guzmaheadcanons · 6 years
This’ll be a last call for mod applications! Things in life have complicated me doing this, but we’re already on a steady path to getting this up!
Hello, Followers
It’s been a while.
I’ve been considering opening up a discord server for Guzma, Team Skull, the Alola region, and Pokemon in general. If there is a decent number of people interested, I would like to make this go live by Jan. 18th-
If you would like to continue interacting with somebody else that loves Guzma, give me a shout- who knows? The discord server is something that could happen : )
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guzmaheadcanons · 6 years
Hello, Followers
It’s been a while.
I’ve been considering opening up a discord server for Guzma, Team Skull, the Alola region, and Pokemon in general. If there is a decent number of people interested, I would like to make this go live by Jan. 18th-
If you would like to continue interacting with somebody else that loves Guzma, give me a shout- who knows? The discord server is something that could happen : )
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guzmaheadcanons · 6 years
Question abt the applications! Would you prefer i send my application via dm or ask?
DM would work best- that way, there can be open communication between the both of us that we can both read!
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guzmaheadcanons · 6 years
There seems to be a decent bit of interest in this! I have a few days off coming up, so, I’m going to set up this discord! If there are any individuals out there that would like to discuss moderating for the group, I would love to take applications!
I will need from you:
Name (or username, no need for real names) Age (I do need your real age, please!) What you think you could potentially contribute to the group And gender/preferred pronouns!
Hello, Followers
It’s been a while.
I’ve been considering opening up a discord server for Guzma, Team Skull, the Alola region, and Pokemon in general. If there is a decent number of people interested, I would like to make this go live by Jan. 18th-
If you would like to continue interacting with somebody else that loves Guzma, give me a shout- who knows? The discord server is something that could happen : )
61 notes · View notes
guzmaheadcanons · 6 years
Hello, Followers
It’s been a while.
I’ve been considering opening up a discord server for Guzma, Team Skull, the Alola region, and Pokemon in general. If there is a decent number of people interested, I would like to make this go live by Jan. 18th-
If you would like to continue interacting with somebody else that loves Guzma, give me a shout- who knows? The discord server is something that could happen : )
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guzmaheadcanons · 6 years
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December 14th, 2018
Three days remain
@staff let the countdown begin
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guzmaheadcanons · 6 years
Tumblr media
In response to the NSFW ban being enacted by Tumblr Staff, on December 17th 2018 I propose that we all log off of our Tumblr accounts for 24 hours. 
The lack of respect and communication between staff and users is stark. Users have been begging staff to delete the porn bot outbreak, which has plagued the website for well over a year. The porn bots oftentimes send people asks and messages, trying to get them to go to a website full of viruses. They also spam advertisements on others posts.  
Users have also begged that Tumblr ban neo-nazis, child porn, and pedophiles, all which run rampant on the site. The site/app got so bad that it was taken off the app store.
However, instead of answering the users, Tumblr has instead taken the liberty to ban all NSFW content, regardless of age. But users have already run into issues of their SFW content being marked as sensitive and being flagged as NSFW, not allowing them to share their work.
Not only does this discriminate again content creators, but it also discriminates against sex workers. Disgustingly, the ban will be enacted on December 17 which is also International Day to End Violence Against Sex Workers.
This ban is disgusting, and while I (and plenty of others) welcome porn bots and child porn being banned, the Tumblr filtration system is broken. It tags artistic work’s nipples as NSFW (when it is art), it tags SFW art as NSFW (when it is not), and does not stop the porn bots, neo-nazis and dozens of other issues.
This ban is discriminatory. This ban is ineffective. This ban is unacceptable. 
To protest, log off of your Tumblr account for the entirety of December 17th. Log off at 12 am EST or 9PM PST and stay off for 24 hours. Don’t post. Don’t log on. Don’t even visit the website. Don’t give them that sweet ad revenue. 
Tumblr’s stock has already taken a hard hit. Let’s make it tank. Maybe then they will listen to the users. 
Reblog to signal boost! We must force change.
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guzmaheadcanons · 6 years
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Then again, I’ll Just Hack tumblr Radar.
