gummytoasty · 2 years
xyx and his freckles. I can’t stop thinking about it , so i tried to write it lol
It was almost unnoticeable but if you looked closely, you could see the mini stars on his face, the night sky seemed almost ugly in comparison.
You notice the freckles one night when you stumble on him sleeping on the couch and falling into the couch as you try to take a peek, startling the poor guy awake. His eyes turn from sleepy to alert the moment you take his face into your hands and absentmindedly kiss his forehead—a wordless apology for waking him up in the first place.
you brush the pads of your thumbs so gently over the skin under Xyx’s eyes where the stars have bloomed across his face. “How come I haven’t seen those before?”
“ Hm? “ he mindlessly yawned, clearly still sleepy and out of it.
“ your star-like freckles “ my hand traced the small mini stars that spread across his face, the dim light making it seem like stars.
“ Don’t like ‘em , love “
“Why would you dislike star-shaped freckles?”  you sigh. “They’re so cute, you’re like my galaxy – my galaxyx “
You saw his eyes were shut as his chest heaved with each breath, brushing gentle lines between the points. you love each and every single one of them, as you pinpoint all the scattered stars, he stirred awake yet again “ what are you doing , love ? “ His eyes were shut as his hand wrapped around your waist,
You grin. “ just mapping out the stars, ”
His breath stops for a second. “Eh?, let’s go to sleep now. We still have work to do tomorrow,, ” he tiredly lifted you up and went to bed, he rolled on the side of his bed. His neck shown as he slept, freckles scattered around it. You wondered if his whole body was a full galaxy as you slowly drifted to sleep.
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gummytoasty · 2 years
autumn boy.
the time when everything bursts with its last beauty, It was autumn when you first laid your eyes on him. the boy who would always be there watching something from afar on their wheelchair. the changing colour of leaves on the trees, turning from green to a beautiful selection of browns, reds and oranges. It was beautiful. he came like autumn and disappeared when winter came.
you were a young amateur artist who now had an absurd idea of drawing a patient, you thought it was a bad idea but as soon as you came across the hospital, that's when you laid your eyes on him and perfectly at that moment- autumn had started. leaves flew with the wind as he caught your eyes, his blue eyes held tears before he flinched when he finally realised someone’s staring at him. you saw him start moving his wheelchair and went inside the hospital.
“ oh. wow “ you stood there dumbfounded, completely stunned. you were about to grab your sketchbook out of your bag, you felt around your bag for a few minutes before dawning on you that forgot about it.
Room 203. There it is ! you perked up and knocked on the door, you just hoped he’d let you draw him. “ come in “ you twisted the doorknob and went in, your eyes wandered around his room, it was plain. The flowers had dried up and there was his wheelchair beside his bed.
“ what the- It’s you! “
“ i’m – “
“ the pervert yesterday ! “
you started coughing, “ wait no- no. I'm not a pervert. “ he held a disgusted face and stared suspiciously. you took your bag off your shoulder and opened it, held up a sketchbook and a pencil with stickers.
“ I just had a project of drawing a patient. so maybe- you’d let me draw you “ you mustered up the best puppy eyes you could do, “ please. I swear I'll draw you so good. you can go down in history, I’ll be publishing the art at the museum if I’m able to to win the contest. “
The patient on the bed turned towards you and blinked. “You want to… draw me?” he had a faint blush on his pale cheeks, an awkward gaze on the sketchbook you were holding.
you eagerly nodded, “ I swear you won’t regret it “
“I don’t care. You can draw me if you want.” an almost redder blush covered his paleness, it’s almost spreading on the tip of his ears.
It’s been an hour since you started drawing him, he has been awkwardly smiling trying to keep a pose. “ you don’t have to pose. just act like i’m not here “ you laughed at his stiffness.
