grrracerussell-blog · 6 years
I also have a collection where I collect credit cards. There’s so many and I’m drowning in bills. Send help.
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Greetings, Ashkent. I may be new here but I have opened a business collecting credit card numbers. Please support local businesses and send me your cards ASAP.
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grrracerussell-blog · 6 years
[pm] Hey, [d: this is gonna sound so weird] I need [d: a favor] your help.
[pm] As long as it’s not illegal. Just kidding, I don’t care. Shoot.
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grrracerussell-blog · 6 years
[pm] Interesting. Fellow mineral fan! Salt can do the same thing and it wards off spirits. I recommend upgrading to salt.
If you believe in it then possession and that’s why I believe they’re a cult on steroids. They carry around these particular items that they have with them at all times so I imagine they’re really dependent on them, some kind of connection. It’s like a virus block, rejects anyone that doesn’t fit their code… I actually went to one of their seminars about two months ago now, messed up my tattoos real bad.
[user shares an old photo of the first/second degree burn/irritated marks directly on/around his tattoo and imprint where a bullet-shaped necklace pendant was] Their leader, Dharm, raised the lantern up to my face and within seconds, it was like my whole body was surrounded by pulsing, like walking into a bar with obnoxiously loud music that you can feel jump in your bones. Same time that was happening, my chest started to burn and itch really bad.
Want to make any guesses as to why my tattoos and necklace did that to me?
[pm] I don’t think I’m being haunted, but the spirit could just be very polite. 
So it gives them a stat boost? A specialized item that’s only fit to enhance the intended wearer’s abilities.
Holy shit. That’s a nasty burn, wait, you went to a cult on your own? I hope you had backup. That’s so strange it had that affect, it’s really dangerous too, that they have that power at their disposal. 
Was the flame made with some kind of chemical that caused that reaction?
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grrracerussell-blog · 6 years
Like minded people, that’s hilarious Oh? Any gangs you can recommend, the last one I tried didn’t work out very well. You know, long walks on the beach, boundless violence, offending people, sex. 
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I’ve been called immature and/or childish on occasion so I figured that would give me a boost? Although I did manage to paternally keep a plant alive for like a week?
That sounds closer to an orgy. Maybe you should check Craigslist? My gang has currently hit out quota, I’ll let you know if there’s any openings in the future.
You would maybe the the most mature one there. Kudos to you for that, fingers crossed for the two week mark.
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grrracerussell-blog · 6 years
That doesn’t seem too bad because I eat enough for four at any given time.
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Oh, are you referring to that one Goosebumps book? I really enjoyed that and I’m willing to give poor Spot a break. Aunt Lydia must’ve done something.
I believe in canine reprisal.
Do you just buy those party platters?
Maybe, or maybe the Goosebumps author based it on my life. Aunt Lydia’s only crime was making terrible potato salad.
That’s a very controversial platform to stand for.
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grrracerussell-blog · 6 years
Avocado tastes like soap so can’t blame you there.
[pm] Really I wasn’t expecting you to just Okay. didn’t think I’d get this far but So are you okay? I mean there’s no lasting damage there, right?
[pm] I think so, I wouldn’t be able to go to a hospital, and unless you know a black market surgeon or something. I seem to be okay though.
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grrracerussell-blog · 6 years
[Flashback] Get In Loser, We’re Going Saving | Azul, Cassidy, Deforest, Grace, & Reed
May 14th, 2018 — A month later, Reed is finally rescued.
Keep reading
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grrracerussell-blog · 6 years
[pm] Wise words. I carry salt, what do you carry? Right, after the mug debacle, I’ve been trying to avoid anymore rocky starts here. Good, good… Sounds good. I imagine the initiation situation is a huge problem though for anyone going undercover, I’m not sure how much we can trust them and any information that gets leaked to even the non-initiated. Do you believe in possession Do you believe in ghosts What’s your take on poss They’re not impossible to take down, I know that, but getting through their barricades without being immediately exposed is more of a challenge than regular cults. It’s like they’re a supercharged or turbocharged cult.
Unfortunately the world tends to end here a lot.
Hope so. 
[pm] Sand. To throw in the eyes of my enemies and blind them temporarily. Do you know what it consists of? I mean if it’s a process that takes dedication it’s probably a lot different than someone infiltrating a gang dealing drugs. No one is invincible, we’ll get them. How come they’re like a cult on crack? What about them makes them so special?
