Everyone doesn't need a mic
Which is why I have a pen
You have autonomy
Use your ears
Use your eyes
But remember
Everyone doesn't need a mic
But luckily I have a pen
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The only person there is to blame is myself
Yet there's actually nothing i'm at fault for
At times i feel foolish for loving the way I do
But thats my problem
And no one else's
You may wonder why i feel foolish
"What is foolish about love?"
But i would answer
"What is not?"
Why give what I can't receive?
Why give when it's not safe?
How would i even know if it's safe?
I was abused growing up
And well into my early adulthood
So what do i know about love?
Maybe this entire time
When i thought i was giving love
I was simply giving what i thought love was
In order to receive what i hoped love would be
Maybe I'm just too critical of myself
Or maybe I'm thinking to deeply into it
Perhaps i'm just desperate
And maybe it shows
But maybe
Just maybe
If i was shown what true love was in my household
I wouldn't be this way
But then
I wouldn't be this way
And i wouldn't learn
And this is my responsibility now
To learn what love is from the ground up
Most of the time we learn what love is from the time we are born
From our parents
But in my case
I didn't
And now I'm tasked with the heinous responsibility of learning what love is
How to give it
How to receive it
What it looks like
What it sounds like
But at this moment
I know none of those answers
So i feel foolish
Foolish for thinking i understood something enough to give it
Foolish for thinking I was receiving it
But i'm no victim here
Because maybe all i was doing
Was simply giving what i thought love was
In order to receive what i hoped love would be
And maybe one day i will experience this phenomenon
This phenomenon we call love
But for now
The only person there is to blame is myself
Yet there's actually nothing i'm at fault for
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Waiting for your heard to break will cause you to break it on your own
I need no one else to break my heart, I do it almost everyday
"Am i good enough?"
"Pretty enough?"
"Skinny enough?"
"Smart enough?"
I need no one else to break my heart, i do it almost everyday
I push away those that love me, and isolate myself with the very one who berates me; myself
It's like putting myself in a cage with a lion
But the lion is me
And i've chained the door shut
But i also have the key
I never knew how much trauma i had until i met someone who loved me
I constantly ask myself "why?"
"Why me?"
"Why are they so patient with me?"
"Why do they always tell me how pretty I am?"
"Why are they so nice to me?"
Its sad when love makes you think that being alone may be better
And not because you're getting cheated on
Or abused
But because you're being loved
And thats not at all what you're used to
I'm not ashamed to admit that I'm utterly terrified
But I'm happy
Im blessed to have someone in my life who found the key to that cage
And is willing to sit in the cage with me until I'm comfortable leaving
Love is scary
But it's scarier alone
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I don't know when i became avoidant. It seems like it happened over night. I suddenly became the kind of person who said things that i didn't mean, to protect feelings i wanted to ignore.
I became the kind of person who would rather forfeit knowing someone than to experience them for a moment in time.
I became the kind of person who hones in on the concept of being gone with the wind.
I became the kind of person whose habit is ghosting people, deleting social media pages, and changing numbers.
Almost ceasing to exist, physically & hopefully in one's mind.
The worst part about it all is that this is not how i genuinely want to navigate throughout the world & my relationships
But this is seemingly the best way to survive
And i rather survive than to connect
And i rather disconnect
Than stomach the possibility
Or responsibility of perceived abandonment
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It’s not easy for me to trust others. I barely even trust myself. Whether it's the emotions I feel or a decision I have to make. I don't know. I don't even know which peanut butter to get in the grocery store anymore. Do i get the organic creamy peanut butter? Or the crunchy peanut butter? Or the peanut butter thats significantly cheaper than the afore mentioned peanut butters but it has palm oil in it? What even is palm oil? Is it bad for you? I don’t know. I don't know anything anymore. I don't even know if the feelings i feel are real. Do i really love him? Or do I hate him? Is he just a placeholder? Is he a distraction? Am i accepting of who he is: flaws and all? Or am i ignoring red flags? I don't know. At this point, the only things I'm sure of are: what's up, what's down, what's left and what's right. Anything else is a giant question mark that I'm entirely too tired to solve. Too tired to solve while simultaneously being too afraid to ask. Part of not trusting others (and myself) is fear. Fear of what i've always thought to be true, or fear of what i've always thought to not be true. Meaning: either I'm an unlovable piece of crap or I'm an awesome person who deserves to be loved. Getting close with others would lead me to one of those conclusions, both of which would lead to some sort of death. Whether it be death to what i thought my whole life or death to the slither of hope i had. Whatever it is, I don't know. And I think it'd be better off not knowing.