I don’t care about adult content. I care about unjust censorship. I see men’s nipples on every social media platform all the time, so why the injustice to women? It’s not about porn, it’s about equal rights.
‘Miscellaneous Woodland’, Photographed by Frederick Ardley.
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guzmaheadcanons · 6 years
This blog will not be culled in the coming cleanse, but I will be gone from tumblr after the cleanse does sweep through. There seems very little interest for this blog to continue- 20 votes to stick around out of the literal 1000 followers I have is not exactly what I would call desire to have me continue. If you guys want this to continue past the original plans I had for it, you HAVE to tell me, otherwise it just ends, and I’m another blip in your horizon that just fades away after you pass it.
That’s what this tumblr cleanse means: People you think are cool are going to be affected, whether you think they will be or not. People are going to lose their livelihoods, people are going to lose an effective way to vent and present in a relatively safe environment. Maybe you guys really do want me to stick around, but you have to get over the bystander effect of ‘somebody else will do it’. If you want this blog to continue, you have to tell me, otherwise this blog will die December 17th.
Tumblr is choosing Nazis over whatever arbitrary bullshit it deems ‘adult content’.
I’m done with tumblr.
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guzmaheadcanons · 6 years
An Open Letter to Tumblr about the Adult Content Ban and How it is Hurting Your Users:
Recently, Tumblr was removed from the Apple app store due to an incident involving child pornography. This incident is incredibly unfortunate, but it doesn’t stand alone. Tumblr was also removed from the app store due to the large influx of porn bots and pornographic spam, users claiming to be proud to be pedophiles, blatant Nazism, racists who are not deleted for sending hate and harassing users, and more. I myself reported someone for harassing me, but because I had blocked the person and couldn’t access the messages where they harassed me, they were still able to send me anonymous asks. Your support staff, with back doors to the website (presumably), claimed they could not access the messages, and I was left SOL. Many features on this website do nothing to actually protect your users from harassment, racism, homophobia, transphobia, Nazis, pedophiles, predators, porn bots, and more. 
You claim in your statement to us that you “have been working on these problems for a long time”. This is blatantly untrue. Please do not lie to us and patronize us. We’ve been here. We’ve seen you do nothing over, and over, and over again. 
We complained to you for months and months about the rampant porn bots, and you did nothing except add a report button on mobile which only reported sensitive content or spam at best. You could have addressed this problem with an effective algorithm, but you did not. We complained to you about being harassed and sent hate speech for being LGBT+, and you did nothing. We complained to you about blogs being randomly deleted, and sometimes you’ve restored them, other times you have not. We complained to you that there were people proudly claiming to be “Minor Attracted Persons”, or pedophiles, and you did nothing. We complained to you about people proudly claiming to be white supremacists, and you did nothing. All of these things are “against the community guidelines”, and yet over and over, you have not found effective ways to handle these problems or suppress the feeling of welcome that these users claim to get here. You have had a long time to work on these problems, but you haven’t addressed them. To say you have is untrue. 
 Multiple other social networking websites, such as Wordpress, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and others have effectively dealt with rampant pornography, racism, pedophilia, and other problems without causing massive issues for their users who are not misusing the platform. They are continuing to find new, effective ways to deal with these issues without causing problems for their userbase as a whole.  There is no reason that you are unable to do this effectively other than that you wanted to do it quickly. You have once again chosen your stock holders over your users. And we have had enough. 
You have already started to ban “Adult” content with a new algorithm. Here are screenshots of just a fraction of the posts you have flagged as containing adult content:
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Your new system of simply tackling everything at once is not working. At all. And each of these screenshots is proof of your utter incompetence. None of these posts contain pornographic acts, “female nipples”, or any community violation of any kind. 
We, the users, have been asking you for months to deal with these problems - particularly, the porn bots and bots that spam. In order to block a bot from a side blog, I have to do it manually, even though they are in my side blog’s feed. This is a huge issue for mobile - only users. They keep cropping up in droves, taking over our posts and tricking google into making it look like a legitimate blog linked to a pornographic website. We have complained to you for months and months now, and your solution to simply “ban all adult content” is ineffective. I agree that children should not be able to access pornography - but this is not how you tackle a porn bot problem. Your system is utterly useless, allows for racists, pedophiles, porn bots, and Nazis to remain untouched. It also harms sex workers and real people who may use this website for some forms of adult content responsibly. Moreover, as seen above, it harms plenty of users who have in no way violated your terms of service.
