no clue at all. She's the only one besides Alfred who is unaware of this loop?" John asked as he tightened the robe that he was given. 
"She figured it out the third time, but it didn't help." Bruce said and painfully relived the nightmare of watching his plane explode with his wife inside of it. He didn't think he would ever be able to get over this. 
Unlike the Batfamily, John was able to look directly at the object. He knew what it was, and he knew what was real and what wasn't. He's seen this kind of object before. In Hell, "Well what you have here is a demon, mate." He explained, and walked over to the object, "This bastard is trying to kill you by making you relive your most terrible fear. It seems you all share the same fear." He said with a small smirk.
"How is making us witness Ummi's death going to kill us?" Damian asked while crossing his arms. This should have been impossible to believe, but after everything they've been through...it was quite easy to believe. 
"That's the fun part, you should all be dead by now. After seeing her get killed the first time, you would have slowly lost your minds and..." John ran his finger across his throat then winced, "Someone else is making you relive this day over and over." John knew it was possibly him doing. He just didn't know how. 
"Tell me more about this music box." 
Upstairs, you were humming softly while setting up the dining table. As you set the plate of pancakes down, you let out a soft scream when you  saw your hands covered in blood. Then you felt sharp pains in your chest. As if you were being stabbed. 
"Ummi?" You turned around quickly thinking Damian was behind you, but you saw nothing but a wall. What the hell was that? You looked back down to your hands and saw nothing. You slowly backed away from the table and hugged yourself. That felt too real. You could feel the wetness of the blood, and how warm it was. You heard Damian's voice as if he was right behind you. He had to have been...
Then a sickening laugh echoed through your head, and you felt your entire body tense up. 
"Mrs. Wayne? Are you alright? You are as pale as a ghost." Alfred said as he walked into the dining room to join the family for breakfast. He made his way over to your side, and rested a hand on your back in case you lost your footing, "Would you like me to fetch Master Wayne?" He asked, growing more and more worried for you. 
"N-No. I'm fine. I guess all the cooking made me feel a little warm." You said and gave him a small smile. Alfred looked at you unsure, but helped you sit down in your seat at the dining table, "Give me a minute, I'll be alright." You mumbled and let Alfred pour you a glass of water. Alfred wasn't paying attention or he would have seen your head drop for a moment before you sat up...oddly straight.
"I'm going to get Bruce, and the children." You said and stood up. It felt like something was guiding you to the Batcave. 
"My darlings, it's time for breakfast." 
John was the first to make eye contact with you, and he could tell something was off. Your posture was too...perfect, and the smile on your face wasn't a normal smile, "No one leaves this cave." He said and held his arms out to stop anyone from getting close to you, "They're not hungry love. Why don't you pack it up for later?" He said, and watched your smile drop. 
"It's time for breakfast, they need to eat. You need to leave." You said and stepped closer to the group. John kept himself between you and your family, "Leave John, there's nothing for you here." John chuckled and his hands started to glow softly. 
"Why don't you let Mrs. Wayne go, and show us your ugly face? Or are you too afraid? They know what they have to do to stop you. I know I'm the one keeping them in this loop. It must piss you off." John could see your face contort into one of anger. 
"They'll never get the chance!" Your body then dropped...and you were dead. No stab wounds, or bullet holes. No signs of heart attack. You were just gone. 
"Listen, you have to destroy the crystal. That demon will take her body again, and the next loop, she'll stop you from getting to that ball." John said and made his way over to a table where the music box had suddenly appeared, "Whatever you do, don't let her stop you. Stop this madness." John said as he started winding up the music box. He watched each Batfamily member drop to the ground. 
"Again, you lost them again?" 
"This time was intentional. It's pissed." 
"Duke, make sure we're ready to handle any medical emergencies." 
"On it." 
"Once more. Once more..."
@justafanficsreader @seaweed-orchid @0-n-1-x @jared-oranges @cumbermovels @theautisticduck @theroyalmanatee @animegirlfromvietnam @sunshinesetsstuff @lumalesa-kadichizho @amandachrystinallc @blarba-girl @devilchicc @bbiaa420 @scarlettels @lovely-maryj @warsaur @xlittlebubx-blog @sweetheartlizze07 @godknows-shetried @itsmadamehydra @enretrogue @saltedcoffeescotch @heatwavesbeenfakingme0ut @boom-panda-boy @zennezii @tulipmagnoliaisme @american-idiot21 @sugarrush-blush @mini-shower @cookiezxx @edgycatx @merishfit @gwephen
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The Loop [Heartaches by the Number]
Batmom x Batfamily
Prompt: Someone please make it stop. This had gone on for too long...
