dandelion knight.
22 posts
๏ฟฝ๏ฟฝ๏ฟฝ' ๐˜ธ๐˜ช๐˜ฏ๐˜ฅ, ๐˜ฃ๐˜ฆ ๐˜ฎ๐˜บ ๐˜จ๐˜ถ๐˜ช๐˜ฅ๐˜ฆaff.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
gunnhldrs ยท 1 year ago
Teeth worry at her bottom lip. They have grown up to be so similar, and yet she isn't quite sure when talking to him became this... difficult. Was she the same way? Probably.
"I do," she agrees, trying her best not to sound too defeated by that fact. As often as she convinces herself that this way of life is the one she was meant for, that having time for trivial things is something of the past and that she is okay with it, there is something so agonizing about standing in a memory and realizing it is unrecognizable now.
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"I suppose I'm hardly one to talk, all things considered, but-" From the corner of her eye she peers at him, considers the angles of his face and where time has reshaped them. "It would be nice to see you take some time for yourself every now and then. Even if it isn't long, I just..."
They've come up on the fire now, bright and warm and surrounded by families that stand arm-in-arm around it. Jean shakes her head. "I guess I just wish things could be the way they used to again."
a festive evening.
overdue nov. mondstadt commission with @gunnhldrs.
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gunnhldrs ยท 1 year ago
Of all the things that Jean had accomplished in her life, of all that she had been rendered capable of, this was not among.
It's a disaster, which she realized fifteen minutes ago and has not since figured how to fix. Tinsel of garish colors snakes along the wooden posts, clashing miserably with the lights that have been strung up along their tops. And she can't even begin to get started on the wreathe-
From the corner of her eye she catches the man that approaches. Her hand retracts from where it had been finicking with a pathetically tied bow as though a child caught touching something she was not supposed to. Piecing together what little scraps of her dignity remain, Jean clears her throat and schools her expression into a smile.
"I am, and you're actually just in time," there's no need to force the relief into her voice, either, "it's, ah... looking like we may need to start over."
The corner of her lip twitches, torn between embarrassment at and understanding of his pause. She's almost certain Klee could have done a better job than this. With a sheepish nod, Jean gestures to a little crate on the ground.
"We haven't decorated in some years now," she explains. Not since she had stepped in for Varka, at least, and this would be why. "So our supplies are a little... dated."
a crash course in design
december commission - ย outpost holiday cheer! w/ @gunnhldrs
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gunnhldrs ยท 1 year ago
To call Jean out of place would be an understatement entirely.
She eyes the glittering liquid in her glass, trying her hardest not to look at it too suspiciously. For all of her nation's love of the stuff, wine had always fallen fairly low on the knight's list of preference. It fell in line with what most would consider letting loose and having fun or, dare she even think the word, relaxing.
Which would mean that it is just about everything the she herself cannot ever seem to get a grip on.
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Nursing one, very slow sip, Jean lets her gaze follow the honorary knight's direction. Sure enough, she's right. Laughter bubbles from every one of the tavern's corners, loose and free flowing with the aid of Mondstadt's finest.
"They'll start up soon," she says, doing her best to sound promising. Of course the City of Wind did love its music, and she is sure within the hour at least one song will have the whole building arm-in-arm, but she would so greatly prefer it happen sooner rather than later.
Because as much as she is telling herself not to think about all the paperwork still piled on her desk, and as hard as she is trying to convince herself that enjoying an old friend's company is a much more worthwhile way to spend the evening...
She isn't quite sure she'll be able to if it's her that ends up on that stage.
Girls just wanna have fun
January commission w/ Jean & Hu Tao
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gunnhldrs ยท 1 year ago
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today is a day worth celebrating ๐ŸŽ‚
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gunnhldrs ยท 1 year ago
She studies his profile as he speaks, interested by all that makes them different. Mondstadt's history had shaped every bit of her upbringing, left its mark on all of her. It is home, undoubtedly. Was Fontaine the same to him?
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"I hear it's beautiful there," Jean muses. "I've never been, though they say that your buildings scrape both the clouds and sea floor. It sounds impossible, and yet."
Eyes flit now towards her own city's skyline. It's simple in a charming way, all that she is told Fontaine is not. "I would like to see more of Teyvat one day, to learn firsthand what makes every nation its own." One could conceptualize Mondstadt's freedom from anywhere on a map, but until you stand before its rolling fields, to listen to its wind's song, it will only ever be that. A concpet.
