grinwithout-thecat · 10 years
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"Definitely! I would teach you, but I'm a horrible teacher."
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    “I’ll have to try it sometime!”
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grinwithout-thecat · 10 years
"Not only does it give a reason to play again... but..." She looked at the pieces she had been taking off, and set them on the chess board the exact way she had them before. It was the same order that the braille dots would've been in to say 'thanks', which matched up with the way two of his pieces were set down before to form the K. "It does make for an interesting way of speaking."
+3 Encounter Tei
The game continued to play and a stalemate had formed as Tei had predicted. Tei looked at her and simply admitted, “I was told a long time ago. When playing a game of chess with a lady, to end an stalemate. Why? Because it gives more reason to play again.” he’d chuckle as he sat there. He had done it on purpose, but such a thing was a bit odd and somehow fitting for the brute.
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grinwithout-thecat · 10 years
"Your eyes are cracked?" Really, she didn't seem to notice something like that even being up for consideration. But the idea of birds of prey was something she was familiar with... though the cycle had them below a cat, in some aspects. "Well, I'm definitely more of a cat. Solidarity is nice, but so is socializing... though most of the time, it's better to be alone than together where it will only hurt more."
That she knew too well, and her arm idly came up to rub at her left shoulder. It was a brief action, but it made it known there was something there under her giant sweater.
"Me? I grew up alone, I've wanted to be a huntress since I was little, and I have been training ever since!" She smiled, and her hand came back down for the moment as she picked at the turkey on her plate. "It's an amazing feeling, growing up a single child. No siblings, no loud noises, no nothing. Just solidarity." She was speaking so much, yet said very little at the essence, which is what she preferred. "My mum was a beautiful person, quiet, but still beautiful... and my dad runs a power company." A seemingly normal family at face-value, but in truth, it wasn't. "So I guess I was just lucky."
grinwithout-thecat started following you!
Silas looks at the pretty girl that sits across from him, slowly chewing his food as his motuh carefully forms into a grin. “Well, my eyes aren’t the best in the world. I don’t wear glasses, but ‘the windows to my soul’ are tarnished and cracked, if you know what I mean.  Also, I never really was raised over the concept of birds of prey in mind. Apex predators like wolves and wild dogs were always closer to me.” He is mindful of close he is to skimming around his own personal tale
"Thus, this thing," he tugs at his neck gaiter "resembles the jaws of wolves. When one bears its fangs, it is a sign of aggression. It snaps its jaws when it is about to attack.". Silas continues to eat. "Besides, made quite a name for myself the past four to five years. How about you Chess, anything interesting about your life or self you don’t mind sharing?"
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grinwithout-thecat · 10 years
"Will do, Miss Lady Professor Goodwill Goodwitch." She smiled and thought on it for a moment. Really, was there anything that she wanted to ask, while the two were in the same area? There was. "Miss Goodwitch... I wanted to know... If I actually succeeded in becoming a huntress, would he respect me, finally...?"
"A morning, Miss Professor Lady Goodwitch~" The student sauntered past, and waved in greeting, before stopping and tilting her head back to look at the elder woman. "And what a Topsy-turvy morning it is, no? Maybe I should speak backwards today..."
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Glynda turned to the girl who just greeted her. Her way of speaking was quite unusual but it never faltered the huntress to respond. ” A pleasant morning to you too.”
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grinwithout-thecat · 10 years
"Pizza is good, Can't deny it now that I know it!" He didn't even need to gesture to her, as the second he started moving, she was happily keeping up, but two steps behind him. "I liked the red circles the best."
♆ - “… Alright. Alright, yeah, that works." Neptune may have given a defeated sigh, but he also gives her a sly grin. "C’mon, let’s get some pizza." He chuckles, gesturing with his hand for her to follow him.
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grinwithout-thecat · 10 years
"Really?" With that said, she picked up one of the pepperoni slices and set it down on her plate for the moment, since she was more focused on the conversation for the moment, and the fact that he said the crust was edible as well. She never liked leaving any food behind, since she grew up with virtually none.
"I see... Fluffy, thick, chewy, goodness." She parroted and decided to finish off the crust, and then start on the pepperoni slice, all while listening to him talk about his best friend.