“ don’t laugh. you- hmph.! “ a silence grew between the two of you, whilst he was reading a book, you drew him, just the calming silence but occasional loud laughter from him between the silence. The bustling noises outside the hospital, in a place where birth and death happened, the two of you are in the middle of just merely existing at this moment.
you traced his features across the pad with a pencil, looking up every so often to compare the drawing and the real person. The feeble sketch isn’t able to catch his beauty. No amount of shading could capture his focused expression, or his indifferent frown, or the small smile that would appear every once in a while or the sunken bags under his eyes. you caught yourself staring for almost a whole minute, you blushed and continued drawing, you didn’t notice the faint smile for a moment that disappeared as soon as you looked up from the pad.
He settled down the book and stood up a bit before sitting down on his wheelchair. “ Come on. the sun is about to set “ you didn’t notice that time had completely flown by, you packed up your sketchbook and pencil and pushed his wheelchair to the elevator.
“ I forgot. What’s your name ? “
“ I’m Toasty “
you stood there with your hands on his wheelchair. for the first time, you saw his features turned into a pained expression as he stared at the sunset. He let out a sigh, “ let’s get back now “ he moved his wheelchair back to the hospital. you stood there for a moment , ‘ why did you have such an expression ‘
“ Can I come back tomorrow?” you asked as you sling your bag on your shoulder, he turned his head toward you. “Can you- what?”
You felt your face heat up, but you kept going. “It’s just- I’m not finished. With the drawing. So could I come back? And finish it?”
He stayed quiet and you sighed. you didn’t know what you were expecting. “It’s fine. Forget what I asked.”
you made your way to the door , “ you can. you can come back- but can you bring some cupcakes and cookies by the bakery across the hospital ? I’ve never tasted it and It’s just newly opened - “
“ Of course.! I mean I’m bothering you so this is the least I could do “ you waved goodbye, “Then, see you tomorrow ”
“ OH - Y/N ! hello. What can I get you ? “ Two2 asked as he cleaned the counter.
Two2 is your friend who works at the local bakery, you have known him for awhile now.
“ Hey Two ! Can I get some cupcakes and cookies? “ Your eyes searched for some other pastries , “ Oh and these macaroons “ he smiled and nodded, picking out the pastries and putting them in a brown paper bag.
The cold breeze hits you as soon as you leave the warm bakery, you tighten the scarf around your neck and held the paper bag and felt the warmness coming from the freshly made pastries, the leaves has finally fully changed from green to an incredible display of vibrant colors, just as your cheeks get a little ruddy from the colder weather. dry, dead leaves crunch beneath your feet and clouds appear when you breathe out.
you knocked on the door, “ come in ! “ his voice was muffled and clogged, he sniffled. you found him hiding under the covers, visibly shaking.
“ Did you drink your medicine ? you have a fever. “ he groaned and closed his eyes, you pulled a chair beside his bed and ran your fingers through his hair.
“ don’t stop … “ he mumbled tiredly and you hummed gently in question, “ your fingers in my hair … “ he continued, “ feels really.. really nice “ his eyes fluttered shut as he let out a heavy hot sigh. you brushed away the sweaty locks of his hair plastered on his head due to his sweat.
An hour has passed, you checked your phone and continued drawing the sick boy who got sick on just the third day of autumn. He stirred a bit for a moment, mumbling a tired hoarse, “ water.. please ? “ you gave him some water and medicine. he lets out a quiet, ‘ thank you ‘
you bit your bottom lip as you smiled as you watched, tracing the art of him eating the pastries. crumbs on the side of his cheeks, still drowsy sleepy eyes as bits of yawn followed as he took small bites on the cupcakes.
‘ he looks so adorable ‘
he turned with big puffed cheeks , “ what are you looking at - ? “
“ nothing. You just look so adorable ~ “ you smirked as his puffed cheeks turned red, he avoided your gaze and kept eating. devouring all of the sweets with a contented smile.
You let out an amused chuckle and couldn’t help but draw all of his cute little moments, “ hey. tell me about yourself as I draw you “ he stayed quiet.
