GrrrlVirus / GirlVirus New Zealand
24 posts
GirlVIRUS / grrrlVIRUS NZ is a place for girls and women to express themselves, a place for us all to challenge gender stereotypes and fascist beauty standards. We are whoever we want to be, and GrrrlVirus can be whatever you want it to be. There are no rules, no strict code of conduct with the virus. Take what you want from it, let it inspire you, let it drive you, let it open your mind and make you feel good about yourself. You're all beautiful, you all have endless potential, and inside every girl is a riot grrrl. Come on and get infected!
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
grrrlvirusnewzealand · 13 years ago
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grrrlvirusnewzealand · 13 years ago
Admins needed?
Both on here and on the facebook page/group. If you're interested please contact me through the ask box (preferably not on anon) or reply to this post. GrrrlVirus (NZ) is great, but we need more people to actively update the pages, or at least to contribute in some way. By being an admin you'd be doing me a huge favour, so please think about it. GrrrlVirus NZ is dying out, and I don't think it would be if we had more cooperation, exposure.etc. Every 2 hours new charges are filed with NZ police regarding individual sexual assault crimes. This is not okay. This is one statistic.
End rape culture / Smash the patriarchy / GrrrlVirus New Zealand.
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grrrlvirusnewzealand · 13 years ago
Statistics from the NZ Police website regarding sexual assault offences.
Note the increase in reported sexual assault cases from 2008-2011, and the resolution rates for each year. This year, only 58% of sexual assault cases ended in resolution. Less ended in conviction. And these are only the reported cases - can you imagine how many people didn’t report their assaults? Maybe people are feeling more confident in filing reports, that could be a plus, or is the number of sexual-oriented assaults occurring in NZ generally increasing?
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grrrlvirusnewzealand · 13 years ago
As part of its 16 Days of Activism against Gender Violence Amnesty International is proud to be part of the national White Ribbon Day collective. White RIbbons are a symbol of opposing violence against women.       For more information or to register the hours that you can help please contact Sabine. When: Saturday 26 November- 11am to 6pm Where: New World Supermarket, Cambridge road. Hillcrest, Hamilton Contact: Sabine: phone- 07-8550929  email- [email protected]
Amnesty NZ and White Ribbon Day, Hamilton.
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grrrlvirusnewzealand · 13 years ago
8 page mini-zine Get it Here
I just finished printing and reading this little mini-zine on girl love. What Happened to Sisterhood is a free one page zine available at Zine Library that gives a short lesson on how our patriarchal society teaches girls to be jealous of and compete against each other instead of banding together and supporting one another. It covers slut shaming, body policing, name calling and internalized oppression.
There is lots of great info packed into a tiny one page zine. These would be great to print out, carry around and hand out whenever the need arises. Or to just leave around various places such as libraries, magazine racks, makeup counters, etc.
Original Article
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grrrlvirusnewzealand · 13 years ago
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grrrlvirusnewzealand · 13 years ago
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grrrlvirusnewzealand · 13 years ago
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grrrlvirusnewzealand · 13 years ago
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grrrlvirusnewzealand · 13 years ago
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grrrlvirusnewzealand · 13 years ago
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grrrlvirusnewzealand · 13 years ago
Totally blanked on checking up with Susie and the GrrrlVIRUS Brazil page! Check it out and spread the word!
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grrrlvirusnewzealand · 13 years ago
LGBTQ – Wear purple and show your support
So I know that today is officially October the 21st and that Spirit Day is/was the 20th and that maybe I should have blogged about this earlier but my bad blogging habits aren't the point here. The goal of spirit day, for those of you whom are not aware, is to show support for and to raise awareness about the bullying of people in the LGBTQ community. The general way in which this support is shown is by wearing something purple, purple being a colour symbolic of homosexuality. So I hope you all have or will pull out something purple for spirit day and show your support (and/or pride) in doing so. This years spirit day is the second ever, last years being the first originally observed by a Canadian teenager Brittany McMillan. I guess if you missed out on todays Spirit Day you can observe it tomorrow, officially (and every day after that,) as now is when America and Canada, the origins of Spirit Day, will be observing it. Fly the flag high.
Happy Spirit Day 2011!
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grrrlvirusnewzealand · 13 years ago
homemadedarkmark | devonwood:
MY ANACONDA DON’T WANT NONE if you say no, because I respect your boundaries.
‘CAUSE I’M LONG, AND STRONG AND I’M DOWN TO GET THE FRICTION ON as long as it’s okay with you. otherwise I’m good with a movie and some tea.
SO LADIES, LADIES, IF YOU WANNA ROLL IN MY MERCEDES please let me know ahead of time so that I can plan accordingly
BABY GOT self-respect
Cause women aint  just BIMBO’S, I respect the ladies when they say no!
SO LADIES IF THE BUTT IS ROUND, AND YOU WANT A TRIPLE-X THROWDOWN but then you change your mind its totally cool because its your right
ASS TITTIES ASS ASS TITTIES TITTIES are both perfectly normal body parts that I will respectfully refrain from touching without your permission.
YA KNOW I HAD WANTED TO TAP, SLAP, SMACK DAT ASS but then I realized that an ass is actually used to describe a type of horse, and you are a female human being and I shall respect your decision regardless.
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grrrlvirusnewzealand · 13 years ago
Unbeknown to most lovely NZ grrrls, we have a facebook page. Both a group and a page, actually. We're just getting started and although the tumblr platform is doing surprisingly well, the facebook platform (where the virus originated) is sadly being left in the dust. As it makes contacting you wonderful ladies a lot easier for me, and a lot easier for you guys to communicate too (or at least I'd imagine so) it would be super duper lovely if you could join. The ultimate goal here is to unite all NZ grrrls through one communal avenue, and from there, once we have sufficient numbers, we'll be able to organise meetings, zine-making nights, protests, gigs and the like - through which we will be continually raising awareness and fighting for womens rights and the war on victim blaming, among other social issues. I really hope that you guys will join, and maybe tell your friends too, because the bigger our numbers, the more havoc we can reap.
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grrrlvirusnewzealand · 13 years ago
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'Everytime That I Sell Myself To You' by Brittany Sleight, 2010.
Any other Christchurch based girls should definitely send me a message on here (link on my name!), i would LOVE to get to know you, also considering doing a grrrlVIRUS flyer post these school holidays around what is left of this city!
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grrrlvirusnewzealand · 13 years ago
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