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grrracerussell-blog · 6 years
[pm] Little side note here but it makes a lot of sense why you’re our public informations officer now. Not saying you’re bad at it, this just highlights it and you’re not even having to address the public. You’re right though. But honestly, loosely acquainted friend to loosely acquainted friend, have you noticed any questionable attachments to the Chimaira family?
Yeah, I get that, just don’t fall into that blame trap. It’s a dangerous slippery slope.
Not even justice can truly be divided into easy sets of code. I have no doubts about it, Russell. 
[pm] Did I say too much? Did Cassidy tell you about me? You always want to have something in the back of your pocket just in case, and good our loosely acquainted friendship would have a hitch if you did say I was bad at it. There could be. I think some people are very open, and it is not impossible they have people who may be leaking them info and following their orders. Can’t say for sure yet, but I’m keeping an eye out.
Don’t worry I sleep like a log, the world could be ending and I’m dead to the world.
One way or another they’re going to get it. The bad deeds you do catch up to you, even if it takes awhile to happen.
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grrracerussell-blog · 6 years
[pm] Speaking of the Chimaira family, has anyone on the force been behaving different than their usual?
Yeah, a couple did. I didn’t get the same impression, they were very focused on that family and if they had anything to do with what happened. I didn’t tell them about Azul. It was a very big point of concern for them.
Has anything even been done about that family anyway?
[pm] Yeah, but it’s hard to know whether that’s because of personal issues, or chalking it up to your kidnapping shaking them. People don’t like being reminded they’re vulnerable, usually the badge gives them some comfort.
They are definitely keen to nail them, for everything. Which makes my job a little easier to point my finger at them for anything weird going on I guess. 
Some are looking into getting warrants to search the property but some other officers are blocking them. It’s kind of divided. Some think it’s jumping the gun, others disagree. It’s a mess Han.
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grrracerussell-blog · 6 years
And where exactly should I be looking to find these ‘fun people’ you talk about? I’ve been trying for 25 years with no luck. 
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Feel free to send them over, I’ve been wanting to form an army of babies for a while now. It’s a plus if they’re already wild. 
Join a gang? A club? Meet like minded people, I’m fairly new so most of my pals are from work. What do you consider fun exactly?
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How can you lead these babies when you, yourself are anti baby? They would be able to tell you’re a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Unless you have some maternal or paternal quality.
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grrracerussell-blog · 6 years
Okay google, how dangerous is necromancy and bringing back the dead? Pros? Cons?
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Very bad, they just come back hungrier. Sort of a Pet Cemetery thing.
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Like just leave Spot buried everyone got so pissed when he ruined the barbecue and ate aunt Lydia.
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grrracerussell-blog · 6 years
Chocolate or vanilla?
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grrracerussell-blog · 6 years
Nice, glad it’s working out for you. Like that Atkins stuff or the Paleo Diet everybody was into a while back. Guess so.
[pm] Okay so I’m just going to come right out and say it. I might have some questions still, from before.
Yeah instead of pounds of butter or avocado I like my meat.
[pm] I thought this was coming. i was hoping to avoid it but That’s okay, I don’t mind answering them. 
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grrracerussell-blog · 6 years
Whack, the only fun thing in this damn town - whatever you wanna call them.
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Depends on the business. Sure they are, but a baby lost here and there won’t exactly ruin the future. Overpopulation and all that. 
I don’t think that’s true, there’s a lot of interesting things around if you know where to look. People are half the fun. 
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Wow, I can’t wait to tell the wild pack of babies outside my house about this conversation. They’ll want to talk.
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grrracerussell-blog · 6 years
reedhan replied to your post “[pm] Hey. Thanks.”
[pm] Uneasy still but better, I'm not in that bunker anymore at least. How is everyone at the ACPD?
Freaked out I guess. Keeping it under wraps for the most part, since a lot believe it’s connected to that one weird family and how it may be part of an ongoing investigation there. People are dealing in there own way. Has someone come by to ask you questions yet? They are eager to nail the captor.
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grrracerussell-blog · 6 years
That counts, sure. A funny ‘this isn’t what it looks like. I’m totally not a serial killer’ moment. Bonus points if it’s barbecue or marinara sauce. 
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…Right. How’s that working out?
It was pretty red, barbecue sauce, and some other red spices since I like to add some kick to it. Maybe not serial killer, more a child that never learned how to eat, and look proper when taste testing food for mom.
I’ve never been healthier. Can’t have many veggies these days, it makes me sick, and takes my energy away. Guess it’s just how I’m built.
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