Green dove
36 posts
Hi, my name is Green dove and I draw stuff. I don't have long, so I'm a noob please do not attack me. I'm from Belarus and I do not know English lol.....sorry
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green-dove-me-blog · 7 years ago
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Woah, watch out!
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green-dove-me-blog · 7 years ago
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green-dove-me-blog · 7 years ago
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my part for @hirashi679 he's very cool, I was happy to draw it
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green-dove-me-blog · 7 years ago
damn he's so cute my God thank you
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Part of the art trade~ part 1 (my part)
Just had fun with this, kinda rushed it though 😅 But you know cool design on ssenizal
Ssenzial belongs to @green-dove-me
I used, colored pencils and markers 😀 I hope you like it 😊
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green-dove-me-blog · 7 years ago
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*forgive me*
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green-dove-me-blog · 7 years ago
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again Luke and Efri I love this Shipp
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green-dove-me-blog · 7 years ago
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa how cool they came out jeez aaaaaa Afri very nice happened:"") can't stop looking at them
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For @green-dove-me Their two boys <3 who are very cute!
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green-dove-me-blog · 7 years ago
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@sewer-party for you they are very cool
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green-dove-me-blog · 7 years ago
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🌞🌻Van Gogh🌻🌞
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green-dove-me-blog · 7 years ago
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I'm sorry but........Yes @roskakatos
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green-dove-me-blog · 7 years ago
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the epitome of fear
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green-dove-me-blog · 7 years ago
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singer curly
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green-dove-me-blog · 7 years ago
to take
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EVIS is very care about his younger brother (they always go together), and it tries not to catch the eye of Afri. when EVIS is hiding from his brother it makes it worse, because from the knowledge that there is a MIME but he could not see him, EPRI begins to fear, but to explain to his brother that he can not (he just did not get). EVIS on a few cm taller than his younger brother but the clothes of all who meet them first, I think that EVIS younger. only hunt EVIS (due to the large number of phobias, EPRI them some time had to go hungry, and that EVIS decided to hunt one) (who interestno) the list of phobias, EPRI: 1. coulrophobia — fear of clowns 2. eisoptrophobia — fear of your own reflection in the mirror 3. toneleria — the fear of the passage through the tunnel 4. gephyrophobia — fear of bridges 5. philophobia — fear to love (and yet he fell in love) 6. algophobia — fear of pain 7. maniaphobia — fear of the mentally ill (still fucking.....with all these fears are not zvanessa) 8. hoplophobia (hoplophobia) — fear of weapons 9. tetraphobia — fear of the number 4 10. ephebiphobia — fear of teenagers 11. achluophobia — fear of the dark 12. acrophobia — fear of heights 13. topophobia — fear of being alone in the room (some of the phobias he paberit for love)
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green-dove-me-blog · 7 years ago
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the younger twin brother of Misa dreaming about what he'll sing a different tune (but it's him since, no)
-play the ukulele - the only joy in life to be a creature with a whole bunch of phobias is not so fun - coulrophobia - the top of the list(+ fear of mimes......Yes) - paranoid  - ........Luke........ is love -music -ukulele's name is Margo
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green-dove-me-blog · 7 years ago
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the elder twin brother of Afri dreams of becoming a poet ,to write poems and then read them to someone(but he's horrible with rhyming and this is not to be his dream)
to think the music played by the brother fine -bookworm -Charlie Chaplin it's not MIM, but a lifestyle - hat - walk behind the brother that he didn't see you -full of himself philosopher the "getter"   -head brother that is wonderful
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green-dove-me-blog · 7 years ago
the life story of  Sseni
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sorry , my English is bad after typing the text missed have senital/Seni(1) was born in a poor family somewhere in Britain (approximately xiv century). a year later, was born his sister Tallulah/Lu(2). the parents could barely feed her two children and this scene helped his father in his work since the age of five. he and his sister grew up surrounded by street music, Lou for 9 years, taught himself to play the lyre and to sing, sometimes she tossed the coins on the street as a small street musician (scene also could and can sing, but he thinks it's not respectable for a boy and this hides it). when scene was just 15 and 14 talula their mother became ill with cholera and had long struggled with illness, she infected her husband and soon they both died (scene was 16). miraculously avoiding infection, brother and sister tried to find a way out, officially they have not worked and only helped, for this they were paid very little and live in it two were not possible. they are both looking for where it would be possible to earn but they always refused because they are not experienced in a particular case. in almost 17 years scene decided to try your luck with the king latrica telling him my story and offered herself to him as a clown, nor what exactly he was hoping....but the king agreed to take him in his jesters (the king was very wise and kind to his subjects,he himself had no wife nor children, and after hearing scene the king decided to spare).