What the girl in her heart would give to see the same of Liyue's order, of Inazuma's eternity. Her fingers have not ached for history that is not her own in quite some time, too dedicated to the soil beneath her feet to afford much time elsewhere, but if she could...
As though remembering who she is suddenly, lion's fang clears her throat. Dreams for another time, for another girl. Today she is the Acting Grand Master, as she will be tomorrow and the next, and so they are not hers.
"Though I fear I haven't much time for travel. And, anyway," attention returned to Neuvillette, she tilts her head, "I imagine it would feel awfully claustrophobic after knowing this my entire life."
Neuvillette smiles faintly as he senses the whirlpool of emotions that Lady Jean emits. He would hope to find some way to offer reassurance, but perhaps it is just the fate of one such as he to be misunderstood and have his importance blown out of proportion. It is nothing new to him, after multiple centuries of living at the heart of Fontaine while also - as far as he was concerned - existing outside of it. Every smile was an obligation, every gesture a pretext for new order, every word a potential message to the world at large.
There are certain aspects in which he simply cannot fight against everyone, and simply must relent instead, accepting the rules that be. And so, he does.
Lady Jean reads the unspoken question in his voice; Neuvillette follows her gaze to the immense tree before which they stand, before looking to her and hearing her out with full attention as she explains. A glint of curiosity lights up in his eyes.
"I see. I am afraid my knowledge of Mondstadt's history exists only in bits and fragments I've heard on occasion... I know the name of Vennessa, and I know that this nation has reasons for rejecting the idea of a single ruler rooted in its past, for the freedom for which it's known today had to be fought for. I should educate myself on the finer details when I get a chance..."
When he next turns to observe the tree again, there is a new, more noticeable hint of respect in his gaze. He has not a good word to spare for Celestia, but he can certainly appreciate human strength, determination and devotion.
"I confess that I was wondering why you were offering your prayers to the tree, and not to the statue of the Archon. But I believe I may understand it better now."
He then looks away from both the woman and the tree, his eyes falling beyond them both, to the surroundings around them. The serenity that stretches before him is of a kind that is somewhat new to him - and yet, not unwelcome in the slightest.
"... I like it here," he finally says after a moment of silence. "Fontaine is known for its development and research, and while these have their benefits of course, it does mean that you can hardly find a spot from which you can see nothing but pure nature, untouched by human hands. It's unusual for me to see many such places here, without even going out of my way to try. But I mean it in a good way."
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gunnhldrs ยท 1 year ago
It is not as though Jean is unfamiliar with rejection, nor that she is unaware of the stretch of uncharted water that has settled between the two of them with time. Neither fact stops her from feeling suddenly nervous as she watches him weigh the offer.
Nor does it stop her chest from growing warm with relief when he accepts, even if it is only to kill two birds with one stone.
"Work never rests," she hums, nodding as they fall into step alongside one another. Years ago this night would have been a cheerful one spent as children, chasing one another through the grass until only coals remained of the great fire.
Now it is just another duty of hers, and certainly an unnecessary reminder for him.
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"You've taken good care of it, the winery." Such a thing is unsurprising; she had always known Diluc to flourish in every prospect that he put his mind to. Jean tries not to dwell on the thought of what he could have become, had things gone differently. Or how small she feels in a position he would have been far better suited for.
Jean clears her throat. "Though I hope there has been more to your evening than just that."
a festive evening.
overdue nov. mondstadt commission with @gunnhldrs.
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gunnhldrs ยท 1 year ago
Mandated vacation. She can empathize. The smile on her face, there as mandated by the nature of these pleasantries, curls just enough to meet the corners of her eyes. "Well you've come at quite the opportune time. Mondstadt takes its celebrations very seriously; we have all hands on deck this evening."
Jean dismisses the instinct to fluster or over explain herself. She could tell him that he is right, to meet the man whose title she is borrowing would be next to impossible. In fact, her name was at the top of Varka's list for requested meetings, accompanied only by the other handful that had not migrated now to her own.
Not that this wouldn't be considered a rare occasion for her, either, but what sort of leader would she be if not showing her face on such an important eve? Her hands were of better use out here than behind her office door for the coming few hours, at least.
