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gregoryswisher-blog · 7 years ago
LSTD 210 Week 8 Final Exam Answers
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 LSTD 210 Final Exam
 Part 1 of 1 –
93.0/ 100.0 Points
 Question 1 of 25
2.5/ 2.5 Points
When Paralegal Jenny goes to the    local courthouse, she can retrieve a list of upcoming home foreclosures.    What can Jenny do with this information?
 A.Her employing law firm can      send a direct mail advertising to the people on the list, providing      information about the law firm and its services.
B.Jenny has to wait 30 days      after the posting but can contact the people on the list after that time.
C.Her employing law firm can      call the people on the list and offer to represent them.
D.Jenny can go door-to-door      and talk to the people on the list about her law firm and what they can      do to help.
 Question 2 of 25
2.5/ 2.5 Points
After working on the defense    side of asbestos litigation for many years, Paralegal Kawika decides he    wants to work for a small firm and branch out away from asbestos into real    estate or family law. Kawikasends out some resumes and gets a call from a    law firm that does primarily real estate and family law but does represent    some asbestos plaintiffs. Kawika should
 A.interview with this firm but      bring a list of his current clients with him so they can check for      conflicts.
B.interview with this firm and      accept an offer from them only after getting a written waiver of the      conflict from his current employer
C.not bother to interview with      this firm because the conflict of interest is obvious and no asbestos      plaintiffs lawyer would hire him.
D.interview with this firm and      accept an offer from them only after getting a written waiver of any      potential conflicts from the new employer
 Question 3 of 25
2.5/ 2.5 Points
Paralegal Bryce prefers    freelance work. In order to get clients, Bryce may
 A.advertise his services in      any publication.
B.advertise his services in      publications that target lawyers and law firms.
C.not advertise because it is      illegal for paralegals to advertise.
D.not advertise in      publications but he can call law firms and ask for employment.
 Question 4 of 25
2.5/ 2.5 Points
Lara Lawyer’s standard    advertising says: “Contingency fee arrangements available in personal    injury cases. No Recovery, No Fee!” This ad is
 A.misleading and deceptive if      clients are held responsible for paying costs even if they lose.
B.not permissible because it      is illegal for lawyers to advertise fees.
C.perfectly fine and a fairly      typical ad.
D. misleading and deceptive      only if clients are held responsible for paying costs when they lose.
 Question 5 of 25
2.5/ 2.5 Points
Patty Paralegal’s job requires    her to call all 250 of the firm’s corporate clients twice each year and    give them some information. Most of these telephone calls take less than 2    minutes, especially if she can just leave a voicemail. The smallest    billable amount at Patty’s law firm is .1 or 6 minutes. If Patty makes 30    phone calls per hour, but bills them at 6 minutes, Patty’s one hour becomes    3 hours. Therefore, at the end of an 8 hour day, Patty can bill 24 hours!    Patty should
 A.ask her supervising lawyer      for permission to not bill clients for this service but ensure that the      time she spends at this task is added to her annual cumulative billable      hours.
B.bill each call at a full      hour because no one is going to know.
C.ask her supervising lawyer      for permission to just not bill clients for this service.
D. bill each call at 2 minutes      and let the accounting department deal with it.
 Question 6 of 25
2.5/ 2.5 Points
Rhonda Lawyer has agreed to take    on the criminal defense case of the famous rap star: Bent Nikel. Bent has    been arrested for the murder of his 3rd wife. As part of the fee agreement,    Rhonda, a budding writer, wants to secure the literary rights to the entire    story. Bent has no objections to this agreement. As Rhonda’s trusty    paralegal, you should
 A.advise Rhonda that you would      like to help her with her book.
B.advise Rhonda that she      should make Bent pay her for writing his life story.
C.advise Rhonda privately that      this agreement is probably a violation of her ethical duties.
D.advise Rhonda that Bent can      give her the literary rights
 Question 7 of 25
2.5/ 2.5 Points
Laura Lawyer ‘s client Curtis    brought a check for $2000 to Laura as an advance payment retainer. Laura    instructs you to include the payment in Curtis’s fee agreement and put this    money in the firm’s General Operating Account. You
 A.should put this money in the      trust account so that it can be drawn against as the firm incurs costs      and fees on behalf of Curtis.
B.should put this money in the      trust account because it belongs to the client until it is earned.
C.can do this because an advance      payment retainer is considered earned when Laura receives it. No part of      the money belongs to the client so it does not have to be put in the      Trust Account.
D.should deposit this check      but make no note of it in the fee agreement because it is not proper to      make this sort of note in a fee agreement.
 Question 8 of 25
2.5/ 2.5 Points
Maggie Rudin was accused of    murdering her millionaire 4th husband. Because she was denied access to her    husband’s money, Rudin needed a pro bono lawyer. Attorney Amador agreed to    take the case pro bono in exchange for the right to turn her story into a    movie script. Rudin agreed. Each time Rudin met with Amador, Amador made    sure the t.v. news media was there so that the public would get a picture    of her as the wrongly accused grieving widow. Amador did not interview    witnesses, but had all of the documents copied and placed into trial    notebooks. Before trial, Amador took a month-long vacation and left Rudin’s    case with the public defender assisting on the case. Which of the following    can be said of Amador?
 A.Amador was negligent in the      preparation of Rudin’s defense only if she is convicted.
B.Amador was not negligent      because everyone prepares for trial differently.
C.Amador was negligent in the      preparation of Rudin’s defense if his action/inaction fell below the      standard of care of the reasonable lawyer under the circumstances
D.Amador was not negligent      because he was part of a defense team and the rest of the team had an      equal obligation to prepare for trial.
 Question 9 of 25
2.5/ 2.5 Points
Attorney Brite represented    Martin in a personal injury case for injuries that she received when a    kitchen cabinet in her apartment fell on her. The complaint that Brite    filed on Martin’s behalf named many defendants, including various    subcontractors and others, some of whom later provided evidence that they    should not have been named as defendants.
Several of the defendants named    in the complaint filed motions for summary judgment. Brite delegated    responsibility for opposing those motions to a new associate in his office,    Gresby. Gresby had minimal legal experience and never opposed a motion for    summary judgment. Brite was aware of Gresby’s inexperience, but he assigned    the matter to Gresby nonetheless.
To respond to the summary    judgment motions, Gresby needed to submit documents or affidavits on    Martin’s behalf that would show the court that there was a genuine issue of    material fact requiring a trial. Rather than doing so, Gresby opposed the    motions orally, relying solely on legal arguments. The trial court granted    the defense motions. Brite
 A.      will not be found to be incompetent unless Martin loses her case.
B.should be found to be      negligent for improper delegation and supervision AND filing a complaint      against defendants without first doing enough background on the case to      determine the proper defendants
C.should be found to be      negligent for improper delegation and supervision of his associate.
D.will not be found to be      incompetent because it was Gresby who wrote the losing summary judgment      documents.
 Question 10 of 25
2.5/ 2.5 Points
Sarah has just been made a    member of the bar and is going to open her own law office. You will be her    first employee! What advice can you give her about professional liability    insurance.
 A.It would be a good idea to      research state law to find out if professional liability insurance is      mandatory in your state. She will need a different policy to insure the      firm for bodily injury and property damage because professional liability      insurance covers direct financial loss and expense to the legal      professional that arise from claims of neglect, omissions or errors, but      not intentional torts.
B.professional liability      insurance does not cover bodily injury or property damage.
C.professional liability      insurance covers direct financial loss and expense to the legal      professional that arise from claims of neglect, omissions or errors, but      not intentional torts.
D. some states require lawyers      to have professional liability insurance (so we should go look that up.)
 Question 11 of 25
2.5/ 2.5 Points
Attorney Evans lost a motion for    a new trial. In his anger, he wrote a letter to the judge accusing him of    making the adverse ruling based on religious bias because both the judge    and opposing counsel are Jewish, and Evans is not. While appealing the    judge’s ruling, Evans wrote to the judge:” I feel that your Ruling was    either the result of your incompetence in the matter or perhaps worse and    reflected a Jewish bias in favor of the Kaplan firm whose actions were in    my judgment inexcusable in this cause. If in fact it represents    incompetence I will drop the matter but if it is a Jewish bias I will file    a complaint under the Rules for Handling Complaints of Judicial Misconduct    or Disability.” Evans:
 A.will be found to be      incompetent to continue to practice law because his letter was      discourteous, prejudicial to the administration of justice, and      defamatory.
B.may be found to be      incompetent to continue to practice law only if he loses his appeal.
C.cannot be found guilty of      anything, or incompetent, because his words are protected by the First      Amendment.
D. may be found to be rude,      but nothing more
 Question 12 of 25
2.5/ 2.5 Points
Jody and Sam have agreed to end    their marriage amicably. They have worked out all of the details of who    will get what assets and how their money will be divided. In order to save    money, they want to hire one lawyer to write up their agreement. Larry    Lawyer
 A.can take this representation      so long as both parties sign a waiver of the conflict.
B.should not take this      representation because, even if Jody and Sam have agreed to all of the      details of their agreement, there is a conflict of interest between the      two people. obligated to take the      representation because lawyers have a duty to take cases regardless of      how they feel about the clients.
D.can take this representation      so long as both parties pay him an equal amount.
 Question 13 of 25
2.5/ 2.5 Points
Bronson Paralegal is writing a    motion that will be filed with the state court. He has located a case that    holds exactly the opposite of the point he is trying to make. In order to    rectify what Bronson sees as a losing motion, Bronson simply quotes from the    case’s ruling and inserts the word “not” at the appropriate place. Now the    quote stands for the proposition that Bronson needs. “Unless the judge    reads very carefully, he will never notice this small insertion,” thinks    Bronson. Just to be sure his supervising attorney doesn’t get into trouble,    though, Bronson tells the attorney what the case really says. Which of the    following is likely to happen next?
 A.Bronson may be told to fix      the sentence back to an accurate quote, even if it means losing the      motion.
B.Bronson may be fired for      attempting to mislead the court but, at the very least, he will be in      alot of trouble.
C.Bronson may be demoted from      doing legal research to organizing documents.
D. Bronson will be told to fix      the sentence back to an accurate quote, he may be demoted or he may be      fired for attempting to mislead the court
 Question 14 of 25
2.5/ 2.5 Points
The plaintiff, Leandro Rizzuto,    climbed a ladder manufactured by the named defendant, Ladders, Inc. while    shopping at a Buy-It-All store. The ladder collapsed suddenly and the    plaintiff fell to the floor, incurring serious physical injuries. The    plaintiff filed a product liability action against Ladders and the    defendant, Buy-It-All, alleging that the ladder had been manufactured and    designed improperly, and had been sold without proper warnings. Thereafter,    the plaintiff asked the defendants repeatedly to preserve the ladder and to    afford him an opportunity to examine the ladder. The defendants’ expert    examined the ladder and concluded that it was not defective. The defendants    thereafter destroyed the ladder, despite the fact that the plaintiff had    never had an opportunity to inspect it. Plaintiff will bring a motion for
 A.spoliation of evidence.
B.tortious interference with      prospective business advantage.
C.suppression of evidence.
D. pretexting of evidence.
 Question 15 of 25
2.5/ 2.5 Points
Betty Plaintiff’s law firm has    hired an associate from an out-of-town office of Defendant #1’s law firm.    When Defendant #2’s law firm discovers this conflict of interest, they    (Defendant #2’s law firm) brings a Motion to disqualify Plaintiff’s law    firm. The ruling of the court will probably be
 A.There is no problem unless      the newly hired associate is working on the case.
B.Defendant #1 is the harmed      party. Unless that party brings the motion,the court will not rule      against Plaintiff because only Defendant #1 is potentially harmed by the      conflict.
C.There is no problem because      the associate is from an out-of-town office.
D.Everyone involved in the      case is harmed so Plaintiff’s counsel will be disqualified.
 Question 16 of 25
2.5/ 2.5 Points
Attorney Fleamer is the    Executive Director of a non-profit organization: Homes for Kids. This    organization works in conjunction with state agencies that find permanent,    adoptive homes for foster children. Fleamer’s assistant, Paralegal Lara,    suspects that Fleamer has used agency money to fund personal vacations and    purchase a new personal automobile. Lara should
 A.speak with the local police.
B.maintain her loyalty to her      employer by saying nothing.
C.speak with Fleamer      personally or, if she does not feel comfortable doing that, report      Fleamer to the appropriate authorities.
D.quit. Find a new job working      for more honest people.
 Question 17 of 25
2.5/ 2.5 Points
Attorney Howard has just gotten    a “letter of reproval” from his state’s lawyer disciplinary authority. He’s    cleaning out his desk, assuming he is no longer authorized to practice law.    You, his trusty paralegal, have one thing to say to him. What is it?
 A.A letter of reproval doesn’t      mean you are disbarred!
B.Put your stuff back in the      drawers, my friend. You can still do paralegal work.
C.Don’t call us. We’ll call      you.
D.Dude. Take care and have a      nice life.
 Question 18 of 25
2.5/ 2.5 Points
Paralegal Beverly is researching    a point of law dealing with whether or not a law firm’s website can use a    suedoname for the URL. In other words, can her law firm use the web address    “”? She cannot locate any state statute on point but    has conflicting information from other states. What is her best course of    action now?
 A.She should advise the firm      to go ahead with the plan because if there is no law against it, it is      probably okay.
B.She should advise the firm      to ask their state’s appropriate authority (such as the state bar’s      ethics committee) for an advisory opinion on using the trade URL name.
C.Beverly should advise the      firm that she is not qualified to do this assignment because there is no      clear law on the subject.
D. She should advise the firm      to not use the trade URL because if there is no law authorizing what they      want to do, it is probably illegal.
 Question 19 of 25
2.5/ 2.5 Points
Drake Paralegal’s cell phone rang.    When he answered it, his best friend, who lives in another state, said:    “Drake! I’ve just been stopped by the police! What should I do?” Drake    responded: “Keep your mouth shut except to ask for a lawyer.” Then the    phone connection was lost. Which of the following is true?