Masterlist Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
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Who knew the quiet would make you so uncomfortable. You were used to it after all. Most of your nights were spent with you in the quiet, and alone. Today felt different, those stares that you got once you stepped out of the bathroom...it was odd. Especially the one you got from your husband. What is going on with them? Were they really not excited about breakfast? You always made it the same every year. Were they just lying to make you feel better? God, you hoped not. Maybe you should have let Alfred prepare the meal. Nevertheless, you were going to power through this morning. 
While you were slicing the bacon, an odd sense of Deja Vu came over you. Of course, you've done this same thing every year...but why did it feel like you just did this? Thinking you were having a blank moment, you turned around to see if there was already sliced bacon. There wasn't. "Today is so strange." You muttered before you went back to the bacon. 
"We have nine hours until she dies again. That is...if this loop repeats again." Duke said, seeming to be the only one who is trying to plan. Bruce and Damian were stuck in their own worlds. The last two loops really destroyed both of them. Jason was busy taking his anger out on a punching bag, and Dick was glued to the cameras. 
Barbara, Stephanie, Cass, and Tim were the only ones who were listening to what Duke had to say. "The first time was a public event, the second, she was out in public. The third she left Gotham. Each instance, she was in a spot that someone can get to her or sabotage a plane." Duke then pointed to the cliche, big red button by the BatComputer, "The obvious plan is to put her on lockdown. Keep anyone from getting to her. No place is safer than the Batcave." 
Duke's plan seemed to reignite the dying hope that had filled the room. "That's genius. This place is like a fortress!" Tim said then high-fived Duke. Dick had now made his way over to the table and looked around at everyone. 
"We spilt again. This is a good plan, but he can't guarantee that it'll work. Half of us will stay here with Mom, and half of us will continue our investigation." Dick then turned to Jason who was wiping some sweat with his t-shirt, "Jason, what did we get from the previous loop?" 
"It's obviously something magical, and it's only affecting us. It all goes back to the fight with the League. Something happened during the fight, and now we are trapped. What were we doing before we woke up?" Jason pressed his hand to his forehead hoping to remember. Each loop always made things fuzzier as time went on. "CONSTANTINE!" He suddenly exclaimed then lifted his head up. "We were going to contact Constantine before we woke up. He might have some sort of clue. 
"A movie marathon? In the BatCave? Is Bruce alright with this?" You asked as you balanced a tray of eggs, and pancakes down the rocky steps to the Batcave. After finishing your large meal, you were surrounded by Duke, Stephanie, Cass, and Barbara. Each of them begging for you to spend time with them in the Batcave. You didn't get the chance to agree before they were grabbing the food and leading you downstairs. 
"Bruce told us to...he's taking the others with him for official Batman business." Well that was heartbreaking. You weren't going to spend your birthday with your entire family. You hoped whatever it was...it was important. And you hoped that they stayed safe. 
Meanwhile, Bruce, Tim, Jason, and Dick were standing in the ballroom of the manor. Alfred was busy painting a symbol on the floor, "Are you positive this will summon him? This paint will be a pain to get out of the floor, Master Bruce." Alfred asked as he finished the last symbol. 
"I'm sure, I watched Zatanna use it before. Let's just hope he's clothed this time." Bruce mumbled and the symbol started to glow softly then got brighter and brighter. Suddenly John Constantine appeared, a bottle of rum in his hand and a pair of rainbow sunglasses on his face.
"Well this isn't the Pride Festival..." He grumbled then turned around to see several brooding faces, "Aye Bruce! How are ya, batsy?" He asked, once again failing to crack that stone cold face, "One day...I'll get you to smile." John pushed his sungless up onto his head, then set the bottle down on the ground. If he was being summoned by Batman, then it was something serious. 
"We're stuck in a time loop. This is our fourth time reliving this day. Each day, my wife dies...then we wake up." Bruce explained then stepped closer to John, "If anyone knows what spell or curse is on us, its you." He wasn't wasting any time. They had eleven hours left to find their solution. They weren't doing this a fifth time. 
John rubbed his chin as he mentally went through any spell, curse, and cursed object that he knew of. He's heard of something like this before, but it was so fuzzy. Like something was keeping him from figuring it out. It was right there...it was so close. John's eyes then widened. It wasn't close as in his mind...it was physically close to him. Whatever is causing this is in the house. 
