I inherited my mother's nose and the colour of her anger- crimson with a hint of green. She gave me her pearls and wrapped them with her sadness, and we called it a perfect birthday.
-Ritika Jyala, excerpt from The Flesh I Burned
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sometimes i love accademics and then sometimes i'm forced to read the words "oedipal necrophilia" and i begin to reconsider things.
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green daaaaaaaay!!!!
mac deMarco
bands i'm into rn:
Mt. Joy
Miniature Tigers
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my new goal is to become absolutely useless to any of my friends and family because i’m doing too much “reading” and “thinking”
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whats ur favorite religion and why is it none of the Abrahamic religions?
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i love love love quiet strange looking little nerdy guys. Scrawny by Wallows hit the nail on the head bc those Scrawny mother fuckers hit the SPOT. i love them, they are so sweet and fun :)))))))
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i'm healing a numb heart by listening to the playlists i made when i was 16
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being a silly little teenager consists of me sitting in my car before going into the library to study to listen to the green day song that came on the library
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my boyfriend has been out of town for 8 days and i've already begun dressing "boyish" according to my dad and developing a crush on the girl sitting infront of me at the library
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IS my writing too flowery??! how should i know, I literally am the reincarnation of a dandilion. stfu
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yes smart boy !! little sister-ify me. give me advice and tell me whats going on in my brain. yas 90's baby let me ask you questions about the terms you use that i dont understand. you can be the older brother i never had and i can be the cute psycho pretty girl who follows you around. if you keep talkin out of your ass like that i WILL fall in love
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mmmmmm hippo campus & waterparks
also green day just a tiny bit
bands i'm into rn:
Mt. Joy
Miniature Tigers
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