griffithoffemto · 2 years
To all anime-only, you guys are walking on mighty thin ice if you still have any affection for Eren. Drop it. The sooner you do it, the lesser the pain.
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griffithoffemto · 3 years
Devil of the all earth
Credits: aotnorequiemofficial/ frostdice66
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griffithoffemto · 3 years
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C’mon. Eren’s head and then baby’s head. Slight implication that it is eren’s baby. If the eye colour is green. We would know.
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griffithoffemto · 3 years
The 7 memories Eren gave to everyone:
Mikasa’s memories: Saw these
Armin’s memories: Check. Done.
Reiner: ??
Jean: ??
Connie: ??
Annie: ??
And fucking Historia: ??
Go find your five infinity stones motherfuckers. For all I know, he could have shown them anything. We only got 2/7th of it.
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griffithoffemto · 3 years
Evil Queen Historia
Mysterious relationship status with Eren (the devil)
He emotionally manipulates her for having a kid. She manipulates him by acknowledging and exercising the free will and claiming she wants to have a child. No one knows.
Love angel ? She does offer him an apple.
Now history repeats itself. Historia becomes the queen of the most powerful nation in world.
Considering how cynical isayama in his ouook of the world and how realistic the ending was, we all know the new eldian empire will start territorial expansions soon.
It’s what eren said to pixis in season 1 episode 13. Even if we have a common enemy in the world, the people will fight each other regardless.
Now, Historia, is the new ruler of the world just like the old eldian empire.
She has held Jean’s parent’s as hostages.
Her expression tells me she is gonna slaughter the entire crew.
Grisha’s dreams came true. The eldian empire got restored.
These are just my opinions. There can be hundred interpretations.
By the way I truly believe the Eren loved Mikasa and not Historia but something did happen between them and it will forever be a mystery.
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griffithoffemto · 3 years
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Hello retards.
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griffithoffemto · 3 years
I am an erehisu shipper. Check my posts if you don’t believe me. You guys are embarrassing me I swear. Shut up. It’s just a ship. SHUT UP
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griffithoffemto · 3 years
Hello, fellow Erehisu and Eremika’s. I am a hardcore erehisu shipper but I do feel Eremika makes more sense. You can check my posts if you want, I am all erehisu.
Now why did Historia ask “What would you think about me having a child ?”
You are all interpreting it wrong.
How I see it is: Eren was concerned about the fact that Historia doesn’t have a choice in the situation. She clearly states what if she wanna have a child and would you (eren) think about it ? Now, there are so many implications here. Did Eren reject her ? Was it all just platonic. Was she upset cause eren told her the genocide plan. I love the fact how mysterious the relationship with the devil and the girl is. Anyway, the point is historia clearly exercised her free will. She wanted to have a kid and she is happy. And eren was happy about this.
I do feel it’s heavily implied that historia had feelings for eren and eren ignored them even in the HighschoolAU.
Eren did love mikasa. I do love erehisu.
I also love the idea of Historia’s unrequited love.
Anyway, both the women couldn’t save eren. One stays beside him and the other harbours all his monuments and glories on her island.
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griffithoffemto · 3 years
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For thise who hated the ended. Here, I hope that answers some of your questions as to how isayama saw his work. It’s rather realistic and fitting.
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griffithoffemto · 3 years
You don’t have to love your abuser. If Mikasa can let go her abuser (Eren) then so can Ymir (Karl fritz)
That’s why eren had to orchestrate everything. Killed his mom, manipulated his dad, killed the Reiss family just to show Ymir and that she be can free. Mikasa and Eren are more tragic than Romeo Juliet and Jon Dany
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griffithoffemto · 3 years
Loved the ending.
Listen up guys. The ending is the brilliant. Eren saved both his girls. He saved Historia’s child from generational cannibalism and saved Mikasa from this cruel world. Eren and Historia always represented the Og Ymir and Karl Fritz. While the Og ymir was used by karl fritz for power against her free will. Our king eren and our ymir ie. historia chose a different path. Historia made a deal with devil to grand her island safety in return she will grant him a child. Both Eren and Historia manipulated each other for greater good. Don’t worry the child is still a love child cause Historia WANTED TO HAVE THIS BABY.
Now eventually history would be repeated again. Paradis is now actually the strongest military in the world considering 80 percent of population is dead. Eventually paradise will start there territorial expansion again against the world. But that’s the realistic-aspect of it.
It’s how the old stories. The ackermans and the Fritz were close. Historia is now the new first king\queen and mikasa the ackerman. Hoping mikasa would have children who’ll be ackermans will become close to the royality and defend future kings and queen.
Ofcourse reiner is the helios. It doesn’t matter. We have a time skip so it’s open to interpretation.
I think this is a grounded ended. Very realistic. Eren could have remade his body but chose death. His was a slave to his destiny but he chose his death. Hauntingly beautiful. I could go on and on and write a thousand page meta.
Eren basically manipulated Historia’s love for his personal gain. Truly loved mikasa by the very end. Realised how much of a sin against the world and historia for saving Mikasa. Realised that he shouldn’t be allowed to live. Simply disappears from the world leaving them behind. Now Mikasa stays beside him on his grave on an island which is rules by Historia. My God the girls truly loved him hardcore.
Although eren and Historia’s relationship is the most mysterious and complex relationship in this entire show. Will write a meta soon.
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griffithoffemto · 3 years
I loved the ending tbh 💁🏻
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griffithoffemto · 3 years
Isayama: I saw Game of Thrones , didn't like the ending, I learned from it and won't make the same mistakes
Also Isayama: Makes exact same mistakes
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griffithoffemto · 3 years
All leaks are fake I swear
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griffithoffemto · 3 years
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I still am waiting for the chapter to be out. It seems far fetched though.
I will be flat-out depressed if it isn’t eren’s baby. But I believe in Isayama.
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griffithoffemto · 3 years
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Now what the actual fuck is this ? Leak or fake. I don’t know.
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griffithoffemto · 3 years
Beneath all the toxicity, fights, and ship wars, I still am glad I was a part of all this. It’s been a honour gentlemen. Thank you all. And thank you Hajime.
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