“ well - I'm Toasty. I love sweets and I’ve been stuck here for as long as I can remember, I for once want to be able to see the world. It’s kinda a plain dream right? “ he let out a chuckle with a pained smile.
“ then. Let’s find a paradise for the two of us, in exchange of letting me draw you I’ll show you places where you want to go “ you unknowingly held his hands tightly as he also gripped into yours, his eyes shined and his frown broke into a smile.
“ don’t make such promises , pervert “ he laughed with a cough as he pulled the covers closer to warm him up.
you shrugged, “ I don’t make empty promises, autumn boy “
Like a curious little kid, he was filled with laughter while holding his dripping ice cream, he opened his arms contently and smiled. “ Thank you for bringing me out there. '' His beautiful locks of hair flowed with the air, decoratively leaves flew by his hair and attached to him.
“ I told you, I don’t make empty promises. “ you smiled at the bustling lively family and children, a bunch of piles of leaves. the cold air sending shivers down your spine. “ Well I’m done drawing, I still need to get you back to your room “ he frowned sadly but nodded.
“ Can we go here again ? “
“ Of course. “
He laid down on his hospital bed, the bright smile never left his face, “ the world is so beautiful “
your eyes captured yet another beautiful occurrence that involved this beautiful boy.
The sunlight fell onto Toasty’s bed, and his skin was so pale it looked like he was glowing. Holy shit. That- There. Right there, that’s the beauty. you thought, studying the scars and veins running down and across his arms. The beauty in the world… It's him. He’s the most beautiful thing you’ve ever laid your eyes on. You’ve seen all the beautiful things in the world but his beauty is incomparable.
“You’re beautiful.” you breathed out, and he laughed. God, you wanted to bottle up that laugh and play it on repeat.
And so the two of you had spent the rest of the day together. In engulfing silence, you could hear the silent stifled laugh coming from him as you drew every part of him.
the way he’ll try to cover his laugh, or his eyes would flutter on your for a whole minute before he started turning red , or his puffy red cheeks whenever he got embarrassed.
your heart skipped whilst thinking about him. your hand trembled as your breath shaked, “ damn “ you breathed out and held your face with your rough calloused hands. feeling the heat on your cheeks spreading.
As you tried to calm your heart down, you didn’t notice the sincerity and adoration that his eyes showed. His own heart, beating the same as yours, his hands almost unnoticeable trembling.
he looked up and locked eyes with yours.
you were about to reach out to him when a loud stomach growl grew in that moment of silence. his lips twitched before letting out a laugh. “ don’t laugh ! “ You heard another stomach growl, you bit your tongue to contain the laughter, you smiled as you saw Toasty embarrassingly hid his face with his pillow.
“ I’ll go buy some pastries ” you heard a muffled ‘ thank you ‘ his ears were red again. It was a full week before you finally went out to see Toasty, you were filled with assignments and schoolworks to do and today you finally finished it, you grabbed the newly bought sketchbook. your old one was completely filled with him.
you knocked on his door, but didn’t hear an answer. you went in quietly, you spotted a heavily sleeping toasty. When he fell asleep his perfectly tied hair turned into a messy tangled mess. you set the pastries on the table and sat down beside him, ‘ i could just draw later ‘ you played with his messy locks of hair. He stirred and wrapped his hands around your waist with an inaudible grumble.
he blinked twice before a drowsy smile appeared. Bags under his eyes now are more evident than it was before. He fell asleep again on your shoulder, you tried not to move and let him sleep as you continued drawing steadily.
He yawn and turned red when he noticed he was drooling a bit on your shoulder, “ I’m sorry ” his voice was hoarse and dry as he spoke up, you reached out for your water bottle and lent it to him, who’s completely still half asleep. His usual tidy hair was sticking up messily, he mumbled a low “ hm- thank you, “ whilst he rubbed his eyes sleepily, you cracked a smile and drew another one of his cutest occurrences.
