grubbylittlefingers · 3 years
Hey guys. I’m really sad to be posting this right now, but I just wanted to let you guys know that I will no longer be actively posting on this blog. I know a while back I said that I was just going on a hiatus, but In the time I have been gone I have decided that I no longer want to continue running this blog.
I had an amazing time running this blog! I loved Ben Fankhauser’s livestreams, and I had a blast sharing that interest with all of you. However, as you probably know, he hasn’t streamed for months, and I don’t have it in me to try and comb through the few livestreams available on his instagram page to try and scrounge up content, which is why I will no longer be posting here.
I’m not deleting the blog completely, so all my posts will still be here. If any one of you is interested in becoming a member of this blog and want to continue posting here in my place, DM me and we can figure something out!
This blog truly helped me get through the mess that was 2020, and I’m so happy with the small community i’ve created here, even if i’ve never directly interacted with all of you.
Goodbye, and thank you so much for being here. 
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grubbylittlefingers · 4 years
Posted 10/18/20
Hey guys. I’m really bummed that I have to do this, but unfortunately i’m going to have to go on hiatus for a little while. I am about halfway through this semester, and school is just really kicking my butt right now, so I have to put running this blog on the back burner. My semester has about another 7 weeks left, so that is probably around how long I will be gone for.
I do really enjoy running this blog, it’s just been so hard to create original content while focusing on school. I will be back when I have winter break, which should be mid December, so if you guys have any ideas of content you’d like to see from me when I get back let me know!
See you later!
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grubbylittlefingers · 4 years
i hope ben fankhauser is having a good day
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grubbylittlefingers · 4 years
I’ve definitely posted this here before, but seeing this again made my day, so hopefully it will make your too!
you’re welcome...
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grubbylittlefingers · 4 years
Yup, this is definitely what it feels like running this blog, but honestly I love it!
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This is possibly the most specific musical theatre meme I’ve ever made
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grubbylittlefingers · 4 years
Compilation Masterlist
Hey guys! I decided, like with many of my other posts, that I wanted to create a masterlist for all my funny moment compilation videos. I only have three funny moment compilations, because there are only 3 streams posted to his instagram, but I still wanted to create a place to access them all easier, so here we go!
5/17/20 compilation
5/24/20 compilation
5/31/20 compilation
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grubbylittlefingers · 4 years
Hey guys! Here is compilation of funny moments from the 5/31/20 livestream. I hope you guys like it!
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grubbylittlefingers · 4 years
Thank You!!!
Guys, at the time i’m posting this, I have officially reached 200 followers!!! Thank you guys so much for all of your support, and sticking with me despite my slow posting schedule now that I’m back in school. 
I started this blog as a fun little thing to do during quarantine, and it has grown so much bigger than I ever thought it would. I’ve had a blast doing this, and I’m excited to see what I’ll do in the future!
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grubbylittlefingers · 4 years
Stop toying with us Ben! Anyway, here’s a suspenseful series of clips from the 5/24/20 livestream that made me laugh. Hope you enjoy!
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grubbylittlefingers · 4 years
Hey guys! I finally finished the compilation from the 5/24/20 livestream. I hope you like it!
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grubbylittlefingers · 4 years
Little Update
Hey guys! I just wanted to apologize for not being active recently. I just started college and everything is super busy right now, so I don’t really have time to create the original content that I would usually be doing. There is another compilation that I am in the midst of making, but I have a lot going on so I don’t know when i’ll be able to get it to you guys.
Other than that, I hope you guys are doing well, and hopefully I will have some new content for you guys soon!
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grubbylittlefingers · 4 years
Here’s a little video of Ben talking about Newsies from his 5/17/20 livestream you can find on Instagram. Enjoy!
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grubbylittlefingers · 4 years
Hey guys! I had fun making the last compilation, so I decided to make more. Here is a compilation of some funny/cute moments from the 5/17/20 livestream. I hope you enjoy!
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grubbylittlefingers · 4 years
Hey guys! I was really bored this week and decided to create this little compilation of Ben saying “grubby little fingers” in his streams. So, here you go, the product of my boredom!
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grubbylittlefingers · 4 years
Performance Master List
Hey guys! I finished posting all the videos of Ben’s cover songs that he played during his livestreams, so I thought I would create a master list to gather them all in one place. I wish this list could be longer, but I only have access to the streams found on his instagram, so I couldn’t add the songs from streams not found there. Nonetheless, I hope you enjoy!
last updated: 7/20/21
“Imagine the World” by John Lennon
“Just My Imagination” by the Temptations
“Just the Way You Are” by Billy Joel
“How Sweet It Is” by James Taylor
“Up on the Roof”/”Stand By Me” mashup
“Signed, Sealed, Delivered” by Stevie Wonder
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grubbylittlefingers · 4 years
Here is Ben playing “Signed, Sealed, Delivered” by Stevie Wonder from the 5/31/20 livestream. Enjoy!
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grubbylittlefingers · 4 years
Hey guys! Here is Ben performing a mashup of “Up On The Roof” by Carole King and “Stand By Me” by Ben. E King from the 5/24/20 livestream. I love this video a lot, so I know you guys will too. Enjoy!
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