 A.Drake’s response was not UPL      because his friend did not specifically ask for legal advice.
B.Drake’s response was not UPL      because it was not legal advice, just common sense advice.
C.Drake’s response was UPL      because he assessed his friend’s legal need, applied his knowledge of the      law to it, and gave a response.
D. Drake’s response was UPL      because he gave advice in a criminal matter.
 Question 20 of 25
2.5/ 2.5 Points
Connie Paralegal is divorcing    her husband. She hired a lawyer but has decided that she does not want to    pay for a lawyer. She fires the lawyer and makes a court appearance by    herself against her husband’s lawyer. Connie
 A.has committed UPL because      she must have a lawyer represent her.
B.has not committed UPL      because she has the right to represent herself.
C.has committed UPL because      paralegals cannot make appearances in court.
D.has committed UPL but will      not get in trouble for it unless the lawyer complains.
 Question 21 of 25
2.5/ 2.5 Points
Paralegal Samson has just    completed the legal case of his life being part of the team that    represented Mrs. Incredibly Rich in her divorce from Mr. Incredibly Rich.    Now that the case is closed, Samson is looking forward to telling his wife    all about it. Samson
 A.can tell his wife about the      parts of the case that are likely to not come up again if the parties end      up back in court.
B.can tell his wife all about      the case because, now that the case has closed, his duty of      confidentiality has ended.
C.must keep his client’s      confidences forever so he can never tell his wife about the case.
D.can tell his wife about the      case after the time for an appeal has passed.
 Question 22 of 25
2.5/ 2.5 Points
Paralegal Beverly was sitting    with Client Morrie, reading through Morrie’s interrogatory answers from    last year in preparation for Morrie’s upcoming deposition. After reading    one particular interrogatory response, Morrie declared: “OMG, Beverly! I    can’t believe we wrote that answer! That’s completely wrong!” and then,    mumbling to himself, Morrie said, “or maybe that was the lie I decided would    be better than telling the truth. Hmmm.” When Beverly asks you what you    make of that conversation with Morrie, you
 A.tell her that it is not      protected by any privilege because it is potentially a confession to a      crime.
B.tell her that Morrie’s words      are completely covered by the attorney/client privilege so she will never      have to repeat it to anyone outside of the office, but she should report      the potential perjury to a supervising attorney.
C.tell her that it is not a      protected communication because she is not an attorney.
D.tell her that it is      protected confidential information so she cannot be called upon to      testify about it.
 Question 23 of 25
13.0/ 15.0 Points
Do law firms need to advertise?    When can potential clients be contacted and what is the rationale behind    the law governing it?
This essay is a large percentage    of your Final exam grade.  Please remember that an essay is    comprised of paragraphs not two or three sentences.  Also you must    include a Bluebook citation to your source even if it is our    textbook.  An outside source is required for full credit.
 Question 24 of 25
12.0/ 15.0 Points
Describe the “duty of integrity”    and its purpose. Explain if it is permissible to merely threaten to report    misconduct. Why or why not?
This essay is a large percentage    of your Final exam grade. Please remember that an essay is comprised of    paragraphs not two or three sentences. Also you must include a Bluebook    citation to your source even if it is our textbook. An outside source is    required for full credit.
Question 25 of 25
13.0/ 15.0 Points
What makes a claim frivolous?    Give an example of a frivolous claim, and explain what some possible    penalties are in detail. Remember to use proper Bluebook citation format    and answer each part of the question.
This essay is a large percentage    of your Final exam grade. Please remember that an essay is comprised of    paragraphs not two or three sentences. Also you must include a Bluebook    citation to your source even if it is our textbook. An outside source is    required for full credit.
Question 25 of 25 15.0 Points
What makes a claim frivolous?      Give an example of a frivolous claim, and explain what some possible      penalties are in detail. Remember to use proper Bluebook citation format      and answer each part of the question.
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gregoryswisher-blog · 7 years ago
LSTD 207 Final Exam Answers
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 LSTD 207 Final Exam
Part 1 of 1 –
100.0 Points
 Question 1 of 30
2.5 Points
A defendant should always raise    any objections to personal jurisdiction in the first response to the    plaintiff’s complaint or the issue is waived and may not be reconsidered.
  Feedback: See pages 118,      120-121.  A defendant must raise objections to venue, personal      jurisdiction, and form and method of service of process in their first      response to the complaint (pre-answer or answer) or the issue is waived      and may not be reconsidered at a later time.
Question 2 of 30
2.5 Points
A defendant can remove a case    from state court to federal court even if the federal court could not have    heard the case initially.
  Feedback: See page 27- “FAQ”.      Removal jurisdiction is available to defendants only in cases that the      plaintiff could have commenced in federal court.
Question 3 of 30
2.5 Points
Is it possible for a defendant    to file a motion to dismiss for personal jurisdiction and a motion for    summary judgment simultaneously?
  Feedback: A motion to dismiss      is asserted prior to the answer (as an alternative to an answer) or in      the answer to the complaint. A motion for summary judgment is made after      the filing of the complaint and answer.
Question 4 of 30
2.5 Points
John Doe (Arizona) sues Jane    Smith (California) and Joe Johnson (California) in federal district court    in California.
 A.The court does not have      jurisdiction as the defendants are both from California and not diverse.
B.The court does not have      jurisdiction because it was filed in California.
C.The court has jurisdiction      as long as the plaintiff is diverse from the defendants.
D.Both A and B are correct.
   Feedback: See page 14. The      Strawbridge rule requires only that the plaintiff and defendant be      diverse- thus parties on the same side may be co-citizens.
Question 5 of 30
2.5 Points
Which of the following cases CAN    NOT be heard in federal court?
 A.A claim based on the Age      Discrimination under the Federal Employment Act.
B.A tort claim between      citizens of the same state.
C.A case brought by the State      of New Jersey against the State of New York.
D.A case between a citizen      from Maine and a citizen from Rhode Island, where the claim is more than      $75,000.
  Feedback: Questions of federal      law and diversity between different states and citizens of different      states are within the jurisdiction of Federal courts. State tort cases      between citizens of the SAME state are restricted to state court.
Question 6 of 30
2.5 Points
Johnson (D. Mass) wants to sue    Alcott (D.N.H.) and Montgomery (D. Me.) for trasspassing on Johnson’s    property in Massachusetts. Where would Venue be proper?
B.D. Me.
C.D.N.H. or D. Me.
D.D. Mass
  Feedback: This case would be      governed by §1391(a) as it is a diversity case. The defendants do not      live in the same state, making section 1 unavailable. That leaves section      2, a district in which a substantial part of the acts or omissions      occurred. Here the tresspass alleged occurred in D. Mass. making it a      district where venue is proper. Because Section 2 produced a district in      which venue is proper, section 3 is not applicable. Because the      defendants do not reside in the same state, none of their districts can      form the basis of proper Venue. See pages 66-68
Question 7 of 30
2.5 Points
Ted sues Larry for negligence,    alleging that he suffered emotional distress from witnessing injury to a    close friend in an accident with Larry. Larry responds by moving to dismiss    for failure to state a claim under Rule 12(b)(6). After the court denies    the motion, but before Larry answers, Larry files a second pre-answer    motion to dismiss per lack of venue under Rule 12(b)(3). Which of the    following is True?
 A.The motion is improper      because Larry cannot make a second pre-answer motion under Rule 12 to      assert a defense that was available when the first motion was made.
B.The motion is improper,      because Larry’s failure to assert his Rule 12(b)(3) motion in his first      pre-answer motion waives the objection of failure to state a claim.
C.The motion is proper because      the objection is not waived by making a motion on other grounds, and may      be raised at any time.
D.The motion is proper because      the motion to dismiss for lack of venue under Rule 12(b)(3) is not      considered one of the four “disfavored defenses.”
  Feedback: The correct answer      is A.  A defendant has two options when making certain motions to      dismiss. First, he can file the motion prior to his answer to the      complaint (pre-answer). If he chooses this method, four of the 12(b)      motions must be filed at that time.  If he chooses not to      pre-answer, he must then file at least the four “disfavored” 12(b) motions      in his answer. Either way he chooses to file, those four 12(b) motions      must be raised in the initial response. A defendant cannot file 2      pre-answer motions for any of the 12(b) defenses, which is why A is the      correct answer. See Rule 12(g).      12(b)(6) motions should also be raised in the initial response generally,      but unlike the four 12(b)s that MUST be filed initially, the 12(b)(6)      motion is not waived if he fails to file it in the first response. Rule      12(g)(1) only prevents Larry from making this motion in the form of a      second pre-answer motion. Larry can file the 12(b)(6) motion in his      answer or by another motion after pleading or at the trial on the merits.      “If a defendant files a pre-answer motion such as a motion to dismiss,      the motion must include these defenses to avoid waiver.”  page 120
Question 8 of 30
2.5 Points
 You get the oil in your AMC    Pacer changed at Skippy Lube in Jefferson City, Missouri, before heading    down to Austin, Texas, to visit a friend. In Arkansas your car starts to    make a strange noise. When you pull over you notice that there is no oil in    the engine and it appears that the cap was never put back on. You    immediately call your lawyer, who finds that Arkansas has a long-arm    statute providing that a court may exercise personal jurisdiction over a    person who acts directly or by an agent as to a cause of action arising    from the person’s transacting any business in this state. Can you sue    Skippy Lube in Arkansas? No
 Feedback: See pages 42-44.      Personal jurisdiction is based on either domicle, consent, physical      presence/personal service, or minimum contacts. Here it would be based on      the minimum contacts tests. Long arm statutes require specific types of      contact with the forum state in order to obtain personal jurisdiction.      Here, there was NO contact made by Skippy Lube in Arkansas. The work was      done in Missouri and Skippy Lube is located in Missouri.
Question 9 of 30
2.5 Points
 Same facts as the road trip    scenario above, but you have the oil changed in Arkansas on your way to    Texas. Should you sue in Arkansas or Missouri?
 Feedback: Arkansas is when the      action occurred. While Missouri may have personal jurisdiction over      Skippy Lube, Arkansas has both personal and subject matter jurisdiction.      The first two rings of jurisdiction.
Question 10 of 30
2.5 Points
John Doe (resident of So.    District of California) sues Joe Smith (resident of No. District of    California) for Federal employment discrimination in the So. District of    California. Smith does not object to venue and answers the complaint. Prior    to the hearing on the merits, Smith files a motion to change venue to No.    District of California where he resides.
 A.Smiths motion is proper      since he resides in the No. District of California.
B.Smiths motion is proper      because he filed prior to the hearing on the merits.
C.Smiths motion is improper      because he waived his objection to the venue and answered the complaint.
D.Smiths motion is improper      because Doe may file in any district court in California- Smith’s state      of residence.
  Feedback: A defendant waives      objection to venue by failing to raise it when he responds to the      complaint. A. could have been the right answer if Smith had properly and      timely objected to venue. B. is incorrect as the motion must be filed in      his answer to the complaint- not during the case. D. is incorrect- venue      is based on the judicial district where the defendant resides- not      anywhere within the state of California.
Question 11 of 30
2.5 Points
Can attorneys depose persons who    are not parties to the suit?
  Feedback: See page 139. A      deposition is the proper discovery tool used to discover information from      non-parties to the lawsuit. Interrogatories are used for parties to the      lawsuit.
Question 12 of 30
2.5 Points
John Doe sues Joe Smith for    injuries suffered in an accident. During the deposition of Smith, Doe’s    attorney asks him, “didn’t you tell your lawyer that you were speeding?”    Smith’s attorney objects to the question, arguing this information is not    discoverable under the attorney-client privilege to the discovery rules. Is    this objection proper?
  Feedback: See page 148. The      attorney-client privilege to bars inquiry into communications between a      client and his counsel in the course of legal representation and will not      be discoverable.
Question 13 of 30
2.5 Points
Once a defendant has met its    initial burden of moving for summary judgment, the plaintiff must:
 A.Point to evidence already in      the record showing the existence of a genuine issue of material fact at      issue.
B.Point to the parts of the      plaintiff’s pleadings that allege matters in issue to demontrate a      genuine issue of material fact.
C.Point to or submit as part      of the response to the motion, evidence which may be admissible, that      demonstrates that there is a genuine issue of material fact at issue.
  Feedback: See pages198-201
Question 14 of 30
2.5 Points
When is material protected from discovery    by work product protection?
 A.When it is confidential      material prepared by a party’s representative.
B.When it is prepared in      anticipation of litigation or for trial by a party or by or for that      party’s representative.
C.When it is confidential      communication between a party and that party’s attorney.
D.When it is prepared in      anticipation of litigation or for trial by any person.
  Comment: The work product      protection only protects work by the party or the party’s representative.
Question 15 of 30
2.5 Points
When may a defendant move for    judgment as a matter of law?
 A.At the conclusion of the      defendants evidence.
B.At the conclusion of the      plaintiffs evidence.
C.Both A and B.
D.Before the presentation of      any evidence.
  Feedback: See page 222
Question 16 of 30
2.5 Points
The general rule in Federal    civil court is that a jury’s decision must be unanimous.
  Feedback: True. See page 213.      Unanimous unless agreed to otherwise.
Question 17 of 30
2.5 Points
Res Judicata only bars    relitigation of legal issues that were decided in the original    action.
  Feedback: “Issue” preclusion      is called collateral estopel. Res Judicata is “claim” preclusion.
Question 18 of 30
2.5 Points
What is standard the judge is to    apply in granting a new trial based on an incorrect jury verdict?
 A.”against the great weight of      evidence.”
B.”no rational basis in law.”
C.there is “no disputed issues      of material fact.” “genuine issue of      material fact.”
  Feedback: See page 224
Question 19 of 30
2.5 Points
In Federal civil court, a right    to a jury trial is waived unless specifically requested by a party.
