grithaccourage-blog · 8 years
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Boy Howdy Am I Lovely
((Kanaya Commission by the lovely @trashtank !! Thank you so much again <33))
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grithaccourage-blog · 8 years
As Do I
They’re Very Lovely
It Is Fine Eridan My Chest Is There To Be Admired And Loved By All 
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grithaccourage-blog · 8 years
It Is Fine Eridan My Chest Is There To Be Admired And Loved By All 
no wwhat the fuck i aint some creeper i just noticed in your picture cmon kan i aint THAT bad
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grithaccourage-blog · 8 years
Do You Mean That You Have Been Checking My Chest Out Because 
I Do Not Mind Per Se 
i mean wwe dont knoww howw this shit wworks wwhat if wwhatevver it is is just took the titty awway from the people wwho didnt wwant it an divvided it out betwween people wwho wwanted them and i mean they LOOK about the right size to havve been mine
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grithaccourage-blog · 8 years
Do You See Your Tag Right There Do You See The #I Feel So Manipulative And Your #I Don’t Want Anyone To Feel Guilty
Because You Are Doing Exactly Those Things I Have No Idea How Your Self Awareness Is This Bad That Is A Thing You Should Train On
The Entire Reply Above Is A Long Guilt Trip Kankri
Apologies Does Not Need To Have Explanations No I Should Say That Apologies Should Not Need Explanations You Are Simply Trying To Guilt People Into People Accepting Your Apology
You Just
See There’s A Long Stick In Your Ass That Needs To Be Removed
Your Entire Behaviour When You Are Sad Is Understandable But Not Excusable In The Slightest No Matter What Reason You Might Have Because This Behaviour Hurts Others 
A Thing That You Wish Not To Do But Still Do
A Simple ‘I Am Sorry For My Past Behaviour’ Is Alright
Complaining About Not Having Quads Because You Apparently ‘Fixed Your Behaviour’ And Then Going Into A Long Rant About How Sorry You Are How Much You Hate Your Own Behaviour And Blah Blah Blah Look At Me I Am So Sorry For Hurting Everyone I Am Suffering Feel Sorry For Me Please 
Oh Woe Is Me It Is I The Entitled Martyr I Am Aware Of My Own Behaviour But Refuse To Change It Or Hinder It I Will Blame On That And Pretend That It Is Out Of My Own Control Why Doesn’t Anyone Care About Me I Don’t Want Them To Feel Bad About Me Either So I’ll Make Them All Feel Guilty Instead
Heads Up Kankri
Rolling Over And Showing Your Tummy In An Attempt To Placate Me Does Not Work
I Do Not Accept Your Apologies I Only Accept Change In Your Hurtful Toxic Behaviour 
Okay, so yes, it’s possible...but
I know. It’s my fault I repel people. I don’t deserve any of my quadrants to be filled. No one is entitled to anything, I am most certainly not entitled to love or compassion from anyone, this is what I was trying to say.
I am sorry that it seems as if I want someone to “come kiss [my] ass for [my] self-induced suffering”, that was not how I intended for this to be read. In fact…I don’t even see why you have bothered to read it.
I fully take credit as being my own failure…I cannot change that, I do not wish for people to feel sorry for me, I do not deserve any sort of redemption via other people’s time, because I have hurt them possibly more than I will ever hurt.
I’m sorry for being and entitled ass…and that doesn’t need paraphrasing. I am. I don’t even deserve your corrections on my behavior.
