Politics Will Take An Interest In YOU
163 posts
Progressive Left || Social Democrat || environment, human rights, water security, food security, healthcare for all, housing for all, Occupier and guerilla gardener.
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greenwolfinoregon · 5 years ago
I’m going to go out on a limb here.
Trump has said several (! Ha!! Like, 30?) times that if he’s voted out, he’s not leaving office.
He says he was joking.
Now, mentally deficient people like to use, and use, and use, and USE the same repertoire of stupid jokes over and over again, Ad nauseum. My dad did that, and he was as dunderheaded a suburban middle class conservative as they come. But he never joked about breaking the law. Trump is. Not just the law, but the supreme law of the land (sorry, fundies, it IS NOT the Bible).
I can say with confidence that none of us were alive to see how crazy King George III was, but if he was bonkers enough to spark a colony-wide revolt, I think we’re there now. My senator had a town hall here yesterday and even he’s saying, it’s time. We’re there.
I picked up a bunch of yellow vests on Amazon. They’re coming tomorrow. Sun Tzu said that armed conflict is, should be and must be a court of last resort, to be done when all other avenues of redress have been tried and exhausted. I’m going to show restraint and work like crazy to get Senator BERNIE Sanders the nomination; if that doesn’t happen and the DNC screws us all by fronting Mike Bloomberg or Joe Biden, I’m gonna DemExit and go independent, like Bernie, and get ready to literally fight for my life.
And when Trump wins against Bloomberg in November, all bets are off. The American Experiment will be DONE, Trump will declare himself President For Life, and we’ll become a fascist dictatorship.
I don’t want to live under that. I don’t want to slowly die of cancer in the gutter. I don’t want to watch my forests be cut down and burned, I don’t want to watch my ocean become an acidic cesspool and die.
How about you? Will you join me?
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greenwolfinoregon · 5 years ago
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greenwolfinoregon · 6 years ago
when she says she doesn’t send nudes
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greenwolfinoregon · 6 years ago
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greenwolfinoregon · 6 years ago
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greenwolfinoregon · 6 years ago
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greenwolfinoregon · 6 years ago
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They’re okay with:
Slut Shaming/Victim Blaming Survivors of Sexual Harassment, Sexual Assault/Rape.
Violent Racism That Results In Innocent Unarmed People Of Color Being Killed.
Demonizing, Oppressing, And Attacking LGBTQ People - Especially Transgender Military Personnel, Veterans, And Teenagers.
White Supremacy And Overt Racism
Rewarding Dishonest Sociopathic Sexual Predators With Lucrative Jobs.
Murderous Dictators And Viciously Insulting Our Allies.
Heartless Ruthless Xenophobia. Tearing Apart Families, Taking Children Away From Their Parents And Never Returning Them Traumatizing The Entire Family.
Lying About Everything And Breaking The Law To Get What They Want.
If you don’t vote it’s going to get much worse, it could get so bad it can’t be fixed in your lifetime and the lives of others including your children will be ruined. Don’t blame the rest of us if you wont get out and vote.
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greenwolfinoregon · 6 years ago
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Best-dressed protestor att the anti-nazi/nazi rally in Gothenburg today. “Vikings against incorrect use of runic script”
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greenwolfinoregon · 6 years ago
Once more, a little louder, for the people in the back —?
The only good nazi is a dead nazi. The only good nazi is a dead nazi. The only good nazi is a dead nazi. The only good nazi is a dead nazi. The only good nazi is a dead nazi. The only good nazi is a dead nazi. The only good nazi is a dead nazi. The only good nazi is a dead nazi. The only good nazi is a dead nazi. The only good nazi is a dead nazi. The only good nazi is a dead nazi. The only good nazi is a dead nazi. The only good nazi is a dead nazi. The only good nazi is a dead nazi. The only good nazi is a dead nazi. The only good nazi is a dead nazi. The only good nazi is a dead nazi. The only good nazi is a dead nazi. The only good nazi is a dead nazi. The only good nazi is a dead nazi. The only good nazi is a dead nazi. The only good nazi is a dead nazi. The only good nazi is a dead nazi. The only good nazi is a dead nazi. The only good nazi is a dead nazi. The only good nazi is a dead nazi. The only good nazi is a dead nazi. The only good nazi is a dead nazi. The only good nazi is a dead nazi. The only good nazi is a dead nazi. The only good nazi is a dead nazi. The only good nazi is a dead nazi. The only good nazi is a dead nazi. The only good nazi is a dead nazi. The only good nazi is a dead nazi. The only good nazi is a dead nazi. The only good nazi is a dead nazi. The only good nazi is a dead nazi. The only good nazi is a dead nazi. The only good nazi is a dead nazi. The only good nazi is a dead nazi. The only good nazi is a dead nazi. The only good nazi is a dead nazi. The only good nazi is a dead nazi. The only good nazi is a dead nazi. The only good nazi is a dead nazi. The only good nazi is a dead nazi. The only good nazi is a dead nazi. The only good nazi is a dead nazi. The only good nazi is a dead nazi. The only good nazi is a dead nazi. The only good nazi is a dead nazi. The only good nazi is a dead nazi. The only good nazi is a dead nazi. The only good nazi is a dead nazi. The only good nazi is a dead nazi. The only good nazi is a dead nazi. The only good nazi is a dead nazi. The only good nazi is a dead nazi. The only good nazi is a dead nazi. The only good nazi is a dead nazi. The only good nazi is a dead nazi. The only good nazi is a dead nazi. The only good nazi is a dead nazi.