 Answer Key: True
 Feedback: True. See Rule 38,      page 215-216
Question 20 of 30
2.5 Points
 For civil cases, the burden of    proof a Plantiff must establish for each element of a claim is perponderance    of the evidence
 Feedback: See page 218
 Comment: “preponderance”
Question 21 of 30
2.5 Points
When a Federal Circuit Court of    Appeals decides to reconsider an appeal to include a decision by all    members of the court, the rehearing is considered: hoc
B.en banc
C.A mandamus se
  Feedback: See page 231
Question 22 of 30
2.5 Points
A federal court judge finds in    favor of Plaintiff X for violation of his Federal Civil Rights by Defendant    X. However, during the bench trial, the judge denied Plaintiff’s request to    compel discovery of certain evidence. Although Plaintiff X ultimately won    the case, he feels the judge was wrong in denying his motion to compel and    seeks to appeal the denial of the evidence. Which of the following is True?
I. The prevailing party can    always appeal any legal issues rendered by a judge.    II. The Plaintiff won his case and cannot appeal this issue.    III. The Plaintiff must raise his objection at trial in order to preserve    this issue for an appeal.
 A.III only
B.II only
C.I and III only
D.I only
  Feedback: See page 233-234.      Plaintiff X may not have liked the judge’s ruling, but he won his case.      This is the requirement of adversity. While III is technically correct,      it only applies when the party objecting loses the case and files an      appeal. In this case, the Plaintiff won despite the judges ruling to deny      the evidence.
Question 23 of 30
2.5 Points
Tom sues John in state court for    breach of contract. During the trial, the judge excluded a witness    affidavit submitted by John’s attorney. John’s attorney does not object to    the judge’s exclusion of the evidence. The jury finds for Tom. John files    an appeal in the state appellate court, claiming the judge erred in    excluding the affidavit. The court should:
 A.consider the appeal even if      the evidence was not objected to during the trial
B.not consider the appeal      since John’s attorney failed to object to the exclusion during the trial
C.remand the case back to the      trial judge for him/her to reconsider the evidence
  Comment: Because the issue was      not objected to at the trial court level, it cannot be appealed.
Question 24 of 30
2.5 Points
Following a federal court jury    verdict and award for damages, the judge:
 A.may determine the amount      awarded by the jury is too high and threaten a new trial unless the      prevailing party accepts less.
B.may determine the amount      awarded by the jury is to low and can set an amount he/she deems is more      equitable.
C.must accept the jury’s award      for damages as a matter of law.
D.may reconvene the jury and      ask them to reconsider the amount awarded.
  Comment: A federal court judge      may conclude that the award was too high and threaten a new trial if the      party does not accept less.
Question 25 of 30
2.5 Points
Andy sues Ray Motors for    injuries suffered while driving a used snowmobile that Ray Motors sold him.    His suit is based on breach of warranty (a contract theory) and strict    products liability (a tort theory). Ray Motors moves to dismiss the    contracts claim on the ground that the state long-arm statute does not    authorize jurisdiction over it. The judge concludes that the long-arm    statute allows the suit against Ray Motors for the tort claim but not the    contract claim and thus dismisses the breach of warranty claim. The case    goes to trial on the strict liability claim. After Andy presents his    evidence, the trial judge grants a directed verdict for Ray Motors on the    ground that Andy has not presented sufficient evidence that the snowmobile    was defective. Judgment for Ray Motors is entered. Later, Andy sues Ray    Motors again, for the same injuries. This time, he bases his claim in this    action solely on a negligence theory. Andy’s second action:
 A.will not be barred because      the contract claim was dismissed for lack of jurisdiction so there has      been no final decision “on the merits.”
B.will be barred because the      negligence claim could have been brought in the first action but was      omitted.
C.will not be barred because      the grant of the directed verdict motion did not decide the case on the      merits in the first action.
D.will not be barred since his      claim in the second action is not the same claim as his claim in the      first.
  Feedback: Res Judicata      requires all legal theories of relief to be asserted in one lawsuit. Andy      was required to raise the negligence theory in the first case along with      his other legal claims for relief. See page 252- Same Claim.
Question 26 of 30
2.5 Points
John Doe files a complaint    against Joe Smith for breach of contract in California. Smith files a    motion to dismiss for lack of personal jurisdiction, since Smith lives in    Arizona and the contract was entered and performed in Arizona. The judge    grants Smith’s motion to dismiss. Doe then files a second lawsuit in    Arizona against Smith for the same breach of contract claim. The doctrine    of res judicata does not bar Doe from filing the second lawsuit.
  Feedback: True. Certain      dismissals, like for lack of subject matter jurisdiction, do not bar a      second action since the judgement was not based on the merits of the      claim. Remember, one of the requirements for res judicata to apply is      that the judgement that was entered was “on the merits” and that the      parties had a full and fair opportunity to litigate the claim. see pages      258-259.
Question 27 of 30
2.5 Points
John Doe sues Joe Smith for    trespassing on his property on Feb. 26, 2008. Smith argues he had an    easement allowing him on Doe’s property. The court finds in favor of Smith.    Doe then sues Jane Johnson for also trespassing on his property on a    separate occasion but also on Feb. 26, 2008. Does Res Judicata bar Doe from    suing Jane Johnson in a second action?
  Feedback: The parties are not      the same in the second action. Res Judicata only applies when the parties      in the second lawsuit are the same as those in the first lawsuit. See      page 253. Same parties
Question 28 of 30
10.0 Points
Cathy Copy, author of a book    called Carry Motter and the Apprentice’s Gem, is sued in Federal District    Court by HP publishers for copyright infringement and breach of contract    for copying the works of another author. The Court dismisses the copyright    infringement claim under Fed. R. Civ. P. 12(b)(6) but allows the breach of    contract claim to proceed to trial. The jury finds for the defendant and    the court enters judgment. HP publishers files suit against Cathy Copy in a    different federal jurisdiction raising the copyright infringement claim    again. What are the implications of a second law suit for the copyright    infringement claim from a res judicata perspective? Does it matter that the    Court in the first suit has entered a final judgment? Refer to the Second    Restatement of Judgments (as cited in your text) for the government rules.
The Collateral Estoppel doctrine    is barring issues that have been litigated before.
Res Judicata is the barring of    claims that have either been litigated or could have been litigated.
In the case of Cathy Copy HP    publishers filed a suit against Cathy Copy in a different a federal    jurisdiction raising copy infringement claims again. In the previous trial,    the court dismissed the copy infringement claims, and allow the breach of    contract claims to proceed to trial.
The implication of the use of    res judicial for the copywriter claim would be allowed, due to the fact    that the judgment was been made final.
It does not matter if the courts    made a final judgment because Rule 59 can be used, if allowed. Rule 59 is    for a New Trial; Altering or Amending a Judgment.
Comment: I would disagree with      your analysis. Under these facts, the copyright claim was dismissed for      failure to state a claim, not on the merits of the case. Therefore, it      would not be barred by res judicata.
Question 29 of 30
10.0 Points
Assuming the fact pattern above,    Cathy Copy has written a new book, Carry Motter and the Closet of Lies.    Cathy Copy is sued again in Federal District Court by HP publishers for    copyright infringement and breach of contract. How might this law suit be    affected by the collateral estoppel doctrine? Explain what the collateral    estoppel doctrine is.
Collateral Estoppel can be    pleaded by the defendant in civil cases. Collateral Estoppel does not allow    the reiteration of a claim, demand or cause of an action or opposition to    an issue. It is to prevent duplicated fruitless claims when re-litigation    is probably not going to change the outcome of the case.
Collateral estoppel would only    be allowed if the rules applied to the case and if the new case was    inclusive of the same claims and issues. The fact pattern describes a new    book and does not go into detail about the specifics of the law suit from    HP publishers. The Issues must be identical in order for collateral    estoppel to be used. So in order for collateral estoppel to apply the    following requirements would have to be met to apply for issue preclusion,    of collateral estoppel
1. Identical issue.
2. Actually litigated and    determined.
3. Essential to the judgment.
4. Same parties and the    mutuality doctrine.
Question 30 of 30
12.5 Points
Discuss in detail how you think    jurisdictional issues might arise in a law office that handles general    civil matters. Touch on all three of the “hoops” of jurisdiction discussed    in our textbook.
Jurisdiction can affect the    issues of a civil matters in a law office because in order to have proper    jurisdiction three things must be present.
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gregoryswisher-blog · 7 years ago
LSTD 203 Midterm Exam Answers
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 Question 1 of 30
2.5/ 2.5 Points
Police departments are included in  what branch of government?
Question 2 of 30
2.5/ 2.5 Points
Who do prosecutors represent?
The us people at all levels of  government. These levels would be the local, state or federal government.
Question 3 of 30
2.5/ 2.5 Points
The chief prosecutor at both the  state and the federal level is called the general
Feedback: See chapter 2.
B.state attorney
C.district attorney
D.solicitor general
 Question 4 of 30
2.5/ 2.5 Points
Jails are the responsibility of
 A.local courts
Feedback: See chapter 2.
D.the federal government
 Question 5 of 30
2.5/ 2.5 Points
Prisons are the responsibility of
Feedback: See chapter 2.
D.supreme courts
 Question 6 of 30
0.0/ 2.5 Points
Impossibility is a defense to a  conspiracy charge.
 Question 7 of 30
2.5/ 2.5 Points
Why is Hearsay testimony by a  co-conspirator allowed?
Because of the structure of the  Federal Rules of Evidence.
Excepted statements are admissible  because they have indicia of trustworthiness.
   Co-Conspirator statements on the other hand are exempted both because of the  their trustworthy nature and because of the ‘agency fiction’ of conspiracies.
 Question 8 of 30
2.5/ 2.5 Points
One responsibility of the Secret  Service is to investigate credit card fraud.
  Feedback: Chapter 2, page 30.
Question 9 of 30
2.5/ 2.5 Points
The Department of Justice includes  both the FBI and U.S. attorneys.
 Question 10 of 30
2.5/ 2.5 Points
County attorneys work within the  U.S. Department of Justice.
 Question 11 of 30
2.5/ 2.5 Points
Unlike prosecutors, not all  defense attorneys are paid by the government.
 Question 12 of 30
2.5/ 2.5 Points
Public defenders are elected.
 Question 13 of 30
2.5/ 2.5 Points
Parole has been eliminated in the  federal correction system.
 Question 14 of 30
2.5/ 2.5 Points
The Fifth Amendment provides the  defense of
 A.freedom of religion
B.the right to bear arms
C.freedom from unreasonable    searches and seizures
D.freedom from double jeopardy
 Question 15 of 30
2.5/ 2.5 Points
Megan’s Laws provide for incarceration for sex    offenders. punishment for sex    offenders.
C.registration of sex offenders    with police agencies.
Feedback: Pages 115-116
D.fines for sex offenders.
 Question 16 of 30
2.5/ 2.5 Points
Under common law, death has to  occur within what period from the time of injury for criminal homicide to be  charged? year year and one day
Feedback: page 86.
C.death must follow immediately
D.three years and a day
 Question 17 of 30
2.5/ 2.5 Points
The statute of limitations limits  the
 A.time within which prosecutions    must begin
Feedback: Page 235.
B.number of charges against a    single defendant
C.extent of punishment
D.type of speech protected by    the Constitution
 Question 18 of 30
2.5/ 2.5 Points
John steals a controlled substance  from a pharmacy for his wife, who is ill. They do not have the money to  purchase the drug, which was prescribed by the wife’s physician. John’s  intention of helping his wife is best characterized as his motive.
 Question 19 of 30
2.5/ 2.5 Points
A jury instruction on the elements  of a lesser included offense allows the jury to choose on which charge, if  any, to convict.
 Question 20 of 30
2.5/ 2.5 Points
When brain death has occurred,  disconnecting life support machines is usually considered manslaughter.
 Question 21 of 30
2.5/ 2.5 Points
Corporations may be prosecuted and  punished for their crimes.
 Question 22 of 30
0.0/ 2.5 Points
An intent to harm is not always  required for manslaughter.
 Question 23 of 30
0.0/ 2.5 Points
Actusreus elements in larceny  include
 A.trespass on the possession of    the owner
C.intent to deprive
D.use of a dangerous weapon
 Question 24 of 30
2.5/ 2.5 Points
To be convicted of false  pretenses, a defendant must have
 A.misrepresented facts knowingly
Feedback: Pages 150-151
B.misrepresented facts    mistakenly
C.intend to obtain custody of    property
D.intend to transport property
 Question 25 of 30
0.0/ 2.5 Points
To constitute forgery the change  must be a material alteration.
 Question 26 of 30
2.5/ 2.5 Points
The use of confidential  information about a corporation to affect the purchase or sale of stock is  called insider trading.
 Question 27 of 30
2.5/ 2.5 Points
Knowledge of insufficient funds is  the usual mens rea for bad check crimes.
 Question 28 of 30
2.5/ 2.5 Points
Successful prosecution for  receiving stolen property requires proof that the defendant knew that the  items were stolen.
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gregoryswisher-blog · 7 years ago
LS 490-01 Assignment The death Penalty Debate: Retribution
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 In this assignment, imagine that your state legislature is considering repealing its death penalty and the legislators wish to hear the opinions of the top legal philosophers on both sides of the death penalty debate – imagine yourself as a modern day Jeremy Bentham and present three utilitarian arguments against the death penalty and therefore in favor of its repeal. Then, step into the shoes of a modern day Immanuel Kant and present to the legislature three retributivist arguments in favor of the death penalty and therefore, in opposition to its repeal. For each side of the debate, present each argument in detail, using headings and subheadings to keep your paper well-organized so that it will serve as a useful resource for your state legislators to be able to clearly grasp the key arguments on both sides. Include at least two examples to illustrate the arguments on each side.