the king latrica were clowns and to scene: Darth(3), envi(4) and old man Steve( here I am on a name at all rested) over time scene became a favorite of the king, that it is not like the rest of the clowns and especially darthe, who considered himself the best of all four. the king liked easy street scene, for the king, he was not just a clown, he was the man closest to him on the level, the king is not seen in scene of the poor. amid dartha and envy, who were arrogant, pushy and proud (Steve do not take account of because he was the king as an old friend *note Steve is older than king*, Steve turned to the king and didn't think it was not right as the king himself), Seni was a person who has an opinion and their own character, which he moss to show if the king asked (well, ie scene was not a joke entirely) this quality in him really liked the king Latrice and he tried sometimes to pay more attention to the improvement of the individual scene (by the way, the king turned to scene words "sire scene"). once, one autumn evening, the king was invited to play scene chess, but he honestly said he did not know how lotric and decided to teach him. that same night scene first tried the tea and fell in love with this drink... after the king scene taught to play chess, they almost every night playing this game and have scene began to develop skills as a strategist.
his sister just at this time there was a break with her boyfriend (one of many) and she fell into a deep depression. scene tried to cheer up Lou but he did not go and the last to which he decided to to ask of the king what would his sister made on any day (he decided that Lou will be easier when she realizes the love of the audience much better than the love of a guy).
(I would now like to write the jesters to scene, because it will have a role in the future) Step is an old clown runt who has nothing except his work, he loved all three, ever criticize them, many laugh at him because of his height but scene trying to help him realizing that such a growth and age Steve has limitation of opportunities when Steve noticed this attitude to yourself ,to scene he began to take a neutral and sometimes even kindness. Envi - the highest of all four. I would not say that he hates scene, he rather envies him because scene, as his younger and more decadent financial position, manages to achieve greater heights than he is....but for a company with drthom he's always looking for a case to bring the guy into trouble.......but I emphasize again.....he doesn't hate scene.....he's just more Darth - go crazy hate crazy. considers herself the best out of the four and tries to prove it, but scene still shows itself from the best side(not on purpose,it just is) and this Darth hates him with each passing hour more and more. tries to annoy scene and sometimes reaches extremes.
the city planned a holiday, lacked one number and scene decided to take the opportunity. he was afraid to ask for help openly, because out that he uses his position of king to help her sister and is forever trying to stop him in all envi and Darth could convey to the king his intentions, it was punishable, this scene decided in an unobtrusive way to hint to the king that he has to put someone on performance. he had to tread carefully, he was very nervous. in the evening, over a game of chess ,the king began a discussion about rowing and complained that numbers are not enough, scene developed this conversation. finally hinting that he has a way out, scene made the "checkmate" king (it was his first victory in chess and he took it as a sign that he will succeed). the king was amazed by the victory scene (and extremely proud of him) and immediately agreed to take on the performance of Lou. as hoped scene, his sister got better after that. somehow Darth got wind that scene staged a performance of the Lou through the king and he decided to report this, but when he told the king he told a secret....he knew that without it (lol, the king loved scene and was ready to help him in everything)
it was the last drop in the Cup of hatred dertake to scene and with it all spilled, he hated him so much that he was ready to kill and moved to action. Darth poisoned the king and framed scene alleged that he poisoned him taking advantage of his position, and almost all (except for Lou, envi and Steve) are willing to believe him and made scene custody has decided to execute him. the evening before his execution, Tallulah came to visit her brother, she noticed that he pohramyvaet and on his arms, legs and shoulders flaunt the bruises (because the guards thought that scene was the one who killed the king latrica, they did not hesitate to beat him), they talked a little, scene tried to joke whatever his sister was not so sad, but she didn't. lastly.....before Lou left, scene took with her 2 promises:
not to attend his execution (because they knew that this spectacle is not pleasant) - get out of town as quickly as possible (scene, being a strategist, have already guessed who he was framed and suspected that Darth will not leave alone his sister.....talula private was mistaken for a Gypsy because of her appearance and scene was afraid that she, too, executed for complicity in the "murder") Tallulah made promises...... scene executed via the guillotine, penalty Lou didn't go but a second request of her brother, she does not complete it, said Sani, Darth for him to stay didn't want, and hinted to the guard that his sister, being a Gypsy, could be an accomplice and she was taken into custody and sentenced.....penalty before her execution Darth went to her room to throw on my nerves and Tallulah figured out who framed her brother.....her last words were, "see you in hell".....these words were intended dertake (scene died at the age of 21, and Tallulah, 20)
a week later, executed and Darth Steve and envi did not believe that scene could do with the king and decided to find out what was going on and who actually poisoned him.....after learning the truth they have reported to the guard on darthe traitor and he was executed for the murder of the king and two innocent.
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green-dove-me-blog · 7 years ago
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