griboedov · 4 years
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"i'll always be with you, jojo."
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griboedov · 5 years
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ok @thasmins asked me to create a powerpoint on why all the Doctors are hot so,,,,,, here you go 
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griboedov · 5 years
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alec hardy + textposts
bonus :)
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griboedov · 5 years
Well... True
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It's always sunny in the NYPD
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griboedov · 5 years
I want father like Gil
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we stan one (1) loving cop dad
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griboedov · 5 years
Heather Arroyo
A Prodigal Son mpreg fic by Charlotte Crema
It was a nice, balmy, night and a cool breeze was sweeping through the treetops.  It was still fairly warm outside, but Gil decided to leave the windows open anyway to let the breeze blow through his bedroom as he slept. It’d been a particularly long day for him at the office. It was his last day of work before he went on maternity leave and everybody decided to throw him a mini baby shower in the meeting room. His coworkers were all so supportive. His dresser was cluttered with all the cards they had given him. However, the best gift of all was not among the many gifts in his living room, oh no. This gift was on his nightstand in a small white box with a sheer pink ribbon tied around it. It was from Malcolm and Gil was specifically instructed not to open it until the baby was born. He had talked with Malcolm earlier that week about helping him find a name for the baby. He knew it was a girl…but he was stuck between two very good names for her. Heather or Dorothy? Heather or Dorothy? The question spun in his brain like a washing machine. He finally gave up and decided that Malcolm would get to pick what the baby’s name was since he was to be her godfather. It was a relief when Malcolm agreed to help…but when he handed the box to Gil only a day or so after Gil had asked him for help…well…needless to say it was confusing. But since Malcolm was his friend, he was not about to break the rules that were given to him and open the box.
Gil was sleeping peacefully, gently cradling his belly and relishing how the cool breeze coming in from the bedroom window caressed his skin. He hadn’t been sleeping so well for the past week or so because the baby had been kicking like crazy in the middle of the night which kept him awake. Earlier that day, he’d felt the baby drop so he knew it wouldn’t be long before he’d get to meet his little girl. Sure, he was nervous. He was a little bit older than what is considered safe to have a baby. But even so he couldn’t help but feel excited too. He smiled, chuckling softly to himself as he caressed his belly. “Hey there, sweetie.” he murmured, “I dunno if you can hear me in there when I’m talking so low…but…I just want you to know I love you no matter what. Ok? You’re MY baby girl and I promise I’ll protect you. Whatever it takes.” The baby, as if to respond, pressed her tiny foot against Gil’s hand. He chuckled, using the tip of his finger to trace her foot. “I love you so much, darling.” He chuckled as he felt the baby kick and squirm in response.
He had just drifted off to sleep when all of a sudden he felt a little zip of pain run through his lower back. He brushed it off, thinking it was just another cramp, but then he felt a teeny trickle of fluid down his leg. He immediately jumped up and headed to the bathroom, but by the time he got there to grab a towel, it had stopped. He sighed and went back to is room, muttering under his breath about a stupid false alarm when all of a sudden there was a HUGE gush of fluid that rushed out and hit the floor with a smack. “OH COME ON!” he cried, “YOU WAITED TIL I WAS OUT OF THE BATHROOM TO DO THIS?!” He groaned and headed back to the bathroom, grabbing a large towel to mop up the puddle of water with. Things didn’t really get much easier for him once his water broke. The tiny zip soon turned into a dull ache that he usually felt with braxton hicks contractions, and then to a slightly more intense cramping sensation. He paced about his bedroom, working on his breathing exercises and rubbing his belly. It seemed to help take the edge off, but it was still uncomfortable nonetheless. He tried to stay as calm as possible, but he couldn’t help but worry that something may go wrong. The whole time he was pacing he debated whether he should call a doctor or not. He sighed and rubbed his belly as another contraction took hold of him. “We’ll be ok. Right, kiddo?” he said softly, “We can do this.”
