454 posts
TogaQ and Kichiku Neko's Studio. Sample works in progress or general randomness that inspire or puzzle us. Some stuff will not even be about G|P, but we can promise some material will offend delicate people. <><><><><> Note: We are active on our FB's Close Comm so we will not be updating this site much anymore nor log-in to check the messages. <><><><><>
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
guiltpleasure · 9 years ago
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Hola! This is once in a blue moon update of our tumblr account (please follow us on twitter or Facebook   As that we do not update this account often. Some updates since forever ago: We’ve withdrawn from KOBO and now distributing our own ebooks via our own shoppe. Please read details on the format in each item: Some of the free-read stuffs’ now up under little_calico account in AO3 (to include a 00Q)   Paper Doll CH7′s the most recent update.  We are also supporting sales via Moe Moe Paradise (some, if not most, of the sales goes to a charity) Questions? Drop us a line.
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guiltpleasure · 10 years ago
Hello!! I wanted to ask about Libre. Will it be an English version of it or will it only be in Japanese. I would love to own a copy of this beautiful work!! I love Guilt Pleasure and I fully support by buying all pre-orders. I follow you all as well. I'm sure it will come out some place but do you for see an English version in the future? Many Thanks, -Shay A.
All of our work originates in English.  Please visit our site ( and click on shoppe. Thank you!
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guiltpleasure · 10 years ago
is In these words still on be boy gold? ;w; if not when will you enter again 3
We are still signed with Libre However, the serialization of ITW in BBG, you would have to contact them to find out. We are asked not to discuss the terms of serialization directly with readers by the company.
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guiltpleasure · 10 years ago
Hey, could you tell me when the 3rd volume of In These Words is going to be released in Germany?
It won’t be until Summer of next year. We have 3 more full chapters to complete before there’s enough page count for Vol. 3.
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guiltpleasure · 10 years ago
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Pre-order for ITW13 and THE DOLL (the novel) is up. ITW13′s ship date is expected to be on 7-8th May. THE DOLL will be shipped on 29th May.  Please note that if you order BOTH titles to save on postage, the ship date will default to 29th May when THE DOLL inventory is in USA. ITW13:  (The pre-order good’s a 5X8 vinyl decal). THE DOLL: (please note that this book is still in progress. The cover will be updated next week when completed). The illustration (1 of 16 is only a place holder). The pre-order good will be a 12 page booklet with preview chap /illustration for the sequel “Persona non Grata”. Please order them SEPARATELY if you want the ITW13 to be sent on the 7/8th May.
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guiltpleasure · 10 years ago
Will you be at YaoiCon 2015?
We will not be.  After this year, we are likely to drop all Stateside convention (perhaps with exception of Fanime since it is local and it’s a show that we’ve built a relationship with way before G|P existed) - due to our tight scheduling.
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guiltpleasure · 10 years ago
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Haven’t been able to do it monthly so I changed the title of raffle (i keep the tag same for you so its easier to check on previous raffles and winners) =A=;;;
OP is torn between family and work and Touken on the side. I promise I will do a big one when I get jiji and Kogitsune TAT..
Oh and we are going to Sakuracon! For reasons we’re placed in SP17 this time (small press area). More info to follow~
Starting now til 3/31 at 11:59pm, as long as you reblog this (or any of my later re-bumps), you will have a chance to win a prize! No follow necessary :D
Of course, if you see something you really want but don’t want to wait, all of these items will be available for sale at Sakuracon 2015 (booth# SP17) or online at
I will select the winner before I leave for SakuraCon (2nd)
Different available prizes include (pick one):
1 Mousepad from store
2 Decals from store
1 Kankolle gift set (shown in photo above)
I’ll cover the shipping if you are living in the US, and I will give you a big discount on shipping if you live outside of the states.
Good luck to you all, and Thanks for reblog <3
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guiltpleasure · 10 years ago
hi ~ i want to ask something...why the BL manga "in These Words" is not available in the Manga online sites ? have a nice day ^o^
Because scanalation sites’ actually not legal and hurt people like us. We actually DO NOT benefit in any way when people read scans of our works. And we have good legal admin takes down the uploads as they are reported. 
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guiltpleasure · 10 years ago
Why is just ITW published in Germany? :c I know many people that would like to buy more of your masterpieces! I just love you and your works ❤
Father Figure's too explicit for German standard. The other works hadn't accrue enough for standard releases yet.  Best bet is to inquire which titles' in the talks for German release with TokyoPop Germany as that we are not allowed to discuss which ones' been proposed. 
