greysonvaldez-blog · 6 years
I expect a dozen for my birthday Grey. Actually a baker’s dozen.
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It’s because we’re both attractive and speak the language of hotties.
I’ll throw you one soon, once I don’t got pizza on my lap. When’s your birthday?
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Sounds about right.
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greysonvaldez-blog · 6 years
I had an awesome time. It’s even more awesome to be back, though. I’m definitely not coming to see you until you admit that you missed me.
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Maybe I did. You coming over now, or what?
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greysonvaldez-blog · 6 years
I’m gonna take the compliment in there, but I’m sure you’ll survive not getting to sleep with me, handsome. Plenty of people have so far, so I doubt you’ll be the first to break that streak. It’s nice to meet you anyhow, Greyson. It’s probably not going to be fair of me to say that I’ve slept with guys before, is it? It’s been quite a while, but still. Fun fact, I guess. 
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You definitely should. I’ll survive yeah, but I’m not gonna be happy about it. Oh, damn, missed me chance, huh? You wouldn’t have had fun though, so prob for the best. You feeling at home here yet?
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greysonvaldez-blog · 6 years
Mm, I think that’d definitely add to it. I’m free any time you want me to be, so. You let me know, yeah?
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Damn. That line really made me feel some things. I’ll hit you up soon, hot stuff.
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greysonvaldez-blog · 6 years
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Don’t you worry, you’re in good hands– I promise to take real good care of you. 
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That right? Excited to get those hands on me. Text me when you’re free and we’ll have some fun.
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greysonvaldez-blog · 6 years
I feel like I’ve been hustled ‘cause I haven’t seen you be douchey. You kinda never move off the ‘chill’ setting, if I’m being honest.  I was kinda hoping you’d say it eventually stops itching and you can enjoy the lumberjack aesthetic but hell, what’s the point? Damn, but now you’re saying I look good and I’m vain enough to suck it up with itching for the sake of beauty. Yup, seriously dated. I guess that ain’t too long, considering you’ve been in the business for a minute. 
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Guess it hasn’t come out ‘round you then, guess you’re lucky. Once you get past the point of it not itching as much, it’s already too long so it’s a fucking struggle. You should def keep it, man, you’re looking good lately. Haha yeah, a minute. The longest fucking minute ever. But, nah, dating isn’t really my thing. Also don’t really wanna get involved with anyone I work with and then people who got ‘regular’ jobs are judgmental af.
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greysonvaldez-blog · 6 years
I mean, I’m totally happy for them on like, a friend level but I’m also just like why? But I sucked it up and even managed to keep a smile on my face while looking at bridesmaid dresses. I love them all too much not to like, be happy.
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Haha, I feel that. Haven’t been to that many weddings since my friends aren’t the marrying type but it’s real fucking questionable when people tie the knot before they’re thirty. Even worse when they pop out some kids, then they really have no life.
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greysonvaldez-blog · 6 years
DANI: it's charming, don't worry, if anything it adds to your whole panty dropping aesthetic. i don't think you'll ever lose that sexual sweet spot.
DANI: sounds like a deal, you busy this weekend handsome?
GREYSON: Hahaha, shit. I like that.
GREYSON: And thanks, glad I still got it. ;)
GREYSON: Think I'm gonna do the Taco and Tequila music festival with Lillian and whoever else is going, but I'm free Friday.
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greysonvaldez-blog · 6 years
How old were you when you lost your virginity?
Think I was 14? Somewhere around there. It was real eye-opening.
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greysonvaldez-blog · 6 years
text message 📲 (mia & greyson)
MIA: Yes, that's why you like me. I'm about as bad as you
GREYSON: You calling me cheeky?
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greysonvaldez-blog · 6 years
You act like I got an ‘I miss you’ ab pic from you so I don’t wanna hear it sir.
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See you, you know me so well Mr. Valdez. 
Oh, you didn’t? Guess it just didn’t go through, I sent a dozen.
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I like to think so. We had some fun when you were here last.
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greysonvaldez-blog · 6 years
Is it possible for it to actually be too hot to work? I bought tickets for a Taco and Tequila music festival next weekend in Ventura just because it’s supposed to be twenty degrees cooler there. If anyone is interested in joining there’s still plenty of tickets available. It’s kind of hard to turn down tacos, tequila, and live music.
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Too hot sounds like a problem I’m real familiar with. Unless you’re talking about temperature. ;) Then yeah, I’m also familiar with that. Taco and Tequila? Holy shit, I am down. Sounds like a lot of white people wearing sombreros, but I’m still down.
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greysonvaldez-blog · 6 years
Well I attend them, my work is also sometimes discussed in them. It’s a cycle. Oh, yeah, I’ve met her. She’s a total babe so I don’t disagree there. How do you feel about veggie pizza? That’s what I should be asking people. 
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That right? How the fuck does that come up? Yeah, she’s a huge babe and doesn’t even realize it. Uh, rather have literally any type of meat than that, but I’d still eat it. Still pizza.
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greysonvaldez-blog · 6 years
That little nickname is slowly growin’ on me, could be called way worse things. But we did have a lot of fun, wouldn’t mind doin’ it again sometime.
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It was, despite the heat, least i got some color out of it. You should go back, always good to visit home once and a while. Bet, I’ll be there, it’ll be fun.
You’re starting to like pretty boy now? Finally wore you down? Knew you’d like it one of these days. Text me whenever you’re feeling bored, and I’ll be down.
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Got a nice tan, huh? You should let me see how far it goes sometimes. Yeah, I’m definitely thinking about it. Maybe sometime int he fall, or some shit.
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greysonvaldez-blog · 6 years
It barely felt like a vacation but it was still great to be somewhere else for a little bit so yeah, you should definitely get out someplace fun. You got a spot already in mind? Haha my bad. I posted one on IG but not gonna lie I was way too caught up in eating. 
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Nah, got no idea. Vegas or Miami would be real fun if I wanna party, and I’m def going to want to. I feel that, so we’re all good. Still miss real Texas food, tho.
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greysonvaldez-blog · 6 years
AUDREY: Sorry - I think I'm losing track.
AUDREY: I'm talking about the other videos on my channel. The like, 2 of them that are there.
GREYSON: If you ever wanna make it three, let me know. ;)
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greysonvaldez-blog · 6 years
Not yet. Sometime next week, probably. I’m still like, trying to have a good time and not bail the second I can. Do you miss me?
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Awesome. So, are you havin’ a good time yet or nah? Damn, I don’t know, guess you’ll find out when you’re back and hit me up.
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