Gil had been pacing for about an hour and a half when he felt a strong contraction wrack his body. He stopped to lean against a wall, breathing through the pain. “You know something?” he said, “These past- ooooh…..these past nine months were the best months of my life.” He chuckled and rubbed his belly. “And the one I have to thank for all that is you, baby. You’re the best thing I’ve ever had in my life.” As if to respond, the baby gave a little kick against Gil’s palm. He chuckled and traced the outline of her teeny foot pressing against his belly, playfully tapping the sole of her foot to make her squirm. Gil smiled and began to hum softly as he rubbed his belly, resuming his pacing.
Another hour and forty five minutes of pacing and the contractions were only getting worse. It had gotten to the point where he would let out involuntary whimpers and grunts. It also certainly didn’t help that his nervous tic of chewing on his lip had flared up. His lips were gonna be raw and possibly bleeding by the time he was 10 centimeters dilated.
Two hours later Gil was slammed with the most powerful contraction he’d ever felt. It was powerful enough that he couldn’t stay standing, letting out a yelp as he crumpled to the floor, clutching his belly. He whimpered, curling into a ball and trembling as he tried to breathe through the pain. “C’mon, baby…take it easy…” he murmured, “Don’t wanna kill me, do you?” Suddenly, another contraction hit, making him cry out again. As soon as the contraction ended he let out a sob of pain, his shaking getting worse as he tried to get up, only to crumple back to the floor. “Oooowwww…”
Half an hour later and poor Gil was breaking out in a cold sweat. His entire body was shaking from the pain and there were tears forming in his eyes. He’d managed to pull himself onto the bed, but the pain wasn’t getting any better. All he could do was toss and turn as he tried to find a comfortable position. After a good ten minutes of squirming about like this, he felt the telltale urge to start pushing. He quickly stripped himself of his boxers and propped himself up against the pile of pillows on his bed. Taking a slow, deep breath, Gil spread his legs, hooking his hands under his knees before bearing down as hard as he could, letting out a blood curdling scream. He could feel the baby’s head pushing it’s way past his cervix and beginning to crown at an agonizingly slow pace. Tears were beginning to trickle down his cheeks as he pushed, his body beginning to shake from the strain. He stopped for a minute, letting out a sob as he tried to take deep, shaky breaths. He started panicking when he felt the head slip back in, letting out a frantic yelp before bearing down once again, whimpering as he bit down hard on his lip, his teeth digging deep enough into the skin to draw blood. “Come out, come out, come out, please…” he whimpered as he continued to push. To his relief the head came out rather quickly, the widest part rushing out with a pop. He let out a gasp, falling back on the pillow. His body was still shaking violently as he breathed heavily. He slipped his hand between his legs and let his fingertips gently caress the top of the baby’s head. He shakily cradled the slippery head in his hand, the pad of his thumb softly stroking the temple. “H-hi sweetie…..” he whispered, “Daddy’s here….I- aaaagh…….I got you, baby girl…”
Pushing out the shoulders was an agonizing ordeal. He’d heard from so many women that the head was supposed to be the most painful part. Ha! What a bunch of bullshit. Pushing out the baby’s shoulders made him scream in agony because they were so broad. Luckily, it didn’t take long to get them out and the rest of the baby girl followed seconds later. As soon as he felt the baby’s body slip out he let out a loud sob and fell back onto the pillows, his whole body shaking like a leaf.
It was only a few seconds later when a loud wail ripped through the room. It was loud enough it made Gil jump. He shakily sat up and picked up his little girl, hugging her to his chest. “Hi baby girl…hi…” he whispered, tears falling down his face, “Daddy’s here, sweetie. It’s ok.” He kissed her on the forehead and gently rocked her in his arms, softly humming a sweet lullaby.
A few minutes later, after delivering the placenta, cutting the cord, and cleaning his daughter, he remembered something. The box! He quickly grabbed it off the nightstand, babe still in arms, and opened the box with one hand while holding his daughter. Once the box was opened he lifted out a gorgeous onyx bracelet with the name Heather engraved in gold on one of the beads. He smiled. Inside was a note from Malcolm. “Gil. This is a present for your daughter for her 16th birthday. Attached is the story of the bracelet for her to read when she opens this box. Keep it safe until then. Malcolm Bright.” Gil smiled and put the bracelet back in the box. He hugged Heather close and kissed her gently on the forehead. “I love you my darling. Always and forever.” he murmured, gently caressing her head. Heather cooed and Nuzzled against her mother before falling asleep in Gil’s arms.
