grimsleygima-blog · 13 years
Not-so-slowly losing respect for a once friend. Great.
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grimsleygima-blog · 13 years
Anyone Around?
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grimsleygima-blog · 13 years
He couldn't help but laugh, holding his hand out as the small silver ring on his hand began to unwind and expand, into a large, chrome sniper rifle, standing as tall as you, with a glimmer as a father standing next to a proud son. "It's beautiful...isn't it?"
“You’d think so. But power is no fun without a little time to enjoy yourself. I simply took over the country, and played around a bit. The people are actually really nice. They’re fine with me taking over surprisingly. But yes, I have been quite busy… it’s also a lot of fun though. They designed me a new sniper rifle!”
She rolled her eyes and placed her hands on her hip. “you and your guns. I guess some people never really do change.” She dare not admit it, but she was a little thankful for that.
“If I had my own country, it would probably go to pot eventually. I think I’d be too lenient in my laws and such…”
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grimsleygima-blog · 13 years
"You'd think so. But power is no fun without a little time to enjoy yourself. I simply took over the country, and played around a bit. The people are actually really nice. They're fine with me taking over surprisingly. But yes, I have been quite busy... it's also a lot of fun though. They designed me a new sniper rifle!"
He cleared his head, and regained his composure, that cool expression held as he ran a hand through his hair. 
“ah… well I’ve been up to the bureaucratic nightmare that is taking over a country. It’s quite boring being this powerful at times though. It’s interesting to explore outside of the unova region though, so I must say it was nice. I have the official title of König Gima though.”
She nodded as she listened carefully to his story. “Wow..it really sounds like you’ve been on a bit of an adventure…” She thought about what she had done. She’d stayed in Unova, to keep an eye on the Gym, but she had also met a few really cool people, like the Angel, Stocking, and the lost traveller, Eridan. 
“So I guess you’re pretty busy all the time then, with that much power and responsibility.”
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grimsleygima-blog · 13 years
You shrug.
"I may not know the reason, but I still wouldn't understand it. From that implication though, you seem to be getting back with him soon, yes?" You turn to face the door, knocking gently. You raise your voice to a falsetto. "Hellooooooooo?"
“Dear, if the man was fool enough to leave someone as beautiful as you, then he truly does not deserve to have you. Not all men could handle the Pike Queen.” He gave a small chuckle standing from the couch as he held his hand out to assist her up as well. 
“Shall we try our luck in getting her up?”
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grimsleygima-blog · 13 years
"Dear, if the man was fool enough to leave someone as beautiful as you, then he truly does not deserve to have you. Not all men could handle the Pike Queen." He gave a small chuckle standing from the couch as he held his hand out to assist her up as well. 
"Shall we try our luck in getting her up?"
“Well I’m sure I could get something out of her. Though, I’m sorry to hear about you and him separating. Tis truly a shame.. ” He pats her shoulder comfortingly. 
“I take it she was fond of him? I’m really sorry.. do you even know if he will ‘return’ ? “
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grimsleygima-blog · 13 years
He cleared his head, and regained his composure, that cool expression held as he ran a hand through his hair. 
"ah... well I've been up to the bureaucratic nightmare that is taking over a country. It's quite boring being this powerful at times though. It's interesting to explore outside of the unova region though, so I must say it was nice. I have the official title of König Gima though."
He couldn’t help but feel his smile grow into an uncharacteristically large grin as he attempted to supress it, looking away for a moment before turning back to her, his cheeks tinted ever so slightly pink. 
“Ah, well you’re welcome dear. I… so what have you been up to in my leave?” he stumbled over the words, trying to qualm any residual feelings. 
She caught sight of that weakness that he still possessed and chuckled. Despite the fact they were no longer together, there was clearly something there, for him anyway. She wasn’t sure how she felt about it, but it was silly to assume anything anyway. She put it down to heat that he was so flustered, but deep down she knew that it wasn’t the case.
“Well, I’ve been helping Andre out a lot, apart from that I’ve done next to nothing, other than working on my fashion line… How about yourself?”
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grimsleygima-blog · 13 years
"Well I'm sure I could get something out of her. Though, I'm sorry to hear about you and him separating. Tis truly a shame.. " He pats her shoulder comfortingly. 
"I take it she was fond of him? I'm really sorry.. do you even know if he will 'return' ? "
“Oh? And why is this? I would love to meet her if you don’t mind. I’m rather fond of children.” You give her a slightly puzzled look, your eye darting to the pokemon and then back to her. Didn’t seem like her type….  ”Is this pokemon yours?”