You were enjoying your movie day in the Batcave when you heard a familiar accent followed by several voices telling him to stay out of the cave. John made his way down the stairs of the Batcave. His senses had him on the move, and like a dog; He was following it. John stood in the middle of the Batcave and looked around. So many objects with darkness and demons attached to them, it was almost suffocating. 
"John? What are you doing here?" You asked as you set your empty plate onto the arm rest of the chair. Your question was unanswered, whatever John was doing, he was focused. John kept looking around until he spotted the thing he was looking for. 
"Where did you get that?" He asked as he pointed to the object. It was the same object that they had gotten from the League. You looked over at it curiously. You thought it was some fancy paper weight, but that seemed to not be the case. 
"What are you talking about? There's nothing there?" Bruce said, confused. There was nothing there. Just an empty space. At least that's what he felt like he should say. It felt like someone was telling him what to say and how to react. 
"There's something there, Bruce. Look." John said as he stepped closer to your husband. You glanced around at your children to see them all glaring at John. As if something was overtaking their minds. Bruce looked again, and saw nothing, "With the corner of your eyes. What do you see?" He asked, and Bruce used his peripheral vision. As if the most horrifying monster was standing there, he saw the object that John was talking about. 
He felt his heart start racing and sweat started rolling down his forehead. Something was telling him to look away. To get John out of there. Something wanted him to ignore whatever was sitting there. This action was being repeated by the rest of the children. Except for Duke, who looked almost as confused as You did. 
"You're cheating, John." 
A sickly, and terrifying voice filled the air and just made the growing panic worse. John smirked as his entire aura shifted, "I'm the one who's cheating? I never knew there were rules to this game." He called out while staring right at the object. 
"It's my game, we plan how I want. You're cheating, and now she suffers." 
After that, the voice went quiet and you felt your chest get tight. Your knees gave out as you clutched your shirt above the place where your heart was. Instead of being surrounded by your family, or a loving goodbye, your family just collapsed to the floor and started seizing. Each one of them was shaking and foaming at the mouth. 
"Dammit, I lost them again." 
"Duke, how are their vitals?" 
"They're spiking, but it's fine. Any more stress, and they'll all go into cardiac arrest." 
"We have to go again. Bring me the music box." 
"They'll figure it out, John. We'll save them." 
Bruce sat up in his bed, he tangled his fingers into his hair in frustration. What the hell was that? This was the first loop that they were affected in. What did it all mean? 
His thoughts were interrupted when you stepped out of the bathroom, "Goodmorning my love, are you excited for breakfast?"
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damian calling me ummi🥹🩷
The Loop [Caution: Sharp Objects]
Batmom x Batfamily
Prompt: It was all a nightmare...simply a nightmare right? Right?
Masterlist Part 1
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(GIF not mine)
You uncomfortably made breakfast as Cassandra stared holes into your head. Every Time you moved too quickly, she would flinch then reach out for you. As if she were trying to protect you from something. While you enjoyed spending time with the people you considered your children, this was making you weary.
You were still trying to figure out what happened earlier that morning. Never in your life were you greeted like that. Every single face that you saw had the same look of pure horror on it. It was like you had died right in front of them or something.
"She's just cooking...cooking breakfast." Barbara said as she watched you from the security cameras in the kitchen. Well it wasn't just her watching. "Every movement, and order she's cooking in was exactly the same." Barbara leaned closer to the camera, she wasn't going to miss any details. Anything that you do differently, she will document.
"A hallucigen?" Tim suggested grimacing when he felt the needle push into his vein. Alfred hummed in thought as he collected another blood sample to test, "We were all at the fight with the League, it's possible they used some invisible drug. Maybe us waking up was the drug leaving our system?" Tim asked as Alfred pulled the needle from his arm. After getting it bandaged, he stood up so Duke could get his blood tested next.
"That is likely, we should have done urine samples instead." Bruce mumbled as he analyzed their blood for any signs of drugs or anything that didn't belong.
"Bruce, all the blood is coming up clean. If we were drugged, I doubt something that strong would wash out that quickly. I mean come on, we were all there. We felt her dead body, I felt her blood soak into my pants. There was no way it was fake. It was too real." Dick snapped and ran his hand through his hair, "I felt her body get cold. How is any of this even happening?" He asked then walked away while weaving his fingers through his hair. Stephanie followed after him to try and console him.
Okay, you were a little offended. You've just finished your famous breakfast, and no one is anywhere to be seen. Well except Cass, who was still watching you while she ate. After a few minutes of the silence, you stood up and stormed to the batcave.