 If you keep this up, you threaten your website and company as a whole. Many of us are backing up our blogs and planning places to go to. 
You already have a content filter for “sensitive” content (content inappropriate for younger viewers). You could have improved this, instead of attacking your entire user base. It seems to be a very lazy “solution”, if you could call it one at all, and one that harms your entire userbase.
If you are going to keep this filter in place and make Tumblr, a website that has never been known for being family friendly and has never claimed to be, you are going to lose millions of your users. We are already planning our exodus. It isn’t hard to follow. Censor us, and we will go somewhere else. That is not a threat. It is a promise. 
The users of your website. 
@staff @support
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guzmaheadcanons · 6 years
Now I’m sure this blog wouldn’t be flagged, but I might be done with tumblr for the most part. If enough people want me to stay just for this blog, I will, since I honestly think this is the only good tumblr blog I’ve ever made. But with everything going on, I think I’d like to start this base up on twitter, too, and wanted to ask your thoughts. If I did this, I might be more interactive than before, and I’d post regular Pokemon news as well- which was the future goals for this blog but tumblr is kinda shooting itself in the dick right now.
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guzmaheadcanons · 6 years
Hello Followers!
Seeing as tumblr seems intent on shooting itself in the dick, I’d love to open up a general question and answer here for all of you, just to see where you guys might like to see this blog continue if I were to leave tumblr for good. I have a poll created already to tally up people that might want to see me on twitter, but I’d love to hear feedback on ways I could improve this shared experience with you, on OR off of tumblr.
I’d love to hear from you, the ask box, as always, is open. Is the content I provide something you want to see continue even if tumblr dies?
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guzmaheadcanons · 6 years
Hello Followers!
Seeing as tumblr seems intent on shooting itself in the dick, I’d love to open up a general question and answer here for all of you, just to see where you guys might like to see this blog continue if I were to leave tumblr for good. I have a poll created already to tally up people that might want to see me on twitter, but I’d love to hear feedback on ways I could improve this shared experience with you, on OR off of tumblr.
I’d love to hear from you, the ask box, as always, is open. Is the content I provide something you want to see continue even if tumblr dies?
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guzmaheadcanons · 6 years
Now I’m sure this blog wouldn’t be flagged, but I might be done with tumblr for the most part. If enough people want me to stay just for this blog, I will, since I honestly think this is the only good tumblr blog I’ve ever made. But with everything going on, I think I’d like to start this base up on twitter, too, and wanted to ask your thoughts. If I did this, I might be more interactive than before, and I’d post regular Pokemon news as well- which was the future goals for this blog but tumblr is kinda shooting itself in the dick right now.
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guzmaheadcanons · 6 years
Hello Followers!
Seeing as tumblr seems intent on shooting itself in the dick, I’d love to open up a general question and answer here for all of you, just to see where you guys might like to see this blog continue if I were to leave tumblr for good. I have a poll created already to tally up people that might want to see me on twitter, but I’d love to hear feedback on ways I could improve this shared experience with you, on OR off of tumblr.
I’d love to hear from you, the ask box, as always, is open. Is the content I provide something you want to see continue even if tumblr dies?
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guzmaheadcanons · 6 years
Now I’m sure this blog wouldn’t be flagged, but I might be done with tumblr for the most part. If enough people want me to stay just for this blog, I will, since I honestly think this is the only good tumblr blog I’ve ever made. But with everything going on, I think I’d like to start this base up on twitter, too, and wanted to ask your thoughts. If I did this, I might be more interactive than before, and I’d post regular Pokemon news as well- which was the future goals for this blog but tumblr is kinda shooting itself in the dick right now.
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guzmaheadcanons · 6 years
Might you have a twitter? I am basically starting to move most of my artist following there
I’m going to potentially start a twitter if there is enough interest, so we’ll see. I’ll keep the blog informed over these next few days.
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