gremlin-09 · 1 year
Do I want us to be parallel lines and spend the entire stretch of my length with you by my side, rather than be lines intersecting once to be apart forever after that one momentary collision.
Or do I want us to collide so hard we scatter open like a supernova that meeting you at least once for a short period in a lifetime would be worth more than being parallel lines with you and never having met you at all.
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gremlin-09 · 2 years
Soul dipped in blue, the pain drips from the tears gnashed so deep. The tears pool and form a turbulent storm struck ocean. As I stare into the deep indigo, I can't tell between the sea and sky anymore. True, fire burns hottest at blue. Agony turns exponential at venetus. And the pain runs so deep that the blood isn't red anymore. It becomes mazarine. Pure mazarine.
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gremlin-09 · 2 years
Aren't we all
Broken bits
Of a beautiful poetry
Always looking
For the missing lines
To find at least a few
That rhymes
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gremlin-09 · 2 years
If some were only meant to walk a part of the path with us what do we do with all they've left behind. Their footsteps right next to ours, as imprints that do not fade. The fragrance of their soul still lingering at every turn. The transformations to the path they've walked on. Everything remains like a still ruin, so beautiful yet too little. What do we do with the time they took from us, rather than be prisoners in its loop.
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gremlin-09 · 2 years
I don't like putting on the human suit. It tires me. The material scratches against my personality and there are rashes clustered in places that clashed against the fakeness. The knots at the back are too tight sometimes it chokes the peace out of me. It's so stuffy I sweat the happiness away and at times it gets too cold I could barely stutter out words. And even though it envelops me completely on most days, there are however those days. Those days the human suit gets a bit too revealing that a part of me leaks out through the seams that barely holds it together. I'm scared of those days you see. The parts of who I really am that I adore, sometimes turn out to be something entirely not perceived human at all. So I wrap the human suit around me a bit more tighter in hopes all of me stays inside. I don't like putting on the human suit. It tires me.
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gremlin-09 · 3 years
I walk through the ghost towns sometimes. Those abandoned dusty roads devoid of even a lonely breeze. Towns named after the humans who were ready to conquer the world alongside me. I walk through them and I see the art i built from collapsed civilizations. I look at the corner and see my dried blood on the murals yelling out the moment the sword gashed open pathways in my skin. Strangely enough I have erected statues of the very humans who held the cold swords against my neck. The grandeur in them is breathtaking but they don't stir up a raging storm inside my mind like they did a few years ago. The dried leaves strewn about indicate how parched those lands have come to be once I decided to stop watering them from my own sweat and tears. Where the trees stood tall and sturdy, I see wooden carcasses beaten down by the sun. I walk through a few more of them. I hear the shattering sound echo where my heartbreaks have collectively formed a canyon. I touch the walls and I feel the familiar cold chill down my spine. And I smile at the dark gaping pit right in the middle of the town square, from which I remember having to save myself again and again. The seasons don't work here in these ghost towns anymore. My emotions do not give them life, ever since I carved them out from my soul. But the ghost town exist. Silent, dusty, with a sense of eerie foreboding. I walk through the ghost towns sometimes. I grew up in there after all.
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