The team was hard at work trying to figure out what happened when you made your way into the dark and gloomy place. "I made a delicious breakfast, and no one has come up to enjoy it. What possibly is so important that you couldn't wait?" You asked while crossing you arms.
They nearly jumped out of their skin when they heard your voice. They were so focused on finding a solution, that they didn't hear you coming down the steps.
Your eyes drifted from your family to the giant computer screen where you saw the results of their drug tests, "What is going on?" You asked then grabbing the nearest person who happened to be Damian. You turned his arm around to see the gauze and bandage wrapped around his arm.
"After the fight with the League, we wanted to make sure we were under the effects of anything dangerous. A simple precaution." Bruce said quickly as he made his way over to you. He rested his hands on your waist, but you noticed the slight hesitation as he did. "Now, let's go eat your breakfast." He said then started leading you out of the batcave, which only led you to ask more questions.
The surprise party was quickly canceled. Even if it was a dream, they didn't want to relive an ounce of those memories. Instead, they opted to take you shopping to your favorite places. Each store, they took turns buying you whatever you wanted. To you, it looked like a simple family outing, but to others, it looked like you were walking around with bodyguards.
Damian even went as far as threatening someone who glanced at you for too long.
After several stores, it was time to get a snack. Everyone managed to cram themselves into the outside patio of an ice cream shop. Bruce felt at ease being that they were in the safer part of the city. You ate your ice cream while chatting away happily. Everyone began to relax, and finally started to feel as if this was just a bad dream.
Now fully relaxed, your family abandoned the protection formation. You were pushing Barbara and chatting with Jason casually. Though you didn't miss the sketchy person that had been following you. Your constant glances behind you didn't go unnoticed by Jason who alerted the rest of the family.
As soon as the stalker realized he'd been discovered, he lunged for you. Jason quickly intervened, but this man was clearly skilled. It wasn't long before your entire family was fighting to subdue this man. They had to do so as best they could without raising any suspicion as to who their alter egos were. After their success, they proceeded to question him. He could be linked to their dream...if it was real.
Though they would never think that this man could have a partner. He did. You let out a strangled scream when someone grabbed you from behind and a knife was plunged into your chest. The knife left your body, only to be plunged in again and again. Both men ran in opposite directions after the deed was done. This time, Damian was the one who caught you instead of your body hitting the ground.
The young boy watched as you coughed up your blood, and looked at you bleeding body in shock. You then looked up at Damian and your eyes went cold. "Ummi?" He called out while pressing his small hands against your wounds, as if that would help. How could this have happened? What the hell was going on?
Like the night at the party, everyone stood in shock. It was up to one of the Gotham citizens to call the police.
Police cars, and news vans crowded the area as the family found themselves reliving the horrible night over again. Though no one was holding your body this time. A bloody white sheet covered it. Jason was currently handcuffed and in the back of a police car after he took his anger out on another one.
Gordon knelt by his daughter's side in an attempt to get her to speak, but she was quiet. All eyes were on your corpse once again. What did they do wrong? Was someone out to kill you? First a bullet through the head, then being stabbed in the middle of the street? It didn't make sense.
Dick sat on the ground with his head in his hands when he felt the urge to look up. Across the street where the massive crowd was, he saw a dark figure standing there. It seemed like no one could see it, but him, "Guys?" He called out as he stood up. Everyone looked at him, then followed his pointed finger. Like Dick, they saw the same dark figure.
They watched as it cocked its head to the side then held up an all too familiar music box. Slowly, it opened and the crank started to spin. Bruce started running across the street to try and stop this figure, but his body collapsed to the ground. Gordon caught his daughter when she fell into his arms. She was fast asleep.
Dick held himself up against the wall while trying to memorize every detail of this figure. Whatever it was, he was going to stop it.
Damian woke up with cold sweat on his body. He wasted no time in getting out of bed to get to his parent's bedroom. He was wearing the same pj's as last time. He threw the door open, and saw that Bruce had just woken up.
Ignoring his father, he went right to the bathroom where you were rubbing some lotion onto your hands. "Damian, what's-" You were cut off when Damian collided with you. His arms were nearly crushing you, "Ummi." He whimpered out like he did when he was having a nightmare. You rested one hand on his head, and the other was on his back.
"It's alright little bird, I'm right here. Everything is okay."
@justafanficsreader @seaweed-orchid @O-n-1-x @jared-oranges
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When your both gay in the opposite ways and are forced to date each other
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Benedict Cumberbatch photographed for Out Magazine in 2014
he looks so good 🔥
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