gunnythecatmandy43 · 2 years
HEYA, it's me I'm remaking the first chapter of my fanfict so it's gonna be a Creepypastax reader so if you wanna know where to find it leave note here!
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gunnythecatmandy43 · 2 years
LOOKING FOR BETA READER TO READ A FANFICTION OF EYELESS JACK X TRANS MALE READER ! DM ME TO WORK OUT STUFF. Btw I'm posting my 1 chapter here then on AO3 and also Wattpad ya know the normal stuff anyways here his the chapter))
Chapter 1: Prologue 
Friday night is a night for people to relax and hang out as any average person would do right? . However, you liked to chat on online websites and put out a few friend ads.  Jeez, how sad it was to think that you had to send out ads for new friends knowing that you would probably end up talking to a creep or someone even worse. You stared at your screen waiting for a message or a sense that your ad worked. You put your headset on, then cracked open a can of soda propping your feet up on the table.
 After what seemed like an hour, you looked at the screen and stared as a message popped up on the “Happy Friend,” group chat app that you just got a few days ago. You put your drink down and move over to the mouse swiftly grabbing it, you move over to the message with the cursor clicking it now seeing a chat on your screen you open it to see a “Hello” pop up in a blue chat bubble.
You take a sip of you soda and type back a short message
{Name}: “Hi” you yawn, closing your eyes after a moment you hear a ding from your computer, your wandering gaze lands on the message seeing what it says.
(Lucky92): “ Hi, I’m Lucky I saw your ad and I wanted to try and be friends!” you think for a moment then talked to yourself out loud like someone was there,
 “Not a bad name..” you text back “Hello Lucky.”
 {Name}:``Glad you took interest in my ad. Not many people answer ya know?”
After what seemed like a minute, the girl replied “Yeah I’m just very lonely so why not make a new friend right?” You smiled a bit and typed back “So anything you wanted to ask?” Lucky typed back at a very fast speed “ Yep!, would us getting together in person be alright ..?”
{Name} : “Uh..Yeah sure?” 
(Lucky92): “How about tomorrow at let’s say..7:30 p.m. near the woods?” 
You felt weirded out and typed back with a uncomfortable feeling  
 {Name} : “ Well, I’m not a big fan of going into the woods alone with someone I just met at 7:30 p.m..Like a weirdo.
(Lucky92): “But a bunch of people from town are going too so why not go with me?” 
{Name}: “But how do you even know where I live?”
 You bite your lip looking away you never sent or said anything on the ad showing where you lived.
So how did she know where you lived…
(Lucky92): “…..You sent it out in the ad”
You go back to the ad and take a look, you scan for a moment and let a short breath out. You did leave a link to what town you lived in; it's a pretty small town indeed. How stupid could you be to leave that big part of that information in!
You head back into the chat, and type back.
{Name}:”Sorry, I forgot I added that and forgot to take that out.”
(Lucky92):”Oh, that’s ok stuff happens, but, I do live near you, so will you go to the party with me?” 
You seemed a bit worried about what would happen if you said yes, but you had been asked to go to the party by your coworkers beforehand.
 You never really paid attention since…. nobody got time for that!
Nevertheless, you decided to go anyway.
You type back in a fast motion with a simple…
(Lucky92):”Amazing,so happy to hear that you’ll be there!”
You look at the text,Your body seems to jump at the thought of meeting a rando online in person. 
Both of you say your farewells and goodnights and head to bed,you toss and turn in your bed unable to sleep.
Your mind and body was telling you that you made a big mistake. You kept trying to throw it out of your head,but it stuck to you like gum chewed up old gum. You hoped tomorrow was not as it seemed to be in your mind.
        Time: 7:12  Day: Saturday 
You wanted to leave early to get a few things at the gas station you may need on the way. Like pepper spray, chips, and your favorite drink with those you were set you looked at the time 7:24, You started running towards the woods when you bumped into a girl half your size.
 You looked down spitting your drink out on the ground then looked at her, she had blue hair with pink stripes in it. You thought she was trying to look like those store bought cotton candy you get every now and then which made you laugh a bit.
 Your eyes followed down to her green eyes staring back at her. She seemed stopped at words looking up at you.
You seemed to not like the silence making you decide to say something “Cat got ya tongue?” you stared at her eyes wandering your face. You stared at her and thought something was wrong “Um..ya just gonna stare or…”
 The girl snapped out of it looking at you “Oh, sorry I was just nervous um didn’t mean to knock into you”
Your mind stopped wandering away and came back to you after she finished speaking.
Then you soon said “Huh, oh no it's my fault I wasn't watching where I was going  it’s my fault.”  You smiled and grinned while looking at her. 
She looked at you smiling back “But um anyways Do you know where this party is?” the girl held up a flyer for the same party you were going to. The shock on your face was just a tiny wide eyed glance. Soon you nodded looking at her “Yeah I’m heading to the same party..”  The girl smiles happily “Great, mind if I follow you?” You were a bit weirded out at the fact that she asked you that nevertheless you couldn’t just leave her out here…well you could but you did’t want to be that bitch who would leave a person out here in the slowly coming dark passing over your head. So you decided “Sure why not” 
She smiled “Thanks!” she grabbed onto your arm making you cring a bit like she was some kind of weird spec of dirt on you but you let it go just staring at her, Soon both of you started running to the party that soon felt like a death trap to you and will soon turn into a roundhouse kick in the face probably.
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