Photo: @/jezzhill & @/solsikkeamyhelen on insta
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The love prosititue
For a long time i've sold my body in hopes for love.
By sold i dont mean literally; but figureatively.
Sure, you can have sex with me, as long as you'll love me afterwards.
You don't even have to take me out to dinner, or buy me fancy clothes
just love me.
For a long time i've sold my body in hopes for love.
Sometimes literally but not intentionally.
After a while, it became second nature.
After a while assault, just became another encounter.
Just another day.
I don't even cry about it.
And I don't even recognize the depth of it sometimes.
I've sold my body in hopes for love
And I often blame myself for the things i've experienced.
Maybe if i wasn't so busy pining for love,
I would've noticed the damage that i was subjecting myself to.
But i guess i realize it now.
And i guess this is why you're reading about it now.
But i still find myself selling my body in hopes for love.
And when a potential buyer doesn't seemed interested in what I'm so relentlessly selling, I take it personally.
Do you not want to love me?
Do you not want to see how i feel?
How i taste?
But all they seem to want to do is love me for who I am
And how do i trust that?
How do i allow that?
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It's difficult to come to terms with the fact that life moves on. Yet as difficult as it is, it's also quite refreshing. It's refreshing to know that I'm not 18 anymore; drowning in a pool of self hatred & pity. But it's just as difficult to realize that I am now 24; an age that felt so foreign to me six years ago.
If i could travel through time, i'd go back to when i was an adolescent rebellious teenager and tell her that it gets better. But i wonder if she'd even listen to me.
It's difficult to come to terms with the fact that life moves on. Because now I'm that I'm 24.. I wish i went to college, and I wish that I didn't get all these tattoos, and I wish that i didn't sleep with this guy or that guy. And importantly I wish that i didn't allow trauma to be the driving force in my life.
But thats the past, which is beyond what i can control. And this is now, which is beyond who i once was.
And all I can do is pray.
Pray and come to terms with the fact that life moves on.
Pray and come to terms with the fact that I'm 24 years old.
Pray and come to terms with the fact that one day I will be 30 years old.
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What is forgiveness?
How do I truly forgive and move forward with someone? And how do I come to terms with the fact that the person I love may hurt me one day? And I will have to forgive them and wake up next to them in the morning? Maybe thats why I'm single. Because love has been painful for me. And I anticipate the pain. I anticipate the pain so I can leave. But what will i do when there's real love? Healthy love? A love worth fighting for but my partner forgets my birthday? Or they're having a bad day and take it out on me? How do I accept their sorry? How will I accept that they love me and that they're just a flawed human? A flawed human who isn't secretly out to get me? But what do I do when love has been nothing short of pain? How do i accept that pain is inevitable? Whether it's intentional or not? And how do i accept that no matter how good a love is..they still may hurt my feelings? Maybe thats why I'm single. Because i love to leave. Love has been nothing short of pain. And when i experience it, you know, pain. I freeze up and flee. I guess thats what the doctors call PTSD and that's probably why i'm single.
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What am i to do?
I find it funny that i cant seem to keep my heart closed
It's quite tiring falling in love over & over for no reason but i have to take accountability for that
Nobody asked for my love, and i decided to give it anyway
So can i truly be upset that these flings are never what my heart makes it out to be?
The bible says: "the heart is deceitful above all things, and beyond cure, who can understand it?"
And the next time my heart dares to love i'll remember that verse
I'll say it over & over again until i believe it
Until i see that sometimes where my heart decides to rest
Isn't always a peaceful pasture
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