#fits#personal#tw#rp#grithaccourage#i don't want anyone to feel guilty#this is what i do#i feel so manipulative#im s9rry#i d9nt kn9w why y9u even 69thered#im s9rry im a privileged selfish prick
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grithaccourage-blog · 8 years
Dear God Where Do I Begin
Kankri I Know That You Might Be In A Difficult Position Where Your Emotions Are Not Your Best Friend But
How Do I Put This In A Nice Way
You’re Acting Like An Entitled Ass That Is A Thing You Are Doing Right Here Because Ok Good You Do Your Best To Be A Better Person
Great Stuff Right There
But The Whole Bettering Yourself Thing Does Not Really Work Out All That Well If You Act Like This 
You Expect To Be Compensated For Your Sacrifice You Are Trying To Make Yourself A Martyr A Person Who Suffers For The Good Of Others But At The Same Time You Expect For People To Compensate You For Not Being An Ass
No One Owes You A Relationship Kankri You Are Literally Asking People To Be Pale For You And Begging For Someone To Feel At Least A Little Bit Guilty And Come Kiss Your Ass For Your Selfinduced Suffering
Please Kankri
Your Entire Self Sacrifice Will Be For Naught If You Honestly Believe That Acting In This Manner Will Make People Like You Better Au Contrarie They Will Only Be Convinced To Not Approach You At All
Okay, so yes, it’s possible...but
It is not simply quadrants though is it…
I have secluded myself in this forest district, far away from the base and I rarely even see anyone. The only reason I have this platform is because I got some memo that it would be convenient.
It is clear people just…don’t enjoy talking to me. I do not understand why though…what have I done wrong? I know what I have done in the past, but considering that everyone makes mistakes, and considering that nearly everyone has been forgiven…I do not see why I have not been.
This sounds very selfish…I am sorry as this is not what I have intended. I don’t want pity…I just…don’t understand.
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grithaccourage-blog · 8 years
I Need Popcorn For All Of This
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grithaccourage-blog · 8 years
No Ass Picture But I Do Have Something More Tasteful
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a commission for @grithaccourage :)
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grithaccourage-blog · 8 years
Equius ==> Sober up
Last Wednesday at 4:22 AM grithaccourage Equius Are You Quite Alright
Becauae Your Current Behaviour Worries Me Quite A Whole Bit Like About A Shitton
Last Wednesday at 4:28 PM centaurslament D–> I feel as if I owe you a great many appologies
Last Wednesday at 6:29 PM centaurslament D–> Did you clean my hive
Last Wednesday at 11:06 PM grithaccourage You Most Certainly Don’t
I Did Indeed Clean Your Hive Yes Good Morning centaurslament D–> Good morning miss Maryam
centaurslament D–> Do you often break into trolls hives to bath them and clean
grithaccourage I Try Not To It’d Be A Terrible Habit To Get
But If I Find It Necessary Then Yes Then I Don’t Mind Some Breaking And Entering centaurslament D–> I am sorry for worrying you
centaurslament D–> And for the mess
grithaccourage Oh Hush These Are Things That Happen On Occasion
I’m More Than Happy To Help Out An Old Friend Of Mine centaurslament D–> It was pitifoal
D–> I hope I was not inappropriate
D–> I remember very little and I do not know how much of it was a dream
grithaccourage Equius
grithaccourage Honey
Your First Reaction When Seeing Me Was To Get A Shirt I Can Assure You That It Was The Least Inappropriate And Trust Me I KNOW Inappropriate centaurslament D–> Oh
D–> Has Cronus accosted you too?
grithaccourage Depends On What Parts You Think Were Dreams Though Considering You Thought I Was A Dream
The Only Thing Cronus Has Accosted Of Me Is My Fist In His Face I Do Not Know Who He Hasn’t Accosted centaurslament D–> What I recall is exceedingly pale
D–> And it is embarrassing me to admit that
grithaccourage I Do Not Disagree My Actions Being Terribly Pale And I Apologize For That
centaurslament D–> Ah
centaurslament D–> Erm
D–> You needn’t apologize D–> I hope I did not put you into a bad position grithaccourage Equius I Put Myself In These Positions And It Is My Own Choice To Do So
You’re Fine centaurslament D–> I feel as if I should invite you to tea, but you have seen my kitchen
grithaccourage I Did See Your Kitchen But I Can Come Over So I Can Help You Witch Your Kitchen
centaurslament D–> I believe I would like that very much
grithaccourage Then I Will Be Over In A Minute
centaurslament D–> I will meet you at the door
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grithaccourage-blog · 8 years
when the tum is soft
reblog if u agree
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grithaccourage-blog · 8 years
Why Do I Wake Up To A Dash Full Of Ass
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grithaccourage-blog · 8 years
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@palteringcecutiency decided to do a selfie for my friend’s psii
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grithaccourage-blog · 8 years
Kanaya: Take care of the drunk troll
Kanaya: >Right, get your ass over to Equius, because he sounds like a mess and you know a thing or two about self hating messes and that is that it rarely ends up good for anyone. >and sure. Just walk right in. Silly goose who doesn't lock his door. Silly goose who she soon finds and she sure has seen prettier things in life, because hooboy that is not a pretty sight where should you even begin >maybe actually check on him and just. Gently rub his shoulder. "Equius, are you still awake...?"