In addition, the state legislators would like to hear your assessment of which theory of punishment, utilitarian or retributivist, you find most persuasive. Compare the persuasiveness of the two theories and provide a recommendation of which theory the legislators should follow (utilitarian for repeal of the state’s death penalty or retributivist for retention of the state’s death penalty).
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gregoryswisher-blog · 7 years ago
LEG 440 Assignment 2: Competition Requirements
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 Assignment 2: Competition Requirements
 Due Week 7 and worth 260 points
Federal Acquisition Review (FAR) Part 15 – Negotiations states “Exchanges of information among all interested parties, from the earliest identification of a requirement through receipt of proposals, is encouraged.” When planning a competitive solicitation, the agency must provide needed information in order to develop a thorough request that takes into account the agency’s objectives for quality, schedule, and costs.
Imagine that you are a contracts officer for the IRS, and your supervisor has tasked you with the procurement of a new software system for processing tax returns.
Write a two to three (2-3) page paper in which you:
 Typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size      12), with one-inch margins on all sides.
 Include a cover page containing the title of the      assignment, your name, your professor’s name, the course title, and the      date. The cover page is not included in the required page length.
 Include a reference page. Citations and references      must follow APA format. The reference page is not included in the      required page length.
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:
Identify and apply the appropriate Federal Acquisition     Regulation (FAR) clauses to meet compliance in contracting actions and     dispute resolution requirements.
Explain the basic elements and compliance issues of the     federal procurement framework (contract formulation, solicitation, costs,     payment, financing, administration, and closeout).
Use technology and information resources to research     issues in procurement and contract law.
Write clearly and concisely about procurement and     contract law using correct grammar and mechanics.
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gregoryswisher-blog · 7 years ago
LEG 110 Final Exam 100% Correct Answers
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 1 ) In a state that has a comparative negligence statute, a jury determined that the plaintiff has sustained damages of $50,000 and that the percentages of fault are plaintiff 40 percent negligent, defendant 60 percent negligent. What would be the plaintiff’s award of damages in this case?
 2) Ron is walking down the sidewalk not paying attention to where he is going. He runs into Ruby Jewell who is carrying a large sack of groceries. The groceries spill onto the sidewalk. Two blocks away Bud slips on an apple, which had rolled down the sidewalk, and falls onto the street as a result. Jim, driving his pickup truck prudently down the street, swerves to avoid Bud. As a result, Jim hits a car driven by Nadine Culpepper. In the accident, Nadine’s antique flower vase, in which she was carrying flowers to her sick grandmother, is completely shattered. In Nadine’s suit against Ron for negligence, which is the weakest element of her case?
 3) A state statute requires that ski areas be maintained and operated in a reasonably safe manner and prescribes methods by which skiers must be warned about the presence of equipment and vehicles on slopes and trails. If a ski operator violates the statute and a skier is injured, which legal doctrine will be of primary benefit to the skier who sues for damages?
 While shopping with her mother in Arnold’s Super Market, eight-year-old Janet was allowed to roam around freely. Without her mother’s knowledge, Janet opened a jar of jelly and spilled the contents on the floor. Two hours later while intently watching a good-looking butcher, a shopper named Bernadette slipped on the jelly and broke her leg. Bernadette sued the super market. Most likely, Arnold’s is
  Products, Inc., manufactures a cleaning solution. It does not intend that little children drink the product, but the company does not include warnings to that effect on the label and it does not market the solution with a childproof cap. In determining whether the manufacturer is liable under negligence, which of the following inquiries would not be significant?
 John Prater was employed by Roy Goodman as a general handyman in Goodman’s music store, particularly to work on piano cases, deliver pianos, and keep the delivery truck in repair. One evening, Goodman told Prater to take the truck home and work on the truck’s body over the weekend. On the truck were a few of Goodman’s trashcans, which Goodman had asked Peter to empty. The following morning, a Saturday, Prater loaded several of his own cans of garbage onto the truck. On his way back from the dump, Prater made a detour of a few blocks to pick up his daughter. On this detour, he had a collision with a car driven by W. M. Leuthold. Prater was later found to be negligent. Leuthold brought suit against Goodman for Prater’s negligence. This raises all issues except
 When the driver of a car drives recklessly, crossing the center line in violation of the traffic laws and runs into another car, the driver is liable for
 Toby and Rita Kahr were owners of 28 pieces of sterling silver that Rita’s father had given them as a wedding present 27 years previously. Each piece of silver was engraved with the letter “K.” On April 5, 1983, the Kahrs brought used clothing to Goodwill Industries and told Goodwill personnel that they wanted to make a donation of clothing. Unknown to Toby and Rita, the sterling silver, along with a wallet containing their credit cards, was included in their sacks. The Kahrs called Goodwill two hours later, when they realized what happened, and were told that the silver had been sold for $15 to Karen Markland. The Kahrs alleged that the silver had a value of $3,791. The Kahrs brought a replevin action against Goodwill and Markland to recover the silver.
 Charles Collins and Bethany Guggenheim began living together in 1977. They were not married to each other. Bethany was recently divorced and had two children from her prior marriage. As part of the property settlement, she had received title to a 68-acre farm and Charles, Bethany, and the children moved there in 1979. They intended to restore the farmhouse (circa 1740). Charles and Bethany jointly became liable for and made payments on a bank mortgage loan, insurance, and property taxes. They maintained a joint checking account to pay for joint expenses as well as individual checking accounts. They jointly purchased a tractor and other equipment—Charles paid two-thirds of the cost, and Bethany one-third. Charles also invested $8,000 of his money in additional equipment and improvements for the farm. For several years they jointly operated a small business that made no profit. Despite Charles’s contributions, the title to the farm remained at all times with Bethany. The parties experienced personal difficulties, and when they could not reconcile their differences, they permanently separated in 1986. During their cohabitation period, Charles contributed approximately $55,000 and Bethany $44,500 to the farm. Charles filed suit seeking the recognition of his rights in the property. Which statement is true?
  In which of the following situations has a mutual benefit bailment been created?
 Which of the following properties would not be properly classified as a fixture?
 The Adams own property that lies at the end of the runway of the municipal airport. The city has informed the Adams that they must keep their trees shorter than 30 feet high and has compensated them for this. This requirement is a(n)
 The Yorks, plaintiffs, participated in an in vitro fertilization program at the defendant’s clinic. Five of the six eggs fertilized at the clinic were transferred to Mrs. York’s uterus, although she was unable to carry any of the prezygotes to term. After the Yorks moved to California, they requested that the sixth prezygote be transferred to an institution in California. The defendant refused. Which of the following statements is true?
  Andrew and Margaret Wilson erected a fence in what they thought was the yard of their Durham, North Carolina, home in 1957. In doing so, they inadvertently enclosed a small triangular piece, no bigger than 15 feet at its widest, of the adjoining landowner’s property. In 1980, Carl Pearce and his wife Wanda bought the property adjacent to that of the Wilsons and claimed the triangular shaped property belonged to them. A dispute arose as to who owned the property and a lawsuit ensued. By what law may the Wilsons have established rights to the triangular-shaped piece assuming that they do not possess deeded rights?
 Which of the following is not true about administrative agencies?
 The Consumer Credit Protection Act does all of the following except:
 An administrative agency can be created in all except which of the following ways?
 Which of the following serve at the pleasure of the president?
 Judicial reluctance to interfere with agency action is premised on
 Some administrative agencies are authorized to use all of the following investigative methods except:
 Which of the following illustrates the correct steps that are followed in the adjudicative function of administrative agencies?
 Elizabeth Garfield brought suit against her former employer, Thomas McKinnon Securities, Inc., claiming that McKinnon had discharged her on account of her age in violation of the Age Discrimination in Employment Act. McKinnon moved to dismiss the complaint and compel arbitration because Garfield had agreed to arbitrate any controversy arising out of her employment. She maintained that Congress did not permit persons to waive their statutory right to sue ADEA violations in federal court via the execution of an arbitration agreement. Ms. Garfield is
 Which of the following statements about minitrials is false?
 Plaintiff brought suit against a defendant for breach of contract. The trial judge, pursuant to the rules of civil procedure in that particular court, referred the court to arbitration prior to trial. The key issue in determining whether the judge can compel arbitration prior to trial will be whether
 Which of the following is not an ADR procedure?
 One ADR process allows each party to make an abbreviated presentation to a panel, generally consisting of a senior manager or decision maker from each side and a judge or jointly selected neutral third party. After these presentations, the managers meet privately to try to negotiate a solution to the dispute. This process is known as
 All of the following are true about judicially hosted settlement conferences except:
 Which of the following statements about mediators is not true?
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gregoryswisher-blog · 7 years ago
LDR 630 Servant Leadership Entire Course
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 LDR 630 Servant Leadership Entire Course
 LDR 630 Topic 1 DQ 1
 Max Points: 5.0
While servant leadership can be connected to biblical principles and Christianity, it is not exclusively tied to it. In what ways do the principles of servant leadership cross religious and cultural lines? Justify your opinions by providing specific examples.
LDR 630 Topic 1 DQ 2
Discuss the traits, behaviors, and leadership style you would expect to see in a person who identifies as a servant leader. In your response, include discussion about the following.
1.     In what ways can servant leadership be considered a vocation?
2.     When people commit to being servant leaders, what does that mean about the types of behaviors they exhibit and prohibit personally and within the organizations they are leading?
3.     How does servant leadership differ from traditional forms of leadership?
 LDR 630 Week 1 Assignment Benchmark – Servant Leadership and Christianity
In the Topic Materials you were introduced to Robert Greenleaf’s principles of servant leadership. You also read biblical passages related to servant leadership. Using a graphic organizer such as a Venn diagram, illustrate the similarities and differences between Greenleaf’s principles of servant leadership and those presented in the biblical passages.
In 500 words, summarize how both Greenleaf and Christianity call people to serve and discuss how one feels when called to serve as a leader. In your summary, include discussion of the idea that power comes from giving it away and putting oneself in the position to serve others. Using Matthew 20:20-28 and Greenleaf’s principles of servant leadership as a basis, discuss how taking the role of a servant can make one a leader. Provide specific examples to support your ideas.
Submit your graphic organizer and written response as a Word document or pdf.
APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.
 LDR 630 Topic 2 DQ 1
 Max Points: 5.0
Visit the “Competitive Advantages” page of the Robert K. Greenleaf Center for Servant Leadership website at and review the articles indicating ways that servant leadership helps organizations gain competitive advantage. Using that information along with the Topic Materials, discuss how servant leadership contributes to competitive advantage in contemporary organizations. Provide specific industry examples of companies that have thrived as servant leaders.
 LDR 630 Topic 2 DQ 2
 One of the challenges often faced by nonprofit organizations is financial viability. Consider how the service leadership model can make a nonprofit organization competitive in ways that are not profit driven. In your post, discuss whether or not the value the nonprofit provides to the community and the greater good is professionally appealing enough to make you want to explore as a career opportunity despite the fact that in many cases than the personal and financial gains offered by nonprofits may not match what is available in for-profit organizations.
 LDR 630 Week 2 Assignment Nonprofit Servant Leader Profile
Conduct research and use the links below to locate a reputable nonprofit organization that serves people and the community as a servant leader:
Create a poster, PowerPoint presentation, brochure, YouTube video, etc. that illustrates how the nonprofit organization puts servant leadership into action. Within the informational piece, include written or verbal documentation of the following:
1.     Specific information about the servant leadership principles employed by the organization
2.     Examples of how implementing servant leadership principles has helped the organization achieve success while having a positive impact on people and the community.
3.     Discussion of which servant leadership principles you recognize as most valuable and would consider integrating within your own organization.
Submit your assignment as a Word document, PowerPoint presentation, a PDF file, or YouTube video link.
APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are not required to submit this assignment to Turnitin.
 LDR 630 Topic 3 DQ 1
 Think about how your personal values correlate with the principles of servant leadership. How can you draw on values and servant leadership principles to better establish your followership to better serve those you lead professionally and personally?
 LDR 630 Topic 3 DQ 2
 Suppose you go to work for an organization that you discover does not align with your personal values. You are in a leadership role and you are not in a position to leave the job. How do you ethically represent the company without compromising your own beliefs? What is the deal breaker for you? How does ethically representing the company demonstrate your ability to be a servant leader?
 LDR 630 Week 3 Assignment Servant Leadership Experience
 Find an opportunity to demonstrate servant leadership in your organization or community through volunteering or serving others. The experience should be something that is new for you and takes you out of your comfort zone. The goal of the experience is to get a tangible moment to think about leadership from a different perspective. Rather than looking at a leader in the hierarchical sense, look at it in terms of what the results of your volunteering could do for others and how, if done consistently, it might influence change or produce a positive impact for the greater good. Submit a one or two paragraph summary of your intended servant leadership activity for approval by your instructor. Include the name of the organization and contact information for the organizational leader. You will use this activity as the basis for the Servant Leadership Analysis assignment in Topic 8.
APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.
You are not required to submit this assignment to Turnitin.
 LDR 630 Topic 4 DQ 1
Think about the principles of servant leadership and provide two examples of specific ways you can apply them in your current work environment, as member of a community group or organization with which you are involved, or in your personal life. Discuss the specific servant leadership principles you would apply, the methods you would use to apply the principles, and the results you would anticipate seeing as a result of implementing these servant leadership principles.
LDR 630 Topic 4 DQ 2
Max Points: 10.0
Conduct research about a biblical figure such as Moses, David, Paul, Joseph, Esther, or Nehemiah to learn about how the biblical leader exemplified servant leadership and see how the principles of servant leadership transcend time and place. Think about the contemporary leader you are researching for the Topic 4 assignment, and discuss the similarities you see between the biblical servant leader and the contemporary servant leader. Provide specific examples to illustrate the similarities you have identified and include discussion about what you think makes the principles of servant leadership applicable regardless of time or place.
 LDR 630 Week 4 Assignment Applying Servant Leadership
Select and research a contemporary political, social, religious, or business, leader to learn about how the leader employs Greenleaf’s principles of servant leadership to motivate, influence, and lead others. You may use the “Individual and Corporate Servant Leaders” handout in the Topic Materials if you need assistance locating potential leaders. Write a 500-750 word paper that addresses the following.