"Right behind there will do," she instructs, nodding towards where a few crates already sat behind a halfway set up stall. "It's nice to meet you, Wriothesley."
Between the two of them, quick work is made of the remaining wine. Jean dusts her hands off with a thoughtful hum, surveying the street. There are still dozens of things she could find that need her attention, but there is time enough before sunset, and it would be terribly improper to just dismiss her guest after he had been so generous.
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"Have you had the time to see the rest of the city?" Eyes swivel back to him, round with interest. "I do believe I have time enough to fit a tour into my schedule, if you're willing."
Hauntings of Mondstadt [Wriothesley & Jean]
November Commission | Mondstadt
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gunnhldrs ยท 1 year ago
ใƒผ A package for Jean from the Adventurer's Guild was delivered, how exciting!
Inside the delicately wrapped gift box was a coffee mug, decorated with a simple yet cute illustration of two dandelion flowers blowing in the spring breeze.
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The mug also came accompanied with a short letter which read as follows:
Dear Jean, You are always working hard for the people of Mondstadt, but please remember to take a break every now and then. Why not enjoy a nice cup of hot coffee from this mug? I hope the design is to your liking. I actually tried painting it myself. ...Well, I did make a short trip to Dragonspine to get some pointers from a certain alchemist, since I am not exactly the most artsy person around. I think it turned out quite cute though! I assume you will be spending Christmas together your sister and the other Knights of Favonius, but you are always welcome to visit me in my Teapot! I will treat you to a delicious mushroom pizza! ๏ฟฝ๏ฟฝ Take care and have a lovely holidays. Sincerely, Lumine
Her index finger traces the lip of the mug, opposite hand holding the letter as though it is a treasure meant for only the most delicate of touch. A smile has curled her lips as she reads over its contents once, twice, three times before setting it back on her desk.
The gift itself is quite cute, hand painted in soft pastels and just messy enough to be charming. She can see the effort in every stroke, can imagine the warmth with which they were made. It will certainly be of good use to her-- one could not drink as much coffee as she and ever have too many mugs.
Carefully, Jean folds the letter into fourths and tucks it into her desks uppermost drawer. It's a shallow thing, not good for holding much, but the note joins a small collection of photos and old memories where it will remain until next she needs a reminder of all that is good in this world.
Hands now freed, she plucks a pen from her ever-growing collection.
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Our dearest Honorary Knight, The gift is lovely. My own collection of mugs are all rather boring; dull, plainly colored. Yours will stand out among them, though I think I will favor it for that reason. That, and of course how it is a reminder of you and your time here. I will certainly pay you a visit sometime, though I must request that you do the same. I'm certain your travels keep you quite busy, but Mondstadt misses you. We owe you a great deal, you know. No words or gifts could ever express our gratitude. You will always have a place here with us. Be safe in your journeys, and don't forget to keep warm! Happy holidays, Lumine. Yours, Jean Gunnhildr.
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gunnhldrs ยท 1 year ago
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Mond trio in Fontaine! ๐Ÿซง
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gunnhldrs ยท 1 year ago
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โšœ โ€” a study in knightgirlisms; the jean gender (jeander) analysis.
ย  ย  ย ย  ย  ย  ย ย  ย  ย  ย ย  ย ย  ย ย  ย  ย  ย nobody asked but i am answering anyway.
this is entirely a self indulgent word vomit, but for some context: i have been diseased about jean for a really really long time. of course throughout the years my interest in genshin has had its ups and downs, so in starting gnostic hymns and revisiting my oldest and dearest fav, a lot of old headcanons and thoughts are resurfacing.
since i now have an outlet to voice them: welcome to my completely disorganized ramble about jean gunnhildr being just a girl.
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For what is literally the oldest clan in Mondstadt, the actual information we have on the Gunnhildr clan itself doesn't detail any more than two (2) of its leaders since earning its name.
The first, its namesake, Gunnhildr. The second? Jean.
We actually never have it specified why or how Jean has been chosen as its successor, just that her mother has raised her to be. Reasonably, one would assume that her mother had been its leader based on such, but then even that isn't outright stated. All you get to know about Frederica Gunnhildr is that she's a knight of the clan. Awesome. We literally don't even know what being leader of the Gunnhildr clan means in present times.