He was mysterious. Every moment was a beautiful occurrence with him, even the dried up drool when he woke up or the bitten nails as he nervously read a certain part of his favourite book. For you, he was the most beautiful art you could’ve ever drawn.
The elevator doors opened with a ding and you wheeled him into the hospital lobby, and then out the front doors. There was a little park next to it, specifically for people from the hospital, and you carefully brought him along one of the paved paths, it led to a beautiful place where you can clearly view the sunset.
Every chance you could get you always visited him with his favourite pastries, and just like that autumn ended. you’ve completed the third sketchbook filled with him. winter came, you excitedly wanted to announce that you won the artist competition and the drawings of him would be displayed. It took five days for all the arrangements so you didn’t get the chance to visit him sooner.
you knocked carefully on the door before slipping inside. you turned around, there were three very confused people staring at me.
“I’m sorry, who are you?” One of them spoke up. I rechecked the door number, and then looked back at them.
“Where is Toasty? this is his room.” you were shaking slightly, and your voice cracked as you spoke. The person who’d spoked the first time, an older man, must have seen the fear and pain in your eyes because his tone softened.
“We’ve had this room for three days. I don’t know who this Toasty is, but he’s not here.”
“No, no, no, that can’t be right! He was here, he was right here! He has to be here!” your hand shaked, as your breath quickened. your eyes got blurry. many thoughts ran through your head as you stood there.
“ calm down. Why don’t you go talk to a doctor? I don’t know anything about Toasty.” you nodded shakily, dropping the flowers onto a table and running out of the room. you tracked down the nearest doctor.
“Hi, I’m here for Toasty? He was in room 203, but now he’s gone.” your voice broke on the word ‘gone’.
“Check with the reception desk.” Came the gruff reply, and you ran off without bothering to thank him. your heart wretched as you ran. you never got to tell him. He couldn’t possibly be gone.
“Hi, the boy who was in room 203? He was in Room 203 but now he was gone” your voice couldn’t contain the shake as you were tapping my fingers against the desk, unable to hold still. you couldn’t stop your brain from going to the worst possible scenario. What if…
“ I’m sorry but he is gone– “
you couldn’t believe it. you stood there bewildered.
“ please! He can’t be gone– “
your voice broke out a agonizing painful sob, ‘ damn it ‘
the secrets of the autumn boy. He was a complete mystery.if you’ve brought up what he is in the hospital for, he would just ignore it and change the subject. you’ve never been able to tell your feelings to him. your hands trembled as you tried drawing him once again, but you could only continue to cry on the paper and let your tears wet the paper.
the beauty of autumn.
drawings of him were plastered on the museum every autumn, you wanted for him to appear every autumn as he did to you.
And disappeared as soon as winter came.
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gummytoasty · 2 years
childhood friends au toasty/mc
Toasty the new neighbourhood kid was quiet , he got this pretty long pink hair. He wears these pastel colored hoodies. You always stare at this tall kid with long braided hair. You were startled as he turned to you, you hid behind the wall. “ woah he is so pretty “ you thought as you catched your breath and looked back, you found two shoes that lit up in front of you. “ AHHHHHHHHH- “ you fell and hit your head on the dirty sidewalk. An awkward hand reached out to you, “ sorry for scaring you.. “ you looked up and met his eyes, you blurted out a quiet “ you’re so pretty “ he turned red and ran away, you ended up hitting your head on the floor.