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griboedov · 5 years
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Billie Piper & David Tennant during the Pioneer British Academy Television Awards at the Grosvenor House Hotel in London (2006)
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griboedov · 5 years
deadwater fell: broadchurch but david tennant plays mark latimer
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griboedov · 5 years
Day 7 – Father Gil
Gil’s son was a complete and total idiot. Don’t get him wrong, he loved Malcolm a lot. But damn was that kid hard to take care of. Always flinging himself into copious amounts of danger. Never eating or sleeping. He was Gil’s kid though. Which is why he was taking him to dinner. The best way to make sure that Malcolm was actually eating something was to watch him do it. He couldn’t do it with sleep but at least he wouldn’t starve to death.
“Where are we going?”
Gil glanced at the kid in his passenger seat, not nervous, just curious. He was looking out the window watching the world go by.
“An Italian place I found the other day. I thought you would like it and I want some company for dinner. You’re the only available one.”
“Because Dani has a date and JT is spending time with his wife?”
Gil huffed. “I know more than three people Malcolm. Just so happens that they all are busy tonight. That’s why I called you. You’re never busy.”
Malcolm pouted at him. “You never know, I could’ve been busy. I do things sometimes.”
“Sure kid, sure.”
The restaurant was a little hole in the wall and Malcolm was overdressed in his usual suit. Although to be honest, Gil probably was as well. Even in his slacks and turtleneck. Despite this, they went into the restaurant and were seated at the window table. They were the only people in the restaurant, with it being so late at night. Despite that, it didn’t close for another hour or so Gil figured they were okay.
They were served by a young Italian man who took their order for drinks and slipped behind a door into what was presumably the kitchen. Gil and Malcolm both perused the menus and Gil knew he needed to lay down some ground rules.
“You’re going to order an entree, and actual one and you are going to eat at least half of it. Then you are going to take whatever is leftover home with you and eat that at a later date. Clear?”
Malcolm sighed. “Crystal. I was thinking of the pear pasta, what about you?”
“Leaning towards the Fettucine myself.”
The man that came back to get their drink order wasn’t the same as before. He was a heavy-set, middle-aged man. He gave them a smile and asked for their order in a heavy accent. Gil cocked his head to one side.
“What happened to the kid?”
“Ah, that is my son. I sent him home to bed. It is too late for him. I’m the owner and the cook. We don’t get a lot of customers this late. It’s nice to have a few though, as long as you don’t mind me cleaning up around you guys?”
“No, we don’t mind. I’ll have the Fettucine and he’s going to have your pear pasta and an extra order of garlic bread, please.”
Malcolm shot Gil a look. He was expected to eat the pasta and the garlic bread? How was he supposed to fit that much food inside of himself? He never ate that much. Gil raised an eyebrow back at him. Their cook grinned at them.
“It’s so nice to see fathers and their sons going out to dinner, eh? There aren’t enough good father-son relationships in the world. I’ll get started on this. If you need anything, just yell for me.”
With that, he went back to the kitchen to make their meals. Malcolm felt a blush rise to his cheeks and couldn’t seem to stamp it down.
“You’re my kid. I may not be your biological father, but you better believe that I’m your dad.”
The blush got worse and Malcolm desperately avoided eye contact. Gil wasn’t having any of it though. He reached across the small table and took Malcolm’s chin in his hand. He made sure that Malcolm was looking him dead in the eye and then he spoke.
“You are my kid, Malcolm. That monster was not your father. I am. Don’t ever forget that. Remember that every time you fling yourself into danger. Remember that on your darkest nights. Remember that for you. You are my kid. Clear?”
“Yeah, we’re clear.”
“Good. Now, what do you want to talk about? How are your mother and your sister doing?”