1.     Summary of the principles of servant leadership employed by the leader.
2.     Specific examples to illustrate the leader’s application of servant leadership principles.
3.     Information about the unique way the leader inspires followership.
4.     Discussion of what would you seek to emulate or see more of in your own organization from both the people who lead you and the leadership you provide to others?
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.
LDR 630 Topic 5 DQ 1
Max Points: 10.0
Learn about current trends in servant leadership by conducting your own research and locating an article that illustrates how the principles of servant leadership are being employed in the workplace, as part of a volunteer or service effort, or in an individual’s personal life. In the Main Forum, post a short summary and a link to the article. Discuss what you learned from reading the article and whether or not you would consider applying servant leadership in a similar way.
 LDR 630 Topic 5 DQ 2
 The article “Why Isn’t Servant Leadership More Prevalent?” poses the question, “But if servant leadership is as effective as portrayed in recent research, why isn’t it more prevalent?” Using what you have learned about the principles of servant leadership and your own experiences, address this question. Use examples to support your hypotheses.
 LDR 630 Week 5 Assignment Benchmark – Servant Leadership and the Greater Good
 Research a servant leadership organization of your choice or one of the organizations listed on the “Individual and Corporate Servant Leaders” handout in the Topic Materials. Selections do not need to be limited to businesses. Entities such as hospitals or educational institutions are also acceptable. In a 750-1000 word paper, address the following.
1.     Provide a summary of how the organization implements the principles of servant leadership in the way it interacts with or provide service to customers, hires and manages employees, and models its operations and policies.
2.     Discuss specific commitments the organization makes to stakeholders and how implementing servant leadership affects not only the organization, but also the community and the common good.
3.     Knowing that most organizations do not function with the principles of servant leadership as part of their operations, discuss how the concepts and behaviors associated with servant leadership might be a source of conflict or might create operational challenges within the organization. Provide examples to support your ideas and discuss specific ways the organization’s leader has addressed these challenges.
4.     What do you see as the greatest benefits for organizations that adopt the principles of servant leadership as their operational model? Provide specific examples to justify your opinions.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.
 LDR 630 Topic 6 DQ 1
 Think about Greenleaf’s principles of servant leadership and what you have learned about the biblical foundation of servant leadership. Identify specific principles of servant leadership that, when employed effectively, can proliferate respect for multiculturalism and diversity within the organizations and communities they serve? Provide specific examples to illustrate your ideas.
 LDR 630 Topic 6 DQ 2
 Research an international servant leader or international servant leadership organization to examine the similarities and differences in the way servant leadership is executed in Western culture and Christianity when compared with other cultures and religions. Summarize the similarities and differences you discovered and discuss which principles of servant leadership you think are universal, regardless of religious and cultural differences. Provide examples to support your opinions.
 LDR 630 Topic 7 DQ 1
 Max Points: 10.0
In the Topic Materials you read several examples of ways that servant leadership can be displayed through true volunteerism and acts of service to others. Research an historic or current servant leader who is a true volunteer in service to others. In what ways does the person inspire leadership while building his or her own character and integrity? How does this leader exemplify the moral obligation to lead through kindness, compassion, and justice
 LDR 630 Topic 7 DQ 2
 Max Points: 5.0
 Share the servant leadership volunteer opportunity you are completing. Discuss how you think this experience will help you develop your own character and give you experience in leading through exhibiting kindness, compassion, and justice.
 LDR 630 Topic 8 DQ 1
Now that you have participated in your servant leadership opportunity, discuss how the experience affected your understanding of how through serving others one actually leads. Support your ideas with specific examples from your volunteer experience.
LDR 630 Topic 8 DQ 2
Watch the video “Servant Leadership – Joe Schmitt.” Discuss why this is a good example of leadership through acts of service in terms of the way the actions of the leader demonstrate integrity and personal character building while also establishing followership and pushing others to grow professionally through emulating his actions. Discuss how this example embraces both Greenleaf’s principles of servant leadership and the call to service evident in Christianity.
 LDR 630 Week 8 Assignment Benchmark – Servant Leadership Analysis
Analyze your volunteer experience by writing a 1,000-1,250 word reflection focused on your volunteer experience. Examine how volunteering enabled you to practice the principles of servant leadership. Reference and address the following in the paper.
1.     Summarize your servant leadership volunteer opportunity by sharing the who, what, when, where, why, and how of the experience.
2.     Which of Greenleaf’s principles of servant leadership did you implement and learn the most about through completing the servant leadership experience? Provide examples in your discussion.
3.     Both Greenleaf and the biblical passages referenced in the various Topic Materials focus on the idea that power comes from giving it away and that taking the role of a servant can make one a leader. Discuss whether or not your servant leadership volunteer opportunity helped you to find yourself as a leader in this way. Provide supporting examples.
4.     Use examples from your servant leadership volunteer opportunity to discuss the idea that serving others as a leader might influence change or produce a positive impact for the greater good.
5.     Think about your personal leadership skills and style and discuss what your learned about yourself as a servant leader from completing the volunteer opportunity.
6.     Looking forward, how will you use what you have learned about the principles of servant leadership in your workplace, organizations with which you are involved, and in your personal life?
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.
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gregoryswisher-blog · 7 years ago
LDR 615 Organizational Development and Change Entire Course
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 LDR 615 Organizational Development and Change Entire Course
 GCU LDR615 week 1 dq 1 & dq 2
 dq 1
Describe the role of organizational development in contemporary organizations. How does organizational development help organizations prepare for or implement change? Provide an example from your organization.
 dq 2
 What environmental forces drive organization development in your field or industry? What are the steps successful organizations take when responding to change? Have you experienced forces of change in your work environment? How did the changes affect your organization?
  GCU LDR615 week 2 dq 1 & dq 2
 dq 1
 Why is vision essential to facilitating successful change in an organization? What is the correlation between a leader’s role/vision and a successful change initiative? Describe a vision that you have seen/heard/read/viewed that you felt inspired successful change. How did this vision influence people’s behavior and attitudes toward a major change initiative? dq 2 According to the textbook, people are more motivated when “they are shown a truth that influences their feelings” than they are by analysis. Discuss the relevance of this statement for organizations growing and responding to change. What responsibility does a leader have to honor stakeholder concerns when “feelings” are the primary basis for the concerns?
  GCU LDR615 week 3 dq 1 & dq 2
 dq 1
 Compare and contrast two different change models. What leadership approach would you use to implement your preferred model? Why?
 dq 2
 What is “disruptive change,” and how is this different from “incremental change?” How does disruptive change affect an organization? Provide an example.
  GCU LDR615 week 4 dq 1 & dq 2
 dq 1 Discuss the importance of a change agent and a guiding team. What is the purpose of each, and what traits make them successful?
dq 2
  Discuss two strategies that can be used for leading change. How do these strategies increase stakeholder support and create momentum for a change initiative to be successful? Why might you want to consider including the most vocal critic of the change initiative in your guiding team?
  GCU LDR615 week 5 dq 1 & dq 2
 dq 1 Explain how successful communication is used throughout a change process to convey vision and strategies to stakeholders. What may be occurring with the communication process if the change process begins to fail?
  dq 2
 Why is effective and frequent communication so critical to a successful change effort? Describe either a good or a bad example of this from your organization or one that you have studied. Describe how the communication affected the various stakeholders affected by the change effort.
  GCU LDR615 week 6 dq 1 & dq 2
 dq 1
  What types of obstacles/objections do leaders face from stakeholders when implementing change within an organization? What strategies can leaders use to work with stakeholders, remove obstacles, and address objections?
  dq 2
Describe an ethical dilemma that you experienced, or have witnessed in a change leader, when attempting to initiate change. How was the ethical dilemma resolved? What can a change leader use to guide decision making when faced with an ethical dilemma?
 GCU LDR615 week 7 dq 1 & dq 2
 dq 1
 What potential obstacles do you face in establishing urgency for change within your organization? How might you circumvent these obstacles?
 dq 2
 Kotter identifies eight key implementation challenges. Which two do you think would be the most critical to overcome in your organization? Why?
 GCU LDR615 week 8 dq 1 & dq 2
 dq 1
 Compare and contrast large-scale change techniques with the traditional guiding coalition approach. What are the strengths and weaknesses of each?
 dq 2
 Select one commandment of implementing change. What is its impact on the ability of an organization to respond rapidly to market conditions?
 GCU LDR615 week 2 assignment
 In a written paper of 1,250-1,500 words, evaluate the current forces driving change in your field or industry. As a leader, or considering the role of a leader, assess your organization and evaluate how well it is responding to the forces, and identify where there is a need for change. Develop a vision to inspire this change. Include the following:
1.     1. Describe your organization, include the organization’s mission, and identify the various stakeholders.
2.     2. Identify the external and internal forces that drive organizational change in your field or industry. Explain the origin or reason for these internal or external driving forces. Explain how these forces directly affect the viability of your organization.
3.     3. Choose one of the driving forces. Describe the specific issues this driving force creates, or will potentially create, for your organization or department.
4.     4. Propose the steps needed for your organization or department to respond to this driving force.
5.     5. Predict how employees at various levels in the organization will respond to your proposed change initiative.
6.     6. Develop a vision for change. Describe how this vision correlates with the organization’s mission, and how you will present this vision to internal stakeholders.
7.     7. Predict how you think your vision will assist internal stakeholders in supporting the change initiative. Identify potential considerations posed by stakeholders, and discuss how you will respond.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.
  GCU LDR615 week 3 assignment
 In a paper (1,000-1,250 words), address the following:
1) What is the objective of the Great Game of Life (GGOL) program?
2) Should Simmons implement the GGOL? Why or why not? Give at least two reasons based on the case study for your position.
3) How did the Charlotte’s Pride video influence your position on the use of GGOL to change Simmons?
4) Assuming the GGOL will be implemented, regardless of your position, what steps would you take to ensure positive results? Include at least three steps and stages of implementation.
5) How might the GGOL program affect the managerial or employee culture of Simmons?
6) How can the emotional elements associated with change be managed and or leveraged? Support your position.
Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
This assignment uses a grading rubric. Instructors will be using the rubric to grade the assignment; therefore, students should review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the assignment criteria and expectations for successful completion of the assignment.
  GCU LDR615 week 5 assignment
 After reading the Singapore Airlines Case Studies A and Singapore Airlines Case Studies B available in the Topic Materials, create a paper (1,500-1,750 words) that addresses the following:
1) Singapore Airlines (SIA) states that cabin crews are a vital component of its service strategy. Evaluate the elements of SIA’s workforce management program (young crew policy, training program, performance measurement, feedback, and communication procedures). What changes would you recommend and why?
2) Should the company change its advertising campaign? Why or why not?
3) What about SIA’s system for measuring service quality? Do you recommend any changes? Why or why not?
4) SIA’s strategy to deliver quality includes six main points: democratic organization, smallest units to carry out tasks, delegate authority, creating an environment where delegated responsibility can be used effectively, training and retraining are objectives, and one department is not more important than another. Is SIA violating any of its policies? Would you change any of these points, and, if so, why?
5) Is the plan to introduce slot machines a positive change? Support your position.
6) Include an introduction and concusion that connects to the course objectives.
Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
  GCU LDR615 week 8 benchmark assignment
 Context: Organization development (OD) is a strategic, organization-wide effort with the purpose of increasing organization effectiveness and health by means of planned interventions in the organization’s processes. OD focuses on the social and human aspects of an organization as a way to improve the organization’s ability to adapt and solve problems. OD is not a paint-by-the-numbers approach to problem solving. Rather, OD emphasizes fairness, openness, freedom from coercion, and individual autonomy to change an organization’s culture.
In the previous assignments for this course, you explored various change models and examined how real-world companies have successfully implemented change. The intent of these assignments was to present the components common to most change initiatives (e.g., leadership, motivation, resistance, communication). Additionally, the course readings presented numerous concepts, principles, and models of organization change. The purpose of the Change Initiative Paper is to provide an opportunity for the student to assemble and organize this knowledge into a final culminating project.
Directions:Identify an actual organization with which you are familiar. Identify a possible change that will increase this organization’s effectiveness and/or health. Select an established change model to implement this change. Write a paper (1,500-1,800 words) that influences your reader to adopt a specific organization change initiative. The change model you select will determine the appropriate organization and specific content of the paper; however, your paper needs to address the following:
·         The need for change (e.g. organizational culture shift, changing technologies, reorganization, customer demands, etc.).
·         The change model.
·         The role of the leader in the change initiative.
·         Process of change.
·         Overcoming barriers to change.
·         Sustaining change.
Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
This assignment uses a grading rubric. Instructors will be using the rubric to grade the assignment; therefore, students should review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the assignment criteria and expectations for successful completion of the assignment.
Keep in mind that a major grading criterion for this assignment will be your ability to synthesize course materials into your submission.
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gregoryswisher-blog · 7 years ago
LDR 610 Power, Politics, and Influence Entire Course
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 LDR 610 Power, Politics, and Influence Entire Course
 GRAND CANYON LDR610 Week 1 Discussion 1 & 2
 dq 1
 Assume you were joining a company as a new employee. What steps would you take to determine the source of power within the organization? Of French and Raven’s five forms of power, which do you consider the most important source of power and why? How would you use this information for your benefit in performing the duties of your job?
 dq 2
 Find three definitions of power. Which do you believe is most relevant and why?
 GRAND CANYON LDR610 Week 2 Discussion 1 & 2
 dq 1
 In an organization with which you are familiar, what are three uses of personal power that enhanced organizational performance? How were they used?
 dq 2
 Does having information influence expectations, behaviors, and power? Provide some examples from your experience.