That was two days ago, now you are standing in front of their house nervous. You knocked and the door was opened by a tall man with dark hair , glasses hanging on his shirt. “ uhm- sir. Is the kid with tall and long gummy hair home ? “ You asked , staring at your shoes, that were dirty because you were playing with your friends. He called out to him and he was wearing his glasses that were oddly similar to his dad's, “ your friend is here “
“ Dad , they're not - “ he just huffed when he noticed his dad wasn't paying attention to him.  so he shut the door. You are left timidly standing there. “ hi im — “ you said and extended your arm. “ im toasty “ he stared at your hand , shaking it. Toasty pulled out his nintendo and started playing pokemon , “ hey i know that game, my favourite is charizard “ he shrugged , “ no charizard is overrated. Bulbasaur is great “ you sat next to him and watched him pick bulbasaur “ you will lose if you pick- “ you watched him win and he flashed a proud smile. `Maybe you’re just bad at it “ he paused, “ I'm sorry I didn't mean to be mean, “ you laughed and patted his head. His hair was so soft and so pretty. “ It's alright , toasty. We are best friends “ you gave him a smile and he smiled back happily. Toasty couldn’t believe that he has a friend , so he stayed up and made a gift for you.
The next day you waved at toasty and toasty smiled until he saw you with your other friends ‘ do you know that boy, he is so girly eww - you shouldn't be friends with him “ you ignored them and hugged toasty '' hi toasty “ you smiled , noticing something in his hand. “ What's that '' he hid it , you noticed them staring at toasty. “ if you don’t like toasty then we aren’t friends anymore ! “ you pulled toasty gently.
“ Hey, so what’s that ? “ you sat down on the grass and tried not to pet his head again, “ it’s a gift.. For you “ he blushed and showed a charmander toy and a drawing of charmander. You smiled and thanked him, “ I'll make you a bulbasaur too ! “
Toasty staying with his mom for two days;
Toasty was woken up by his dad, “ wake up, your mom is here “ he nodded and grabbed his nintendo, going downstairs he met his mom talking to someone on the phone. “ Mom , can I say goodbye to my friend first? “ his mom shooed him away, “ hi mc ! “ he hugged you tightly, “ i'm gonna go to mom’s house “ you looked at him and tilted your head , “ why ? doesn't your mom live with you ? “ toasty shaked his head, “ my mom and dad got a divorce.” you thought it was something cool, “ ohhh~ that is so cool ! what's a divorce ? “ toasty laughed and explained to you what it was. You got embarrassed and kept apologising, “ Toasty ! let’s go “ toasty went to his mom and waved goodbye, “ LET’S PLAY MINECRAFT OKAY ? BYE MC “ Toasty when he got back,his dad told him that you gave him a gift. It was a bulbasaur toy and a drawing of him. He knocked on your door excitedly. But nobody answered.. He thought you and your family went out so he waited on the bench near your house, playing nintendo. He didn't notice the time went by. Everyday toasty would sit there and wait for you. But you never came back. He knows, he has heard it from those bullies that called him girly. That you moved away. But he still waited. Until school started and you didn’t come back. Everybody was looking at him, kids pointing at his long hair. He anxiously played with his hair. He hated being tall, everyone was looking at him and he couldn’t hide. He wanted you to come back and just be best friends again. During lunch he sat by himself and played with his nintendo. He could hear them calling him girly, he didn’t like that so he left. Once the bell rang he went to the bench and waited again. But once again. You were gone.
As years go by, toasty still misses you.. But he gotta move on. Somehow he still hasn't thrown away the gift and the drawing. He puts it in front of his gaming table , though it isn’t seen when he goes to vc with everyone.
Good morning , Mc
Good morning , Toasty
So.. if you want. No pressure.wanna vc ?
Sure <3
Toasty smiled, “ shit….fuck. I'm so happy..shit shit”
((this goes as how toasty route went )) You and Toasty are finally moving in together, you were packing up when you found a charmander toy, you remembered a boy with gummy hair and that led shoes that would light up. “ what was his name again .. ugh. Fuck. I still gotta pack these things. “ You put the toy inside your box and found a drawing of you with a flower crown. “Woah.” you got side tracked again trying to remember him.
You and that boy running around , as the night darkens the sky. His led shoes lit up brightly as you and him played tag. You said your goodbyes .. not knowing it would’ve been the last.