Equius: He snorted  and blue eyes blinked open slowly, She had all the slowness of reflex that alcohol could grant her keeping him from startling like a half fledged foal.
He focused on the face above him and frowned softly. He wasnt actually certain. "Are you a dream?" If the soft slurred words didnt give him away his breath probably would have.
Kanaya : Oh sweet drunk as fuck child, she just smiles and brushes his hair out of the way. "No, if you were dreaming you'd be more coherent than you are right now."
At least you know how to handle alcohol, if anything, which is abterribly sad thing to think about but for now you will focus on getting the troll all cleaned up as well as the mess.
Equius : "-Have to be dreaming, you are here." he insisted softly. The long hair drug at the sopor and collected it as it was moved. He pushed himself up slowly ..and slipped back down again almost as fast. umph.
Kanaya : "I didn't know that my presence was that dreamlike, but I'll take that as a compliment." And there he go. Oh, well, peer down at him with the kindest smile you can muster.
"I was suggesting that you should get up so I could wash you off, but signs do point at you needing rest."
Equius : "Why-why do I need washing?" Okay here we go, he lifted himself slowly, and got his legs completely over the side, sitting on the edge. His eyes closed tightly to try to stop the room from swimming. It was nauseating.
Kanaya : You vaguely wonder what the hell he has been drinking to make him end up like this, or he simply is unable to actually. Hold a drink. Steady him either way, the slime is gross but you've most certainly had worse materials on your body.
"Equius, you smell like hell and you look like you had a headfirst greeting with a truck. I do not want to force you to stay awake for much longer, but I do at least want you to fall asleep relatively well and not feel like you've made our with the load taper once you wake up."
Equius : His hand went to the scars on his too soft stomach and he flushed blue- a shirt, he needed a shirt, what was he doing without a shirt on around.. around anyone. Upsidaisy off the edge and to his feet. nonope not gonna get me this time floor, here we go going to get a shirt from the wardrobe. He heads that way.
It wasnt so much what he drank as the fact that he spent hours doing it- and used void to create it so who even knew what the alcohol content was like?
Kanaya : Right, not comfortable with himself, just... go and get yourself a bowl of water and a rag. It might not be ideal, but it's better than nothing at this moment. Return to sit by the coon and wait, cleaning him up and then sending him to coon sounds strange, but.
Better clean him up. She felt better when you cleaned her up from the sweat and the gross sticky feeling covering her and the removing the scent that clung to everything.
Equius : He ruined a shirt but managed with the second, apparently he just. had an entire stack of those sleeveless black teeshirts...the shirt immediately stuck to him and went damp with clinging sopor.
Okay. good. yes. hes proper now, he couldnt have a guest over shirtless, what was he a barbarian? or an ampora..
He walked slowly back over to her, trailing sopor around. He should at least get out of the shoes probably.
"I am sorry-" He was such a bad host, did he forget when they were meant to visit?
Kanaya : Stand up and gently push him down so that he actually sits, sweet child... kneel down and remove the shoes for him, and then lean up to start dabbing him off with the wet towel. Face, neck, the hair.
"Don't apologize, I'm the one visiting without a warning. But the lack of replies to my messages had me worried. May I was you under the shirt? I won't look."
Equius : "Oh I.. I shut the laptop.."His brows furrowed, but his eyes closed when she daubed at his face. "You dont wish to touch me.." He protested in a mumble"
Kanaya : "Considering the stare that you're in, I can't fault you."
There's a small huff and you dab some cold water on his neck. "If I didn't want to touch you I wouldn't be doing it in the first place, Equius. This is far from the first time I've done this."