"Neptune...? Hmm... If I ever met him, I'd probably call him 'Nep'... Or Neppita. Hehehe... Neppita." Honestly, now she was off in her own little world for a moment as she just focused on the pepperoni pizza, all while she was enjoying the mix of flavours, much more liked than the pineapple slice.
"The only person from my team that would come would be Hatter, but... he has a habit of touching people's faces. That and asking questions. I never seem to know the answers to. They really make you wonder and ponder and think."
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A Lesson in Food ☀ grinwithout-thecat [closed]
He was glad she was enjoying herself.
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"Hmm— I prefer the red circles myself." For a brief moment he had forgotten what they were actually called. Perhaps the girl was rubbing off on him… Finishing off the crust of his pineapple slice, he reached for a slice of more pineapple. Sun noticed the crust reminded on her plate.
"Ah— You can eat the parts without stuff on it. That’s called crust, and it’s fluffy and thicker and chewy and—" His eyes peeked around hunting for another word. "—Good…" Sun’s word choice was fluctuating between descriptive and wordy, down to confused and basic. This couldn’t have been a good thing, and would probably embarrass him in front of Neptune later.
"Well, now that we know you like pizza, maybe you could meet my buddy Neptune next time. And we could invite someone from your team or…" He seemed lost in thought.
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grinwithout-thecat · 10 years
"I think it's a special nickname... but you have to ask him." She nodded and looked around for a second. "Alright then... you can pay, and then I'll pay next time. That sound good, Nep."
♆ - “Really? I’m gonna have to remember that…" Neptune trails off with a low chuckle, a brow raised as his thoughts begin to run through his mind. "I’m tellin’ ya, Kitten, really! I can pay, it’s no big deal.”
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grinwithout-thecat · 10 years
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"It's a fun game. My mother and I played all the time."
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      “Passing on traditions. Oh, I’ve never played Chess.”
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grinwithout-thecat · 10 years
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"I think if I ever have kids, I'm gonna do the same thing... and play Chess with them all the time."
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          “That’s all that matters, though. That you liked it.”
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grinwithout-thecat · 10 years
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"Not really. She was my mum. I liked having to earn my name."
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 ”Wow… really?
              That’s interesting.”
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grinwithout-thecat · 10 years
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"Nothing. I had no name until I turned eight."
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      “Really? Then what did she call you until then?”
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grinwithout-thecat · 10 years
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"My mother wrote down my name and kept it hidden until I learned how to read. Then I found out my name."
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     ”Eheheh… yeah. My brother told me it was because mom and dad really liked the color, so that’s what they named me.”
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grinwithout-thecat · 10 years
"Forward, backward, upside down."
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"Teal... Interesting name and colour! Such a pretty shade of blue and green..."
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          “No problem. I’m Teal! Nice to meet you, Chess.”
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grinwithout-thecat · 10 years
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"There's three ways." She smiled, and pulled the glasses off to hand it back to her. "Thank you for that! I felt empowered for a moment. My name is Chess."
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       She wasn’t expecting that kind of action. She was expecting her to put the glasses on her face, not on the back of her head. “That’s one way, yeah.”
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grinwithout-thecat · 10 years
At first the grip was gentle on the frames, and she brought them up to set them on the back of her head, all while smiling. "Now I have eyes on the back of my head."
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“My glasses… ?” Well that’s an interesting request.
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           ”Sure. Here.”
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grinwithout-thecat · 10 years
"They are. Like I call Sun 'Sunny Day'. He gets all red-faced when I do it in public though. It's adorable." Really, it was, though she didn't seem to understand embarrassment or things like that, not with her personality.
"Ham...?" That wasn't one of the toppings they had ordered before... but Nep was a friend of Sun, so... It would be okay to eat after she saw it was okay. He was trusted now. "And no-no! I insist. Let me pay. I have enough."
♆ - “Nicknames are fun, aren’t they?" He chuckles, pocketing his hands and quirking a brow at her positive energy. She was certainly excited to go get some more pizza - who could blame her? Pizza was rad. "You mean pineapples? Yeah, dude! Pineapples and ham on a pizza is almost my favorite topping," He smirks, walking the other way in a slow pace so she can catch up. "Don’t worry about paying either - I got us.”
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grinwithout-thecat · 10 years
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"Can I try on your glasses?"
       ( grinwithout-thecat   crusadelion   purexsummoner   dxfeat )
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       ”Is there something you wanted?”
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