 GRAND CANYON LDR610 Week 3 Discussion 1 & 2
 dq 1
 How can the perceptions of a supervisor’s power affect efficiency and productivity in an organization? Give at least two examples with which you are familiar.
 dq 2
 What impact does restructuring an organization have on the distribution of power for that organization?
 GRAND CANYON LDR610 Week 4 Discussion 1 & 2
 dq 1
 In order to access power in organizations, you must possess knowledge. There are two types of knowledge: technical knowledge about the work process, and knowledge of the organization’s social system. Why is it important to have knowledge about the organization’s social system?
 dq 2
 What are some of the negatives associated with social motives in an organization? Give an example with which you are familiar.
 GRAND CANYON LDR610 Week 5 Discussion 1 & 2
 dq 1
 Based on the assigned readings, “Building Organization Theory From First Principles: The Self-Enhancement Motive and Understanding Power and Influence,” how can a person build influence? Can increased influence be the first step in a fall from power? Explain.
 dq 2
 How can influence tactics be used? Select two influence tactics and give examples of their use. Would the two selected most likely be used as a first or follow-up tactic?
 GRAND CANYON LDR610 Week 6 Discussion 1 & 2
 dq 1
 When have you used (or would use) shadow negotiation, and why do you think it is an important part of the negotiation process?
 dq 2
 One of the rules of negotiation is to prevent the negotiation strategy from reaching a point of having two mutually exclusive positions regarding proposals. What does this statement mean? Provide an example.
 GRAND CANYON LDR610 Week 7 Discussion 1 & 2
 dq 1
 What considerations should be included in a political plan for a position/organization with which you are familiar?
 dq 2
 Is it ethical to utilize politics to create an illusion of a crisis to gain support for an organizational objective?
 GRAND CANYON LDR610 Week 8 Discussion 1 & 2
 dq 1
 How might the stress created by the misuse of organizational politics lead to a person’s fall from power?
 dq 2
 How can power strengths become weaknesses? Give an example.
 GRAND CANYON LDR610 Week 2 Assignment
Refer to “Thomas Green: Power, Office Politics, and a Career in Crisis.”
Create a paper of 1,000–1,250 words that includes an introduction and conclusion that make relevant connections to course objectives and addresses the following:
1.     1. How do the actions of Green differ from Davis’ expectations?
2.     2. What are the individual agendas of Davis and McDonald?
3.     3. How does each person want to be treated?
4.     4. Which personal bases of power were used?
5.     5. Which of French and Raven’s personal bases of power could have been used more effectively and how?
6.     6. Which of French and Raven’s personal bases, if any, have been abused?
Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
This assignment uses a grading rubric. Instructors will be using the rubric to grade the assignment; therefore, students should review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the assignment criteria and expectations for successful completion of the assignment.
You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.
 GRAND CANYON LDR610 Week 4 Assignment
Refer to “RetailMax: Role for Cam Archer” and “RetailMax: Role for Regan Kesse.”
Create a paper of 1,000-1,250 words that includes an introduction and conclusion that make relevant connections to course objectives and addresses the following for both Kessel and Archer:
1.     1. Who has the greatest potential power and why?
2.     2. What power bases represent each person’s power?
3.     3. Did stereotypical gender roles influence either party to proceed in a certain manner? Explain how they did or did not act stereotypically.
4.     4. What social factors (such as reputation, the prior relationship between the parties, and their mutual ties to others in the organization, including the CEO) affected each person’s power? Support your comments with examples from the cases.
5.     5. What assumptions is each side making about the other?
6.     6. Why should Archer be interested in the position? Will it strengthen her power?
7.     7. Should Kessel hire Archer? What effect might it have on his power if he hires her?
8.     8. What positive effect might hiring an external applicant instead have on Kessel’s power?
9.     9. What should Kessel offer Archer for compensation and why?
10.   10. Should Archer accept the position? Why or why not?
11.   11. After considering all of the above, evaluate who used social power most effectively and why.
Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
This assignment uses a grading rubric. Instructors will be using the rubric to grade the assignment; therefore, students should review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the assignment criteria and expectations for successful completion of the assignment.
You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.
 GRAND CANYON LDR610 Week 6 Assignment
Refer to “Negotiating on Thin Ice.”
Create a paper of 1,000–1,250 words that includes an introduction and conclusion that make relevant connections to course objectives and addresses the following questions:
1.     1. Should these parties reach an agreement? Why or why not?
2.     2. What were the barriers to reaching a negotiated agreement (psychological, structural, and tactical)?
3.     3. Should Bettman and Goodenow be the ones to anticipate and overcome any barriers?
4.     4. What power moves were used by each party?
5.     5. What were the limits of each party’s power?
6.     6. What is each side’s BATNA?
7.     7. For the players, is the agreement better or worse than the final offer they received prior to the season’s cancellation?
8.     8. Which was apparent in this case, distributive or integrative bargaining?
9.     9. Could the final agreement have been reached earlier, thus avoiding the cancellation of the season? Give reasons for your opinion.
Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
This assignment uses a grading rubric. Instructors will be using the rubric to grade the assignment; therefore, students should review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the assignment criteria and expectations for successful completion of the assignment.
You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.
 GRAND CANYON LDR610 Week 8 Assignment
Refer to “Negotiating on Thin Ice.”
Create a paper of 1,000–1,250 words that includes an introduction and conclusion that make relevant connections to course objectives and addresses the following questions:
1.     1. Should these parties reach an agreement? Why or why not?
2.     2. What were the barriers to reaching a negotiated agreement (psychological, structural, and tactical)?
3.     3. Should Bettman and Goodenow be the ones to anticipate and overcome any barriers?
4.     4. What power moves were used by each party?
5.     5. What were the limits of each party’s power?
6.     6. What is each side’s BATNA?
7.     7. For the players, is the agreement better or worse than the final offer they received prior to the season’s cancellation?
8.     8. Which was apparent in this case, distributive or integrative bargaining?
9.     9. Could the final agreement have been reached earlier, thus avoiding the cancellation of the season? Give reasons for your opinion.
Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
This assignment uses a grading rubric. Instructors will be using the rubric to grade the assignment; therefore, students should review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the assignment criteria and expectations for successful completion of the assignment.
You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.
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gregoryswisher-blog · 7 years ago
LDR 463 Professional Applications in Service Learning III
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 LDR 463 Professional Applications in Service Learning III
 LDR 463 Week 1 Grand Canyon University Information Sheet for GCU Volunteer Placement
Complete the “Grand Canyon University Information Sheet for GCU Student Volunteer Placement” and submit it to your site supervisor and the instructor.
You are not required to submit this assignment to Turnitin.
 LDR 463 Week 4  Assignment Problem Solving
Complete the “Problem Solving Reflection Form.”
You are not required to submit this assignment to Turnitin.
 LDR 463 Week 4 Supervisor Evaluation Form: Midterm
Make certain your supervisor submits the “Supervisor Evaluation Form” to your instructor by the end of this week.
You are not required to submit this assignment to Turnitin
 Supervisor Volunteer Evaluation Form
 Student:                             Site:          
 Site Contact:                      Phone:        
 Please rate this student’s skills in Section 1 and Section 2 using the following scale that applies to minimum standards.
 Not Applicable            Below              Meets              Above             Exceeds
N/A                       D                     C                     B                        A
 1.     Employment Skills
 Ability and willingness to follow instructions.
 Ability to communicate and get along with others.
 Ability to work independently.
 Attendance and punctuality
 Professional image
  2.     Job Skills
 Oral/written communications
 Computer competency
 Client interviewing/intake
 Research and analysis
 Fact gathering/investigation of records
    Student’s Name:
Midpoint or Final Evaluation?
Supervisor’s Name:
  Supervisor: Please e-mail this form to the instructor. Thank you
 LDR 463 Week 5 Assignment Decision Making
Complete the “Decision-Making Reflection Form.”
You are not required to submit this assignment to Turnitin
 Decision Making Reflection Form
 Volunteer: _________________________________________________________
 The proactive  professional infuses decision-making strategies that examine why a decision  is needed, what the possible options are, what the likely consequences of  each are, how important the consequences are, and what the best decision is  in view of all available information.
 Instructions: Describe below a decision-making activity you guided others through to solve an existing problem.
 Existing problem:
    Decision-making activities used to solve the problem:
    Assessment of the effectiveness of the decision-making activity:
 LDR 463 Week 7 Assignment Journal Entries
For each day that you work at your site, create a new journal entry in which the first line is the day, date, and time period that you worked that day. Please put this information in bold font.
Write a paragraph that describes the types of duties you carried out that day (what you did, who else was there, whether you were a part of a team or were working alone, etc.).
Once each week, focus on one particular event or aspect of your work that week and describe why you found this particular task or event to be unusual or of special interest. In an entry of 250-300 words, relate this aspect of your volunteer experience to some specific knowledge that you have previously gained in your coursework to this point.
APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.
You are not required to submit this assignment to Turnitin.
 LDR 463 Week 7 Assignment Reflection Paper
Write a paper of 500-1,000 words reflecting on two prescribed areas and one area of your choosing.
Part I: Consider the journals you have written during this course:
1.     Reflect on the items you selected each week that connected to your education.
2.     How has the knowledge you have gained from your program of study assisted you in your volunteer experience? How do you see it assisting you in the future?
Part II: Consider all areas of student life, such as general education requirements, major, minor, emphasis, chapel, extracurricular, community service, employment, faculty, administration, etc.:
1.     In your opinion, what are one or two things that would have made your experience at Grand Canyon even better?
2.     Point out people and events in your Grand Canyon experience that had the most positive influence on you. Explain one or two of them.
3.     Then, explain how your Grand Canyon experience changed you personally, professionally, and spiritually.
4.     How do you see this whole experience impacting your future?
5.     In what specific ways are you better prepared for professional life?
Part III: Reflect on anything else related to your volunteer experience.
Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
Essays will be evaluated on content (what you say) but also based on organization, grammar, spelling, freedom from error, punctuation, and the like.
The essay should demonstrate your professional ability to communicate and share information.
You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.
 LDR 463 Week 7 Assignment Resume and Cover Letter
Prepare a resume and cover letter using the techniques suggested in the websites in Topic 6 Materials.
Prepare these documents as if you were applying for an entry-level position at your site.
Ask your site supervisor to make suggestions to your resume and cover letter.
APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.
You are not required to submit this assignment to Turnitin.
 LDR 463 Week 7 Student Evaluation of Volunteer Experience Form
Please have your site supervisor complete the final evaluation. Please ensure this form includes your supervisor’s signature. Submit the final evaluation to the assignment dropbox.
You are not required to submit this assignment to Turnitin.
 LDR 463 Week 7 Supervisor Evaluation Form: Final
Make certain your supervisor submits the “Supervisor Evaluation Form” to your instructor by the end of this week.
You are not required to submit this assignment to Turnitin.
0 notes
gregoryswisher-blog · 7 years ago
LAWS310 The Legal Environment all weeks discussion and assignments
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 LAWS310 The Legal Environment all weeks discussion and assignments
 DeVry LAWS310 Week 1 Dq 1 & Dq 2
 DeVry LAWS310 Week 1 dq 1
 Sarbanes-Oxley (graded)
 The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 suggests that businesses develop a code of ethics. How effective is a code of ethics in preventing unethical conduct? Review the sample code of ethics of Big Cheese Corporation in Chapter 8. Are there any clauses in this code that you believe need to be more specific? Why?
 DeVry LAWS310 Week 1 dq 2
 Corporate Social  Responsibility? (graded)
 What is corporate social responsibility? Provide two examples of corporations that meet that definition of corporate social responsibility and identify what they do that makes them socially responsible.
 DeVry LAWS310 Week 2 Dq 1 & Dq 2
 DeVry LAWS310 Week 2 dq 1
 Business Formations (graded)
 A business may take one of the following forms: sole proprietorship, general partnership, limited partnership, corporation, or limited liability company. Choose one of the business formations and identify how it is created and the characteristics of that business formation. Provide support for your discussion.
 DeVry LAWS310 Week 2 dq 2
 Fiduciary Relationships  (graded)
 Corporate officers and directors owe fiduciary duties to the corporation. What is a fiduciary relationship? Identify at least two of the fiduciary duties and provide an example of each.
 DeVry LAWS310 Week 3 Dq 1 & Dq 2 latest 2016 September
 DeVry LAWS310 Week 3 dq 1
 BFOQs (graded)
 What is a bona fide occupational qualification (BFOQ)? Provide an example of a job that has a BFOQ.
 DeVry LAWS310 Week 3 dq 2
 Agents Versus Independent  Contractors (graded)
 Compare and contrast the differences between agents and independent contractors. Provide an example of each.
 DeVry LAWS310 Week 4 Dq 1 & Dq 2
 DeVry LAWS310 Week 4 dq 1
 Securities and Exchange Act  (graded)
 What was the purpose of the Securities and Exchange Act of 1933 and do its provisions actually protect investors? Why or why not?
 DeVry LAWS310 Week 4 dq 2
 Antitrust Laws (graded)
 Antitrust laws were enacted at a time when it seems that a handful of powerful men controlled commerce. Are they still relevant? Do you see any examples of monopolistic business practices today?
 DeVry LAWS310 Week 5 Dq 1 & Dq 2
 DeVry LAWS310 Week 5 dq 1
 Contract Formation (graded)
 Read Case 10.1 in Chapter 10 of your textbook. Is the general release signed by Marder an enforceable contract? Identify each element of a contract and the facts that would support each element.
 DeVry LAWS310 Week 5 dq 2
 Intent (graded)
 Why is the objective theory of contracts applied in determining whether a contract has been created? Why is the subjective intent of the parties not considered?
 DeVry LAWS310 Week 6 Dq 1 & Dq 2
 DeVry LAWS310 Week 6 dq 1
 Oral Agreements? (graded)
 Read the summary of Case 14.1, Turner Broadcasting System, Inc. v. McDavid in Chapter 14 of your text. Should businesspeople be bound to their oral word? Why or why not? Support your conclusion with references to the concepts discussed in your text.