And you can't exactly correlate the status of successor to the (seemingly entirely separate) title of Dandelion/Lion Fang Knight that was given to Jean at age fifteen, as it has literally nothing to do with the Gunnhildrs at all and was also given to her after she would have been declared the clan's successor.
I would like to believe that the Gunnhildr clan's leaders have been predominantly female, but then again I couldn't really tell you. They have existed for three thousand years so only having two names doesn't prove much of anything.
The biggest takeaway, at least, is that Jean's entire life has been focused upon becoming a knight. From day one she has known that protecting Mondstadt would be her purpose, and has carried the weight of countless responsibilities and expectations. Regardless of the gender of those who she was surrounded by, Jean never really had a chance to care for much other than her future. Trivial things that would be considered traditionally feminine just didn't matter as much.
To top it off, we know Jean to have been childhood friends with Diluc (as well as Kaeya by association though I actually cannot recall if that relationship is every explicitly mentioned in canon) which I personally think would only aid in her disinterest in femininity. Who needs to care about dresses and makeup when you can chase your friend around with a stick or whatever.
So now you're thinking "Lina what the fuck does this have to do with right now" and that's a really fair question so here's the part of the essay that is actually the whole point of why we are here.
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I think, to put it plainly, Jean's relationship with gender (specifically femininity) is complicated. It plays a very small role in the world as she views it. However I believe that the part of Jean that does perceive it wishes to be more in touch with it.
It's an absent kind of thing-- she didn't have the time for it as a child and she certainly doesn't have the time for it now-- but I believe it to be there in a couple of things. The most specific being her affinity for romance.
This is the part of the post where I look you in the face and tell you that Hoyoverse sucks and is wrong and I am about to entirely undermine a single sentence of their stupid fucking lore.
From Character story 5:
Master Jean has yet another secret. No matter how many times she has read the historical classics, despite her title of Dandelion Knight, and though she has become the Acting Grand Master whom everyone relies on... Jean still loves romance novels. This is not for the years as a young girl that she missed amid her training and duties, or due to the rift that formed in her parents' marriage. Jean simply yearns for the mutual attraction spoken of in such stories, for those emotions as subtle and fragile as spider-silk. As a knight, she must put Mondstadt and the Knights of Favonius first. But...
Be so for real right now. What. Like. What. Huh. Wh.
So basically this entire post was to come down to this one line and tell you all in a very loud TED Talk sort of way that I don't know what the fuck Hoyo is trying to say by declaring neither of those things to have ANY relation to this interest, but that I disagree. I think it makes perfect sense for a woman who was denied girlhood to have wistful thoughts of romance like in the books. I feel it seems ridiculously out of place as a part of her character without that context, in fact.
Fuck this noise. Anyhow.
Her summer skin in game also has quite the flowery description, as follows:
The Acting Grand Master's life runs like the gears of a machine, driven by the great force of heavy responsibility, constantly being ground down by work. Over time, the armor of chivalry has become like Jean's second skin, the presentation of proper dress code and a formal image becoming ever more firmly forged into her nature. But in truth, Jean is no older than the ordinary young women around her. In the novels that these young ladies enjoy, gorgeous gowns are as quintessential as sun, moon, and starlight themselves, and some opulent noble scions do indeed sit pretty in dresses that sprawl out like palaces, their hem-lines and long skirts intertwined like the lapping waves of the sea. Perhaps Jean once had such romantic aspirations too. After all, who has never hankered after the blissful beauty of luxury?
Which I think, when tied in with the knowledge of her love for those novels, highlights an interest in more than just the relationships within them.
(Also this outfit having been a shared effort by just about every friend of hers within Mondstadt, I can't help but assume that the way she seems to covet the idea of being Just A Girl is something that those close to her have picked up on. Especially Barabara, Amber, and Lisa.)
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So, at the end of it all, I offer you my silly little knight who (whether hoyo agrees or not) has some internalized self image things to work out that she never will because she's literally this tweet.
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If you read all this thank you i owe you money for your time.
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gunnhldrs ยท 1 year ago
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Everyoneโ€™s asleep or not here?? but hereโ€™s knight Jean drawing I did for Heroine Impact zine
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gunnhldrs ยท 1 year ago
"Enthusiastic is a good word for it, yes." A quiet laugh. It would, perhaps, be easier to simply explain that said friend is a very literal librarian, but the opportunity for that little fact breezes past.