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guiltpleasure · 10 years ago
Will you sell your works on Amazon?
Likely not for a while until we can figure out how to deal with the "bottom line". As is stands, after all the fees and Amazon requiring the vendors to carry most of the postage cost (to support their PRIME program for free shipping, etc), we literally are breaking even. So essentially, although the Market would be great and will give us a better reach and exposure - we'd be signing on to just give away books. 
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guiltpleasure · 10 years ago
^0^ I love this! 2015/2/21…デビ克ヽ(^。^)ノ
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guiltpleasure · 10 years ago
Hello, I just wanted to know if Undertow will feature content that won't be avalaible later on ( I own all volumes of itw, and pretty much anything you have published so far)? Is it just a preview of something that will later on be published anyway? I am kind of a collector freak and would love to own everything, but if Undertow features stuff that is going to be published later on anyway i will skip from ordering the itw 2 paperback (since i already own the single issues...)
This booklet features the preview of the first chapter and one illustration with that chapter of the novel to be out in Dec of this year. 
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guiltpleasure · 10 years ago
Hello! I can not find anywhere the information which chapters will contain new volumes of ITW1 and ITW2. Could you please tell us (I mean your readers)? So we can decide what we need to buy, because we already have some single doujinshi. Thank you!
The details per volume is listed:��
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guiltpleasure · 10 years ago
Hello, I just found out that shipping for Europe is $24?! Where is your seller based if I may ask since shipping for US is only $4.50 (must be US based then?). If I'm correct, shipping from US shouldn't be more than max $14 (in worst case). Is there any way you can make shipping price "bearable" for your fans/customers in Europe? Making it possible to buy on Book Depository (no shipping) would be ideal.
We are offering the shipping to be $15/one book and $25/two books for International buyers. The shipping is high because after packaging (cardboard book shipping box) - it is well over 1 lb per book. We will not be available on Book Depository as that this requires a commercial business account to distribute  (thus why they can offer free shipping because of the volume they put out). We are still just a self-publishing group.
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guiltpleasure · 10 years ago
Do we have to purchase both vol1 and vol2 to get Undertow? I have vol1 from a while back and checked out with vol2 already but wasn't sure. sorry if the question has been answered!!!
No. You can get it as long as you get one of the books and is among the first 1000 orders.
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guiltpleasure · 10 years ago
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The compilation for In These Words (Chapter 1-11 + Wrapped Around Your Finger) is now available in 2 volumes. The following are the details for both books:
*UNDERTOW is a preview booklet free to first 1000 customers and only available for a short time. Not a permanent item. Undertow is a 8 page booklet with first chapter of Katsuya Asano prequel novel with 1 illustration.*
In These Words vol. 1 (Contains Chapter 1-5 plus Omake Comic)  
This compilation is published by Guilt|Pleasure in cooperation with our Taiwan agent Bolexiang. Description: The interior is printed with 120 lb, semi-gloss papers. The cover's a full color removeable jacket - matte with partial gloss (Take a peek under the jacket to see the bonus comic under the stock cover!) The manga contains 2 full color, double sided posters with ITW2-5 covers. Rating: Yaoi Language: English Page Count: 216 pages Dimension: A5 (5.83×8.27 inch/148mm× 210mm) Weight: 1 lb (16 oz) In These Words vol. 2 (Contains Chapter 6-11 plus Wrapped Around Your Finger + Omake Comic) Description: The interior is printed with 120 lb, semi-gloss papers. The cover's a full color removeable jacket - matte with partial gloss (Take a peek under the jacket to see the bonus comic under the stock cover!) The manga contains 3 full color, double sided posters with ITW6-9, 11 and WAYF covers. Rating: Yaoi Language: English Page Count: 256 pages Dimension: A5 (5.83×8.27 inch/148mm× 210mm) Weight: 1 lb 2 oz (18 oz) ABOUT SHIPPING INTERNATIONAL: We will be offering a flat rate of $15 for one volume and $25 for two books to help offset the higher cost of shipping overseas.  The ecrater will quote you the full, higher rate - we WILL refund you the difference after shipping.  Also available are a set of A5 clearfiles in ala carte or as a 4 clearfile set:
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guiltpleasure · 10 years ago
XD A wonderful fanart based on a DavidXKatsuya short story posted on the FB on V-Day! Thank you!
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