 DeVry LAWS310 Week 6 dq 2
 Mitigation of Damages  (graded)
 What is mitigation of damages? Why does the law impose a duty on the nonbreaching party to mitigate damages?
 DeVry LAWS310 Week 7 Dq 1 & Dq 2
 DeVry LAWS310 Week 7 dq 1
 Internet Issues (graded)
 The Internet has made the world smaller and enlarged our access to information. However, for every positive benefit of the Internet, there is a negative aspect. We have a loss of privacy, our financial profile can be compromised, and we cannot trust all information we access on the Internet. Do we operate as though the Internet has a foundation of trust? You should cite to examples and resources to support your opinion.
 DeVry LAWS310 Week 7 dq 2
 Deception on the Internet  (graded)
 Every day we read stories of people who engage in deception on the Internet, whether it is creating dating profiles that bear no likeness to what they really look like, or students who find information and pass it off as their own work. Should there be ethical standards for behavior on the Internet? What would you propose and how could those standards be enforced? Should people be able to say or do whatever they choose in an online environment? Are there circumstances in which information on the Internet should be censored? How do the United States and China differ in how each country allows its citizens’ access to information on the Internet?
 Devry LAWS310 all weeks assignments
 DeVry LAWS310 Week 1 Assignment
Read the summary of Heart of Atlanta Motel v. United States in Chapter 2 and answer the following questions.
Why was this case so important?
Why did the U.S. Supreme Court develop the “effects on interstate commerce” test?
Is most commerce considered “interstate commerce”? Why or why not?
Your paper should be prepared using APA 6th edition formatting. You may use the APA Paper Template available in Doc Sharing. Your conclusions must be supported by academic references, not your opinion. You must cite to a minimum of three references using in-text citations and listing sources on References page. Academic references are located in the DeVry Library. Citation to website references is not allowed.
Submit your assignment to the Dropbox, located at the top of this page. For instructions on how to use the Dropbox, read these step-by-step instructions.
See the Syllabus section “Due Dates for Assignments & Exams” for due date information.
 DeVry LAWS310 Week 3 You Decide Assignment
 You Decide
Review the You Decide content item in Week 3 and complete the assignment as outlined in the Assignment/Your Role section of the You Decide.
Submit your assignment to the Dropbox, located at the top of this page. For instructions on how to use the Dropbox, read these step-by-step instructions.
See the Syllabus section “Due Dates for Assignments & Exams” for due date information.
 DeVry LAWS310 Week 5 You Decide Assignment
 You Decide
Review the You Decide content item in Week 5 and complete the assignment as outlined in the Assignment/Your Role section of the You Decide.
Submit your assignment to the Dropbox, located at the top of this page. For instructions on how to use the Dropbox, read these step-by-step instructions.
See the Syllabus section “Due Dates for Assignments & Exams” for due date information.
 DeVry LAWS310 Week 7 You Decide Assignment
 You Decide
Review the You Decide content item in Week 7 and complete the assignment as outlined in the Assignment/Your Role section of the You Decide.
Submit your assignment to the Dropbox, located at the top of this page. For instructions on how to use the Dropbox, read these step-by-step instructions.
See the Syllabus section “Due Dates for Assignments & Exams” for due date information
0 notes
gregoryswisher-blog · 7 years ago
LAWS310 The Legal Environment all weeks assignments
 Follow Below Link to Download Tutorial
 For More Information Visit Our Website ( )
 LAWS310 The Legal Environment all weeks assignments
 DeVry LAWS310 Week 1 Assignment
Read the summary of Heart of Atlanta Motel v. United States in Chapter 2 and answer the following questions.
Why was this case so important?
Why did the U.S. Supreme Court develop the “effects on interstate commerce” test?
Is most commerce considered “interstate commerce”? Why or why not?
Your paper should be prepared using APA 6th edition formatting. You may use the APA Paper Template available in Doc Sharing. Your conclusions must be supported by academic references, not your opinion. You must cite to a minimum of three references using in-text citations and listing sources on References page. Academic references are located in the DeVry Library. Citation to website references is not allowed.
Submit your assignment to the Dropbox, located at the top of this page. For instructions on how to use the Dropbox, read these step-by-step instructions.
See the Syllabus section “Due Dates for Assignments & Exams” for due date information.
 DeVry LAWS310 Week 3 You Decide Assignment
 You Decide
Review the You Decide content item in Week 3 and complete the assignment as outlined in the Assignment/Your Role section of the You Decide.
Submit your assignment to the Dropbox, located at the top of this page. For instructions on how to use the Dropbox, read these step-by-step instructions.
See the Syllabus section “Due Dates for Assignments & Exams” for due date information.
 DeVry LAWS310 Week 5 You Decide Assignment
 You Decide
Review the You Decide content item in Week 5 and complete the assignment as outlined in the Assignment/Your Role section of the You Decide.
Submit your assignment to the Dropbox, located at the top of this page. For instructions on how to use the Dropbox, read these step-by-step instructions.
See the Syllabus section “Due Dates for Assignments & Exams” for due date information.
 DeVry LAWS310 Week 7 You Decide Assignment
 You Decide
Review the You Decide content item in Week 7 and complete the assignment as outlined in the Assignment/Your Role section of the You Decide.
Submit your assignment to the Dropbox, located at the top of this page. For instructions on how to use the Dropbox, read these step-by-step instructions.
See the Syllabus section “Due Dates for Assignments & Exams” for due date information
0 notes
gregoryswisher-blog · 7 years ago
JUS 524 ( Terrorism and Homeland Security ) Entire Course
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 JUS 524 Week 1 Discussion 1
 Access and review the Anytown, USA simulation. Explain the difficulties law enforcement officials would encounter when dealing with possible terrorist attacks on this city.
 JUS 524 Week 1 Discussion 2
 Discuss the purposes of terrorism presented in the textbook. Explain if the ends of a terrorist attack can ever justify the means of modern terrorism.
 JUS 524 Week 2 Discussion 1
 What are the differences between social versus political motivations for terrorism? Support your answer with examples.
 JUS 524  Week 2 Discussion 2
 According to the textbook, list some of the characteristics of left-wing and right-wing terrorist groups in the United States. How do they choose their targets? How are these groups a terrorist threat to the United States?
 JUS 524 Week 3 Discussion 1
 Would terrorism as it exists today be a force of fear and intimidation if there were not the capacity for global communications and media? Explain your answer.
 JUS 524  Week 3 Discussion 2
 Does censorship have a legitimate role and purpose in preventing or suppressing terrorism? Why or why not?
 JUS 524  Week 4 Discussion 1
 Access and view the Anytown, USA simulation. After gathering data from the simulation, how would you utilize the information to make a proper analysis of the city? How would you conduct further research to draft your analysis?
 JUS 524  Week 4 Discussion 2
 After reading chapters 4 and 5 in the textbook and viewing “Attack on 9/11,” explain some intelligence failures leading up to the attacks on September 11, 2001. What changes to intelligence gathering have occurred since the attacks? Explain how careful scrutiny of al-Qaeda’s attack history and ideology could have provided warning to the United States prior to September 11th.
 JUS 524 Week 5 Discussion 1
 Review the Attack on 9/11 video. What were the objectives of al-Qaeda on September 11, 2001? List some of the vulnerabilities of the targets on that fateful day.
 JUS 524 Week 5 Discussion 2
 Does a self-proclaimed terrorist organization’s belief structure need to be realistic or reasonable in order for the particular group to be taken seriously? What becomes the trigger for the serious consideration of any particular group or organization? Explain
 JUS 524 Week 6 Discussion 1
 After reading chapters 6 and 8 in the textbook, list some of the methods of persuasion used by terrorist groups in recent history. Explain the effectiveness of these methods. Were objectives met or purposes accomplished?
 JUS 524 Week 6 Discussion 2
 Access and view the Anytown, USA simulation. Explain and detail the possible attack scenarios you derived from assessing the town for vulnerabilities.
 JUS 524  Week 7 Discussion 1
 Discuss the Operation Eagle Claw mission of 1980. List some of the failures of the planning. How has the Special Operations Command been used to fight the war on terrorism?
 JUS 524  Week 7 Discussion 2
 In the textbook readings, how would a policy of retaliation or preemption be beneficial to the United States in the fight against terrorism?
 JUS 524 Week 8 Discussion 1
 Should the United States respond with tactical nuclear strikes against any state or nation that initiates or supports a WMD attack against the U.S.? Why or why not?
 JUS 524 Week 8 Discussion 2
 Is acting preemptively and proactively against terrorist cells or organizations a necessity in suppressing and mitigating terrorism today, or are such actions ultimately provocative and simply encouraging terrorists to strike against the United States? Explain your answer.
 JUS 524  Week 2 Law Enforcement Tactical Threat Analysis
 In 250 words, formulate a draft of your purpose statement for the tactical threat analysis discussed in Module 1.
After your initial review of Anytown, USA, justify the rationale for this threat analysis:
1- How would a terrorist attack impact Anytown, USA?
2- Explain the need for a counterterrorism plan.
Refer to the Law Enforcement Tactical Threat Analysis assignment instructions, as needed.
After your draft is submitted, the instructor will provide commentary on your draft, which you will then use as a basis for revising this section. The revised section will then become part of the complete Law Enforcement Tactical Threat Analysis due in Module 8.
Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
 Anytown, USA: Law Enforcement Tactical Threat Analysis
 Scenario: Homeland Security has alerted the mayor of Anytown, USA about a possible terrorist attack. As police chief of Anytown, you are to compose your threat analysis for the mayor for counterterrorism purposes. This analysis will deal strictly with possible terrorist attacks on the Anytown community.
In this assignment, you will create and present a law enforcement tactical threat report based on your threat analysis of Anytown, USA using the data obtained from the simulation as well as outside research.
For a review of what a tactical threat analysis determines, review the “Law Enforcement Intelligence” guide, pages 83 and 151-153, located at”>
To complete this analysis, do the following:
1) Gather and catalog data from the simulation for your final analysis. Data should include:
1.     a) History of Anytown
2.     b) Hazard assessment of community
3.     c) Vulnerabilities for both day and night scenarios
2) Focus on these most critical issues. Include the following:
1.     a) Threat Inventory and Assessment
2.     i) Background intelligence gathering on terrorists, including:
(1) Modus operandi
(2) Typical targets
(3) Common methods of attack
(4) Ideology
1.     b) Target Assessment
2.     i) Probable targets
(1) Blueprint layout information
(2) Inventory alert areas of targets
1.     c) Target Vulnerability
2.     i) Possible hostage situations
3.     ii) Working with local government and private sector
iii) Media issues
1.     iv) Possible military and civilian law enforcement response (Provide rationale for your counterterrorism plan)
3) Your report will include:
1.     a) Title page, including assignment title, name, date, instructor, and course number
2.     b) Purpose statement of 250 words, in which you justify your rationale for the threat analysis
3.     c) Three sections consisting of the following essays (directions for which are provided in other module assignments):
4.     i) Threat Inventory and Assessment Essay (750–1,000 words)
5.     ii) Target Assessment Essay (750–1,000 words)
iii) Target Vulnerability Essay (750–1,000 words)
1.     d) Conclusion of 250-500 words that reiterates the purpose of your analysis
4) Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
1.     a) Directly quoted source material may not exceed 10% of paper content.
2.     b) Use sources other than Wikipedia, as it is not considered an acceptable source for use in academic writing.
  JUS 524 Week 4 Law Enforcement Tactical Threat Analysis
 Develop a draft (750-1,000 words) of your Threat Inventory and Assessment Essay, which will be a vital part of your final Law Enforcement Tactical Threat Analysis.
In this assignment, you will compile your intelligence on the terrorist group from the Anytown, USA simulation in order to create your Law Enforcement Tactical Threat Analysis. This portion of the analysis will focus on the background intelligence gathered on the terrorist group.
In order to make a proper analysis, use research from the readings and from the simulation, as well as any data gathered from outside research, in order to provide local government with your analysis on the terrorist threat. Elaborate on the following in your draft:
1- What is the modus operandi of the terrorist group?
2- What are the typical targets?
3- What is the group’s common method of attack?
4- What is the group’s ideology?
5- Why is it important for local government to know these things?
6- Explain the dangers inherent in the terrorist group. Support your answer.
Refer to the Law Enforcement Tactical Threat Analysis assignment instructions.
After the draft is submitted, the instructor will provide commentary on your draft, which you will then use as a basis for revising this section. The revised section will then become part of the complete Law Enforcement Tactical Threat Analysis due in Module 8.
Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
Directly quoted source material may not exceed 10% of paper content.
This assignment uses a grading rubric. Instructors will be using the rubric to grade the assignment; therefore, students should review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the assignment criteria and expectations for successful completion of the assignment.
You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Refer to the directions in the Student Success Center. Only Word documents can be submitted to Turnitin.
 Anytown, USA: Law Enforcement Tactical Threat Analysis
 Scenario: Homeland Security has alerted the mayor of Anytown, USA about a possible terrorist attack. As police chief of Anytown, you are to compose your threat analysis for the mayor for counterterrorism purposes. This analysis will deal strictly with possible terrorist attacks on the Anytown community.
In this assignment, you will create and present a law enforcement tactical threat report based on your threat analysis of Anytown, USA using the data obtained from the simulation as well as outside research.