Not to mention how greatly she would like to avoid divulging in some of the less-than-ethically-acquired volumes likely populate Lisa's personal shelves.
Jean brushes a stray strand of hair from where it had fallen in her earlier investigation, tucking it behind her ear with a hum. "I fear I am not much for a reader," she dismisses, shaking her head, "I get my fill in reports and paperwork back home."
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An easy, well rehearsed lie. The longer she lives the sillier it seems-- the notion of being dishonest about her personal tastes-- but then the weight of a new title came to settle upon her shoulders.
And she can live without confronting a world with the knowledge of her draw to romance.
"I find there are too few hours in the day for much more than that, after all."
Free and Far Between
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gunnhldrs ยท 1 year ago
It would seem that work would find its way to follow her through the treacherous waters that spanned between home and Inazuma.
Volunteers, they had called for. Some absurd phenomenon needed dealt with, seemingly a constant for at least one end of Teyvat at any given time. Though she had hardly hesitated to step in line, precious vacation time of little meaning to a woman as duty-bound as herself. These people were not hers, but that did not mean she would sit by in a time of trouble.
Jean's fingers flex around the hilt of her sword. It remains sheathed at her hip, yet to be called upon for the task at hand, but the Dandelion Knight prides herself on nothing if not her preparedness.
Preparedness that she exercises in an instant at the sound of footsteps at her flank. Grass crunches beneath her heel as she spins upon it, blade drawn and eyes alert, ready to vanquish whatever threat has come her w-
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As quickly as it is raised, her sword hand falls limp at her side. It has been some years since last she saw the man, and yet the emerald of his eyes is impossible not to recognize. An awkward smile snakes its way upon the knight's face.
"Forgive me, I hadn't been expecting company." She pauses, the corner of her lip twitching. "Of the friendly kind, at least."
all but forgotten
december commission ; inazuma
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gunnhldrs ยท 1 year ago
It is easy enough to distract herself from the ache of nostalgia, the memories of a girl that she hasn't been in far too long. There are tasks to distract herself, work to fill the space that girl wishes to take.
It is less easy, however, when she can see the eyes of a boy in the face of a man. The rhythm of her footfalls comes to a halt, eyes rounded with surprise.
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"Ma-ahem," Jean flusters, clearing her throat. This is hardly an official encounter-- there are precious few of those, these days-- and yet she still must remind herself to disregard formalities. It's hard to think that once she had struggled to remember them now, as she forces herself to forget. "Diluc, it's good to see you."
Her eyes flit from him to the board beside him, lingering only a moment before darting right back. For him, tonight is a reminder of more than just the nostalgia of youth.
She does her best to school the emotion from her expression, lest it appear that she pity him.
"I... yes, actually." The evening had proven itself a rather busy one, she had only just found the time to slip away and enjoy a moment of it for herself. "Could I interest you in joining me?" Her smile flickers something hopeful.
a festive evening.
overdue nov. mondstadt commission with @gunnhldrs.
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gunnhldrs ยท 1 year ago
All at once, she finds herself feeling suddenly self-conscious. The Iudex of Fontaine-- she should have expected nothing less of a man with such refined composure as he-- an international official to whom she has just introduced herself as though an ordinary citizen.
Jean flusters, shaking her head. "Please, pay it no mind. I come here quite often, I'm sure the tree will hardly mind such a brief visit."
She has plenty of inquiries to make-- what business he had come on, if he was in need of lodging, if she had somehow missed a letter detailing his visit-- but none are voiced. Silently, Jean reminds herself to thumb through the month's mail once more tonight. She would hate to make a fool of herself and reveal that she had overlooked such an important bit of information, had it been sent.
With a hastily replaced smile, Jean turns her gaze towards the horizon. She cannot imagine Mondstadt's hills in the eyes of a foreigner. To her they are beautiful; open and airy, drenched in late autumn sun and host to birdsong. They embody the freedom for which her nation pins its belief upon.
And yet she cannot help but wonder if someone from a place as sophisticated as Fontaine might find them rather... boring.
"This tree," she gestures, "is the place where Mondstadt's very first Dandelion Knight ascended to Celestia."
Eyes trace from the branches towards the clouds, envisioning the beat of a falcon's wings along it. They linger for a moment before flitting back to her company. "Her title has carried over generations, passed down time and time again. It is a great honor."