“ I wonder where he is now ? “ you sighed, and went to sleep after packing.
Toasty is helping you unpacked when he found the toy that looked like his gift to his best friend, “ couldn’t be possible .. ‘’ But when toasty found the drawing with a small signature, he remembered he drew this. “ It's them. my first love. “
Fate works in weird ways, if you were meant to meet again. you would. Toasty never believed in something childish as soulmates, but maybe.. If it’s with you, he would blindly believe that you were his soulmate.
Toasty looking at you against the doorframe with a smile , you were singing and looking beautiful as ever. He hugged you from behind.  “ please don’t leave me again “ you didn’t know what he meant but you reassured him “ i will never leave you again “
((If mc didn’t moved away
Toasty when he got back,his dad told him that you gave him a gift. It was a bulbasaur toy and a drawing of him. He knocked on your door excitedly. “ Toasty “ you were sick with fever, toasty noticed that your face looked red and sweating. “ a..are you okay  ?? Are you home alone ?? “ you smiled before coughing “ im fine— cough.yeah, they are at work  “ toasty awkwardly hugs you, “ ahh- you’ll get sick , toasty” you raspily said, “ come on , you need to get to bed. I’ll help you “ toasty who’s always left to tend himself, he knows how to take care of you. He checked your temperature and put a wet cloth on your head. You laughed,“ thank you for taking care of me “ toasty who’s sitting on the floor beside your bed was playing nintendo when he smiled , “ of course. It’s because.. You’re special to me “ , his ears going red.
Mc got older and much bolder too. you teases toasty everyday as a result : a combusting toasty. You knocked on his door , toasty ‘s father left and had a new family. He left toasty behind once he turned 18. He would send toasty money as so is his mom. She stopped coming over to see toasty but still sent him money as an apology.  And toasty always forgets to eat. He didn’t open the door.. Of course. You bet he is still asleep. As a solution you grab his extra key that he gave you to make sure ‘he ain’t dead for drinking too much energy drinks’. “ I'm gonna rob your place if you don’t wake up ! “ You laughed when you heard his footsteps down the stairs , “ ughh- it’s still early “ you ignored him and made him breakfast, you snatched away the energy bar he was gonna eat. He sighed but still smiled , “ thank you for the breakfast, love  “ he blushed and started coughing. “Idiot, you shouldn’t talk when you’re eating “ you gave him a glass of water, your face was also red from what he said.
–Mc going on date with societyboy
“ toasty, don’t eat only energy bars ! “ toasty rolled his eyes playfully , “ good luck with your date. If.. something goes wrong, message me okay ? I'll pick you up . Stay safe , MC “ you hugged him and nodded. Once you left, toasty went inside and played ffxiv , drinking energy drinks. After playing he went downstairs and ate the food you cooked for him. Toasty hasn't gotten a message from you yet, he sighed and laid down. He couldn’t sleep. Something was bothering him. He shrugged it off and went to sleep. Toasty woke up when he heard knocking from his door. He saw you crying, he didn’t ask. He just hugged you and rubbed your back. Toasty used to be awkward with touches but because of you, he learned how to comfort people. “ hey. He is an asshole okay ? you’re amazing.and – and he doesn’t deserve you. It’s okay “ he held you close that night.
—Young toasty and bullies
“ look it’s that girly f*g “ toasty just ignored their laughter and pointing when he felt his hair being yanked, toasty ‘s eyes stung as tears went down his cheeks. “ let go ! “ they were older and stronger “. Quick grab a scissor “ the guy laughed, toasty struggled but they were still able to cut his hair. He didn’t wanna show you, you love his long hair. Young toasty thought you won’t wanna be friends anymore because of this.When you saw him, you hugged him tightly and asked who did that. Toasty started crying again, “ please don’t leave me too “ you nodded and whispered “ i won’t “
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