For a review of what a tactical threat analysis determines, review the “Law Enforcement Intelligence” guide, pages 83 and 151-153, located at”>
To complete this analysis, do the following:
1) Gather and catalog data from the simulation for your final analysis. Data should include:
1.     a) History of Anytown
2.     b) Hazard assessment of community
3.     c) Vulnerabilities for both day and night scenarios
2) Focus on these most critical issues. Include the following:
1.     a) Threat Inventory and Assessment
2.     i) Background intelligence gathering on terrorists, including:
(1) Modus operandi
(2) Typical targets
(3) Common methods of attack
(4) Ideology
1.     b) Target Assessment
2.     i) Probable targets
(1) Blueprint layout information
(2) Inventory alert areas of targets
1.     c) Target Vulnerability
2.     i) Possible hostage situations
3.     ii) Working with local government and private sector
iii) Media issues
1.     iv) Possible military and civilian law enforcement response (Provide rationale for your counterterrorism plan)
3) Your report will include:
1.     a) Title page, including assignment title, name, date, instructor, and course number
2.     b) Purpose statement of 250 words, in which you justify your rationale for the threat analysis
3.     c) Three sections consisting of the following essays (directions for which are provided in other module assignments):
4.     i) Threat Inventory and Assessment Essay (750–1,000 words)
5.     ii) Target Assessment Essay (750–1,000 words)
iii) Target Vulnerability Essay (750–1,000 words)
1.     d) Conclusion of 250-500 words that reiterates the purpose of your analysis
4) Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
1.     a) Directly quoted source material may not exceed 10% of paper content.
2.     b) Use sources other than Wikipedia, as it is not considered an acceptable source for use in academic writing.
  JUS 524 Week 5 Law Enforcement Tactical Threat Analysis
 Develop a draft (750-1,000 words) of your Target Assessment Essay, which will be a vital part of your final Law Enforcement Tactical Threat Analysis. In this assignment, you will assess the possible targets in Anytown, USA.
Based on the history, statements, threats, and nature of the terrorist group—along with its ideology—write an analysis determining the probable targets in Anytown, USA.
Use the information from the simulation in these areas to alert local government of target threats: Blueprint layout information:
Blueprint layout information:
1- Chart possible red-zone, high-alert areas.
2- Describe the vulnerabilities of the targets.
3- Provide possible evacuation routes.
Inventory alert areas of targets:
Explain why local government should be aware of these threats.
Refer to the Law Enforcement Tactical Threat Analysis assignment instructions, as needed.
After the draft is submitted, the instructor will provide commentary on your draft, which you will then use as a basis for revising this section. The revised section will then become part of the complete Law Enforcement Tactical Threat Analysis due in Module 8.
Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
Directly quoted source material may not exceed 10% of paper content.
This assignment uses a grading rubric. Instructors will be using the rubric to grade the assignment; therefore, students should review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the assignment criteria and expectations for successful completion of the assignment.
You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Refer to the directions in the Student Success Center. Only Word documents can be submitted to Turnitin.
 Anytown, USA: Law Enforcement Tactical Threat Analysis
 Scenario: Homeland Security has alerted the mayor of Anytown, USA about a possible terrorist attack. As police chief of Anytown, you are to compose your threat analysis for the mayor for counterterrorism purposes. This analysis will deal strictly with possible terrorist attacks on the Anytown community.
In this assignment, you will create and present a law enforcement tactical threat report based on your threat analysis of Anytown, USA using the data obtained from the simulation as well as outside research.
For a review of what a tactical threat analysis determines, review the “Law Enforcement Intelligence” guide, pages 83 and 151-153, located at”>
To complete this analysis, do the following:
1) Gather and catalog data from the simulation for your final analysis. Data should include:
1.     a) History of Anytown
2.     b) Hazard assessment of community
3.     c) Vulnerabilities for both day and night scenarios
2) Focus on these most critical issues. Include the following:
1.     a) Threat Inventory and Assessment
2.     i) Background intelligence gathering on terrorists, including:
(1) Modus operandi
(2) Typical targets
(3) Common methods of attack
(4) Ideology
1.     b) Target Assessment
2.     i) Probable targets
(1) Blueprint layout information
(2) Inventory alert areas of targets
1.     c) Target Vulnerability
2.     i) Possible hostage situations
3.     ii) Working with local government and private sector
iii) Media issues
1.     iv) Possible military and civilian law enforcement response (Provide rationale for your counterterrorism plan)
3) Your report will include:
1.     a) Title page, including assignment title, name, date, instructor, and course number
2.     b) Purpose statement of 250 words, in which you justify your rationale for the threat analysis
3.     c) Three sections consisting of the following essays (directions for which are provided in other module assignments):
4.     i) Threat Inventory and Assessment Essay (750–1,000 words)
5.     ii) Target Assessment Essay (750–1,000 words)
iii) Target Vulnerability Essay (750–1,000 words)
1.     d) Conclusion of 250-500 words that reiterates the purpose of your analysis
4) Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
1.     a) Directly quoted source material may not exceed 10% of paper content.
2.     b) Use sources other than Wikipedia, as it is not considered an acceptable source for use in academic writing.
  JUS 524 Week 7 Law Enforcement Tactical Threat Analysis
 Develop a draft (750-1,000 words) of your Target Vulnerability Assessment, which will be a vital part of your final Law Enforcement Tactical Threat Analysis. In this assignment, you will assess the vulnerabilities of the targets in Anytown, USA.
Considering the intelligence gathered on the terrorist group threatening Anytown, USA as well as the target assessment, address the following in this assignment:
1- What possible hostage situations could occur?
2- Why is it important to work with local government and the private sector? Which one would your plan use and what would you ask of them?
3- Identify how your plan will deal with any media issues.
4- What access to military and civilian law enforcement does Anytown have? How does your plan utilize them?
5- Provide rationale for your counterterrorism plan. Use module readings and data compiled on your terrorist group.
6- Describe the best possible and worst possible case scenarios.
Refer to the Law Enforcement Tactical Threat Analysis assignment instructions, as needed.
The instructor will provide commentary on your draft, which you will then use as a basis for revising this section. The revised section will then become part of the complete Law Enforcement Tactical Threat Analysis due in Module 8.
Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
Directly quoted source material may not exceed 10% of paper content.
This assignment uses a grading rubric. Instructors will be using the rubric to grade the assignment; therefore, students should review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the assignment criteria and expectations for successful completion of the assignment.
You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Refer to the directions in the Student Success Center. Only Word documents can be submitted to Turnitin.
 Anytown, USA: Law Enforcement Tactical Threat Analysis
 Scenario: Homeland Security has alerted the mayor of Anytown, USA about a possible terrorist attack. As police chief of Anytown, you are to compose your threat analysis for the mayor for counterterrorism purposes. This analysis will deal strictly with possible terrorist attacks on the Anytown community.
In this assignment, you will create and present a law enforcement tactical threat report based on your threat analysis of Anytown, USA using the data obtained from the simulation as well as outside research.
For a review of what a tactical threat analysis determines, review the “Law Enforcement Intelligence” guide, pages 83 and 151-153, located at”>
To complete this analysis, do the following:
1) Gather and catalog data from the simulation for your final analysis. Data should include:
1.     a) History of Anytown
2.     b) Hazard assessment of community
3.     c) Vulnerabilities for both day and night scenarios
2) Focus on these most critical issues. Include the following:
1.     a) Threat Inventory and Assessment
2.     i) Background intelligence gathering on terrorists, including:
(1) Modus operandi
(2) Typical targets
(3) Common methods of attack
(4) Ideology
1.     b) Target Assessment
2.     i) Probable targets
(1) Blueprint layout information
(2) Inventory alert areas of targets
1.     c) Target Vulnerability
2.     i) Possible hostage situations
3.     ii) Working with local government and private sector
iii) Media issues
1.     iv) Possible military and civilian law enforcement response (Provide rationale for your counterterrorism plan)
3) Your report will include:
1.     a) Title page, including assignment title, name, date, instructor, and course number
2.     b) Purpose statement of 250 words, in which you justify your rationale for the threat analysis
3.     c) Three sections consisting of the following essays (directions for which are provided in other module assignments):
4.     i) Threat Inventory and Assessment Essay (750–1,000 words)
5.     ii) Target Assessment Essay (750–1,000 words)
iii) Target Vulnerability Essay (750–1,000 words)
1.     d) Conclusion of 250-500 words that reiterates the purpose of your analysis
4) Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
1.     a) Directly quoted source material may not exceed 10% of paper content.
2.     b) Use sources other than Wikipedia, as it is not considered an acceptable source for use in academic writing.
  JUS 524 Week 8 Law Enforcement Tactical Threat Analysis
 In this assignment, you will finalize and present a Law Enforcement Tactical Threat Report based on your threat analysis of Anytown, USA using the data obtained from the simulation as well as outside research.
Your report will include:
Title page, including assignment title, name, date, instructor, and course number
Purpose statement of 250 words, in which you justify your rationale for the threat analysis
Three sections consisting of the following essays (revise each section based on instructor feedback):
1- Threat Inventory and Assessment Essay (Module 4)
2- Target Assessment Essay (Module 5)
3- Target Vulnerability Assessment Essay (Module 7)
4- Conclusion of 250-500 words that reiterates the purpose of your analysis
For complete assignment instructions, refer to “Anytown, USA Law Enforcement Tactical Threat Analysis.”
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gregoryswisher-blog · 7 years ago
JUS 505 Week 3 Assignment Mandatory Sentencing Essay
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 JUS 505 Week 3 Assignment  Mandatory Sentencing Essay
Write an essay (1,000-1,250 words) that presents both sides of the argument for and against mandatory sentencing laws.
Your essay should analyze the discretion in sentencing federal judges had prior to the 1984 Sentencing Reform Act, which was transferred to the District Attorney’s office after passage of the Act.”
Your essay should reflect your opinion regarding this process:
1.     Do you feel this transfer of power is an improvement from the previous system? Why or why not?
2.     Provide a critique of deterrence and incapacitation in regards to mandatory sentencing. Are these valid goals? Explain.
Use the GCU eLibrary to locate three to four scholarly authoritative sources to support your claims.
Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.
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gregoryswisher-blog · 7 years ago
JUS 505 Week 2 Assignment Jury Selection Essay
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 JUS 505 Week 2 Assignment  Jury Selection Essay
For this assignment, you will construct a cross-sectional jury according to jury empanelment requirements as established by such rulings as Taylor v. Louisiana.
Use the following items to complete the assignment:
1.     The John Morgan Case Study.
2.     The 2010 U.S. Census data found at
3.     Other demographic data found at .
Look up the Census and other demographic data for the county in which you live. Imagine John Morgan is being tried for his accused crime in your county.
Construct a jury consisting of 12 jurors who will decide John Morgan’s case. Write a brief description of each juror (a short paragraph for each) that includes his or her name, age, race, gender, educational and income level, and any other information you feel is important to portray each juror. Be sure that the jury you create represents an appropriate cross-section given John Morgan’s information and the other data you have collected.
Write an explanation (250-500 words) as to how the jury you construct represents an appropriate cross-section of John Morgan’s peers. Use the data in your findings and any other appropriate information to defend your rational.
Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
 John Morgan Case Study
 John Morgan is a single 38-year-old white male. His formal education consists of a high school diploma and a few semesters of college, but no college degree. He works as a local delivery driver for an international shipping company and makes just under $40,000 a year.
Two months ago, John was arrested by his local police department following an investigation of a hit and run that occurred at a convenience store near his apartment. He was charged with fleeing the scene of an accident causing substantial property damage, a Class 4 felony.
John is up for trial and is pleading “Not Guilty” to the charge. He faces up to 6 months in jail and a $1,000 fine, as well as all the other potential challenges this could bring to his career and social life.
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gregoryswisher-blog · 7 years ago
JUS 505 Week 1 Assignment 1 Plea Bargaining Essay
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 JUS 505 Week 1 Assignment 1 Plea Bargaining Essay
 Details: Write an essay (500-750 words) on the constitutionality of the plea bargaining process. Be sure to do the following: Your essay should include an analysis of the Supreme Court ruling in U.S. v. Ruiz, 536 U.S. 622 (2002), in which the court held that prosecutors need not inform defendants about the disparity during negotiations involved in the plea bargaining process. Give your reaction to this ruling. Describe the advantages and disadvantages of prosecutors and defense attorneys being able to use plea bargaining. How do their goals differ? Describe whether you feel these advantages and disadvantages weigh into the constitutionality of the practice. Use the GCU eLibrary to locate two to three authoritative, scholarly articles to support your claims. Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required. This assignment uses a grading rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion. You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.
 Details: As a graduate student at GCU, it is vitally important for you to know how to conduct research using the GCU eLibrary. Before you begin the assignment, be sure to access and read JUS 505: Library Resource. Access the GCU eLibrary and locate five peer-reviewed articles on the effectiveness and usefulness of the juvenile justice system. Copy and paste the citations and abstracts of each article into a Word document. Submit the assignment to the instructor for feedback on the quality of the sources selected. Use this feedback to revise your search for articles to use in the essay assignment in Module 6.
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gregoryswisher-blog · 7 years ago
JUS 505 Grand Canyon Week 8 Assignment Solution
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 JUS 505 Grand Canyon Week 8 Assignment Solution
Write an essay (750-1,000 words) that describes possible pros and cons of the Patriot Act. Your essay should present the viewpoints held by those in support and in opposition of this legislation. Be sure to do the following in your essay:
1.     Explain whether the following statement is valid: “The Patriot Act has restricted the rights of individual Americans.” Provide sources to support your claims.
2.     Explain if security has increased since the enactment of the Patriot Act and if so, has that increased security been worth the cost? Provide examples to support your claims.
3.     Discuss the economic and constitutional costs impacted by this Act.
Use the GCU eLibrary to locate two to three authoritative, scholarly articles to support your claims.
Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center. Only Word documents can be submitted to Turnitin.
 As a graduate student at GCU, it is vitally important for you to know how to conduct research using the GCU eLibrary. Before you begin the assignment, be sure to access and read JUS 505: Library Resource.
Access the GCU eLibrary and locate five peer-reviewed articles on the effectiveness and usefulness of the juvenile justice system.
Refer to the resource, “Preparing Annotated Bibliographies,” located in the Student Success Center, for additional guidance on completing this assignment in the appropriate style, referring to the indicative annotation protocol.
Submit the assignment to the instructor for feedback on the quality of the sources selected. Use this feedback to revise your search for articles to use in the essay assignment in Module 6.
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