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greenwolfinoregon · 6 years ago
Don’t let anyone ever tell you that we NEED the Electoral College because “without it New York and LA would just pick our presidents!”
No single city, no group of cities has that population. The TOP 10 cities in the US have a combined population of 28 million. Out of 328. That’s roughly 8% of the population. 
If you add up EVERY SINGLE CITY with more than 100,000 people in it (Which is 311 cities), that’s still only 94 million. 28% of the US population.
So this idea that the popular vote would give power to just a few cities isn’t supported by the facts.
On the other hand: Two-thirds (273 of 399) of the general-election campaign events in the 2016 presidential race were in just 6 states(Florida, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Virginia, and Michigan).   94% of the 2016 events (375 of the 399) were in 12 states. While 24 States received 0 visits. Because of the winner-takes-all Electoral College system, candidates can ignore any state that is “safe” and instead completely focus on  big cities in swing states. 
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greenwolfinoregon · 6 years ago
how is trump alive?? like hes rlly gone thru his whole life like That …. and no one has ever just fuckin decked him?? gave him the ole one two? knocked his lights out??? incredible
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greenwolfinoregon · 7 years ago
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They broke him. They broke that baby’s spirit. 😢
What’s sad about this is the government isn’t taking into account what these families go through!It might’ve only been 2 months but he is physically disengaged with his dad,does not know what is happening,why it’s happening, and he’ll be stuck with those feelings/memories forever!
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greenwolfinoregon · 7 years ago
If you would report an undocumented immigrant to ICE you would have reported me to the Nazis and I don’t fucking trust you
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greenwolfinoregon · 7 years ago
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This is fraud. Should be treated like fraud. Those involved should get sentences like they committed fraud. Why? Because they committed fraud!
How to check this out?
👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇
Please, help me raise awareness! 
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greenwolfinoregon · 7 years ago
“White Trump supporters and people of color can like one another. But real friendship? Mr. Trump’s bruised ego invents outrageous claims of voter fraud, not caring that this rhetoric was built upon dogs and water hoses set on black children and even today the relentless effort to silence black voices.”
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Whenever I think the New York Times can sink no lower….then I read this garbage.
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greenwolfinoregon · 7 years ago
people seem to have trouble understanding why i’m an anti-capitalist, so i’m going to try and put it into simple, real-life terms.
i work at a restaurant. i make $12 an hour, plus tips. minimum wage where i live is relatively high for my country - the national minimum wage is $7.25/hr, and has not been raised since 2009. before taxes, working full time, my yearly income is about $22,000 a year. ($25,000 if you count tips)
at my job, we sell various dishes, with an average price of about $10-$15. we get printouts every week detailing how much money we made that week; in one week, our restaurant makes about $30,000. (one of our other locations actually makes this much on a daily basis!)
i’m not going to go into details, but after the costs of production (payroll for employees, rent for the building, maintenance, and wholesale food purchasing) are accounted for, the restaurant makes an estimated profit of $20,000 per week.
this profit goes directly to the owner, who does not work at this location. the owner of my restaurant has actually been on vacation for a few months, but still profits from the restaurant, because they own it. i have met the owner exactly twice in my year of working here.
to put this into perspective, the owner of this restaurant earns in 2 days what they pay me in one year. and that’s just from this single location - the owner has several other restaurants, all of which make more money than the one i work at. this ends up resulting in the owner having an estimated net worth of tens of millions of dollars, even after accounting for the payroll for every single worker in their employ.
now, i have to ask you: does the owner of my restaurant deserve this income? did they earn it? did their labor result in this value being created?
the naive answer would be “yes”; the owner purchased the location and arranged for the raw ingredients to be delivered, did they not?
the actual answer is “no”. the owner may have used their initial capital to start the location, but the profit is a result of my labor, and the labor of my co-workers.
the owner purchases rice at a very low bulk price of about 25 cents a pound. i cook the rice, and within a few minutes, that pound of rice is suddenly worth about $30. the owner did not create this value, i did. the owner simply provided the initial capital investment required to start the process.
what needs to be understood here is that capitalists do not create value. they use the labor of their employees to create value, and then take the excess profit and keep it.
what needs to be understood is that capitalists accrue income by already HAVING money. the owner of my restaurant was only able to get this far because they started off, from the very beginning, with enough money to purchase a building, purchase food in bulk, and hire hundreds of employees.
that is to say: the rich get richer, and they do so by exploiting the labor of the poor.
the owner of my restaurant could afford to triple the income of every single person in their employee if they felt like it, but this would mean that they were generating less profit for themselves, so they do not.
the owner of my restaurant pays me the current minimum wage of my area, because to them, i am not a person. i am an investment. i am an asset. i am a means to create more money. 
when you are paid minimum wage, the message your boss is sending you is this: “legally, if i could pay you less, i would.”
every capitalist on the planet exploits their workers for their own gain. every capitalist, even the small business owners, forces people to stay in poverty so that the capitalist can profit.
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greenwolfinoregon · 7 years ago
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