Equius : "Erm" The cool water felt good on his neck, it helped a great deal to settle the nausea rolling his stomach. "..I. I suppose so. I'm..afraid I'm ..in a state you didn't.. shouldnt see me like this."
Kanaya : "Nobody wants people to see them while they're like this." Move down to wash his arms off. "But it is at this moment people need the most support. Being this drunk and ill can be dangerous."
Equius : "I do not.. do not do this.. often." He was embarrassed, and increasingly flustered. She was. Very gentle. And .. . This probably means nothing you are a wreck and she is very kind.
Equius : "..I am sorry" He apologized again, but did not move to try to push her away or pull away from her. letting his head fall forward so the curtain of hair could hide his face
Kanaya : "Shhh, Young one, these things do happen..." Are you patting or dabbing his cheek with a towel? Who knows! But you will very gently and very carefully wash his body off under the shirt, while looking up at him the entire time and not looking underneath.
Equius : "..We are the same age.." He protested. That seemed like a thing to protest. He wasnt a wriggler, ignoring that his eyes werent all the way completely filled and looked like silver had bubbled up though them in places. He was uncomfortable with the touching- but he grew less tense when she kept her eyes up, slowly.
Kanaya : And down to the legs, and you lower your head, focusing at the task at hand. "Indeed, we are, but humour me and let me fuss over you. Nearly done as well."
Equius : He actually had pants on, good luck getting him to take them off. Actually it probably wouldnt be that hard. Equius let out a soft breath. "I- yes, of course, I.. thank you."
Kanaya : No you will not make him remove the pants, today is not the time for pants removal and you won't force him to do so unless he chooses to himself. Which will suck for him because he'll end up sleeping in clothes in this pace.
"Not a problem, sweetheart. Doing what I love doing the most." There, done, pat his foot and smile up at him.
Equius : "..cleaning foalish trolls?" he brought a hand up to his face and rubbed at it slowly. The clothes would survive the sopor. It would be fine, it didn't really matter.
Kanaya : "'Caring for my friends' would be my answer, but that tends to overlap with 'cleaning foolish trolls'." There's a small little laugh and she pats his cheek. There there.
Stand up and look around, because you are far from done. "Do rest, Equius. I'll take care of the mess."
Equius : "No its.. you should not have to."He floundered a little, cheeks warming up at the pat further, and he peeked between his fingers at her.
His hive was the kind of dirty that happens when a troll is depressed and was never taught to do his own chores by his lusus. Equius primarily used his powers to take care of himself, the only room that was kept clean was the front room for receiving and entertaining geusts
only one troll came to see him ..
why was kanaya here?
His brow furrowed, but it was.. hard to think.
Kanaya: Please don't Think too hard, you don't want him to Think too hard about you sneaking in here uninvitedly. "Oh, no silly, I don't mind the slightest, It'd be a good way to occupy myself." Shoo him in to the coon, he should rest!
Equius : ...The coon did look very inviting. "..You are certain?" He was confused and drunk and very sleepy, and none of this made sense to the logic in his head.
Kanaya : Good, don't Think about it too hard Equius, that will make your work a whole lot easier. "I am quite certain, you are drunk and tired and ill, and I am going to shine like a lightbulb in the dark."
Equius : "..alright, if.. if you want I cant.. This is fine.." he was mumbling now, time to just. into the coon, the world is too confusing right now and he didnt feel well
Kanaya : And there he go. Look at that Lovely foal, all tired and about to fall asleep, having no idea what he'll Wake up to.
Crack your knuckles, right. Time to Clean up every part of this hive.
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grithaccourage-blog · 8 years
That Sure Is My Name You Are Currently Using Hello Sollux
that’2 debatable 
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grithaccourage-blog · 8 years
See If It Goes Out The Window It Might Land On Something Soft
The Wall Is Very Hard
that’2 debatable 
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grithaccourage-blog · 8 years
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A quick little comic for class. (I am a plant witch.)
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grithaccourage-blog · 8 years
The Window Is Better Than The Wall Let’s Be Honest
out the wiindow kn
the wiindow
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