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grimsleygima-blog · 13 years
He couldn't help but feel his smile grow into an uncharacteristically large grin as he attempted to supress it, looking away for a moment before turning back to her, his cheeks tinted ever so slightly pink. 
"Ah, well you're welcome dear. I... so what have you been up to in my leave?" he stumbled over the words, trying to qualm any residual feelings. 
“Oh, I’m pleased that my wardrobe is up to your standards, A woman of fashion approving of my dress is a very good thing to me.. though, I have always adored your fashion as well. Your eyes still retain that familiar tenacity I see.” The last part was a jest, though he found himself chuckling a bit, missing the interaction with his former wife. She was truly a wonderful friend. 
She laughed gently. the sound light and genuine. She found herself re-countering memories in her mind of when they used to go to her fashion shows and when she persisted in him allowing her to alter his clothing for him. 
“Thank you, I suppose.” She giggled, wrapping a headphone cord around her fingers.
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grimsleygima-blog · 13 years
"Oh? And why is this? I would love to meet her if you don't mind. I'm rather fond of children." You give her a slightly puzzled look, your eye darting to the pokemon and then back to her. Didn't seem like her type....  "Is this pokemon yours?"
You nod and smile, coming in and eyeing the couch for a moment, before deciding on sitting rather close to her. You lean back, and cross your legs, lacing your fingers over your knee as you turn to face her. 
“So miss Lucky, do tell me, how have you been since our last conversation?”
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grimsleygima-blog · 13 years
"Oh, I'm pleased that my wardrobe is up to your standards, A woman of fashion approving of my dress is a very good thing to me.. though, I have always adored your fashion as well. Your eyes still retain that familiar tenacity I see." The last part was a jest, though he found himself chuckling a bit, missing the interaction with his former wife. She was truly a wonderful friend. 
Stricken by the seriousness of her declaration, his smile turned sweet as he nodded in agreeance. “Aye, my dear I find it nigh impossible to ever forget someone so wonderful as yourself either.” 
“Ever the complimentary gentleman.” She felt her cheeks pinken, but knew it was just a result of the compliment, not necessarily because of who had delivered it. Her eyes wandered carefully over his figure and travelled back to meet his gaze.
“You look as splendid as ever, I see. I always admired your taste in attire.” She giggled before tilting her head, only slightly.
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grimsleygima-blog · 13 years
You nod and smile, coming in and eyeing the couch for a moment, before deciding on sitting rather close to her. You lean back, and cross your legs, lacing your fingers over your knee as you turn to face her. 
"So miss Lucky, do tell me, how have you been since our last conversation?"
“Oh? I’m sorry I had to have a reason to visit a dear friend of mine.” His hands tucked behind his back with a smirk. 
“So shall you let me in? Or are you actually displeased to see me?”
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grimsleygima-blog · 13 years
Stricken by the seriousness of her declaration, his smile turned sweet as he nodded in agreeance. "Aye, my dear I find it nigh impossible to ever forget someone so wonderful as yourself either." 
He couldn’t help but chuckle. Seeing Elesa curtsy was a once in lifetime viewing, though he stifled the laughter that emerged, his smirk turning into a genuine smile. “I’m fairly well myself. Simply… bored. I’ve been away for so long, I swear no one even remembers me anymore.” Give a small chuckle.
Elesa, although she was a very “modern” lady, did however retain mannerisms she had been brought up with by her sophisticated family. It had kind of stuck with her since her childhood. She brushed back a strand of hair from her face and she spoke softly.
“I could never forget you, Grimsley.” She almost felt the urge to wink or pull a silly face, but she retained herself, smiling at him even more.
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grimsleygima-blog · 13 years
"Oh? I'm sorry I had to have a reason to visit a dear friend of mine." His hands tucked behind his back with a smirk. 
"So shall you let me in? Or are you actually displeased to see me?"
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grimsleygima replied to your post: Good Morning Darlings~
Good morning dear “Queen”.
“oh my,” she gave him a confused look, “Good Morning Grimsley, now tell me, what brings you to my door?~”
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grimsleygima-blog · 13 years
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h0tsparks replied to your post: Hello Mr Grimsley~
“I’m well thank you. How are you?” She smiled and curtsied, returning his politeness.
He couldn't help but chuckle. Seeing Elesa curtsy was a once in lifetime viewing, though he stifled the laughter that emerged, his smirk turning into a genuine smile. "I'm fairly well myself. Simply... bored. I've been away for so long, I swear no one even remembers me anymore." Give a small chuckle.
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grimsleygima-blog · 13 years
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grimsleygima-blog · 13 years
Hello Mr Grimsley~
Oh hello Miss Elesa, how are you on this fine afternoon?
You bow with your familiar smirk on your lips.
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