greekmischief-blog · 5 years
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Human Name: Enya Olivia Carrington Human Age: 24 Sexuality: Heterosexual Human Occupation: Unemployed
Human Bio: Enya was born to two loving parents in the US as the oldest of a number of siblings. After a few years the family moved back to her father’s homeland the UK; which meant that at an early age she had already experienced two different cultures. Throughout her childhood she wanted for nothing at all really. Sure her parents worked a lot which meant that her and her siblings spent about half of their schooling at various boarding schools but no matter what school they went to it was always the best education money could buy. From private day schools to boarding, all girls to co-ed, British or international, in the UK or abroad, Enya thrived. With a natural charm and charisma she was always well received wherever she went, part of the in-crowd and invited to all the best parties.
Despite being a bit of a party girl though, Enya was also a damn good student and when her father’s political scandal blew up she was in the middle of a joint sociology/criminology degree at Cambridge, after taking a gap year to travel the world, with intentions to go to her father’s alma mater Harvard to study law afterwards. But this was not to be as when everything went to hell for her father, Enya was massively affected given the social circles she ran in and after a month or so of the chaos she dropped out of school. As a young adult she just couldn’t handle it; the combination of a disgraced father and a mother who was working so much she was practically absent was just too much.
While the divorce proceedings were going on Enya was barely in the country. Instead she was all around the world with her various international friend partying it up and descending into all sorts of debauchery. Between a long string of guys, copious amounts of alcohol and the odd drug thrown in it’s amazing she even remembers what she did. The only time she was ever home was around once a month when she would pop back to check on her younger siblings to make sure their parents’ actions and behaviours hadn’t screwed them up too. She also made sure that they stayed blissfully in the dark about her father’s antics in the months after he moved to Portugal which was no mean feat considering the coverage he got from TMZ. Still Enya managed it and at that point moved back home to try and help her siblings out considering how much of a workaholic their mother had become without her father around.
Her partying ways never stopped completely however because to Enya it was like a coping method, a crutch that she relied on to keep her head above water and numb the pain of her family. Of course her mother didn’t approve and after walking in on Eyna having a threeway she lost it and booted her out. So, being the resourceful young woman that she was, Enya got her hands on her trust fund and a large amount of money from the divorce and got her mother’s control of her money removed before heading to Lisbon where she is now in search of her train-wreck of a father who has no idea of how out of control she got.
Extra: The daughter of Rex Carrington
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