Another soft shake of her head. "And a greater responsibility."
Ah, it would seem he has caused something of a disturbance.
Neuvillette smiles - his expression a touch sheepish and apologetic - as he watches the woman scramble to her feet before she approaches him. He would have attempted to stop her, but she is faster than him, and so he relents for the time being.
"Oh, it is quite alright. I should have made myself known earlier," he responds with a light wave of his hand - before extending it to meet hers in greeting, regarding the woman before him for a moment as he does so. Of course, even the "city of freedom" does need some kind of authority figure in the end, lest the place's less savory and disciplined residents run wild, and different people's definitions of freedom collide in a way that inevitably causes someone harm. The person in front of him certainly carries the aura of one who would uphold whatever order a country like Mondstadt requires.
"We most certainly have not. I have not visited this land for... a long time," he continues with a shake of his head. This is not his very first time in Mondstadt, but recalling the exact date of his previous trip would take some mathematics. Which is not necessary right now. What is necessary is some proper manners. "It is an honor to meet you, Lady Jean. I am Neuvillette, Iudex of Fontaine. I came to Mondstadt for some small business, and have decided to rest here now that it is done. I mean no intrusion." It is best that he explain to her the reason for his arrival, after all.
"... I should apologize as well - I believe my presence interrupted you during a matter of personal importance. I am happy to wait if you want to finish your prayers." His tone hangs a little at the end of the sentence, as though he wished to inquire about something, but chose to refrain.
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gunnhldrs ยท 1 year ago
โšœ โ€” PLOTTING 12/01
falls 2 my knees hi. hello. jean commissiontime
MONDSTADT: she's the acting grandmaster. she's there. i think there is so much cute potential here, so if anyone would like to ice skate with ms. president. you may.
INAZUMA: i don't have an explanation other than some combat wld be fun to write. thats it.
DECORATING: also cute. someone with taste please get over here and help her LMFAO i think jean is a little lacking in the field of artistic creativity and design, but she wants to help. because like yeah of course she does.
0 notes
gunnhldrs ยท 1 year ago
If one were to ask the Acting Grand Master how exactly she felt about festival season, sheโ€™d reply with a quiet laugh. Ofย courseย she adored her homelandโ€™s traditions, for they brimmed with memories of a childhood long past her, but there was something so different to being in charge of them.
Of course she could delegate tasksโ€” she hardly had a choice in that matterโ€” but then who would check in on those to which said tasks had been given? Who would orchestrate it all, ensure that every little thing ran smoothly? Her, of course.
Which makes wandering the streets just that much harder. Her eyes do not dance over booths and displays in search of enjoyment, but rather of their faults. It only takes one misplaced support, one poorly tied banner, and her perfectly put together celebration would fall apart entirely.
Well, perhaps notย entirely.ย But it would be much easier for it to not fall apart at all.
With a huff, Jean lifts a crate from its pallet. Itโ€™s chock-full of glass bottles, hand selected from the Dawn Wineryโ€™s cellars and eagerly anticipated by those attending tonightโ€™s celebration. She had offered her aid without a second thought, smiling at the gentleman who had come to set up the stall and waving off his offers of compensation. This was her job, of course, she needed no other reason to want to do it.
But this is as much her job as is helping the next stall over, and the one after that, and the one after that. Her list grows no shorter, and these crates justย keep coming-
A voice interrupts her thoughts just as her current armful is deposited. Instinct sends her hands flying to smooth her shirt, to brush dirt from her legs. She looks up with a smile, expression only stuttering a moment when said voiceโ€™s owner comes into view.ย 
โ€œTwo never seem to be enough these days,โ€ she answers. His is not a face she has ever seen around Mondstadt, though that is far from the only thing that indicates heโ€™s far from home. Thereโ€™s a way to his speech unlike the locals, and he looks far too pale to have spent even a day in the cityโ€™s sun.
โ€œI donโ€™t imagine weโ€™ve met.โ€ She extends her hand. โ€œMy name is Jean, the current Acting Grand Master and this,โ€ a gesture to the wine behind her, โ€œis our nationโ€™s finest." Another crate thuds against the ground behind her. Jean winces.
"...and a spare hand would certainly be nice."
Hauntings of Mondstadt [Wriothesley & Jean]
November Commission | Mondstadt
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