“They’re good. Really good. My mom is working with a lady who helps human trafficking victims and my sister’s career has taken off. They are both doing well.”
The silence was interrupted by the chef returning holding two plates of steaming food and a basket. “Fettucine, pear pasta, and lots of garlic bread. Now, do you two need anything else, or is that it?”
“I think we’re good. Thank you so much. This looks delicious,” Gil said taking a piece of garlic bread for himself. The chef nodded and disappeared back into the kitchen. Gil turned back to Malcolm. “Half of the entrée and at least two pieces of garlic bread.”
Malcolm gave a sigh but started on his plate of food. The chef bustled about while they were eating. Cleaning off tables, stacking the chairs, and mopping the floors. He was in and out regularly. Always making sure that they were okay with what they were eating and that they didn’t need any refills.
Despite the fact that his eating habits were atrocious, Malcolm managed to eat more than half of his meal. He chalked it up to the delicious food that had been placed in front of him. Once the finished their meals and had paid the chef had stopped them with a hand on Malcolm’s arm. Gil had been ready to tear it off if it had been malicious, but it wasn’t.
“I know that the two of you aren’t related. But that doesn’t mean you aren’t father and son. Don’t ever let this relationship go. You both need it more than you can even tell. You seem like such lovely people, don’t let the world ruin it.”
And with that, he disappeared back into the kitchen without a word. Malcolm and Gil glanced at each other and left the restaurant.
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griboedov · 5 years
Martin: As Lady Macbeth once said, “don’t be a pussy, it’s just murder.”
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griboedov · 5 years
How do you think a meeting between Gil and Martin would go down?
Martin has just as many reasons to hate Gil as Gil hates Martin. This is true at least from Martin's perspective.
Martin is possessive of Malcolm. He's the son Martin would have raised to be just like him. And Gil did just the opposite. As he was growing up, Malcolm told Martin all about Detective Aroyo. So much, it made Martin jealous to even think about the man. He wants to kill Gil more today than he did twenty years ago.
Still, he's civil when they meet. There's nothing he can do in the confines of prison without getting creative. And he wants to know the detective better so he can manipulate the man later on.
He takes a few jabs at his career, let's Gil know he has his eye on him in the news. He's always watching.
Gil tries to act professional. But standing in front of Martin makes his blood boil. He knows every horrible thing Martin has done. But worst is what Martin has done to his own family.
Malcolm doesnt sleep or eat. He's paranoid with delusions of his father's victims and obsessed with the case. Jessica is different too. She tries to hide the pain, but Gil can see it in her smile. She doesn't trust like she used to, doesnt let anyone get too close to her glass bubble. And Ainsley is so desperate for attention, she would sacrifice everyone around her.
Gil wants to make it right somehow. He wants to make Martin hurt like he hurt Jessica and Malcolm. Gil wants to see the fear come alive in Martin's eyes as he holds his life in his hands.
But his conscience says no. It reasons that's exactly what Martin wants. He wants strong emotion because it means he stays relevant in their lives.
Gil won't give him the satisfaction.
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griboedov · 5 years
Prodigal Son characters as troubled birds
Round 1- Gil
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griboedov · 5 years
I'm not alone!!!!
Gil taking young Malcolm on stake outs like
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griboedov · 5 years
Thoughts on Martin Whitly? Love him or hate him? Personally I love him bc Sheen, I can't wait to see how he is later in the series
It’s complicated. I absolutely adore the character in the way that it’s written. He is such a complex character with so many layers of personality I can spend all day analysing him and how he function. I love that I can theorise on his way of thinking and what makes him tick. He is a very interesting character and his MO of killing and his way of treating Malcolm and Ains say so much about him and I love that. He is mesmerising to analyse and find out about him. Besides, Michael sheen has done a more than wonderful and amazing job at the sheer talent of acting that role.
BUT I hate his personality, he is a freaking manipulative little asshole who has hurt Malcolm emotionally so deeply and he twists everything around and gaslights them. He thinks he is the best and thinks he has done nothing wrong, the way his mind works that he doesn’t care that he kills because he saved some lives and thats what matters. As he said on ep 7. He has a twisted sense of love and need for control. As a person he is despised by me and I would like to punch him in the face.
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griboedov · 5 years
Please more about Gil
★ for Lieutenant Gil Arroyo, thanks :)
★ - sad headcanon
The day of Jackie’s funeral, Gil did everything he could to keep himself in check. When friend after friend approached him and offered their condolences, he just nodded and murmured soft ‘thank you’s. Throughout the entire service, he listened with his jaw locked back and his lips pressed tightly together. When he watched her coffin lower into the ground, he clenched his fists so hard he felt his nails dig into his skin. He stood at her grave in silence, saying nothing to those who murmured soft, mournful goodbyes. When everyone left, one by one, he stayed, unable to move. Unable to look away.  
He thought he was alone. Until he heard a little sniff. He turned, realizing that Malcolm and Ainsley were standing on either side of him. Neither of them said anything. All three just stood in silence, staring at Jackie’s grave. After a couple seconds, Ainsley sniffed again, turning and wrapping her arms around his waist. She buried her face into his side, her crying becoming muffled into his suit. He cringed. He felt his lips tremble. Again, he tried to keep himself together. To keep himself from looking weak.
But then he felt Malcolm’s arms wrap around him, too. He looked down at him, surprised. There was nothing but sorrow on the younger man’s face, as he stared straight ahead. He didn’t look at Gil, but he did hug tighter. And that was the point that finally broke him. Looking at these two kids, remembering how much Jackie loved them and seeing how heartbroken they were now, suddenly he couldn’t hold himself together anymore. He fell apart.
Gil pulled each of them into him as hard as he could, and felt every ounce of pain that he had been trying to push down hit him all at once. Something inside him shattered, and he finally let himself start crying. He stood at his wife’s grave and sobbed, feeling lonelier than he’s felt in years. Yet drawing the tiniest bit of comfort from the two kids that stayed hugging him tightly.
Knowing that despite everything, at least he wasn’t completely alone.
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griboedov · 5 years
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griboedov · 5 years
Teenage Malcolm having a crush on a detective Gil works with and that’s how Gil finds out Malcolm is bi
I love this so much. Yes please.
Gil knows something is up.
Malcolm has always been enthusiastic about joining Gil at the precinct. But this week, he’s followed Gil every day after school. And he isn’t staying inside Gil’s office to do homework like he usually does. Instead, he’s outside mingling with the other detectives.
He seems particularly interested in one of the newer detectives, a twenty-eight year old transfer from Brooklyn. He’s tall and lean with a good attitude, and Malcolm has been hanging around his desk offering help on cases all week.
 At first, Gil thinks it’s great. Malcolm doesn’t have a lot of friends at school, and this detective is at least closer in age than the other forty-something year olds at the precinct. But when Gil mentions how much time Malcolm has been spending with his new friend, he can’t help but notice how Malcolm’s face heats up and he quickly changes the topic.
It’s confusing to say the least. Gil has never seen Malcolm act this way before, except maybe that time he had a crush on a girl at school, and… oh. Now he gets it.
Gil doesn’t say anything at first. Instead, he pays careful attention to their interactions the next few days.
He watches Malcolm cater to the detective like a lovesick puppy dog. He brings an extra cup of coffee to the detective’s desk every afternoon, sitting closer to look over his shoulder at case files. And every time the detective makes a joke, Malcolm is sure to laugh extra hard. They’re both oblivious. The detective doesn’t realize Malcolm has a crush on him and Malcolm doesn’t realize Gil knows about said crush.
It’s cute, but Gil isn’t keen about the age difference. He doesn’t want to confront Malcolm about the issue. He wants Malcolm to come out on his own terms.
So instead, he does what any over-protective father figure might do: He transfers the detective to a different floor and calls it a day.
Sure, Malcolm is rather gloomy the next few days. But at least Gil can put off the conversation for a few more years, when Malcolm comes out on his own. And of course, Gil is supportive of him no matter what.
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